The Love Of Their Life 💕Chahat 💕

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The love Of Their Life 💞Chahat💞

One Shot

This os is dedicated to my pyaari si choti si bhna ridhi_gupta   as today it's her birthday....


Happy birthday bhna.. May God bless you with all the happiness you deserve 😘😘😘😘😘 and enjoy the os😂😂😂👻👻

So let's stop my Bak Bak and start🙈🙈🙈🙈



It shows a beautiful school with many buildings in it which is known as the international School of Mumbai..

By seeing the atmosphere it seems like today was PTM day...

The students were making them self presentable before their parents arrive...

A little girl around 6 years old was, sitting on the bench alone with an angry pout...

She was short and fair.. Her creamy cheeks and her beautiful big doe eyes were giving more cuteness in her...

Her long hairs were tied while she was wearing a while coloured top and orange coloured skirt which is her school uniform...

While she was all lost in her own world a paper ball comes and hit her head from behind making her to come in sense....

She looks at the paper ball which was near her shoes.. she took it and opens it...

"Jhalli" Was written in the paper in bold letters making her to fume more...

In anger she torn the paper and trows it in the air and turns behind to find the person who throws it..

She know who must it be but fumes more seeing a boy aged 11years laughing at her...

"How dare you to throw paper on me" Said the little girl looking at the boy angrily...

"Do I need your permission for it" Said that boy and laughs holding his tummy...

"I will complain to ma'am" Said the girl and turns to go from the place...

"Go, go what else you can do jhalli" Said the boy making her to stop in her place...

"You know today again my both parents are coming in the meeting" Said the boy happily...

"Who are coming for you" Said the boy making her to fume in anger...

"Why should I tell you Chipmanzie" Said the little angry bird while her creamy cheeks had become red due to anger...

"You tell or not but I know this time also your mumma is going to come that too alone" Said the boy making the girl sad...

"I think your dad doesn't love you, that's why he never came, and now the year almost ends and till now your papa haven't show his face to us" Said the boy while tears brims in her beautiful eyes hearing about her dad ..

"Your right he don't love me" Said the girl making the boy shocked seeing her in tears for the first time..

She sits on the bench again and hides her face between her knees and sobs making the boy sad...

"Hey don't cry" Said the boy seeing her crying hiding her face...

"Go.. jaaw yahase(leave from here)" Shouted the girl while sobbing badly remembering about her father..

The boy becomes sad listening her and walks far from her but not to forget to look at her again and again turning his head...

He also don't know why he becomes sad seeing her tears.. He never wanted to hurt her or make her cry.. he just wanted to tease her like everyday making her angry.. She looks cute with that red cheeks... His day won't end without teasing her..It's their daily routine to fight with each other.. They have a gap in their age but the little girl was never scared of him... For him she was jhalli and for her he was Chimpanzee.. He felt happy teasing her but today he make her cry.. He was sad making her cry..

"He said true, you don't love me papa... You don't love me anymore" Said the girl while sniffing..

"Even mumma lies that you will come" she was speaking to her slef while her nose had become red due to crying..

"I hate you papa, I hate you" Said the girl angrily and walks from there wiping her own tears..



Maheswari Mansion...

A lady was busy in kitchen making dinner...

Her black silk hairs were disturbing her as it was left open... She was wearing a beautiful blue saari...

Once she was done with her work she told kamla kaki to arrange the plates on the dining table and went to freshn up before the dinner....

She took a quick shower and get ready and walks near to another room...

She opens the door and frowns seeing the scene in front of her eyes...

She walks inside and set on the bed where her daughter was sleeping in her school uniform only..

"Papa don't loves me" She heard her daughter mumuring something in sleep..

She caresses her hairs with much love...

"Beta get up, your in school uniform and also you have to had your meal, don't you want to become intelligent girl" Said the lady with a smile caressing her hairs...

"No I don't want to become intelligent.. I don't want to go school.. I want only papa" Said the little girl looking at her mother with pleading eyes.

"Your papa will come once he is done with his works" Said the lady making the little one angry..

"No every time you say this only... it's going to be one year mumma but papa never came" Said the girl sitting on the bed while tears brims in her eyes...

"I know it's because he don't love me anymore" Said the girl while crying..

"No baccha your papa loves you a lott" Said the lady hugging her daughter while tears falls from her eyes seeing her daughter craving for her father....

"No he don't" Said the girl while sniffing...

"Ohkey he don't but mumma loves you, and it kills me seeing tears in your beautiful eyes" Said the lady wiping her tears....

