Chapter 21: Pay Back

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Chapter 21

At Breakfast table,

Swara was silently eating her food, while Sanskar was looking at her with narrow eyes but didnt speak anything.

Sujata was cursing Ragini and Ragini while serving to her family was wincing in pain but none seems to bother.

Laksh: What happened Ragini? Are you fine?

Ragini: I am fine Laksh g. Just fell down in washroom. (She replied looking at Sujata).

Laksh just nodded and asked her to sit beside.

Uttara:(only audible to Sujata): Aur kitna girogi Ragini Bhabhi😥?

Sujata: Dont underestimate her, Uttara. She can win awards in this.

Listening this Uttara giggled.

Everyone looked at her as if what happened except Sanskar. She just shrugged her shoulders while Ragini felt embarassed as she thought Sujata told everything to her.

Laksh: Ragini today my clients are coming. They are really important so please make good food.

Ragini became happy.
Ragini: Ji Laksh ji. Dont worry I will prepare everything. And dont worry everything will be perfect.

Laksh smiled and nodded

After breakfast, Sanskar went outside without saying a word.

Swara followed him and both were sitting in the car.

How can Ragini stoop so low? May be she doesnt matter to her anymore but for a word her respect and dignity is most important... how can she point out on her and her love for Sanskar.
Tears started to form in her eyes.

Sanskar stop car with a jerk in front of office building and saw her eyes which were filling with tears.

"Swaraa.." he called out for her as calmly as he can.

She wiped her tears immediately and turned towards him with a smile.

Sanskar: How much will you try to hide? I have seen and heard everything. (He said banging his fist on the sterring wheel.)

Swara: Sanskar.. woh.

Sanskar: Dont you dare to lie. How can you do this? How dare to try to hide something from me? Pleasee behave as a normal human stop being mahan (he said folding his hands).

She immediately placed her hands on his.

Swara: Its not like this Sanskar. I want to tell you but I also know your anger if I would have told you then what about the plan.. you would have come out and

Sanskar: Shut up just shut up. (He said angrily making her jump) just screw the plan. I dont give a damn to this. All i care is about you. I could have done something else but do you know it hurted me more seeing you like that. When that bitch was badmouthing about you.
(He said angrily closing his eyes). I didnt expect that you will hide.

(Saying this he left the car leaving a guilty Swara behind).


Sanskar and Ansh were sitting in a cabin.

Ansh: Are you sure Sanskar? You want to buy that area..

Sanskar: Yes Ansh. I am sure, as soon as Laksh will load all the drugs in his secret place. I will buy that whole area making him to come to loss. He will loose the biggest contract of his life of drugs and for getting them back he will be ready to do anything. As the place is almost vacant we have not to give an notice before
(He said with a smirk).

Ansh nodded and called someone fixing the deal.


Whole day Swara was trying to talk to Sanskar but he was just ignoring her and was doing the role of Mr. Sandeep Sethi the best.

Swara was first guilty, then she became sad, then angry.

So see stopped trying to talk to him and was talking to him professionally.

He was shocked first seeing change in her behaviour then thought it is good for them.


In the evening.

Everyone came back,

Swara went to her room quietly and giving silent curses to Ragini..
Uttara came to her room and both became busy in girly stuff.

Ram, dp came back from office and sujata and ap went back of them respectively taking tea.

Laksh was still out to recieve his clients.

Sanskar came in the kitchen and saw Ragini making lemon juice for herself.. bcz its hot and she did a lot of work, he thought something and sneeking inside RagLak's room and take out a small packet.

Sanskar/ Sandeep: Ragini, Your Sasumaa is calling.

She immediately left her work and went outside. In the mean time our Sardar g mixed half the packet of drug in her juice..(dont worry it is light one😶) and mixed it and smirked.

Sanskar: Now you will know Ragini what happens when one is accused falsely.. its a payback for what you did to Swara..

Ragini came to Ap's room and she said she didnt call her. So she went back confusingly and gulped the whole glass and felt it different but ignored

Sanskar saw this standing outside and smilled evily and setting his Turban left the place.

After some time,

The lights went off and the music starts in the hall.

Everyone came down listening to this and became shocked as whole Mansion was dark. But soon it was illuminated with bright and low lights giving just pain to eyes and then everyone's attention turned towards the dining table.

Ragini was staning on the table in this posture (of nagin😉) and the lyrics of the song started to play.

Shagna di raat raat
Sajna ji hot hot
Shagna di raat raat, sajna ji hot hot
Naina vichon sajna de laai javan shot vot

She was moving her whole body in the waves standing on the table and started to walk on the table with dizzy steps moving her eyes.

Main valkhavan
Hath na avan
Main valkhavan
Hath na avan
Yaar mere tau bachna..

Laksh entered the hall with his clients and was shocked to see everything around and especially Ragini.

He went forward and tried to hold her hand but she pushed him and during this herself fell on the table and then started to crawl the same way giving sexy looks.

Everyone was seeing this wide open mouths.. Uttara went behind and increased the volume and started to laugh.

Mai nagin naagin, naagin naagin
Naagin dance nachna
Mai nagin naagin, naagin naagin
Nagin dance nachna

She shoot up and did the classic Nagin move swaying her hips and moving her tongue just like a snake.
The clients were watching this and soon started to enjoy the show. (They were the people in drug dealing who was known businessman so no one doubts them).

Nose pin ke lashkaare
Earing ke chamkaare
Meri nose pin ke lashkaare
Earing ke chamkaare

She jumped from the table and went towards Laksh and put her arms around his neck, while he was giving her glares but it didnt affect her and she started to sway her body along with her's.
She touched her nose pin and stroked her earings and rubbed her face with his.
He pushed her lighlty, she went away leaving him fuming.

Tere utte pai gaye
Te dil vil tera lai gaye,
Plan hai mera
Mahi tera
Plan hai mera
Mahi tera
Picha naiyon chaddna

She went towards Dp and played a tabla on her head😂😂..
While everyone looked her in horror, she went towards Ap and sidely pushed her with her hips making her fall behind.

She was about to move towards Rp family while Sujata came in front and pushed her back.

Sujata: Nagin mahre pariwar se dur reh.

"This is more fun then I thought." Said Sanskar to himself and tried to hide the huge grin on his face while Swara noticed it but seeing her noticing him, he kept a straight face trying his best to stop his laughter.

Main nagin naagin, naagin naagin
Nagin dance nachna (Repeat 2 times)

Naagin dance nachna..

She went towards the clients and stood between them and again did the signature step of nagin dance.
She was sitting and standing doing the step.

Laksh anger reached his peak when everyone started to laugh loudly on her without caring and not able to control more (Rp family).

He went forward and made her stand and slapped her hard across the face making her stumble.

Precap: No Idea😜.

How was this guys?

If you felt it too much.. then if possible I will make it much more😠😠😠.. no regrets for doing this to Ragini😌.

I will be irregular so thought to gave a last quick epi😉😉.

Thank you.
Love you all❤❤

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