Phir Milenge 3(B)

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Shot 3(B)


Coffee Shop..

Neelam was sitting there waiting for Sanskar desperately... she almost emptied 5 glass of water sitting there tensed...

She was hoping he will come.. She have no idea what will happen if he didn't come to meet her.. she only know he is the one who can make swara normal...

She saw Sanskar coming near her while she was drinking another glass of water...

"Have a seat son" Said Neelam who was so happy as he came..

"First of all I am really glad that you came" Said Neelam with a smile...

"Why you called me here, about what you want to talk" Said Sanskar sitting on the chair..

"About swara" Said Neelam and Sanskar looks at her with confused expression..

"Why you want to talk about your daughter" said Sanskar being confused while his heart was beating fast..

"She is your Swara, Sanskar" Said Neelam without wasting any time making Sanskar shocked..

"No she can't be my swara, my swara is not arrogant and heartless like your daughter, she will never give pain to others in her wildest dream also, your joking right" said Sanskar in disbelief..

"Trust me Sanskar she is your Swara" Said Neelam Looking at Sanskar..

"And why should I believe you" Said Sanskar looking at her

"Before 3 yrs Me and my husband came Kolkata on our firmhouse to spend holiday with our daughter "Swara Kapoor"" Said Neelam and stopped as she saw Sanskar's shocked face...

"One night both father and daughter went out without my knowledge, and they found your Swara, She faints in front of their car" Said Neelam making Sanskar shocked...

"They took her with them and came to our firmhouse, I was shocked seeing a girl with them.. When I ask my husband about the girl he said how they found her.. Later we called the doctor and she informs your Swara was one month pregnant" Said Neelam making Sanskar hell shocked...

"W what my my swara was pregnant" Said Sanskar while his lips trembles...

With his this question and expression Neelam got to know there is something fishy so she thought not to tell something to him and Continued...

"She was happy with us, she was desperately waiting for her baby but" Said Neelam and stopped remembering the faithful day

"But" Sanskar said looking at Neelam with beating heart..

"After 8 Months when she felt labour pain we took her to the hospital" Said Neelam while tears were falling from his eyes continuesly

"Later doctor said swara gave birth to a dead baby" Said Neelam while a tear escape from her eyes And Sanskar became hell shocked hearing about it...

"My b baby" Said Sanskar with trembling voice

"She was beyond broken, Never in my life I saw someone broken like that, she was in so much pain" Said Neelam while tears were falling from his eyes listing about his Swara's suffering without him.

"She cried in my embarece like a baby and request me to bring her baby back" Said neelam with a heavy voice

"Me and my husband thought to leave the city as soon as possible because doctor advise us to take her in a new environment.. so that day we booked our tickets to dubai where we live" Said neelam while remembering about the day...

"Our bad luck that day our plane got crashed.. lots of people was dead and injured" Said Neelam while tears falls from her eyes ..

"My husband and my daughter left us that day" Said Neelam with so much difficulty while Sanskar was listing carefully

"I don't know how they wrote your Swara's name in the death list instead of My daughter Swara Kapoor, it's the reason that you and your family thinks your Swara is Dead, but she was with me, she become heartless because of all these incidents" Said Neelam and looks at Sanskar who was crying...

"It's only you who can bring her back, only you can bring our bubbly swara back" Said Neelam with a pleading voice.

"I lost my one daughter and I don't want to lost my second daughter" Said Neelam while Sanskar was looking at her with moist eyes...

"Will you help me to make swara normal" said Neelam looking at him...

"I will go any extend to bring my swara back to normal" Said Sanskar with a determination..

"Sanskar today is the date when she gave birth to your baby" Said Neelam making Sanskar shocked...

"I hope everything will be fine soon, I want to see her living happily with you, I know how much she loves you and missed you" Said Neelam giving her blessings to him ...

"Thank you, thank you being with her and supporting her in every situation" Said Sanskar folding his hands in front of her...

"It's my duty son, she is my daughter.. I was and I will be always with her" Said Neelam with a smile...

