Can't we remain as friends by unknown

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Gist -  A boy and boy can be frnds ; a girl and girl can be friends but a Boy and a girl can't be friends . . . Why ???? This story will break this mith .
Note : idea is taken from a telgu movie . Writer's name is still unknown .

A train stops in the Mumbai railway station….a girl is seen climbing down the railway staircase…. She comes down and goes into a the train and searches for someone …..and she stops at a compartments… She sees a boy sleeping peacefully… She pours water on his face…the boy wakes up with a jerk….
The boy ( yawningly) : oh..swara ….. Good morning….
Swara : hey sanky idiot ….u r sleeping here….come fast…..
Sanskar : y what happened….
Swara : don’t u know what…..u went to Hyderabad in the name if studying M.A …..but u did ur B.Mus and now everyone got to know about this…..and they r damn angry with u……and u r asking what happened cooly……
Sanskar( tensedly) : u convinced my papa or not….
Swara without replying dragged him with her….

At Sanskar home

Swara: uncle…plss…forgive him… a days there are scopes for music also….
Dp: whatever beta….but if he had studied what I said…then he would have been in a better position now…..
Swara: uncle pls…….ok… From now until he is settling in his life is all responsibilities r mine…..I promise….
Dp sees her for sometime…and then caress her hair….
Dp: do as u wish ……
Saying he goes from there….
Sanskar sees and smile….

The next day

Swara: did u checked the strings ah….
Sanskar: hey swara calm down yaar…
Swara: how can I calm down ….u saw na…what I said to uncle….until u settle in life ur all responsibilities r mine…..
Sanskar: hey Swara …. Come on yaar….in Mumbai……I’m only a guitarist….. No one will there….
Saying he walks forward…..

At the audition …

There r hundreds of people standing with guitars in their hands…..seeing this much big queue… Swara and sanskar jaw dropped out down…..swara grabbed sanskar by putting her hand around his neck ….
Swara: hey sanky u said u r the one only guitarist in Mumbai…..then what this queue da ….
Sanskar( with attitude): if I alone participate means there will no competition na ….so that only…..
Both walks inside …..while walking swara mistakenly hits someone’s guitar….
Swara: oh….I’m really sorry…..
That boy: hey u b***c can’t u see….
Hearing this sanskar’s blood boiled up…..he went to him and started that boy…..and both indulge themselves in fighting…..swara was trying to stop sanskar… the time the incharge came there….
Incharge: this is not any wrestling competition …..both of u get out……
Both goes out from there…

In road

Swara was angry with what happened inside the audition…..sanskar understood this….
Sanskar: swara….I’m really sorry yaar…..
Swara(angrily): what was that sanskar…..y did u behave like that ……the wrong was mine also…..what was the need to fight…..
Sanskar( holding her by shoulders): I can’t take it when someone bad mouths u…..
Swara just glares him and starts to walk….
At that time a shawl flies and it comes and covers Sanskar face…..a girl is seen running behind it……sanky removes it from his face and sees the girl…..and he gets awestruck by her beauty….. The girl comes and takes her shawl ……put it around her neck and starts to go……but again turns and says……
The girl: u….u r sanskar right…????
Sanskar looks at her confusedly…swara turns and sees the girl….
Saranya: hey…Sanskar.. Its me saranya….
Swara: OMG…. Saranya u here… r u..???
Saranya: I’m fine swara…..and u..???
Swara: never better…..
And both talk….after sometime….she left from there….. All the while sanskar was just staring her dreaminly…..

Next day

Sanskar was waiting for saranya at the same place……but all in vain
….he returns home disappointedly…..

