Part 4

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All four coming out of P.S
Ragini:thank you so much sanskar…if you wouldn’t have come..God knows what would have happen…
Sanskar:don’t say thankx ragini…its all OK..
Ragini:(pointing to the man)btw meet him…he is laksh Roy my husband…
Sanlak shake hands…
Laksh:nice meeting you…ahh I know its not a nice meeting…but seriously thank you so much for helping and coming at this hour..I really didn’t want you to bother but ragini said only you can help…so..
Sanskar:I m glad that you guys called me…well I think I should take leave…
Ragini:sansakr…actually.. (She fumbles) I mean…
Sanskar:what happened ragini??
Ragini:actually we are going back to india …our flight is just after one hour….and…
Sanskar:and what??
Laksh:actually we don’t want swara to be alone at home in this state…its some emergency in India and we have to can you please take her with you…
Sanksar:me..??I mean..
Ragini:I know sanskar its awkward… But we really don’t want to leave her…and we don’t have any option unless you so please..its just the matter of one week…please…
Sanskar:(looks at swara who is looking blankly in space) OK guys you don’t worry I will take care of her ….
Ragini:and inspector kabir???
Sanskar:don’t worry about that I will handle that you guys carry on…
Ragini:(to laksh)OK please take swara’s bag and keep it in sanskar’s car…
Laksh:(just like a child)me..???
Ragini gives a death glare to laksh and he getting afraid goes towards his car to take bag…
Ragini:thank you so much sanskar…
Sanskar:please don’t say the way swara’s bag were you guys going some where??
Ragini:no actually she was shifting to our side but now we have to leave so that’s why….

In mean time laksh comes back and bows…
Laksh:your work is done your Highness…
Ragini smiles at him and hugs sanskar and swara…laksh also hugs swasan and they leave…
Sanskar:so swara let’s leave…
She still standing lost..
Sanskar shakes her slightly and says..
Sanskar:come swara we need to go..
Swara looks towards him blankly and starts walking… Swasan reached car…sanskar makes her sit and drives the car..
Laksh is driving and ragini sitting besides him…
Laksh:are you sure ragini…what we did is right??(in serious tone)
Ragini:yeah Laksh…we were having no other option…
Laksh:you know ragini we were having an option…we could have take her to India with us…and..
Ragini:(interrupting)and send her again to that hell…??
Laksh:(trying to make her understand)look ragini I m not saying to send her there…she would have been lived with us…
Ragini:yeah right and after watching abhay(raglak’s son)she will always remember about aman…it will only hurt her..she is still suffering from the deeds she didn’t did…she is getting punishment for a sin she never committed… She is cursing a decease which is incurable….
Laksh:(tauntingly) and you think Dr.sanskar can heal that wound…huh..???
Ragini:plz laksh u know well why I did this..and I don’t want any discussion on this matter please…
Laksh tries to say something but ragini says
Ragini:oh shit I forgot to tell sanskar about swara’s sleeping pills..she would need it…
Laksh:(sarcastically) about pills or swara’s…
Ragini:(irritatingly interrupts)laksh please just concentrate on driving..and she continue typing message to sanskar about swara’s pills..
Laksh:and if he is already married??
Ragini gets thinking and says…
Ragini:don’t worry laksh everything will be OK…(she was giving strength to herself not to laksh and hoping everything gets fine…

sanskar is parking car while his mobile beeps…he ignores and gets down the car ..he takes swara out by holding her hand and takes her towards the apartment…. The watchman brings her bag…sanskar takes swara to his bedroom and ask her to sleep here and he himself goes to the other room…he checks mobile and find ragini’s message…
“Sorry sanskar to disturb you again..but actually swara can’t sleep..she is insomniac… Her sleeping pills are in her bag…please make her take the pill…and there’s a dairy please read that…”
Sanskar’s POV..
Swara is insomniac..but she is already depressed these pills can be harmful for her…and dairy..?? why ragini said me to read the whose dairy is that..??oh God what to do…
He tries ragini’s number but its switched off…so he thinks to talk to her…when she will land to India…
He goes to swara’s room and sees her sitting in the same position as he left her…he takes her bag and makes her eat pill…he looks at dairy but zipped up bag again…then he turns to swara who is still sitting same…he makes her lay down on bed…covers her with blanket and turns to leaves…but senses a strong grip on his wrist…he turns towards swara…who is holding his hand…
Swara:(under the affect of sleeping pill)no please don’t leave me…I can’t be alone…he will be back…please don’t go…I will not able to face him…please he will kill my aman…please don’t go…
Sanskar us taken aback by her words…as she was never so weak…he sits bedsides her and try to calm her…
Sanskar:shhh…everything is OK swara…don’t worry no one will come here…just sleep…its all OK…
Swara gets up and tightly hugs him…
Swara:then promise me you will not leave me…never ever…
Sanskar:(cares her head and back) yes swara I m just here I will not go anywhere…
In the mean time swara sleeps hugging him…
Sanskar slightly makes her lay down and was about to go…but swara was holding his hand tightly… He does not try to remove her hand….and sits there by resting his back with bed crown….

Sanskar POV
I don’t know…what Is happening… My life was all OK just before a week..but now its all complicated…. I don’t why I gets hurt when I saw her in this state…I just went to meet aman’s mother but now I m not able to think anything else…what has happened with her that she is in such trauma…. I think I should read dairy….but no I can’t…I can’t read anyone’s dairy like this…I will go mad…I think I should talk to ragini tomorrow itself…and will have to know about swara’s husband… Because in this state only a man can take care of HIS woman…
Sanskar’s thoughts were disturbed by a soft grip around his waist …he looks at swara who was hugging her slightly her face is calm…but still pain is shown on her face… Sanskar(don’t know why but)took her into his embrace and makes her head rest on his chest…soon he too doses off taking her in his embrace…in half sitting position..
At 4:30 am
Sanskar feels the grip around his waist getting strong… The little creature in his embrace in shivering badly…he wakes up hurriedly…and sees swara sweating and panting…. She is clutching his shirt tightly and mumering in sleep…
Swara:n…no………I didn’t do anything…please…let me go…
Sanskar pats her cheeks slightly…
Sanskar:swara…swara…plz get up…no one is here…please… Get up…
Swara gets up with a jerk and pushes sanskar strongly… And gets down the bed…runs away from sanskar…
Swara:(shouts)no…stay away don’t touch…she behaves like mad…sanskar tries to go towards her but she throws a vase which hurt on his head…he still goes towards her and tries to control her…he tightly hugs her but she oppose it and beats him…he still tightly hugs her but she some how frees herself… And goes backward… She sees knife and threats him…but he still goes towards her..she tries to hurt herself… But he hurriedly goes near her…throws the knife aside.. Pins her to wall and puts his lips on hers…she tries to free herself… But he sucks her lips caringly..swara firstly opposes but later melts in his concern…she gets calm…when sanskar realize she is calm..he breaks the kiss politely… She hugs him tightly…. As she is considering him as shield… She feels protective in his arms…sanskar too takes her in his shield tightly…


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