"Even chahat loves mumma" Said the girl wiping her mother's tears with her soft palms...

"Now smile" Said chahat with a smile...

No metter what she can't see her mumma crying for her.. she loves her mumma a lottt but may be little less than her papa...

Before an year they were happy... Chahat swara and Sanskar... They were happy with their little world...

Chahat always loves her papa more than her mumma... She always team up with Sanskar and tease swara..

Their life was going beautifull with their little bundle of joy "Chahat" but one day Sanskar dissapares..

That day she saw her mother in devastated state but little did she have any idea why her mother was like that...

Seeing her mumma in vulnerable state she didn't ask about her papa as she can't bear her mumma's silence and her tears....

With the passing time she saw her mumma becoming Normal like before but still their was something missing on her which chahat couldn't figure out as she was small and immiture...

After a month chahat found everything changed around her even her mumma too and that was the time she started questioning swara about her papa and Everytime swara used to give same answer...

Your papa went out for a business trip and now by the passing time she was feeling her papa left her and her mother all alone as she remembers him going for business trips and that never become long than a week...

With the passing time chahat was becoming short tempered like her dad making swara worried for her daughter...

Swara looks at chahat who was sleeping comfortably after having her dinner...

She kissed her forehead and her palm...

"Mumma loves you a lott baccha" Said swara with teary eyes...

Before leaving the room swara off the lights and close the door...


SwaSan Room

Swara was standing near the window looking at the sky and the stars which was shining under the moon light...

"Sanskar" She wishpers closing her eyes while a lone tear escape from her eyes...

"Kaki" Said swara feeling a hand on her shoulder..

"I think you should tell truth to chahat betiya" Said the maid who was not less than a mother to swara...

"No I can't" Said swara turning towards her...

"Till then when you will hide the truth from her.. it's her right to know about her father swara" Said kamla kaki making swara understand

"No kaki I can't.. I can't tell her the bitter truth" Said swara Hugging kamla...

"I can't tell chahat about her father" Said swara while crying badly hugging kamla...

"Shhhh don't cry.. you need to be strong for chahat" Said kamla caressing her back...

"I will not cry.. my chahat is my strength" Said swara wiping her tears...

"Sleep" Said kamla and left from the room while swara looks at the photo frame which was hung on the wall above the king size bed...

"Come back Sanskar" Said swara looking at the frame where chahat was in middle and both of them were kissing on her cheeks...

"I need you Sanskar.. our daughter needs you.. chahat needs her papa Sanskar... please come back" Said swara while tears were falling from her eyes continuesly...

She sits on the bed Lening on the headboard taking his picture....

"I miss you" Said swara hugging the photo and cries....

Later sleep took over her due to tiredness and she slept in the same position....



Maheswari Mansion

"Mumaaaaaaa" Shouted chahat loud making the whole mansion shaken...

"Oh god nothing will happen to this girl" Said swara who was busy preparing breakfast

"Mumaaaaaaa" Again chahat shouted from her room making swara to hit her own forehead...

"Coming" Shouted swara from the kitchen and runs to her daughter's room...

"What happen chahat" Said swara entering the room..

"I am not getting my socks" Said chahat while swara gave an impossible look to her .

"Here is it" Said swara Taking it from the almira where it used to be always..

"Chahat how many times I should say don't shout like this.. it's bad habbit" Said swara making her hairs...

"You always scold me not papa.. he always take the mansion on his head in the early morning before going office" Said chahat while laughing remembering about how they both used to make swara run into both rooms..

"And now I miss it" Said swara being lost...

"Mumma" called chahat lovingly..

"Is papa angry with us" Said chahat innocently looking at swara from the mirror..

"No.. why" Said swara looking at her daughter who is carbon copy of her in look wise but her nature is same as her papa...

"Than why he is not coming" Said chahat making swara freez...

"He will Come once his works will be done" Said chahat before Swara could say as now it's not new for her making swara shocked..

"Chahat when you know my answer why do you ask this same question thousand times in a day" Said swara getting angry on her...

"I hope from today you won't ask this question to me as my answer will be same" Said swara and ties the ribon on her hairs...

"Come soon breakfast is ready" Said swara and left from there making chahat to looks at her with teary eyes as it's the first time her mumma had Shouted on her....

"Sorry I will never ask about him" Said chahat looking at their family picture and wipes her tears...

