Part 1

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The episode starts with Dr.sanskar maheshwari was sitting in his cabin…his mind is still stuck in aman case…he calls a nurse and ask about aman’s family…she answers they are present in Waiting room to claim the body…docs are busy in doing stitching… Dr.sanskar says OK and nurse leaves…
Dr.sanskar thinks to meet aman’s family…

Sanskar POV
What’s wrong with you sanskar…you have never ever met with the family of patient…Dr Neil always do this but now why you are so desperate to meet his family…. May be guilt… No no it can’t be…bcoz Dr.Neil did it mistakenly or may be it is just done in nervousness…. Oh God why am I thinking so much I think I should go to Dr.Neil he would be upset…. OK I will go to Dr.Neil…
He left his cabin to go to dr .Neil but his feet betrayed him and he continue walking towards waiting room where aman’s family was present or should I say a big turn of sanskar’s life was present…. He entered into the room…there was only one lady present sitting on one of the chairs…she was dressed in jeans with a knee length overcoat… A scarf was around her neck.. Her hair were bind in a messy bun….there was no emotions on her face just a tiredness…. As she was tired of a long journey and just wanted to rest…she was not at all crying or shouting.. As sanskar thought to do her…sanskar just saw her and he knew that he has seen her some where.. But where??
He thinks and remembers he met her once in his college 10 years ago…she is ragini’s sister…yes she is…what was her name….????haaan swara…swara gadodia…
He goes to swara and sits besides her…he looks at her who is just sitting there silently…. He has never console anyone ever..but he wants to console her…but he has no idea how to console a mother who just lost her only child and still sitting without any tears…if she would have been crying he could have console her…but how to console a calm yet not calm mother…???its looking like the toughest thing to do ever. …

Well with some courage he started convo…
Sanskar:am sorry for the loss…
Swara:(lost in her own world) hmmm
Sanskar:is there anyone with you??
Swara:no I m alone…
Sanskar just to make sure that she remember him or not:may be there would be some friend of yours??
Swara:no I don’t have…
Sanskar was now not sure what to do so he just took her hand into his hand…swara gave him a amazed look and first time look at him…she hurriedly pulled her hand back and pressed it in between her knees as wanted someone to hold it and console her…sanskar took out his mobile and searched for ragini’s number as he got it he says…
Sanskar:look I m your friend…actually not friend I was ragini’s friend…we met once..
Swara:(still lost)hmmm I know..
Sanskar:I think I should call ragini??
Swara:not needed…u don’t worry I will handle every thing …

Sanskar knew what is this EVERYTHING…and he really did not want it to handle by her alone…it was just sympathy for a mother who lost her child he was a soft hearted person that’s why he was never able to meet any of his patient’s family… He was a emotional and sensitive person having a heart which feels pain of others but he knew that he can’t help this lady sitting besides her in any way…so he just got up from his seat and was about to leave when he heard her saying below her lips…
Swara:he was right…I would never get happy in my life..I disobeyed him….and got my punishment… I should have obey him….I should have obeyed sahil…
Sanskar turns to her and looks her for a moment…he was not able to understand anything… He didn’t know for what she got punishment… And who is this sahil…the only thing he knew that he can’t stand here anymore… He even being a strong personality and having male powerness …was not able to stand in front of a mother…A CALM MOTHER…
he just left the room…
So done with this part too…
Now time to think…
1.who is sahil..??why he was not with swara??what about swasan first meeting… And was there any feelings/story in between them 10 years ago?? And again what is wrong with dr .neil ???

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