Silent Hearts 3(A)

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Three Shots

Shot 3(A)

Prcp - 5 Months leap and Sanskar came to know the truth swara being pregnant..

Same Night

Sanskar was standing on the howrah bridge while sweet was forming from his forehead..

"I I don't deserve to be alive" Said Sanskar looking at the river remembering how he mistrust her..

He walks further and was about to jump in the river..

"Please come back Sanskar, I I don't let another swara to be born, I I don't want our baby to suffer like me, please Sanskar your princess need you, please come back" Swara's words rings on his ear making him to come his sense...

"No no what are you going to do Sanskar" Said Sanskar while he face palmed...

"Instead of being with swara your going to end your life, how can you think about it, you become a cowerd Sanskar" He was taking to him self while watching the river..

"I I promise Swara I will not our baby to suffer like you, I will not let you to hear the society's taunts, I will not, I will make everything correct now" Said Sanskar while determining something..

"I promise Swara our baby will get her/his both mother and father's love" Said Sanskar while looking at the sky..

He don't know how long he was standing like that crying on the bridge fighting with his inner soul..



Maheswari Mansion

Both Ap and Sujata was preparing breakfast in their respective kitchen's...

Uttara was helping Sujata while Ap was all alone doing all the works like always as ragini used to sleep for long hours..

"Uttara give that tiffin I have prepared swara's favorite dish" Sujata said happily as she was going to meet her daughter in law who is not lese than a daughter to her...

While they were buzy preparing breakfast the door bell rang making them confused...

"Which idiot came in the early morning" Sujata said being irritate

"Mom it's not early morning" Said Uttara giggling

"Chill I will check" Said Uttara and went to open the door when Sujata glared at her..

"Bhai" The only word came out from her mouth seeing her one and only brother standing in front of her after the long 5 months..

Her eyes become teary.. She wanted to hug him but stopped seeing swara on his arms who was sleeping peacefully snuggling in his arms confortably...

"Mom see who came" Uttara called while looking at them

"Uffff coming" Shouted Sujata and went from There..

Ap too went behind her to see who came.

"Chora(son)" Sujata wishpers with teary eyes..

"Uttara go and tell Ramu Kaka to clean their room, Sanskar beta come inside" Said Sujata Hurriedly as she saw swara in his arms..

She was confused seeing sanskar carrying swara like this and dida too was with them.. her heart was beating fast thinking something bad had happened.. She just hopes swara is fine..

Ap becomes shocked seeing sanskar back that too with swara..

Sanskar Nodded his head and walks to guest room and makes swara layed on the bed carefully..

"Sanskar" Said ram who came inside the room...

"Dad" Said Sanskar and hugs him while crying badly..

"I am sorry dad for leaving all of you, but I promise never ever again I will leave you, I know I couldn't become a good sone but now I want to become a good father to my baby" Said Sanskar while Hugging him...

"It's good that you came back, you don't know what swara is going through" Said Sujata while caressing his haris..

"I know mom dida told me everything" Said Sanskar looking at dida..

"Dare you leave us again Sanskar, haven't you thought about your old parents how can they live without you, and haven't you thought once about swara, I wonder how you have lived away from us" Sujata complained showing her Anger plus pain..

"I promise mom I will make everything normal yet again, I will make swara to laugh again" Said Sanskar and looks at swara who was sleeping...

After scolding him and blessing him they all went down.. Dida too followed Sujata as she is going to say in MM with her shoru..

Sanskar close the door once they left and came near swara and sit on the bed holding her hand in his..

He give a light peck on her hand...

"I know you're angry with me that's why your not talking with me" Said Sanskar while tears falls from his eyes..

"I promise Swara it was the last time that you heard those taunts" Said Sanskar remembering about what happened before few hrs..

Flash Back..

Swara enterd in her 5 th month so dida was going to take her hospital for checkup..

She makes swara ready while swara was just like a robot.. She took her medical file and walks out holding swara protectively...

"See shameless girl" Said a lady when they saw swara...

"What else we can except from her, her mother was like that only" Another lady said adding fuel in the fire..

There taunts were making no effect on swara Even dida said nothing as she  know it's of no use but a pair of eyes were burning in anger hearing all these..

"Yes yes Like mother like Daughter" Said another lady giving a disgusting look to swara...

Shomi shekar and Dadi too came out from there house hearing those ladies..Shomi was about to say something but dida shows her hand to shomi..

"Enough" A voice encholed in the whole badi making the ladies shocked.

"Sanskar" Said dida being shock plus happy.

"What did you said, can you please repeat it" Said Sanskar angrily to the women's

"We said she is like her mother, Don't know who's sin is growing inside" The lady couldn't say further as Sanskar didn't let her complete...

"Don't.  Dare to say my baby as a sin, It's a symbol of our love, the fruit of our peous relationship did you get that. She is carrying her husband's child" Shouted Sanskar to the ladies while dida smiles happily as a new hope rise in her heart that everything will be fine soon..

The ladies make faces and went to do there respective works..

"Dida" Said Sanskar to which dida looks at him with anger

"Let's go shoru we are getting late" Said dida without looking at Sanskar

"Please listen to me once" Said Sanskar while sitting on his knees making dida shocked

"Please I know I did a big mistake.. no it wasn't a mistake it was a sin.. please dida let me recify my sin" Said Sanskar folding his hand in front of dida while tears were falling down from his eyes..

"Sanskar get up, Can you drop us to hospital" Said dida not wanting to create any scene there, To Which Sanskar nodded his head..