"Because of you today mumma shouts on me.. now you must be Happy.. I hate you papa" Said chahat looking at Sanskar's picture angrily



"Bye take care and yeah don't fight with that boy.. don't forget he is elder than you" Said swara kissing chahat's forehead...

"Sorry mumma but that chimpanzee always start and irritates me" Said chahat Making swara to shook her head...

"Bye mumma, love you" Said chahat and runs inside the school after kissing on her cheeks...

She smiles seeing chahat running inside the school with her school bag...

Swara was Looking at her daughter till then she dissapares from her eyes...

She sat inside the car and close her eyes leaving a deep breath....

While she was closing her eyes some enters inside the car from behind and hides behind the chair....

Swara opens her eyes and draw off wiping the tears which was in corner of her eyes ready to fall.....

Swara stops the car and park it in to the parking area...

As soon as the car parks the one who enters inside came out without Swara's knowledge and hides behind the car...

Swara took her bag and after locking the car she walks inside....

The person looks at swara who was hiding behind the car..

Swara stops and looks behind feeling someone's presence....

As soon as swara turns the person stands revealing her self as chahat (yes it's chahat only who enters inside the car while swara had closed her eyes)

"Hospital" Wishpers chahat slowly seeing where she was..

"Why mumma came here" Said chahat and follows swara hiding...

"Where is she going" Said chahat as swara entered in a ward Making the little chahat confused...

Chahat couldn't see swara anymore as swara had closed the door and locks it after entering....

Swara looks toward the bed where a man was laying lifeless... An oxygen mast was on his face and pipes were connected to his body...

A lone tear escape from swara's eyes and she walks near the bed...

"Sanskar" Said swara holding his hand after sitting on the chair which was near the bed....

"Till then when your going to be like this" Said swara and tears falls from her eyes...

"We were so happy then why all these happened" said swara looking at his face...

"I felt someone took my soul when I heard about your accident Sanskar" Said swara remembering about the faithful day which destroyed their happy family...

"When doctor said your in coma I felt numb.. I don't knw how to react.. I was just" Said swara while tears were falling from her eyes to his palm...

"I have no strength to tell about your condition to chahat.. so I lied to her.. I said you went for business trip" Said swara looking at him..

"But she is like you.  Stubborn.. she thinks you left us.. she thinks you don't love us anymore just because of my lie" Said swara feeling guilty

"I know it's wrong to hide her about you but you know how much she loves you.. I can't see her broken" Said swara resting her head on his hand..

"I am sorry I couldn't handle anything in your absence.. I am really sorry" Said swara and cries her heart out...

"Please come back.. we need you Sanskar.. chahat needs you" Said swara while crying....

While in outside chahat sits on the seat waiting for her mumma worriedly....

"Dear what are you doing here alone.. where is your parents" Said a nurse finding chahat alone..

"Mumma is in this room..she told me to wait" Said chahat telling a lie to nurse..

"Ohkey.. don't go anywhere till then your mumma comes" Said the nurse with a smile to which chahat nodded...

"Sorry kana ji I lied to that aunty... Please don't be angry with chahat as she is sorry" Said chahat cutely which is only audiable to her...

"I love you" Said swara and kissed his forehead with teary eyes...

"Please wake up soon.. now I can't bear it" Said swara leaving a peck on his palm...

"Bye I have to go office" Said swara and turns to go out...



Chahat hides as she heard the door is going to open...

She saw her mumma who came out from the Ward wiping her tears...

"Why mumma is crying" Said chahat to her self being upset...

Swara took a long breath and walks out from there...

As soon as swara was no where chahat comes near the door And gets inside slowly...

She close the door and turns... She become confused seeing someone laying on the bed...

She walks near the bed and her eyes opens wide being shocked...

"Papa" A Mera wishper came from her mouth seeing her papa like that...

She is just 6yrs old so she have no idea about all these...

She becomes happy seeing her papa after months...

She walks closer with a smile on her lips while tears were falling from her eyes...

She climbs on the bed And lays above Sanskar placing her head on his chest....

"Papa you came" Said chahat while tears were falling from her eyes...

"Chahat thought you will never come but you prove me wrong.. you really came for chahat and mumma" said chahat while placing her soft little palm on his left chest where his heart was...

As soon as she kept her palm on his heart his finger moves which went unnoticed by chahat as she was laying on his chest feeling her papa's warmth embarce...

She was caressing her little palm on his left chest while tears were falling from her eyes continuesly making him to gain his senses...

His lips aparts while he was struggling to open his eyes...

He tries to move his hand and he was successful...

