Chapter 55: The Wedding

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Chapter 55

Scene starts with the hall decorated beautifully, many people (readers) were present their dressed beautifully and waiting for Sanskar😜 while few were business delegates.

Ap and Dp were handling the guests along with Laksh, while Ragini was standing on the side of hall with a smile but a dull face.

Sandeep was standing near the stair case talking to a couple of girls (imagine urself) beside him laughing and giggling, he stopped feeling a intense gaze from near the mandap on him. He smiled nervously but later chucked it and again started to talk to girls around him.

In a Room, Uttara was standing in front of the mirror, checking her hairs and dress time to time looking beautiful.❤

She looked at herself and passed a flying kiss.

"Aye haye Uttu, you are looking nothing less than an angle." She praised herself and blushed looking down. (Swara ki Nanad😆).

Thinking and smiling she came down whistling feeling proud of her plans.


A few men entered the hall in black suit holding a file, and went looked around.

"He is there." One man said to another pointing towards Dp, rest nodded and stood there while two of them moved towards Dp.

"Mr. Maheshwari." Called Out the man once reaching near Dp, Dp heard and turned around and was confused seeing the person in front of him.

"Do I know you?" He asked still confused.

"No not really, but we know you and thats more than enough, we are here to tell you that as your house is owned by our boss so you are supposed to leave it after marriage." Said the man.

"Excuse me, I think you are mistaken me with someone else, and I have not sold my house to anybody." Dp said angrily.

"You are Durga Prasad Maheshwari right?" Asked the person while dp nodded in yes, "then we are clearly not mistaken and you have to empty the house after marriage." Said the man and handed him few papers.

Dp was shocked to hear his words and was confused that why he is speaking so, he took the papers and read those and floor slipped down his feet reading that not only his house but more than half of the property is shifted to some SM, and he was unable to react and think something, sweat formed on his head and he looked around and found his family smiling, he became more and tensed and thought what will he do now and what will happen to them, but the very first question was how this happened? He very well remember he have not signed any such papers and definitely this papers look more than real. He turned around and started to think.

"Laksh." Only this name came out of his mouth, he remembered that he signed few papers without seeing them and closed his eyes cursing himself and blaming himself for trusting him again, now he cant even imagine what will happen to his family, he held his forhead thinking what to do, he looked at Laksh with anger filled eyes was about to go when he heard the voice of Pandit Ji and stopped realising about the marriage and thought to handle the situation after this.

"From now you both are husband and wife." Priest announced the couple standing near hawan kund, bride's face is covered with veil while Groom wore a sehra.

Hearing this, everyone present in the hall smiled and clapped, a guilt was removed from Ragini's heart and she was happy for her sister, she without waiting left towards her room to leave the house and family forever while Laksh closed his eyes as he thinks now his bhai will be happy seeing Swara happy.

Uttara was smiling and coming down the stairs when her eyes landed at Sanskar, at the same time Sanskar looked up and was shocked to the core seeing Uttara stepping down happily and only a thing came in their mind

Swara and Ansh got married...!!

They stumbled back and looked at the mandap sweating badly, heart beating to the fastest, they remember that they never discussed whose marriage will take place, Swasan or Uttansh, which leads to confusion and now.. now SwaNsh are married.

Without wasting another second, Sanskar ran towards the mandap removing his turban and fake beard, the Maheshwari family along with few guests gasped seeing Sanskar, some were happy, some confused and a few shocked not able to react anything.

Sanskar jumped on the stage and pulled the Sehra and Veil of the couple and he stumbled back seeing the faces and fell on his knees while tears fall down his eyes and he kept his hands on his face.

Uttara who was seeing this, held the railing to save herself from falling down and tears made their way down her cheeks as well.

After a few minutes of silence, laughing sound was heard and everyone turned towards the source.

"Bhai you know that was so much fun." Said Swara who was coming holding Ansh's one arm and eating ice-cream while laughing and Ansh was laughing as well eating his ice-cream, remembering how they stole ice-cream from the vendor as Swara wanted to feel how it feels to be a sister of a thief and Ansh being Ansh was more than ready to do this and directly agreed and they almost stole 4-5 ice-creams at first😋 but later paid him.

"Bhaiii?" This came out as a mere whisper from Laksh's mouth and he was shocked to react anything along with others, Sanskar who saw them descending the stairs stood up and ran towards her and crushed her in his arms while she hugged him back feeling tears on her neck. He felt as he got his life back and was hugging him more tightly while Uttara to came down and hugged Ansh tightly while crying while he stood their consoling her.

"We thought you both got married." Said SanTra while SwaNsh first widened their eyes and later chuckled.

"If we would have left it on you then difintely this would have happened, but we are more intelligent." Said Ansh boosting themselves while they broke the hug.

"Aye..!! Drama band kro aur hamare ko koi toh badhai do." Shouted Sujata from the mandap seeing their Bharat milap😂 as everyone totally forget about the newly wedded couple while everyone present in the hall was confused as to what is happenening.

(Newly wedded couple)

"Congrats mom and Dad." Said Swara at first running towards them while they smiled and hugged her.

"Careful Swara." He said while she turned and muttered a 'Sorry'.