With that they apart and Neelam went to home while Sanskar was walking on the roads...

Her each and every words were ringing on his ears repeatedly...

There were no break and his tears were falling from his eyes....

He sit on a bench while Crying baldy thinking about their baby and her suffering...

After few minutes he wipes his tears and  thinks something deep..



Maheswari Mansion

Swara's Room..

She was standing near the window stairing at the sky remembering something deep....

Flash Back...

Maheswari Mansion..

All were worried.. Worried for laksh as it's been one week that he is missing.. Ragini was lifeless while Ap mata was crying (😏😏😏)

Swara was sitting near ragini consoling her...

For swara it's becoming difficult to handle... She was already broken down with his words he have spoken on phone a week ago that there won't be any relation between them if he return safe also and his ignorance in the whole week..

Her anger her pain overpowered her and she burts out at Sanskar making him numb...

"It all happened just because of you Sanskar, Can't you handle your anger" Shouted swara making all shocked...

"Just see them" Said swara pointing towards ragini and Ap..

"It's only because of you, because of you laksh is Missing, you were about to kill him Sanskar and because of you he is missing" Shouted swara making Sanskar shocked..

"From today I will not put sindoor and where mangalsutra till then you bring my sister's husband" Said swara making Sanskar hell shocked...

With that swara went near ragini and they walks out from the mansion with Shomi and shekar..

Sanskar was looking at swara who was going with ragini leaving him.. His heart was aching and finally he spoke with a hope that she won't leave...

"Swara if you went out from this mansion I promise I will never, never ever accept you in my life" Said Sanskar just to stop her...

As soon as his words left his toung swara was freez on the spot and looks at him unbelievable...

For her he was wrong and for him she was wrong but the truth is both were wrong equally..

She looks at him who was looking numb.. She want to stop but in the next moment his words rang on her mind and her pain overpowered her love and she left the mansion without listing his warning making him broken and angry on her...

Flash Back Ends....

Tears falls from her eyes remembering that day where she left him when he need her most...

She was cursing her self for doing it but what else she could do.. He was the first one who broke their relationship in anger without thinking twise, so why should she think...

She knw Sanskar won't come to her for money but she was sure he will come.. He will come for Ashu...

While she was all lost in her thoughts she felt an Arm around her waist making her startled..

"What the hell" Shouted swara being totally Shocked and frees her self..

"Why are you becoming so angry" Said the man coming near her while she steps back..

"Stop.. Stop right there, I said stop Sanskar" She shouted at him who was having no mood to listen her..

"Why should I stop, You called me for this, isn't it" Said Sanskar blocking her way as she hits the wall..

"You knw what your looking so tempting in this nighty" Said Sanskar huskily near her ears making her to shiver due to the close proximity..

"What you said, your not bad on the bed huh!!!" said Sanskar caressing her cheeks with his tumb making her shocked plus nervous...

She was having no words to say as she didn't accept this from him...

"Even I am not bad on bed" Said Sanskar and winks at her making her to guplupe in fear not knowing what's going in his mind...

"I promise I will make you moan my name till morning" Said Sanskar caressing her lips with his tumb making swara to loose her patience.

"This is how much you love your wife" Said swara angrily pushing him..

"Ohh baby why are you getting angry, for this only you called me Right.. And about my wife.. I still love my wife unconditionally.." Said Sanskar coming near her.

"You know what my wife is most beautiful women in the world" Said Sanskar making swara overmeloved but she gave a shocking expression to him..

"Don't you knw talking about your wife's beauty infront of a stranger is such a shame" Said swara angrily..

"Hey I am talking about her heart which is so pure and beautiful" Sanskar said making swara to look at him with a shocked..

"What you thought I am talking about her body" Said Sanskar rising his eyebrows making swara shock..

"ummm v vo" She was getting no words to say which makes Sanskar to smirk at her..

"What happened, till now I haven't done anything and your stammering" Said Sanskar caressing her cheeks...

"Wasn't your wife beautiful" Swara said finally getting trapped by him..

"What you think if she is beautiful would I have come to you" Said Sanskar with a smirk making swara sad but she didn't showed it..