He touches his daughter and hugs her placing his hand on her back...

"Ch ch hat" A mera wishper came from his mouth making chahat to looks at her papa

"Papa" Said chahat as she saw him with her watery eyes...

"I love you papa" Said chahat and kissed his cheeks taking the mask from his face not knowing what she had done...

Sanskar smiles at his daughter with teary and and later starts breathing heavily having no mask making the little one scared..

"Papa" Said chahat crying not knowing what to do seeing her papa in that state ..

Chahat jumps down from the bed and runs out...

"Doctor uncel" Shouted chahat panting heavily while running towards a doctor who was speaking to a nurse...

"Kid" Said doctor seeing chahat running towards them shouting..

"Doctor uncle my papa.. don't know what happened to him.. please come" Said chahat holding doctor's hand and drags him....

"Ohhh Noo" Said doctor seeing the oxygen mask which was removed...

Chahat smiles at doctor as his breath become Normal when he put the mask again...

"Nurse inform Mrs.Maheswari about it" Said doctor with a smile seeing Sanskar awake...

"Hmm so beta with whome you came" Said doctor looking at chahat who had jumped on the bed to her papa again and was holding his hand.

"With mumma" Chahat said biting her lips while Sanskar looks at her

"I came in mumma's car but she don't know I was with her" Said chahat to which both doctor and Sanskar smiles...

"Now where is your mumma" Said doctor making her shocked and Sanskar curious to know ..

"Don't know.. may be she left" Said chahat with a sad face...

"Hmm.. don't worry she will come soon" Said doctor to which Sanskar's eyes shines while chahat looks at him with scared eyes..

"Doctor uncle don't tell mumma that I came here" Said chahat with a frown making Sanskar chuckles at her

"Ohk I won't say" Said doctor looking at Sanskar all fine..

"Doctor uncle what happened to papa.. why is he putting mask on his face" Said Chahat looking at Sanskar..

"Nothing happened to him.. he Is all right now" said doctor with a smile making her happy...

"Than I can take papa to our home" Said chahat happily while both Sanskar and doctor adores her cuteness...

"C h ch at" Said Sanskar with great difficulty while Chahat looks at him blinking her big big eyes..

"Papa" Said chahat as Sanskar hold her hand with his..

"W w hy yo u c c a me alone" Said Sanskar while Chahat shows her teeths to him...

"I knw mumma lied to me.. i was spaying on her😄😄" Said chahat cutely with a low giggle making Sanskar laugh..

"Now I will not talk to her" Said chahat making angry pout..

"No baccha mumma loves you a lott. What she had done that's for your betterment" said Sanskar making chahat understand..

"What happened doctor" Said swara who came inside while panting heavily disturbing chahat and Sanskar..

"Chahat" Said swara being shocked seeing the senerio infront of her eyes..

"Sanskar" Said swara while tears of happiness falls from her eyes...

Sanskar looks at swara and smiles while Chahat looks at her nervously...

"Mrs.Maheswari I am glad to say Mr.Maheswari is alright now" Said doctor giving the best news to her..

"Really" Said swara looking at Sanskar with teary eyes..

"Yes and all credit to your daughter" Said doctor making swara smiles and chahat shocked...

"No mumma I haven't done anything" Said chahat as swara walks near her..

"Doctor uncle your bad you said you won't tell mumma that I came here hiding in mumma's car" Chahat spills out while swara laughs with tears..

"I don't tell, you only told now" Said doctor with a smile...

"Mrs.Maheswari meet me in my cabin after few minutes" Said doctor and left from there giving privacy to them...

"Don't do such things again.. what if something happened to you.. you know your my life" Said swara cupping her face...

"Cholly" Said chahat With a pout holding her ears(My bhna and her cholly's😍😍😍😘😘😂😂)

"It's ohkey" Said swara removing her hands from her ears and kissed her forehead..

Swara went another side and sits on the chair holding his hand...

She looks at him with teary eyes not knowing what to say.. she was having no words and same was with Sanskar..

Their eyes met with each other while Chahat was looking at them without a blink...

"S swara" Said Sanskar as swara starts crying hugging him..

"Shhh se I am fine now" said Sanskar caressing her back...

"I missed you" Said swara while sobbing hidding her face into his chest...

"Swara" Said Sanskar removing his mask...

"Look at me" Said Sanskar caressing her back..

"Your alright" Said swara and kissed his face again and again while Chahat closed her eyes with her palm..

"I haven't saw anything" Said chahat giggling making swara to come back to her senses...

