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As-salamu Alaikum my Sweets
I hope you all are very well?

I'm sorry for the delay
But I'm here now again to share with you another Os of Mine

Well it's technically a VERY BELATED Birthday gift for satya099 I'm so sorry for the the delay Munchkin. But what can we do. Better late than never hey. What say

I hope it's worth it. I'm sure it isn't what you all expect

Let's see what I have in store for you all


"Sanskar I don't understand what your problem is. I mean have you seen the way you have been behaving lately. You have changed so much" She said with such frustration

"Swara I don't seem to understand what the problem is. It's not a big deal" He screamed back with the same anger

"Not a big deal. NOT A BIG DEAL. Then care to explain. Cos I'm not understanding anything na. Do you have any idea what this could do to you. To us" she said stated back

"It's not a big deal. I don't know. How it happened... I just can't explain. It's it's it's... Well you know... Arghh Swara why can't you just be understanding and try to understand the issue instead of making it a big issue" he signed with so much aggravation as he stormed out of the room.

Swara just stared at the door to which he has just left from. She can't believe this is the same guy she has fallen in love with since her university days. As he isn't understanding the consequence of his actions which can cause a huge destruction for both of them.

Deep in her heart she had hidden guilt. As she believed it was her fault to which it all happened.

She made way way to the garden where she decided to sit on the grass and stare into space. It's the place where she loves to be where she can relax and think things through deeply. Her fingers slowly emerged into the long strands of grass as it slightly brushed through them.

Swara went deep into her thoughts where she became lost in her Sanksar. She first met him during her time at university where both were studying. She wouldn't say it was love at first sight. But there was some kind of attraction which was playing for both of them. Something about each other enticed them towards one another. Hidden lust to be fair.

Indeed he was the perfection combination of a man who seem to flawless in every aspects. Whereas for Swara she wasn't any less she also claimed the sweet innocent looks which can attract any guy towards her like a magnet.

Soon both started spending more and more time with each such as watching movies, eating out, days trips. As time went by they both started falling for each other slowly the attraction both had for each other had somehow manage to emerge to feeling which can be only described in a 4 letter word. LOVE.

Maybe it's the way both made each other feel complete as both complimented each other so well.

They made people aware of the relationship both shared to which people seem to admire them as they were clearly made for each. Indeed they made the perfectly heavenly couple. Soon both managed to tell their families about their new found love. Although their families were bit sceptical at first as both were studying and didn't want any issues to arise due to it. They were still very open minded as anyone can see how much loved up SwaSan were.

Swara stared at her right hand which was mingled in the grass. She slowly placed her hand on her lap as her left hand slowly caressed her hand especially her third finger which consisted of a beautiful platinum 1 carat ring. Her eyes glistended slightly as she stared keenly at it.

She was engaged to Sanksar.

She reminisced to the proposal which happened to bring a smile to her lips. His proposal for her was one of the most sweetest things she has witnessed till date. She remembers that day as it was like yesterday it took place.

She came home after a long day after attending all her lectures at university. She was tired like hell. It felt like the day was never going to end. All she wanted to do at that moment was just crawl onto her bed and collapse on it and laze around for sometime. A favourite thing we all love to do.

As she entered her bedroom she witnessed a sight which was indeed a sight for sore eyes. Her Sanskar. Her love. Her LIFE was standing in front of me in my bedroom waiting for me to enter. She took a glance around the room very slowly which somehow has left her lost for words. He had pink rose petals all over on the floor, candles lit around the room which was the only light illuminating the room. Indeed he made the atmosphere romantic.

She was actually very surprised to see him planning everything so well to the smallest detail. Indeed he's a master for perfection along with her.

When something is planned by your loved one it somehow makes it even more special. Memories as such is something which you cherish for lifetime. Something which can never be erased but leaves a sweet taste behind.

She took a quick scan of him. His hair was perfectly style to perfection the way she liked. He was wearing one of her favourite outfits which consisted of a white polo neck t-shirt, brown leather jacket on top, baggy navy jeans and a pair of white Adidas trainers with black strips.

Damn her man looked so hot especially the way his t-shirt somehow managed to carve his beautiful shaped abs he has made beneath. Her mouth went slightly dry thinking of the thoughts which were playing on her mind. Only if he knew.

She somehow managed to catch his eyes to hers. It shimmered with many hopes, happiness and desires. He seemed thrilled to see her at her bedroom door as he has been waiting for her sometime.

She took slow steps towards him. Her feet brushed through the softness of the petals as her feet wear bare. She reached towards him and dropped her bag beside her leaving a good distance between the both.

Sanksar slowly took a step closer to her and stared at her with so much love which sent butterflies to her stomach. She felt goosebumps through her flesh as she could feel his desires upon her.

He slowly grabbed both her soft hands into his huge ones. Once their fingers touched some kind of electric passed through their body something only which they can feel. He stared deep into her eyes.

"Swara you know the way I feel about you na. Something about you makes me feel complete. It's like your the missing jigsaw piece I was looking for a long time. With you I feel I have everything I could ever desire. You're my soulmate. My love. My desire. My everything. I can't imagine my life without you. As you have taken my heart away from me and claimed it as your own. So in order to take my heart back I need to claim you" he said in the softness manner

As he slowly kneeled down in front of her and expressed

"Will you marry me Swara. And let me claim your heart as mine just like the way you have to mine"

His words just echoed in her ears. Her eyes simply sparkled with tears as she was overjoyed with happiness. He has made her feel like she's on top of the world with all the love she can ever receive. Especially from the man who has stolen her heart.