"Happy Anniversary." She wished and kissed on their cheeks and started to talk to them, while Sanskar smiled seeing her but became aware on realising that everyone is present in the hall.

Most of the guests left the place except the readers who all sat down on the chairs with plates filled with food in their hands and waiting for drama to begin.

"Sanskar." Said Laksh coming out of the shock and ran towards him, was about to hug him when Swara came in between and stopped him from showing her hand.

"Dare you come near my husband." Shouted Swara angrily at him, while he was confused first with her behaviour but later realised that what he have done to them and lowered his head, but many questions were running down his brain.

"You are fine, you are alive, you.. Sandeeep.. how could you Sanskar, we were worried for you but you.. havent you thought about anyone?" Said Laksh unable to digest the truth, everyone in the hall rolled their eyes listening to him, Swara was about to reply to him when Sanskar held her and protected Laksh from her attack.

"Please Laksh at least speak something on which people can trust?" Said Sanskar, "and yes I think you got the information, Mr. Dp that you are supposed to leave the house along with your family, so please marriage is over, you all can leave." He added and laksh looked at him with shock while Dp gasped.

"You.. you are Sm, here I was dieing every moment in guilt, it was killing me to do something like this but you.. you were living happily and planning against me, I thought I am culprit but it was you who played with everyone, how could you Sanskar? "Shouted Lakhs and held his collar.

Swara gor angry and pushed him back.

"Dare you talk to my husband like this, did you get it?, how selfish you can be Laksh, instead of feeling relieved you are getting angry that how is he alive after all you left no stone inturned to harm my Sanskar... to ki..ill. him (she said with tears, Sanskar came to stop her but she showed her hand to him, he knew he need to take this all out, more than anyone she is the one who is hurt in all this), you toh left him on the road leaving him fighting for life, if it wasnt that person who saved my Sanskar then i cant even think what would have happened, and you are talking about all this, seriously, the one who cant even face the truth, the one who always wanted to pass without facing anything." Said Swara.

"You know bade papa, why he is like this? Because of your blind trust on him, if ever you would have stopped him from doing wrong and scolded him for right, then maybe he would have been a changed man. One should trust their children but over trust leads to the situation which you are facing now." Said Swara showing him the mirror whilw tears were flowing down his eyes and Ap looked down feeling guilty as well, bcz as mother she never taught him the difference between right or wrong, but always saved him from getting punishments which gave him strength to do more wrong next time.

"You trust him so much na Ragini, you always hid his bad deeds from everyone and supported him and now see the result he did something and hid it from you breaking your relation, supporting your partner is important but it is more important to support him only in his right deeds and oppose where he is wrong." Said Swara making her understand, she looked down tears were flowing down her eyes, yes maybe if Laksh would have confessed everything himself to her then she could have thought once to forgive her understanding him, but when she got to know that he hid all this even in his senses, this broke her trust from him and it becomes impossible for her to forgive him.

Laksh came near Ragini and apologized from her and said he was not in his senses as he drunk a lot that night and fell down on his knees.

He kept his hand on her belly and gently caressed it.

"Please forgive me Ragini, give me last chance I will change my self, for you, for us, for our baby." He said crying, while everyone else gasped listening to the word 'baby' and felt happy for them, but was sad seeing the condition in which they are.

While Ragini was still looking down, tears flowing down her eyes along with Ap and Dp, Laksh was sitting on his knees and crying.

He slowly went near Sanskar.

"I am Sorry Sanskar, I know I dont deserve forgiveness, but still if possible forgive me, I dont know what should I do, I have lost everything because of myself, my parents, my wife and my child as well. I know this is what I deserve for whatever I did." He said and cried hard folding his hands sitting on his knees.

"Forgive him Ragini, nothing happened that night." Said Sanskar listening to it, she and Laksh looked at him as if what he is saying.

"We did this, this was not his fault, it was just done to make you realise that what could happen if you will support him in wrong, Bade papa, I have never submitted the papers in the court which means this house and property is in your name only, we dont want anything, somewhere down the line we are still connected with a thread, we never wanted him to suffer, it was just we need everyone of you to realise, how muxh it pained, for whatever you did to us. I am sorry." He said folding his hands in front of him, while Dp held his hands and nodded in No and hugged him.


Laksh was taken to the jail, for the crimes he did, involvement in drugs etc, no one tried to stop him this time, but they just wished when he will come back everything will be normal, Ragini forgive him and was ready to give him a chance and she said she will wait for him to come out for 3 years, as somewhere she was equally responsible for it. Ap and Dp promised Laksh to take care of his wife and child and realised their mistake.

Ragini asked forgiveness from Swara, but in return she said its better to he strangers rather than making any bond.

So Rp family along with Dida, Sumi and Ayush left MM and came to their villa for starting afresh, breaking all the bond with Maheshwari's and thinking them of Strangers.

Everyone entered the house, when Swara was about to enter Sanskar scooped her in his arms and pecked her forhead and they both entered the new house, in new life with a smile on their face.


I just hope the end was worth reading. Thank you so much everyone for loving and supporting this fiction so much. When I started I thought I will hardly write 10-15 chapters but now look at the number its 55, this is all possible because of your support.❤.

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Love you all❤❤

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