The secret of musical tune - by rabia

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Gist - All I can say about this story is that READ AT UR OWN RISK .

The night is scaryy…. Heavy wind is blowing… sound of cracking of trees branches is coming……. Everything is looking likeee blackkk deep blackkkk…. Suddenly one shadow is shown coming with all over black in clrrr… the shadow is head to toe is blackkk…

His direction is towards the housee whose all lights are switched off only one dim light is on at the entrance…. First the shadow saw towards main door then he starts going towards the backside… a dim light is coming from one window between the curtains….

Shadow goes and starts beating the window…

While the scene shifts to inside the house:-

A girl is seen sitting inside the launch… all the lights were off…. She having a big packet of chips in her hand… and have face pack on all over her face….

She is very much indulged in seeing the Super natural’s episode…. The climax is near… but suddenly she heard a bang on the window… she jumps in fear and all the chips scattered around…

Girl is breathing heavily while putting her hand on her chest…. She took few seconds… and then grabs a vase and starts walking towards the window…

She is goinggg towards the window with chanting in mind

She slowly removes the curtain and peeps outside buttttt she starts screaming loud because from outside someone also peeping from the same side from where the girl is peeping….

Girl is screaming but in her screams someone else screams also come… and that screams if of the shadow who is peeping inside beacuseeee hee saw her face which is covered with face pack…

Girl: aaahhh aaahhhhh mummmyyyyy mumyyyyy aaahhhhhh

Shadow: aaaaahhhh mummy daadddyyyy broooo sissss gaurrddddddd help helppp helpppp

Girl who is screaming while jumping stops after listening the shadows voice and again peeps and said : sanskar?????

Shadow: whoo is also screaming like a mad person stops on hearing thiss and turns towards the girl and said swara???

Swara: what the hell is this get up??

Sanky: same goes to u?? who the hell put face pack at night time??

Swara: its my face I will doo what I want to do but now u tell mee what the hell u done with your self???

Sanky with a pout : I was coming but my car broke down soo I start walking butt suddenly one dog starts chasing mee soo I fall down in the gutter

Swara starts laughing like a mad person on hearing thisss..

Swara: hahahahahahaha

Sanky: stop laughing otherwise u will get crack on your face due to face pack

Swara who is laughing like a mad said: oopss but why did u bang on the window??

Sanky: because if I’ll come from front door then the entire house will become dirty and I lost my cell also soo I knock on the window

Swara: idiot it was not a knock it was a bang now come from the kitchen side I’ll wash u with pipe

Sanky: okiiii darling

Sanky comes and swara washed him with the help of pipe and give him clothes which he changed in the nearby storeroom in the same time swara also washed her face…

(sanskar meheswari and swara sanskar meheswari husband wife… both are orphans …. Swara is running a music school while sanskar is a business man both lives in a small house but also having a mansion but the prefer to lives in the small house)

Both settle down for dinner…

At dining table

Swara: u know sanky what happened today??

Sanskar: what happened jaan??

Swara: u know na that there is huge area behind our music school which is abundant

Ssanskar: ya I know about it soo what happened to it??

Swara: actually last month it was purchase by one Construction Company for their head office and last week they start digging out the ground for making the basement but today we got to know that they stops their work

Sanskar: why?? Why so suddenly??

Swara: our music school’s guard told me that when they are digging for basement it is found that there is a complete grave yard inside the ground…. A very huge one..

Sanskar: what???

Swara : yuppp

Sanskar: swaraa

Swara: yes??

Sanskar: what ifff…. Someday one child come to u and said that I want to get admission and when u ask him from where is he and he said that im from graveyard then what will u do??

Swara who is listening sanky attentively gives him a death glare and starts beating him

Swara : u idiot monkey is this the way to talk to your beautiful wife??

