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So in the previous chapter where as I said the action really begun, we encountered a memory of Sharmishta and looked further deep in to Sanskar’s revenge… Here we’ll give all that a little rest and turn in to Sawra and her recently most important relationships, through a different eye. Hope you’ll find it interesting.

Oblivious to the storm that would shortly shake the very bases of his faith and origins Durga Prasad was strolling in his garden, lost in a considerable amount of thoughts. He seemed completely inapt to that landscape, for a man of his persona would usually be found behind a glossy desk in some air-conditioned office. Stopping his pace for a moment he looked up at the sky and recalled the times he had lived past. Life had not been a cake walk for him, even his own family had played occasional antagonists in his life story.
He realized that only once before had he felt this near helplessness, of a man who was compelled to watch his treasure yacht sinking to the bottom of the ocean, knowing that it was going beyond his reach but unable to stop it by any means. He knew a storm was coming and this time it was going to blow away with what his weary heart held the most dearest to it; his soul child; Swara.
The first time when he experienced this sense of foreboding was years ago, when Sanskar went off rails. He then knew that he was going to lose this better son, sooner or later and as he dared it indeed came to pass. But, even with that perception of his, he could not allow his desire that questioned his traditions to be fulfilled.
How could Sanskar think his affection to Swara came from her cast, that it was a liberty given to him to fell in love with a Bengali girl? He was wrong to the very edge of it. What drew him to Swara was the charisma she had shown as a child, firstly as a closer friend’s daughter and then as a friend of his children. She was his own reflection in a different colored glass, that he enjoyed watching her grow in to the idol daughter of his heart. It did not matter where her roots were. But that would not apply to anyone else, no matter what caprice they held over others.
His explanation had enraged Sanskar, he understood that concealed fury in his glittering eyes. But the aftermath of their conversation still puzzled him. He was not sure how the incidents finally concluded with Sanskar’s self sentenced exile. Even Sanskar’s friendship with Swara was strained, perhaps it was his affection that Sanskar held against her, or perhaps it was simply a new born prejudice against anything he approved of.
There was one wrong in Durga Prasad as a ruler, his table of knights was not round. There were predefined positions for everyone there, and he did not like anyone messing with his seating arrangement. So when Sanskar did, he had to leave the courtroom certainly. 
As much as Durga Prasad understood Swara he was accustomed to Sanskar too. Indeed he had been somewhat the perfect heir his empire would have had, a crowned prince although not of his blood. Both his soul daughter and this preferred son held a place in his heart. There was a time when he thought perhaps one day a match between them would be made. But Sanskar had broken that dream of his, rather ruthlessly.
It was since he had given up the idea of having Swara in his family, tied by a closer string. Lakshya’s love surprised him, but Swara’s acceptance astounded him further. He had never thought she considered him more than a friend, never had he imagined his rather soft hearted son a worthy match to the extraordinary, yet utterly innocent girl. With a glad sigh he had blessed them; his long desired daughter was his at last. But the recent events made him second guess himself. Was he right in thinking that his feather hearted son would contain the flames of Swara’s character? Or was he simply trying to fulfill his father’s long suppressed wish and step in to the throne his brother had vacated?
If it was so, he had to be stopped at once. He sighed again. Lakshya was not cut for a king, a knight perhaps but he would never be able to tolerate the weight of the crown he was going to wear for his father’s happiness. He would snap under its heaviness and Durga Prasad was not sure he could tolerate such a thing. The crowned prince’s departure had trembled and tossed the walls of his long lasting fortress; it had taken him all these years to rebuild it. He was sure another maelstrom was not his cup of tea, especially when it would snatch his first knight too. Although he knew that Swara was the perfect queen for his fortress, perhaps Lakshya was not the king she deserved.
Thinking along these lines he turned to his son, waiting to resume their conversation.
‘We should be glad,’ he said in his usual impassive tone. ‘That Swara was safe, that someone protected her through that ordeal.’