"Naughty" Said Sanskar looking at her with a smile...

"Mumma let's go home with papa.. this place is soooo soooo soooo boring" Said chahat laying on Sanskar and wrapping her small hands around hi waist...

"We will go.. first let me talk with doctor" Said swara caressing chahat's hairs..

"I am coming" Said swara to Sanskar With a smile to which he nodded with a smile...

"Papa you know in my school there is a boy who irritates me a lott. He call me jhalli" Said chahat making faces while Sanskar looks at her with wide eyes..

Swara shooks her head as she heard what chahat says before leaving the ward...

"You had joined the school" Said Sanskar being shocked...

"Yes papa... Very big school" Said chahat extending her hands..

"But when" Said Sanskar not getting anything remembering about his accident...

"Now in few days I will go to second standard" Said chahat making him more confused..

"Chahat what your saying" Said Sanskar being confused as per he remembers he and swara was just discussing about to which school they will join chahat before his accident..

"What's today's date" Said Sanskar looking at her..

"Hmmm.. I don't know today's date as I didn't went class... Ummm but I remember yesterday's date" Said chahat making Sanskar to adore her...

"Ohkey so say what was yesterday's date" Said Sanskar adoring his daughter...

"Ummm it was.. yes.. I remember.. it was 25th December 2018, Tuesday" Said chahat making Sanskar shock...

"What happened papa" Said chahat as he was lost in his thoughts

"Nothing" Said Sanskar not wanting to worry chahat...

"Chahat" Said swara coming inside...

"Mumma when we can go" Said chahat happily..

"We can go tomorrow.. and right now let papa rest and I will drop you at school" Said swara making chahat sad..

"No I won't go" Said chahat stubbornly..

"Chahat your papa's good girl" Said Sanskar while Chahat nodds

"After school you will take me here.. ohkey" Said chahat looking at swara...

"Ohkey baba" Said swara with a smile..

"I will come after dropping her" Said swara with a smile..

"Bye" Said Sanskar kissing chahat's cheeks...

"Bye papa" Said chahat and kissed his cheeks .


One Month later..


Maheswari Mansion

SwaSan Room...

Sanskar was standing near the window looking at the beautiful sky all lost..

He came back to his senses when he felt a grip on his waist..

"Swara" Said Sanskar holding her hand who had rested her head on his back...

"Hmm" Said swara kissing his shoulder..

"Thank you" Said Sanskar turning towards her while she gave a confused look...

"Why so" Said Swara raising her eye brows...

"Handling everything behind my absence" Said Sanskar while her facial colour changed...

"No Sanskar I couldn't.. you know what because of my lie chahat started hating you" Said swara while tears falls from her eyes..

"You did right not telling to her about all" Said Sanskar wiping his forehead...

"Swara umm I want to ask you something.. actually" Sanskar was thinking about it till then he got to knw he was in coma for almost one year but was nervous to ask about it...

"What happen Sanskar" Said swara as Sanskar makes her sit on the bed and he himself sits on his knees making swara worried...

"Swara I remember when my accident happens you were two months pregnant" Said Sanskar nervously holding her hand tight as he know the question will hurt her but still he want to confirm it...

"After your accident I was in shock and miscarriage" Swara could only say this much and Sanskar enflugs her in a born crushing hug..

"I lost our second baby Sanskar.. I lost.. I was just living for chahat and with a hope that you will be fine one day" Said swara while sobbing hugging him tight...

"Shhhh it's ohkey" Said Sanskar caressing her back to sooth her pain and kissing her head making her calm..

"Did chahat questioned about it as we have told her that we are going to bring a brother/sister for her" Said Sanskar patting her back..

"No she don't understand all these.. She didn't ask or else I will be broke down infront of her" Said swara sobbing...

"Shh it happens.. don't worry now everything is ohkey" Said Sanskar wiping her tears and kissing her forehead...

"Now I am here so we can plan for another baby" Said Sanskar with a naughty smile making swara lay on the bed and coming above her making her blush....

"Your so shameless" Said swara hitting his chest blushing...

"Yeah.. that's why we got our chahat" Said Sanskar and captured her lips for a passionate kiss without letting her to talk...

Swara wides her eyes due to his sudden act but later response...

After breaking the kiss he nuzzles his face on her neck giving wet kisses to her while she hold his hairs pulling him more on her..

"Sansssss" Swara moaned as he bites her there leaving a red mark..

"Ummm Sannns" Swara moaned as he kissed her b**** above her cloth..