After somdays….Sanskar with the help of swara finds out that saranya owns a library…..
Everyday he thinks to enter the shop…..but gets nervous ….thinking what excuse he will say….
One day he saw a ” WANTED HELPERS” poster on the door….he thinks an idea and goes inside the shop…..
Sanskar: Hai saru….
Saranya(busy in arranging books): u….what r u doing here…..???
Sanskar: to help u….
Saranya: what…???
Sanskar tells her about the ” WANTED HELPERS” poster….
Swara: oh….then u should not a try here ….u should try there…..saying she gives a pamphlet in which it is written ” WANTED MUSICIANS for xyz hotel” …

Next day

Sanskar goes to the hotel and fives audition …..the manager gets impressed by his talents ……and appoints him….
Swara was waiting outside …….
Sanskar came and hugged her happily……
Sanskar: swaaaarrrraaaa…..I got job…..yeee……. Thanks to saranya…….
Swara: super DA…..I was the one who convinced uncle…..I was the one who helped u to find saranya……I was the one who roamed with u to all the auditions ……. But now u r thanking her….
Sanskar: hey swara…..I won’t thank myself…..if I thank u then it means that I thank myself…..
Swara smiles and puts her hand around his neck…
Swara: love u daaa….( friendly)..

2 months passed..

In this 2 months many things changed….Sanskar bought a new bike for his papa…..but he refused to take it….Sanskar becomes disappointed…. But swara doesn’t about this ……Sanskar and saranya became best friends…. He always roam with her…..and in this he neglects swara……which almost kills her…
One day he proposes saranya ….and she accepts him…..he was on cloud 9…..he goes to Swara to inform this…..

At swara home

Sanskar: Swara….Swara……
Swara mom: without listening to me she went to Chennai for classical competition…..
Sanskar gets shocked to her this….and he drives fastly to the bus stand ……
There he sees her buying water bottle… He sighs….. He goes to her….
Sanskar: y u went without telling me…..
Swara without answering goes from there….
Sanskar: Swara….what’s ur problem….
Swara: Sanskar everyone gets a priority at one one time… my priority is this….
Sanskar: is it more important than me……
Swara: u also have someone more important than me…..

Sanskar( after some time): ur problem is saranya ah….???
Swara: not swara ….u……u always used to share all the secrets with me…..but now …u bought new bike for uncle …..and u didn’t even said this to me…..u always used to roam with me….but now u start to neglect me……
She couldn’t take more….and start to sob….
Sanskar: in the mind set of becoming close to saranya I never realized that I’m neglecting u……and then also if u think that I’m neglecting ……then y I came to tell u first that saranya accepted my proposal……
Swara realized her misunderstandings…
Swara : hey…hey….I’m sorry da sanky…..

Sanskar (irritated): go away yaar…..
Swara: friends…..
She asked making their friendship symbol….that is…. Folding her thumb, ring finger and the finger next to index finger…..
Seeing this Sanskar smiled and he also made his symbol ….that is…..folding thumb, index finger and then little finger….and then he inserted this to swara friendship symbol…..
Both smiled……..

After few days

Swara is seen beautifully dressed as a bride….she comes and sits next to her mother…..
Pandit: swara gadodia the one only daughter of late shekhar gadodia and sharshmitha gadodia is engaged with varun kapoor the one and only son of ashok kapoor and lavanya kappor…. And the weeding is on the auspicious day of February 14….
All r happy that swara is going to become the dil of a good home….
Swara is sitting in her room ……she is sitting in front of the dressing table and removing her bangles……at that time Sanskar comes there…..
Swara: don’t u have the manners of knocking the room of a girl before entering ah….???
Sanskar searches here and there
Sanskar: who is girl here….
Swara: hey u…..idiot…..
Sanskar chuckled….
Sanskar: ok..leave it …..u know what …..(high pitch) I have been selected for airtel’s competition for ” AMAZING BAND” …..and I have to go to Kerala for the competition …
Swara: hey.. Hay…I will also come along with u da…..
Sanskar(questioningly): y u r coming…..
Swara: hey don’t u know I promised to uncle that until u settle in life ur all responsibilities r mine….
Sanskar: hmmm …..ok…
Swara: I will call varun also then….
Sanskar: then I will call saru..too…

Sanskar and swara called varun and saranya… But they refused to come…..

At the day of journey….