"You know what your making me hard" Said Sanskar making her to look at him by holding her chin..

She looks at his eyes where she can find desire and love... He looks at her eyes where he can see the pain she suffered and still was suffering..

He lens to her and kissed her eyes one by one making her self Melt on his arms..

He kissed her forehead an cheeks making her to clutch his shirt tight..

He kissed her cheeks numerous time and followed her neck, nuzzling his face there making her knees weak..

He want to hug her and throw away her pain from her but thinking something he left her who was enjoying her husband's touch after the long 3years..

"I guess I can make your night beautiful" Said Sanskar looking at swara who was breathing heavily with closed eyes...

"Isn't it" Said Sanskar and winks at her making her angry as he left her in middle..

"Just get out from here" She Shouted being frustrate at him as he left her in middle...

"Seriously you want me to go from here or should we make out" Said Sanskar to see her reaction..

"Just shut up and get lost from my ro--" She left incomplete as Sanskar pulled her on him and smashed his lips on hers making her to shut .

He kissed her petals softly while his one hand went on her hair and another one was snaked around her waist..

She closed her eyes when he kissed her.. she clutch his shirt tight when he bite her lower lips...

He kissed her hard making her uncontrollable.. Not able to control her slef she kissed him back making him to smile...

She kissed his lips while her both hand went into his hairs pulling him more on her..

He let her kiss him as much as she want... She bites his lips making him wild..

He ask for entrance but she didn't let him in.. So he pinches her waist making her moan.. seeing it a chance he entered inside her tasting her..their toungue fought with each other in the same rythim...

The kiss become so wild that they never shared before.. They poured their love pain anger in this one kiss...

Tears were falling from her eyes being loved by her love her husband after the long three years... She wanted the world to stop at the beautiful moment..

Sanskar tries to broke the kiss as he know she needs air but she was not letting him to do..

He become tensed and finally was successful to break the kiss..

He saw swara who was breathing heavily while tears were continuesly falling from her eyes... His heart ache seein her in this state...

"Why Swara why did you do this" Said Sanskar cupping her face with lots of love and care..

"Princess" He called her softly who was still breathing heavily...

She opens her her eyes where were only pain nothing else..

"Why you didn't come to me,why you didn't tell me about our baby" Said Sanskar with teary eyes making swara to broke down into his arms hearing about their baby...

"I I I lost our b b baby Sanskar" Said swara with broken voice crying badly while hugging him tight..

"And you didn't thought once to share this news with me, why Swara why you suffered alone" Said Sanskar hugging her tight...

"I lost everything, I lost Everyone whome I loved, I lost you, I lost my little sister and my dad, I I losttt ourr Baby" She said while stammering..

"Am I that much bad Sanskar" Said swara crying while Sanskar was caressing her back to sooth her pain...

"No your not bad, I am bad, this all happened due to my, in ego I didn't thought once about your pain, I was only engrossed in my pain" Said Sanskar broking the hug..

"No it's not your fault, it's my mistake to blame you on laksh missing, it's my fault to leave the mansion after your warning breaking our relation.. it's my mistake that I told not to put sindoor and mangalsutra before Ragini's husband returns, It's all my fault that I think about others happiness before mine" Said swara cupping his face...

"Shhhh" Said Sanskar and hugs her as he know she needs him him most....

She hides her face into his chest while her tears were making his shirt wet...

He was caressing her back to sooth her pain cursing him self for that day...

Flash Back....

It's been two days swara left Sanskar and he was so much broken... He didn't left any stone to find laksh just to prove her and finally he was successful within two days..

It was night time and all were present in Badi as Sanskar called them...

All were happy with Laksh's return except one, which was Sanskar..

Finally everything was normal and they wanted to take their both daughter in laws to the mansion...

"Come swara" Said Sujata with a smile...

"Mom, she will not come with us" Said Sanskar who was standing with no emotions, blasting a bomb on everyone..

"Sanskar what is this" said Sujata angrily..

"Mom what if she left me again blaming me on something" Said Sanskar making swara more guilty..