He was about to unpin her her pallu when they heard a knock in the door..

"Chahat" Both said in unison while Sanskar makes faces and swara giggles seeing him...

"Don't giggle I won't leave you tonight.. mark my words" Said Sanskar getting up from her..

Sanskar opens the door when swara makes her sleft presentable..

"What happen chahat" Said Sanskar after opening the door...

"I will sleep with you both tonight" said chahat and jumps on bed while swara looks at Sanskar who was shocked...

"What happened dear pati dev" Said swara near his ears to tease him..

"I will show you" Said Sanskar looking at her..

"When" Said swara laughing at him while Chahat was all buzy jumping on the bed..

"When chahat sleeps" Said Sanskar and winks making swara shocked..

"No" Said swara coming out from her shock..

"Yes and you can't stop me" Said Sanskar and went near chahat..

"Who wants to stop you" Said swara in her mind and smiles

"Papa tommorow you will come to drop me at school.. than I will show that chimpanzee how much you loves me" Said chahat snuggling into his arms..

"Sure and I really wanted to meet that boy" Said Sanskar Hugging her and looks at swara who was smiling at them...

"Papa you will take me to eat ice cream aslo" Said chahat while licking her lips...

"Mumma never took me.. she is so boring" Said chahat while swara opens her mouth in 'o' shape...

"Haww now mumma is boring" Said swara with a pout

"No mumma is best" Said chahat and kissed Swara's cheek..

"Where is mine" Said Sanskar and chahat kissed his cheeks too...

"Now sleep you have to wake up early" Said swara patting her back who has hugged Sanskar..

"Good night" Said chahat and closed her eyes..

Soon sleep took over her and was in deep sleep making Sanskar smiles wide while swara looks at him knowing his intension...


Few minutes later

Swara had closed her eyes pretending to sleep...

Sanskar makes chahat lay on the bed confortably and gets down from the bed knowing swara was just pretending...

"I know your awake" Said Sanskar brushing his lips with hers..

"Sanskar go and sleep, or else chahat will wake up" Said swara looking at sleeping chahat...

"No I have no mood to sleep tonight.. I know you too want it" Said Sanskar licking her lips with his..

"Sanskar" Said swara slowly blushing...

"Sansssss" Swara said being shocked founding her self in the air...

"I want to make the night special" Said Sanskar and pecks her forehead while walking towards another room

Swara looks down as he makes her lay on the bed and come above her...

"Don't blush or else I won't be able to control" Said Sanskar brushing his lips on her cheeks...

"Who said you to control" Said swara with a shy smile making Sanskar happy...

He captures her lips listing her confession...

Both were kissing madly as if there were no Tommorow...

Swara unbottons his shirt while kissing him..

Soon both were laying under a single sheet moaning each other's name while leaving red marks on their body...

"Ummm" Swara moaned as Sanskar grabs her one b**** with his hand while taking another one on his mouth sucking it hard..

"Ahhh.. easy" swara moans in pain as he bits her n*****

Later he kissed her belly and went down kissing her thighs...

"Ready" Said Sanskar looking At her after posisoning himself..

Swara said nothing just blushed...

Sanskar enterd in her with full force while swara cried in pain...

He rested inside her giving her time to adjust...

After a while he starts moving seeing her moving her hips...

"Umm sansssss" moaned swara as he pulls it out leaving her empty...

He again enters in her fully this time he was slow just to tease her...

Soon the room was filled with their moans as they climaxed marking themselves after almost a year...

"I love you" Said Sanskar kissing her lips Taking her above him.

"I love you too" Said swara and pecks his bare chest with a smile Hugging him...

Soon sleep took over them being tired while the moon And stars were blessing them...(bade besharm hote h ye moon and stars😂😂😂🙈🙈🙈)

The End......

Don't know what I have written just Forgive the mistakes of this maasoom writter 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈

I hope you liked it Bhna 😍😍😍😍

And once again Many many happy returns of the day...😘😘😘😘😘💃💃

Happy Birthday bhna ridhi_gupta🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈

Chalo sabh wish karo😘😘😘

cutiepie_nerdakismatDivineDarkness1111mars_111ShiningPearl16shilpi87ridhi_guptaKakali_SSCrabia0032Silent_Star13AngelGoldieRealankitagaudeLovely_Rhythm have a look....

Jo tag nhi hua unko tag karde bhai koi🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈Merese na hua

5373 words

Stay Blessed ❤❤

Isha 😘😘

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