Sanskar and swara came out their house…with luggage in their hands….at that time a car comes speedily and stops beside swasan….seeing that person ….swara become so happy…..
Swara: vaaarrruunnn….
Varun: how can I leave without u baby…..
Swara blushes….and then swara sits beside varun…and sanky sits behind them….when they were about to start the car ….at that time Sanskar phone rings….
Sanskar: saru….
After that they reach an apartments …saranya was sitting down near the fountain …
Sanskar: u said that u won’t come…
Saranya: I can’t be without u for 2weeks…
Hearing to this Sanskar smiles… And then all sit in the car …. And starts their journey to Kerala ….throughout the journey they were having a lot of fun…..

In Kerala

….a lot things happened…Sanskar has to perform with the same band with whom he had fought during his first audition…but somehow he patched up with everyone except the one with whom he fought…one week passed….and in this one week….varun tried to take swara out for…and something like that….but all the time…he gets disappointed by the same answer….”no varun…I can’t come…. Sanskar is performing with that band with whom he fought… I’m really worried for it….and until the competition gets completed.. I won’t go anywhere…”
Varun gets irked by the same answer….and when varun asked swara to come for a cricket match…she replied the same…which frustrates him…and in frustration …he banged the car lid..which was kept open for cleaning…and due to the force….the car lid falls off the grip and its hits Sanskar’s hand…which was inside it……seeing the blood from Sanskar hand …swara gets..annoyed…and she accused varun for all the mis happenings…. And the way she took care of Sanskar …..built up jealous in saranya……. ..

At the day of competition..

Sanskar was having guitar in his hands….and was walking to and fro….swara stopped him…
Swara: nervous …ah???
Sanskar nodded his head in negative….and again confessed it by nodding his head in positive…….
Swara hugged him….and Sanskar too hugged her…
Swara: I know u r nervous….but plss da…do ur best in this…..this is really a great opportunity for u…and not only u but for me also….as at least with opportunity I want to fulfill my promise made to uncle……plss don’t lose…and make me disappointed …da….
Sankar closes his eyes and nodes his head….Swara breaks the hug….and both joined their heads…and made their friendship symbol…..
Seeing their closeness….varun and saranya burnt up jealousy…..
And now Sanskar name was announced…he rushes to the stage ….and swara varun and saranya were standing down the stage…..
Sanskar comes and holds the mike…take a deep breath and began to rock…..
And now its time for the results……sanskar was standing with swavarsar ….and closes his eyes ……
The judge: and the winner is……SANSKAR and BAND……
All cheered up……sanskar hugs everyone…..Sanskar introduces to his band his friends….and when said that they thought swasan to be lovers ….added oil to the jealousy of varsar….

At the hotel..

Swasan and varsar were celebrating their victory…..
Varun: thanks sanskar …..if u wouldn’t have winned…then she won’t allow me to sleep(pointing towards Swara)…
All laughed at this….
Varun: ok…from now for 24 hours u should not disturb us and we won’t disturb u…(pointing towards Sanskar and saranya…)….
All agreed to it…..

At swavar side…

Varun brought her to a lake side…..and when both were about to kiss her….
Tring….tring…..swara gets a call….

At sarsan side….

Sanskar brought saranya to a old type of isolated bridge….and when he comes near saranya….to kiss her…..
Tring… Tring….Sanskar phone rang….
Sanskar: hello….
Swara: come to hotel immediately…

At the hotel….

Sanskar and saranya……enters the hotel…and finds swara walking to and fro….and varun was standing there…..
Swara saw Sanskar and goes to him…..
Swara: uncle and aunty are not coming to home it seems….
Sanskar(tensedly): y…???
Swara: because…..they r roaming all the streets in their new bike…..
Sanskar: what…??(excited)
Varun gets irked…
Varun: for this small and going u canceled my plan…???
Swara: small thing…..hey sanky ….tell him da…how much big is this for u…..
Sanskar…gets much happy that he lifts Swara and twirls her ….Swara extends her hands in joy….
Sanskar: this is all because of u…swara….ur only the reason for all my success….because of u only….my love got succeeded….and life …my career…. Everything is just because of u…..I love u swara….
This is enough for sarvar…..varun grabbed Swara hand and pulled her ….and in his she falls down on the floor….Sanskar gets angry and slaps varun and he goes and makes swara stand…….then Sanskar realized what he did…..