Sanky while trying to escape from her beating starts laughing on hearing the word beautiful: hahahahaha swaraa beautifull hahahhaa u r more scary then that graveyard ghostsss

Swara : whatttttt??? She tursn her face with a angry pout… don’t talk to mee goo

Sanskar: gives her a tight kiss and said I was just kidding jaan

Swara : nooooo

Sanskar picks her in his arms

Swara start moving her legs with a angry pout and said leave me uu idiott

Sanskar: stop moving your leg im a looking like a swing in which u r moving your legs like this

Swara: huhhh and by saying this she turns her face

Sanskar smiles and give her a tight kiss on her cheek to which swara rubs in anger

Sanskar: hahahaha

Swara: shut uppp

By this sanky goes towards their room while grabbing swara in his arms and lay her down on bed and both slept in each other embrace…

Next morning

Both left to their respective works sanskar drops swara to music school because her car is gone to garage…

Sanskar: I will pick u at 5 pm sharp

Swara: okayyy

Swara’s office is at 2nd floor and its window is just in front of the grave yard.. Because construction company stops there work

Swara is sitting on window of her office and is having a violin in her hand (she plays both violin and guitar)… she is playing the tunee.. but she is trying from many days to play the correct one but one beat always remains missed…

Soo she is decided that today she will complete the new tunee by hook or by crook…

She is playing guitar but once again got stuck on the same beat… before she plays again she heard the same tone which she is trying to play from many dayss.. and the tune is playing on the same beat which she always missed…

Swara saw towards the direction to see from where the sound of tune is coming.. she feels that the sound is coming from the grave yard’s area… she feels scared but when the tune didn’t stopped she decided to go and chck

Swara is walking behind her music school… she was going towards the graveyard because the tune is coming from there but before she can enter she heard a scream she turned and tries to find out the direction of voice…

It is coming from the front side of music school swara runs towards that direction and saw a boy cute sweet of around 13,14 is running he is having a sparkling eyes which can attracts anyone and have an innocent and naughty face and some men are chasing him…

Boy saw swara and hides behind her

Boy: sister plz save me plzz

Swara: what happened?? And why they are chasing u said by gazing the men who are looking like a giants..

Boy with a pout: I only said to them that they should have use fair n lovely for men for brighter face

Swara : whaatttt???

One men tell her everything which u told us

Boy : im telling naa have some patience by saying this the boy starts telling…

I said to them that they should have a bath with a Dettol,, and put some talcum powder after that because they are just stinking like a garbage….

Swara is controlling her laughter… and said: why u said this to them??

Boy with a pout: because they all travel from a same bus from which I travel that’s why and these three giants always took my seat he said with a sad pouttt

Swara starts laughing on hearing this and pulls the boy cheeks and said to the men: please forgave him he is just a little boyy

All men: okay but this is the first and last time and they go

Boy: ooo sis im a looking like a little boy?? U know im 13 yrs old

Swara: but u r little for me naaa

Boy after making funny faces okay: but what r u doing here and came near her ear I’ve heard that there is a graveyard behind

Swara: I know cutie I was waiting for my husband

Boy: ooo wooww it means I have a jijuu also

Swara laughs and said: yess btw what is your name??

Boy: oo hhhii my name is joseph

Swara : but joseph now u have to go to your home your parents must be waiting for u

Joseph become sad and said: nobody is waiting for me sis im an orphan and works in a garage..

Swara : oo im sorry

In the meantime sanskar reached there and saw swara is talking with a cute chubby bubbly boy sanskar feel attracted towards the boy

Sanskar: swara what r u doing here??

Butt before swara answer joseph jumps on sanskar

Joseph: jijuuuuuu

Sanskar stumbles but manage himself and saw joseph with wide open eyes

Sanskar: what thee….

Swara who start laughing on seeing joseph antics said: joseph plz came down or else your jiju wil fall down

Joseph : noo sis can’t u see my jiju is a body builder and im like a hawa ka jhonka ( blow of air)

Sanskar: wwhaaat??? Ooo my blow of air can u plzz get down from mee

Joseph kissed sanskar cheek tightly and said : okay jijuuu

Sanskar shocked on seeing it and to swara: swara who is this cute chubby joker??