He was looking at swara who was having no emotion on her face.. He curse him self for her condition...

In the whole journey dida said about swara's condition from past 5 months.. Sanskar was crying silently listening how much she has suffered just because of him..



After checking swara doctor came inside cabin where Sanskar was waiting for them.. Dida came with swara and make her sit on the chair..

"Doctor is she ohkey" Said Sanskar seeing Dr tensed face..

"No Mr maheswari she is not, how can she be fine, She is in deep depression.. It's been 5 months but there is no improvement on her insted it's becoming worst" Said Dr looking at Sanskar

"This is the solo reason that Baby's growth isn't well, If its going like this for long time i fear it may effect on baby's brain" Said Dr making both dida and Sanskar shocked(If I said something wrong forgive me as I have no knowledge about all these😩😩😩)

"Is there any solution, I mean how to make her came out from this depression" Said Sanskar while his heart was beating fast due to nervousness..

"Love and care and make sure do not stess her, keep her away from her fears, make her believe what she was thinking will never happen.. It would be better if you changed the environment around her" Said the doctor making him understand

Trio came out and Sanskar decided to take swara to mm and dida too agreed with the hope that her shoru will get fine soon..

Flash Back Ends...

"Sanskar" Said ram placing his hand on Sanskar's shoulder who was holding Swara's hand..

"Dad" Said Sanskar and wipes his tears..

"Dida told everything to us what doctor said" Said ram to Sanskar..

Uttara Sujata and dida also came inside the room..

"You brought her here but I don't think it's the safest place for her Sanskar" Said Sujata in a low voice as swara was sleeping..

"What you wanna say mom" Said Sanskar being confused

"Sanskar take her away from all this, Leave Kolkata with her" Said ram making him shocked..

"And what about you all" Said Sanskar looking at him(5 mahine phle jabh unko chodkar gya tabh nhi socha ta😡😡😡)..

"Once she will get fine you can come back Sanskar and our blessings will be always with you both.. It's only you who can cure her wounds" Said Sujata making him understand..

"Ohkey but" He couldn't complete as dida intrupted him

"No ifs and buts Sanskar.. Now book three tickets.. I want my shoru to be fine asap" Said dida making Sanskar little confused..

"Don't look at me like that how can you think that I will leave my shoru in this condition" Said dida to which Sanskar smiles Little

As per dida and all others decided he booked three tickets to Mumbai and the times flyes away soon and they board the flight waving bye to his family to start a fresh start with swara....


One Month Later


Sanskar was standing near the window while tears were on his eyes thinking about the past one month where he tried his every possible way to make her believe he was with her and will never leave her..

He still remember the horrible night where she tries to scuside mumuring that she won't let another swara to be born..

He was trying his level best but still there wasn't any improvement in her health making him to loose his hope by now...

"Sanskar" Said dida placing her hand on his shoulder

"I make shoru ready you can take her to hospital" Said dida to which he looks at her..

"I am not going today I want only you to go with her this time" Said dida and left from their leaving Sanskar..


In Park

After check-up he went near by park with swara to refresh both of their minds..

His mind were filled with doctor's words as there wasn't a bit improvement on her health and it's directly effecting their baby who hase no fault in these mess..

He never wanted it in his wildest dream also his baby to suffer coz of his sins..

He makes swara sit on a bench and sit on his knees while holding her hand..

He looks at her who was looking a couple who was playing with their baby who was around 2 years..

"They look beautiful together isn't it" Said Sanskar looking at the couple and than swara..

Sanskar become sad as swara said nothing and was just looking at the couple...

He placed his head on her lape and talks with her while tears were falling fro his eyes continuesly..

"Please swara talk to me, I knw did a big sin, please beat me don't give food to me but don't be like this, your silence is Killing me Princess.. I promise our baby will get both of our love, please Swara just talk to me once" Said Sanskar while crying badle hugging her by her waist bruising his face on her lape..

While mumuring same thing again and again his lips brushed on her baby bump which make her to held his hairs..

"Ahhh" A Mera wishper came out from her mouth while she felt her Baby's kick for the first time and held Sanskar's hair

Sanskar too felt the baby kick when his lips brushed in her bump.. He become happy as today first time Swara react..

Intensionally he kissed her bump again making baby to kick yet again and swara to cry feeling the kick..

"Sanskar" Swara wishpers and clutches his hairs when she felt baby's kick..

Sanskar felt immense happiness hearing his name from her mouth after so long.. It's not that she didn't take his name but this time it was different as she always take his name in her nightmares and today she was in her sense...

He kissed her baby bump numerous times making swara to cry in pain and pleasure feeling her baby's kick..

He looks at her who was having a smile after so long..

Tears of happiness were in her beautiful eyes..

"Swara" Said Sanskar cupping her face..

"Sanskar" Said swara and hugs him tight while crying badly..

"You came back Sanskar, please don't go leaving me and baby alone" Said swara hidding her face into his chest more and more while crying badly...

"Shhhh.. I promise I won't leave you" Said Sanskar while caressing her back to sooth her pain.

They don't know how long they stood like that... By now she was tired of crying..

He frowns feeling her whole weight on him...

"Swara" Sanskar pats her cheeks when he found her with closed eyes.

To Be Continued..

Prcp - Pakka last shot.. What to do I am not able to end it😩😩😩😩😩

Do vote and comment if you liked it😍😍😍😘😘😘

Take Care❤❤

With lots of love😍😘


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