After sometime…
At swavar side….Swara keeps on crying…

Swara: I’m really sry for what sanky did….
Varun: that is not the matter swara…..the thing between u is not friendship…..u both love eo…..and u r marrying me…..
Swara: varun… U r speaking like this…..???
Varun: not only me….but all r speaking like this only… u have to decide swara….whether u want me or Sanskar….
Swara: varun…pls…understand….when he thought that i was disturbed by his and saranya closeness….he was ready to sacrifice his for me….i cant leave him …varun….but I want u….varun …..but not at the cost of friendship…….
Varun goes from there….Swara breakers down…..

At sarsan side…..saranya keeps crying…

Sanskar cups her face….
Sanskar: saru….y r u crying….
Saranya ( still crying): don’t u know sanskar…..I …I just can’t see ur closeness with swara….I can understand…that u r her bff….but now u have to decide…between me and swara…..
Sanskar: what r u telling saranya….. How could u just say it…….she was with me in my hard times …..and u just came in my life a few months back……if I can’t leave u …..means how can I think of leaving her…..
He turns back and walks a few step…and then again he comes to her…
Sanskar: when she thought that she is hurdle in her life…she thought leave all of us….and go…..and now I can’t leave her…
Saranya goes from there cryingly….

At swara house…
Swasan, dp,ap,and sharshmitha….all r there with a tensed face…

Swara: I don’t know y they r not understanding us….
Sharshmitha: not they …beta….but u..u guys don’t understand that the relationship between u is love…..
Sanskar: what aunty ….at least they entered our life now only….but u know about us since childhood and ur saying like this….
Dp: I don’t feel that there is wrong in what sharshmitha told…..see beta…..good friends can be husband and wife…but husband and wife cannot be friends….think about it and say….

Swasan both were shattered…..they both remembered their scl life, college life, their cute fights, everything…..and how their parents told about their marriage……both were completely shattered…..
Sanskar sits behind a tree…..he hears someone’s crying sound….he turns back and sees swara sitting and crying……on seeing him swara bursts into tears….Sanskar hugs her and consoles her…..
They both return to their home……
Dp: so what u have decided…
Sanskar: yes papa… We came to know that what between us was love….
Dp, ap, and sharshmitha smiled…..sanskar continues….
Sanskar: the love which u all have for all of us…. What is ur problem pa…if Swara was a boy means then no problem na….I shared everything with her… secrets and everything….. But I never even in my nightmare thought that I will share my bed with her……
Dp: today society is like that beta…if we see a girl and a boy together… We will think bad about them…..I’m sorry beta I misunderstood u…..but ur life partners should understand this….

At some place….
Swasan and Varsar, dp r there…..

Dp: beta plss understand…..them…
Varun: uncle how many thanks times I told them about this…..
Interpreted by Sanskar….
Sanskar: what is problem varun…..can’t u see how much Swara loves….she will die without u….and even I won’t marry any one else than saranya…..
( determined) ok…if I’m far away from swara then there is no problem for u right……okk I won’t meet swara in my lifetime……
All r shocked listening this….

After 2 years….

Sanskar is seen sitting inside a hospital…. A nurse comes and calls him…
Nurse: sir now u can go and meet them….
Sanskar rushes to the room and opens the door…….swasan see eo…..Sanskar remembers his promise and turns his face…..
Varun: oh come Sanskar….. Me and lived in USA ….and we didn’t have any misunderstanding ……
Sanskar: we should have some adjustments in life ……to make it beautiful……
Varun: but what u did was not a adjustment….. But sacrifice….. But now I thought to gift my son …..his mother best friend…..(said looking at his son who was just born….)
Sanskar….couldn’t take it…..he went and that small baby and went and said beside swara who was lying in bed….and holds her band and presses it….
Saranya: too bad…enjoying without me…..
All smiled listening to it…..

The end .


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