Chapter 5 : The Unenduring Wait.

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The chilly winter breeze was blowing and it was freezing cold for the people. The sky has changed his colour from wild blue yonder to various hues of vivid orange and purple into the vast horizon. The herds of tiny birds were symmetrically covering the vast azure.

In the late summer wind are the red flags of the poppy petals, a living masterpiece of nature. The dried yellowish-orange oak leaves were descant onto the mushy ground and lurking around the oval lake. And, under the huge oak tree Sanskaar was sitting, who was throwing pebbles into the lake, being annoyed.

'Where is she?! It has been a hour, I'm waiting like a fool! '

Sanskaar looked at his wrist watch, "It's going to seven, still she is not here! Usually, she came here by five in the evening but today, there is no sign of her! "

The night has fallen and everything around is engulfing into darkness. The sky is now, full of with starlight and the spherical moon is glowing it's charms. Sanskaar rubbed his arms around himself, to reckons warmth, as cold night is  beckoning it's frosting brezee.

He gets up from the ground, being disheartened and dragged himself back into mansion. Sighing, he closed the door of his room, and sat on the couch, being spaced-out.

"Why? Didn't she came today? After seeing that creepy dream, I'm hell worried for her... Oh God! I didn't know where she lives. Except, her name I didn't know anything about her. Then why I'm dying to meet her ? Pata nhi kaha hai?Kaisi hogi? Oh god! Let me see her once."

It has been three days and still no sign of her. Where did she vanish into murk of his sight these days. All the negative thoughts running inside Sanskaar's head and making him delude in worry.

He sighed and closed his eyes, to get some sleep but it was far away from him. Tossing in bed from right to left and vice versa, at last he get up from his being frustrated.

He huffed and wear his night gown over his night clothes to get some warmth as the temperature is keep on falling in the night. He opened the door of the balcony to get some fresh air and stand there for few minutes then, his eyes were fall on the window of room which was lightened, in the midnight. He get amused seeing the lights on in the room and thinks.

"This is the same room which is locked. But, how the lights are on woh is time. Sahil bhi nhi hai ghar pe aur Robin bhi so rha hai."

When he was looking straight towards the room and running the horses of his mind. All of sudden, he found a silhouette came near window for second and then vanish into the air. And, all the lights are switched off now and darkness prevails inside that room. 

This horrific scene, make him gulped down his saliva being scared. He closed the balcony and tugged himself inside blanket on the bed. And, soon sleep engulfed him in deep slumber.


A girl was playing a white piano, melodiously and her beautiful fingers were running on the keys creating soulful music around the house.

A man came and hugged her from back, keeping his chin on her shoulder. To which, the girl smiled at him lovingly and closing her eyes, she continued to play the tune, indulging in bliss of  hymn and rhapsody of love. The man gave a light kiss on his cheek, which halt her fingers on the keys and looked at him, who was dangerously close near her lips. Both can sense fanning of their breaths and rhythmic sound of their hearts. The leaned more towards her lips, and she closed her eyes surrendering herself to him. He was about to capture her lips, when she turned head being shy and making his lips fell onto her cheeks. The man smiles seeing her shyness and engulfed her into his embrance lovingly.
The broke the hug and plant a kiss on her temple with love and hummed into her ears.

"I love you Shona!"

The girl smiled heartedly and replied to him.

"I love you too Nikhil."

And, they hugged each other again, in the essence of love.


Sanskaar opened his eyes and sat on his bed.

'Again... Dream.. Dream of Shona, Sahil's
sister.Oh God! There is so many questions around myself. Why the hell... Shona came into my dream? What she wants from me? So many mystery is around this house?! And, who is this Nikhil?!'


Sanskaar and Sahil were eating their breakfast together, suddenly Sanskaar asked about Nikhil which make him numbed.

"Sahil!", who was eating omelate replied with "hmm..".

"Who is Nikhil?"

Hearing him, Sahil get numbed and dropped his knife and fork with a thud.
Sanskaar shook him a little and asked again.

"Sahil...? I was asking... Who is Nikhil?"

Sahil came out of his trance and clearing his throat, he spoke.

"I don't know",replying he abruptly get up from chair and fumbling with words, he said, " I-I ha-had a very im-important meeting I have to leave. Goo-good bye." And sprunt on his heels and left from there with the jet speed.

"But Sahil....", Sanskaar called him from behind, but he didn't respond and left from there making him suspicious.

"Why he always behave weird?! Jab bhi kuch pocho ajeeb behave karta hai. He is so strange! pssst!", Sanskaar looked around the mansion and spoke, "Haye! Kitne raaz chupe hai is haveli mein!"

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day.

—"Old Man's Advice to Youth: 'Never Lose a Holy Curiosity.'" LIFE Magazine

*To Be continued.....

Hey guys! Here is the next part of the story . I hoped you all liked it!
Do leave your feedback.

Love you all❤


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