One Chance (Epilogue)

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3 Years Later...

Maheswari Mansion

A room was shown which was decorated beautifully with dark pink and baby pink colour...

By seeing the room and it's decoration anyone can understand it's a room of a kid that too a girl..

We can see the large bed and the photo frame which was hang on the wall above the bed..

In the picture there were A lady and a man holding a little girl and they are non other than Sanskar and Swara..

Both of them were kissing either side of her cheeks while the kid was having most beautiful smile on her lips...

"Siyali" A sweet voice encholed in the whole room, Hearing the voice the little girl who was in deep sleep covers her face with the pillow...

"Siyali" Called swara who entered the room all dressed up..

She was wearing a blue coloured netted saari. While her neck was adored with the mangalsutra and forehead was filled with vermilion which was giving more glow to her beauty...

"Get up siyali your getting late for school" Said swara while caressing the girls hair..

"Mumma let me sleep" said Siyali while placing her head on her mother's lape..

"You can sleep later but right now your getting late for school" said swara with lots of love and pecks her forehead..

"Your so boring mumma" said Siyali sitting on the bed folding her legs with a pout..

"And may I know why" said swara while narrowing her eyes

"You should scold me. You should put this water jug on me to wake me" said Siyali with a pout while swara adore her girl...

"You knw mumma loves you so much.. so how can I do such things with my baby" said swara with a smile..

"Even I love you a lot" said Siyali and jumps on Swara's lape an kissed her cheeks with smile..

"Mumma did papa woke up" said Siyali while swara shook her head

"Mumma you should use such tricks to wake papa" said Siyali while laughing while swara narrows her eyes..

"So naughty" said swara while siyali winks at her

"Let's go and make papa wake up" said Siyali and drags swara


Swasan Room..

Both the mother daughter entered the room and saw Sanskar who was in deep sleep having no mood to wake up...

"Sanskar" Said Siyali on Sanskar's ears sitting near him while swara was controlling her laugh..

"Sanskar now get up it's already so late" said Siyali while swara was getting difficult to control her laugh seeing her daughter..

"No I won't" Said Sanskar and pulled Siyali on him and hugs her...

"Sleep princess" said Sanskar kissing her forehead while siyali pouts..

"How come you know it's me not mumma" said Siyali while Sanskar chuckled

"Just like that" said Sanskar and winks at her..

"No need to go school.. you sleep even papa will sleep today" said Sanskar and winks at her while she too smiles and snuggles into his chest more and more while swara who was standing near the door looks both the father and daughter with a wide open mouth...

"Ohh hello.. what's going here" said swara while coming near them..

"Nothing mumma.. we both are sleeping" said Siyali with a smile..

"Very good.. here you came to wake your papa and now he is Making you sleep again.. Chalo get up both of you" said swara strictly while pulling the bedsheet above them...

"Siyali go to your room and brush.. mumma is coming to give you bath" said swara looking at both of them with a death glare...

"Jaaun(Should I)" said Siyali to which Sanskar nodded

"Come soon mumma or else i will get late for school" said Siyali and jumps from the bed making swara to shook her head seeing her daughter's antics..

As soon as Siyali left the room Sanskar pulled swara by her wrist making her to fall on his chest..

"My morning kiss" said Sanskar while caressing her cheeks

"You got many last night so nothing is left for today" said swara remembering their last night love making

"Huh seriously your too boring" said Sanskar with a sad face..

"Don't behave like Siyali" said swara and was about to get up but Sanskar hold her tight and came above her making her to wide her eyes..

"Sanskars please let me go or else Siyali will get late for school" said swara looking at him with puppy eyes

"It's up to you, kiss me than you can go" said Sanskar pointing his lips with a naughty smile.

"Now let me" said swara after giving a quick peck on his lips..

"No..first give my morning kiss than only" said Sanskar while swara gave impossible look to him..

"Just now i gave" said swara looking at him with wide eyes..

"No that wasn't a kiss.. it's just a peck like this" said Sanskar and pecks her lips

"What's the difference between it" said swara looking at him without a blink

"Let me show you what is a kiss" said Sanskar and placed his lips on her and kissed her slowly yet passionately... Sanskar teased her and later she too respond the kiss with equal passion

He bites her lips turning the slow and soft one into wild...