Joseph: am I looking like a joker to u??

Sanskar: yuppp

Joseph: huhhh and he turned his face

Swara who is laughing all the time tells sanskar all the incident and also joseph being an orphan..

Sanskar felt sorry for him and decided something

Sanskar: joseph??

But joseph didn’t turned because he is angry with sanskar

Sanskar: okay if u don’t want to listen your jiju then what can I doo I thought to take u to your sis and jiju home butt its okay and turned to leave but stop on feeling weight on his shoulder yes joseph jumped on sanky like a monkey

Joseph: really jiju u r taking me to your home??

Swasan laughs and said : yess but now it’s our home okayyy now let’s goo

And joseph clings to sanky back till they reached to the car

Trio reached home… joseph is jumping in excitement while swasan seeing him with a smile on their faces..

Swara: sanky I don’t why I feel attracted towards him

Sanky: u r right swara his eyes shows his innocence

Joseph: sis,jiju come let’s go inside

Swasan hold joseph hands one in each other hand and joseph is walking in their middle…

While walking inside joseph turns and give a big smile behind but whom?? ( I don’t know :P)

Days are passing like this now 1 week has been passed and joseph became a family member to swasan both loves him a lot… at night both make him sleep because he is very naughty….

One day swara has gone for a meeting out of city with related to her music school so that day sanky and joseph were alone at home…
Sanky made joseph sleep and then goes to his room but

He forgot his cell phone in joseph’s room sanky turns to go to get his cell phone when he opened the room he saw…. Joseph is standing near the window and his eyes are totally black but with bright shine and he is talking to someone while having a big smile on his face

Sanky: joseph???

Joseph becomes shocked on hearing sanky and immediately turns toward him and his eye clr also changed which is noticed by sanky…

Sanky came near joseph : who r u??

Joseph: jijuuu

Sanky in loud tone who r u???? don’t u dare to tell a lie

Joseph with down head : im an angel

Sanky : what??? Angel??? What rubbish is this

Jospeh: I telling the truth jiju

Sanky: if u r an angel then what the hell u r doing here??

Joseph: to protect swara sis from demons (wizards)

Sanky : what????? Its so confusing tell me the complete truth…

I’ll tell u a voice came and sanky saw a shadow coming from the window and it turned into a man
Sanky: who r u??

Man: hi im Michael im also an angel and I am the one who sent joseph to u both

Sanky: but why u r protecting swara??

Man : as u know swara is running a music school and u also knows that a grave yard were found behind her music school…

Sanky : yess I know this

Mic : actually that graveyard is not a normal grave yard that graveyard is of the black powers ppl…

And when that company digs out the ground they found graveyard but by mistake they hit one grave which is the grave of most powerful demon he is the leader of all black power ppl…

Sanky: what is swara’s connection with all this??

Mic: actually that demon get his powers by killing small children… because by drinking their blood he becomes more powerful.. and the tune which swara is playing from many days and trying to play that tune correctly is the same tune which that leader plays for attracting the childrens.. and now he wants swara in his custody so that he can spell her and in

this way swara can play that tune…

Sanky: wwhhhaaattt??? But how can we stop all this??

Mic: we can stop all this if swara can play the correct tune infront of mee so that I can gain the powers from that tune…

Sanky: but swara is not able to play that tune correctly she always missed one beat..

Mic : don’t worry joseph knows the beats of tunes

Sanky: then why u can’t use joseph for this??

Mic: because he is a child

Sanky: uumm okay

Mic: I will come tomorrow and u have u make swara ready for playing the tune correctly… and take her to that grave yard I will meet u there sharp at 9 pm….

Sanky: okay

Next day when swara reached sanky tells her everything and swara agrees for saving the lives of children..

Trio sits in the hall and start practicing the tune… while practicing swara saw that one light above joseph is going to fall on him but swara in the meantime pushed joseph and due to which that light fall on swara’s shoulder…

Sanky : swaraaa

Joseph: sissss

On the same time something happened which shocked both swasan

That night sharp at 9pm… trio reached at the grave yard….