"Mom I won't let her to play with my feeling yet again.. Even I told that day it self if she left than there will be no return and still I am on my words" Said Sanskar and left from there making everyone shocked And swara broken..

Sujata looks at swara with a helpless look and everyone left the mansion leaving the shaterd swara.. Even her sister to whome she left her husband, she also didn't bother to look back once to see her...

"Are you happy now Swara, that day itself I told to you not do this, but you didn't listened your ma" Said shomi adding salt in her wounds...

"Now why are you standing here, go and talk him as after marriage a girls home is her in laws not her father's home" Said shekar making swara beyond broken...

They scold her without knowing right now she needs love and support....

They entered inside the house and swara walks out from the badi lifeless while tears were falling down from her cheeks continuesly...

After few minutes she was seeing walking on the dark road lifeless.. By now her tears were dried...

She was so much lost that she didn't saw a car coming towards her...

The car stops with a jerk when they saw a girl in front of them.. With the car swara falls on the road with a tuddd making the person scared who was in driving seat...

The man who was sitting front came out and went near swara while the young girl was scared..

"Shona paas water to me" Said the man looking at the girl who was sitting scared..

"What happened to her dad" Said Shona giving a water bottle to her dad looking at swara who was unconscious..

The man splash water on her face but there were no movement on her making His daughter scared...

"D dad is she d dead" Said Shona with trembling voice...

"Shona calm down, nothing will happen to her" Said the man lifting swara on his arms...

"Dad where are we going" Said Shona looking at her dad who makes swara lay on the back seat..

"Farmhouse, now come inside" Said the man and sit on the driver seat...

Shona sit near her dad while her eyes were fixed on unconscious swara... She was scared thinking it happen as she hit swara while driving.. She was under age and without knowledge of her mom she was trying to lern driving with her dad...what if her mom will come to know about it then she will be gone and she know very well her dad isn't a person who lies to his wife...

"Come Shona" She came back to her senses when she heard her dad's voice...

She looks around and got to know they were on their farmhouse..

Shona rang the bell as her dad was lifting swara.. she rang the bell two three times and the door was opened by a women who was boiling in anger...

Shona gupluped seeing her mother angry..

"Neela call the doctor imidiately" Said the man coming inside with swara making Neelam shocked...

"Who is she deeraj and what happen to her" Said Neelam worriedly while Shona was mum..

"I will explain everything but first call the doctor" Said deeraj making swara lay on the bed...

Within few minutes doctor was checking swara while Neelam was looking at her daughter and her husband with question filed eyes...

"Congratulation She is one month pregnant" Said the doctor with a smile making the trio shocked...

"Ohhh Noo without marriage she is pregnant" Shona Said in her mind who was totally shocked And looks at her mom and dad who was shocked like her.

"Take care of her, she need proper rest and care" Said the doctor to which Mr and Mrs Kapoor nodded while their daughter was looking at them with wide eyes...

The doctor left after prescribing few medicines..




"Now tell me who is this girl, and where the hell both of you went" Shouted Neelam angrily looking at both father and daughter...

Deeraj looks at his daughter who was pleading to not tell while making cute faces making him to melt...

"Deeraj" Said neelam glaring at him making him to fumble...

"Shona go to your room" Said Neelam shooting daggers to her as she very well know her daughter.. she know her husband won't say anything if she will be in front of him..

"Ohkey" Said Shona and left making faces...

"Will you speak now" Said Neelam soflty

"Where you both went" asked Neelam politely.

"Shona want to lern driving so we went" Said deeraj looking at everywhere except his wife .

"Shona did accident" Said Neelam being scared..

"How can you do this deeraj..she is still a kid... Have you thought once what will happen to her if something happened to this girl and her baby" Shouted Neelam being hell worried

"Neela calm down, she didn't hit her, she faints infront of our car" Said deeraj making Neelam to breath in releif...

"Mom, Dad" Came voice from Shona's room making them worried...

Without wasting any time they rushed to shona's room where Swara was..

"What happened shona" Said Neelam being worried..