While both were buzy in exploring their treasure they heard sound of cry..

Immidiately Sanskar back off and get up from her giving her space...

Swara sit on the bed While catching her Breath while Sanskar walks little far from the bed...

"What happened to my baby" said Sanskar lovingly while carrying their 3 months old daughter, Amaya from the craddle which was large and decorated with baby pink colour and blue colour...

"Sanskars give her to me she must be hungry.. like Siyali and you she was also sleeping while I bath and gave bath to Ansh and feed him" Said swara looking at him..

"So what can we do if you and your Ansh become night owl" said Sanskar giving Amaya to swara while swara looks at him with wide open mouth..

"We are not night owl you three are night owl as you three used to sleep in morning instead of midnight" Said swara placing Amaya confortably on her lape to feed her while the poor soul was looking at her both parents who were speaking continuesly while she was not getting what were they saying..

Sanskar was about to speak but the little one cries making them to shut their mouth..

"You feed her I will give bath to Siyali" said Sanskar and left from there and swara got buzy feeding amaya while getting lost in her thoughts..

Flash Back..

After that day everything was getting normal with the passing time...

Swara was beyond happy getting Sanskar's love and care..

Their relationship was growing more deep with the passing time but still there were something missing on their relationship which was fear of their past deeds and pain..

Sanskar was fearing to go close her thinking he may hurt her and some times thinking she may need time.. It's not they were not close.. They used to sleep in each other's embarece but They never made love..

Sensing his fear swara herself took a step ahead to broke his fear...

That night both the souls become one yet again after years....

After the night everything went well while both were enjoying their life with Siyali who was a blessing to them...

Swara used to spend most of the time with her daughter learning her more and more while Sanskar was having other planning in his mind...

When he told what was he upto, swara went against it but till then when even Sanskar too knws how to blackmail her...

With the help of Sanskar Swara started her own business on her mother's name which was her dream...

She got succes with a short period of time as she was telented and hard-working and more over Sanskar was with her to encourage her when ever she felt like to giveup...

Sanskar was proud of his swara when she got Award for the best young business women of the year...

When everything were settled down they planned for another baby and they were blessed with twins..

Sanskar took great care of swara when she was pregnant while swara was having an unknown fear inside her heart.. She don't want to think about it but her hormones make her think such bad things...

One Night

Both of them were sleeping in each other's embarece peacefully...

Swara opens her eyes as she was feeling difficult to sleep due to baby's kick and her moodswings...

She sit on the bad and looks at Sanskar.. She wants to call him but remembering the previous time she was scared...

She was feeling to cry.. Before her voice could be out from her mouth she put her hand on her mouth and cried silently...

She looks at him while her eyes were filled with water...

She was feeling to cry loud... She looks at Sanskar and in fear she get up from the bed and went belcony and sit in the corner and Burst's out crying still placing her palm on her mouth having fear what if he heard..

Not getting the warmth Sanskar opens his eyes and panicks not finding swara on the bed.

He cheked the washroom but she was no where which makes him more worried..

"Sw" He was about to call her but before it he heard a crying voice..

He walks near the direction from where the voice was coming with beating heart..

Sanskar panicks seeing swara sitting in a corner in such position crying baldy

"Swara" said Sanskar coming close to her while she feard thinking he will shout at her like last time

"Jaan what happen why you are crying.. why are you it paining" said Sanskar cupping her face while his eyes reflects conserne for her

"I won't cry but please don't scold me it it pains here" said swara in a chocking voice while pointing towards her heart...

Sanskar hugs her realising what she was speaking...

"Shhhh I won't scold you.. I will never ever" said Sanskar while caressing her back ..

"Pakka" said swara looking at him with teary eyes..

"Hmm" said Sanskar and wipes her tears while he was so much guilty remembering how much he ill treated her when she was expecting for the first time.

"Come" said Sanskar and makes her stand who was still crying due to her hormones...

"May I know why you are crying huh" said Sanskar making her lay on the bed carefully..