She kneeled to match his height which didn't really help much as the guy was 6 3 and she 5 3.

"Yes" she whispered so softly as it was all she could say. As tears began to flow from her eyes

Sanksar felt like he has received the honour of being king when he heard her response. All he could at that time was just stare at her to which she responded back. Both were expressing their feeling through their eyes. Nothing more was needed.

He slowly removed his right hand from her only to pull a rose out. It wasn't a normal rose. It was a ring box disguised in a rose. He pulled out the ring which sparkled so bright and he placed it gently on her third finger on right hand.

She stared at the ring with enthusiasm she was engaged to the love of her life. Her eyes raised to meet his to which were already staring at her. Both slowly leaned towards each other as .........

Swara came out of her thoughts when she felt a hand on her hand. She turned to the side to where she witnessed her husband sitting beside her staring at her contently.

"How long have you been here for" she said

"Since you have been lost in your thoughts" he claimed.

Both just stared at each other as they were trying to find answers to their questions

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have responded like that... I know I was at fault... You aren't to blame you know that right" he stated

Swara released her hand from his as she got up to move away from him. As she began to move she felt a pull on her hand Sanskar was holding her to stop her from going.

She didn't turn.

"I'm sorry na Baby. I won't do it again. It was a mistake. This time. Please talk to me. You know na I don't like when you don't talk to me. Please" he said pleadingly

His statement somehow angered her. And Sherni mode was on. She pulled her hand away from him in such force he became startled. She turned and anger was reflected in her eyes. And he knew she was on Sherni mode. Now no one can help him from her

"Sorry. Is that all you can say. Sorry. Do you have any idea what this action of yours can lead to? Huh. Do you?" She huffed back

"Sanskar why can't you control yourself. Control your bloody lust towards it. I mean how hard is it" she screamed back.

Sanskar just stared down with guilt as he's aware of what his this action of his could lead to. The consequence is quite serious. He slowly raised his eyes to witness the rage in hers

"I only had one na baby... And that to after such along time na. And then I couldn't help it. The desire somehow over took me... And and and..." he said softly

"And you decided to eat the entire lot" she responded angrily.

"SANSKAR YOU ATE THE ENTIRE CHOCOLATE CAKE" She screamed with her hands on her hips

(Hehehehehehe now I'm sure my Sweets this wasn't something you were expecting na 😅😅😅😅)

Sanskar felt like he was in school all over again and was getting told of.
(Bechara kaha phaas gaya)

"I'm saying sorry na Swara I won't do it again. Pakka. Sorry na. Please maaf kardo. Please" he stated as he pinched his neck with his thumb and forefinger with the most innocent look he can give. To which he knows she can't resist.

Swara just took a deep sign. As she is aware of her partner. It's not his fault. Every human has hidden desires/lust. So it's not his fault to be drawn to the favourite thing he loves so much.

She took a few steps near him and placed her left hand on his right cheek.

"Please Sanskar don't do such things again. You know how serious this is na. Afterall it's regarding your health na. Too much sugar isn't good for you. Specially the amount you have taken. Please be careful next time" she explained in the most gentle manner

All Sankar do was just sign as he is aware of Swara outburst

(Lemme clarify Sanksar is diabetic. He has insulin to keep his diabetes under control. Like most human Sankar has hidden lust towards certain items and for him it's chocolate cake. It's something that overpowers him with such enthusiasms. So now you understand why Swara was upset. As too much sugar for a Diabetic isn't good for their health. And Sanksar is her everything. So her Outburst is understandable)

"This is why I don't buy chocolate cakes as much as I know how much you lust for them" she said in a calm manner as she stared deeply in his eyes.

Swara slowly wrapped her arms across his broad shoulders around his neck and brought him closer to which Sanskar rosponded back by wrapping his around her petite waist. Both needed the warmth of one another. Sanskar placed a soft kiss on top of her head to which she smiled. As they stayed like that for sometime.

Eventually both departed their hug only to witness the love both share for each other through their eyes.

"Waise chocolate cake isn't the only thing to which I have lust for you know" he stated

"Now what you have lust for" she said as she narrowed her eyes towards him

"You" he huskily stated to which made her creamy cheeks shine with a hint of pink as her eyes lowered due to shyness. As he gave his famous grin.

He removed his right hand from her waist and used the side of his forefinger to tilt her face up softly to make her eyes meet his. As her eyes raised she could witness the lust he has for her and she for him.

Sometimes words aren't needed to express your feelings as your eyes can do the talking.

Both stared at each other lips. Her lips were full and pouty and his were the perfect shape which somehow was drawing towards one another as both wanted to taste one another. Their desire was at work as both needed one another. As they started leaning towards each other as their nose brushed against one another along with their breathing fanning each other.

And then it happened their lips met.



So my Sweets. How was it?

Well I'm 100% sure it wasn't what you were actually expecting na. Ha tell

This is my version of Lust

Lust isn't always a sexual desire.
Sometimes it can be an overwhelming desire or craving just like in this case

Mine is Bournville. It's a dark chocolate which isn't too bitter or too Sweet. It's a perfection combination of flavour in my opinion

So what's your Overwhelming Desire aka Guilty Pleasure. I would to know

Thank you so much for reading this story of mine. If possible please drop a view I would love to read them

If not so I hope it was worth your while

So Ciaoo My Sweets. Until Next Time

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