"Mom she was saying something, some Sanskar" Said Shona looking at swara who was half conscious..

"Dear" Said Neelam caressing Swara's hair who was trying to open her eyes...

Swara opens her eyes and saw Neelam who's eyes were filled with consern..

"Ma" Said swara and burst out hugging Neelam making them shocked as she called her "Ma"

"Shhhh beta what happen huh!" Said Neelam while caressing her back...

"He left me,he he left me due to my stupidity" She said while sobbing hugging Neelam...

"Shhh stop crying" Said neelam cupping her face and wipes her tears...

"What's your name beta" Said deeraj from behind and swara looks at him..

"Swara. Swara Sanskar Maheswari" Said swara looking at them..

"Omg, swara" Said Shona widening her eyes...

"You know even I am Swara, swara Kapoor" Said Shona jumping on the bed happily making swara to smile at her talks...

"Shona" Said Neelam glaring at Shona while swara looks at them with teary eyes as she remembered the beautiful days when she spend in Bose house with her ma and dida...

"It's ohk Aunty" Said swara looking at Neelam who was scolding Shona

"Why Aunty just few minutes before you called me Ma" Said Neelam with a sad face making swara to look at her surprise as what ever she said few minutes before was said in a flow..

"Where is your husband beta, did he know your pregnant" Said deeraj giving the biggest shocked to swara..

"P p pregnant" Said swara being shocked...

"Don't you know your one month pregnant" Said Neelam caressing her hairs...

"No I don't" Said swara while tears of happy came in her eyes

"I I I am pregnant" Said swara with a smile while tears were falling down on her cheeks and placing her hand on her tummy...

"Baby see your mumma is cry baby" Said Shona with a chirpy voice, placing her hand on Swara's tummy making swara to adore her...

"I need to tell him, that I I am pregnant" Said swara wiping her tears

As soon as swara said she want to inform her husband Shona give her phone to swara and she dailed Sanskar's number...

After two rings the call was received by him...

"Hello Sanskar" Said swara happily but at the next moment her smile vanished as he cut the call..

She again dailed but he was cutting her call again and again. .

Not able to control her self she burst out crying making the trio sad..

"Di if he is not receiving call, you should message him" Said Shona giving her hopes...

Swara nodded listening her and messaged him..

"Sanskar please pickup the call, I want to say something important to you" Swara send the message while her heart was beating fast

"Why should I listen to you, and don't ever try to call me" swara Receive the message from him making her more sad..

"Dii tell him directly your pregnant" Said Shona giving her strength while neelam and deeraj was looking at their daughter with proudly..

"Sanskar I am pregnant" wrote swara and send him...

She waited him to reply but she never got the reply of her message... She being depressed dialled him number but to her shock it was switched off...

Shona cursed swara's husband being so crule while swara was crying badly and Neelam was with there to support her....

Flash Back Ends...

Swara broke the hug remembering about that day..

"Why your saying I haven't inform you about our baby, When you didn't cared when I said I was pregnant than why should I inform that I lost my baby" Said swara angrily looking at Sanskar making him shocked..

"What are you saying swara, when you told me you were pregnant" Said Sanskar being shocked...

"The day when I came to know about it" Said swara and steps back from him while Sanskar stood shocked plus confused...

"I hate you Sanskar I hate you... Your ego was so much that you don't want to see me for once also when I told i was pregnant with your baby.. I hate you Sanskar... I hate you" Shouted swara while placing her hands on her ears while Sanskar stood shocked seeing her condition...

"Swaraaaa" Shouted Sanskar as at the next moment she was on the floor unconscious...

Screen Freeze's on Sanskar's shocked face and unconscious swara....

To Be Continued.....

Phewwww finally done with another shot...

Hope you all will loved it like the previous one and shower your comments on it...

Do vote please if you read it🙏🙏🙏🙏

I hope I made all the confusions clear except one... That you will come to know in next shot which will be the last shot finally 😫😫😫😫

If you still have any questions than you are welcome to ask it.. I will surely loved to clear your doubt...

Take care❤❤


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