"I am not getting sleep" said swara while Sanskar looks at her with moist eyes...

"I am here with you" said Sanskar and pecks her lips making her calm..

"Still not getting sleep" said Sanskar after 30minutes as he saw her still awake playing with his shirt button..

"No but I am feeling tired" said swara with a dull face

"Let me tell you a story" said Sanskar caressing her hairs as he knw she need sleep, while her eyes shines with happiness...

"I love you" said swara and pecks his lips while he smiled at her who was looking so happy right now..

"I love you too" said Sanskar and kissed her lips softly and left her after few minutes not wanting to disturb thir baby's and starts telling different types of story making swara laugh while caressing her hairs and kissing her face time to time making her to feel blessed....

After that incident Sanskar spent his most of the time with swara and with the passing time her fear overpowered his love and his efforts.. 

After arrival of the new two members their life become more colourful..

Flash Back Ends...

"Mumma see Siyali is ready" Said Siyali who came with Sanskar getting ready for her School...

"Ammu you are awake so soon" said Siyali playing with little Amaya's fingers who was on the bed getting dressed up by her mumma...

"Siyali she is going to sleep again" Said swara taking Amaya on her arms..

"Mumma why do they always sleep.. even they don't play with me" said Siyali with a pout..

"Princess when they will grow up they will play with you and will go school with you" said Sanskar making Siyali super happy..

"Really than I will order them always as m big sister nah" said Siyali while swara shook her head..

"Not only order you should protect them as your elder than them and also sometimes you should change their dipers" said swara naughtily making siyali to make weird faces...

"Don't tease my princess" said Sanskar Looking at Siyali...

"Hihihi see mumma even ammu said don't tease her di" said Siyali as Amaya said something in her baby language while making faces looking at swara..

"Huhh you both are always in papa's side" Said swara with a pout giving Amaya to Sanskar while Amaya giggle seeing Swara's expression..

"See mumma your Ansh is in your side" said Siyali as they head Another voice from the craddle.

Swara went near the craddle and took their 3 months old baby boy, SwarAnsh who is carbon copy of his dad in look..

"My baby" Said swara and kissed Ansh's cheeks while siyali pouts and Amaya too makes a face seeing their mumma loving their one and only brother Ansh...

"My kissy" said Siyali and runs to swara who sit on the bed playing with Ansh without giving any attention to them..

"Happy" Said swara after kissing Siyali's cheek..

"And ours" said Sanskar and went near them while swara didn't paid any heed to them..

"Hihihi papa tease mumma more" said Siyali and got buzy talking with her baby brother who held her choti seeing her changing team with only one kissy..

"Sorry jaan. you know na we all love you.. and I love you most" said Sanskar while Amaya looks at him as if how easily he change his party(lol aaj Kal ke bacche b na😝😝😂😂😂)

"I love my Ammu" Said swara and kissed ammu's cheeks and placed her on the bed near Ansh while..

Siyali got buzy with her little brother and sister as both of them held her both choti's in their tiny little hand ..

"If you won't give than I will take my kiss in from of them" said Sanskar naughtily making swara to wide her eyes..

She looks at their three kids who were buzy in each other and pecks his lips but before she could go back he held her waist and kissed her making her breathless...

"Thank you" said Sanskar resting his forehead on hers while breathing..

"Why" Said swara looking at him.

"For making me realize how cheap was my thinking And how priceless are girls" said Sanskar looking at their kids..

"And for giving me these kids" said Sanskar with a blissful smile making her smile..

"I love you" said swara with a smile..

"I love you too" said Sanskar with a smile and later got buzy with their kids...

The Ends.....

Phew finally done with the Most waited epilogue of #OneChnace😷😷👻👻👻😂😂😂😂

I know I know I have posted so soon so uske liye todha tareef toh banta h.. 😝😝😝😝😝🙈🙈🙈🙈...

Truely Never planned the epilogue but seeing your continues requests i thought to write and gift it as a new yer gift😍😍😍😍

Hope you all will love it..😅😅😅😅

Do vote and comment 😭😭😭

Happy New year..

Stay Blessed ❤❤

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