Swara is having an arm sling on her shoulder….. but she is able to play the guitar…. After 5 mins Michael appeared..

Mic: so u all came

Sanky: yes

Mic: but what happened to swara???

Swara: my shoulder got injured

Mic with worried face: then how can u play??

Swara: I can u don’t worry we will definitely finish the evil

Mic : uummm.mmm yaa… okay soo now let’s go to that leader’s grave

Swasan and joseph nodes:-

Mic take them to a grave which is very scary and big as compared to other ones..

Mic: swara u can start playing the tune

Swara: but why u r telling me to play??

Mic: because by playing tune in front of me I can get the powers from that tune and in this way I can finish that leader…

Swara okay and she starts playing the tunee

Reddish yellow light is start emerging from the grave due to which sanky,swara and joseph close their eyes…. For few second.. after that they saw that lights direction is toward mic and he is inhaling the radiations from that light

Buttttt after 10 mins that light start omitting from mic body and with this his body is start burning
Mic shouts: what are u doing swara?? Why are u playing tune backward??

Swara starts playing the tune faster with backward notes while mic is screaming and shouting in pain and he runs towards swara but sanky stabs him with a silver knife…
Mic shouts in pain and sanky pushes him in the grave while swara is playing the tune…

Sanky throws raw salt on all the sides of mic grave and kerosene and later put fire on his grave…… mic screams now stopped because his grave is completely burned and swara also stop playing…

Sanky turned towards swara and hugs her tightly while joseph is seeing them with bright smile..

Joseph: sis jijuu now it’s the time of my departure..

Swasan broke the hug and look towards joseph: noo joseph u can’t do this to us

Joseph: no sis jiju I belongs that world not this one

Swara: plz joseph don’t leave us

Joseph: its mandatory sis

Sanky: we will mis u

Joseph: me too thankuu very forgiving me and believing

Swara: no need for this because if u didn’t told us the truth then we can released the leader…


When light falls on swara.. sanky runs towards her but they both shocked on seeing joseph is crying

Swara: joseph don’t cy look it’s just a minor scratch

Sanky : yes joseph plz don’t cry

Joseph: im sorry di im sorry jijuu I ditched u and today sis satke her life for me

Sanky: what do u mean by u ditched us??

Joseph while crying : actually jiju micheal is not an angel is the the leader of demons..

Swasan : what????

Joseph : yes jiju

Swara: tell us clearly

Joseph: actually mic is the leader of that demon’s world and that day he listened your tune from your musice school he kidnapped me and snatched my whole powers and ordered me to near u both so that I can teach u a complete tune so that he can completely release out from the grave and also got his powers which is now also in the grave…

Sanky: if u know the tune then why he wants swara to play??

Joseph: because I am and angel and swara sis in a human being with pure soul….

Swara: how can we defat him?? Because he don’t go tonight he will surely come to know

Joseph: there is one solution

Sanky: what??

Joseph: if swara sis starts playing the tune correctly but after 10 mins she starts playing the tune on backward notes then mic will start burning and sanky bro when he start’s burning u have u stab him with a silver knife and push him in his grave and put fire in his grave with raw salt…

Flashback ends…

With the death of mic joseph also gained his powers and he starts disappearing….

Joseph : jiju sis when I will be vanished go in the east direction of this graveyard and there u will find a grave under a tree… and by saying this joseph vanished…

Swasan goes towards east direction and saw a grave under a tree.. they go towards that grave and put a torch light on it…

Something was written on it…

Sanky read that: joseph denial the king of demons world died in the attack which is from the king of angel world Michael John…

Swasan becomes shocked on reading thiss

Yesss leader of demon world is joseph not Michael… Michael don’t knows that joseph is the demon king because that time joseph is not having his black power so he acts like an angel and used Michael… killed Michael with the help of swasan because without killing Michael Joseph can’t escape from the grave prison 

And now joseph is free completely ………

The end .

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