Lakshya gave a disagreeing sniff.
‘She should have stayed with me; there was no need to…’ He stopped as his father turned to him. Durga Prasad gave him a cold look.
‘What? Instead of being happy that the woman you love is safe, you’re dejected because you were not her savior?’
Lakshya gulped, oh how well his father read him.
‘I’m just saying she shouldn’t have gone with a stranger. She doesn’t even remember how she ended up in a club! Anything could have happened. And that man, who knows who he is? He’s our rival Baba, he could have been dangerous!’
Durga Prasad did not say anything for a moment. Even he agreed that the Karma and co’s chairperson seemed an interesting character. But that was not his concern.
‘Did you discuss this with Swara?’
Laksh shook his head.
‘She doesn’t remember anything and she’s under the impression that she was with me all the time. I didn’t tell her anything.’
‘Better,’ he agreed but he could see through that action of his son.
His intention behind that action had not been any concern for Swara’s feelings instead he was merely irked to acknowledge that she owed her gratitude to someone other than himself. Giving him a fleeting look Durga Prasad left the garden. Sure of one thing. Lakshya still had a long way to his throne room let along his throne; he will have to crown someone else sooner.
It was a sophisticated event, her engagement. Since the Maheshwaris held a high place in their social food chain the function was attended by many influential personalities. Yet in the hustle bustle of the crowd Swara felt lost, even Laksh who usually orbited around her seemed distanced that day.
She felt tired, perhaps from the recent incident that crackled her memories; even her heart seemed to go through turmoil. Although she had still considered Laksh a closer friend, after that incident the intensity of her feelings had increased. He had protected her, against the unfavorable circumstances. Although she was proud to be the independent, strong soul she was there was some part in her that always crawled towards shelters; that always seek protection… He had exactly been that, armor for her weaker part. For the first time she felt attached to him. But on the same time he was distanced for a reason she could not comprehend.
Perhaps it had something to do with her conversation with his father, Swara thought after a moment. Unconsciously her fingers touched the pendent she wore, one with a large amethyst and complementary stones, her mind replaying their conversation.
‘Are you angry with me Uncle?’
The old man sighed before finally meeting her eye. From the florescent light in his study his affection shone in his eyes.
‘I know you did not intend anything that happened with you.’ he said. ‘Come, sit here we need to have a talk.’
As she always did, she obeyed him with a slight smile.
‘I’ve constructed not just a business but an empire beta,’ he said slowly. ‘But now I’m getting too old for its throne.’
‘Uncle what…?’
‘Let me speak,’ he gestured for her silence. ‘You know what the base of any empire is? Trust and secrets. Secrets are the pillars of that empire and only those who they are trusted to, have ability to rule that empire.’
Stopping for a moment he took out a jewelry box and placed it on the table inside the pool of light his lamp created.
‘It is the tradition of the Maheshwaris, that always one couple in each generation handles those secrets, rules the empire until the next generation takes over. I’ve always known Adarsh and Parneeta would not be that couple. They are loyal, right, but not strong enough for the war that waits for them outside.’
He watched her expression change.
‘I had hoped once that perhaps Sanskar…’ There was a pause. ‘However you are a different case. I think my parents would forgive me for breaking the tradition of theirs. What they handed to their son, I’m going to hand my daughter in law.’
‘But…’ Swara was not ready for that kind of responsibility. It was a harsh decision she knew. Many hearts would be broken when they come to know that she was trusted above everyone of them.
‘There is a reason for this decision,’ Durga Prasad said slowly.
‘Laksh can never be a king, but you my child have always been a queen. It is your place, which I’ve always known you’ll claim in this family once you join it. And Laksh will protect you as your first knight, forever.’
Without waiting for her decision he opened the box.
An amethyst pendent lay there glittering innocently.
‘Take it,’ he smiled at her. ‘Accept me as a father as I’ve always accepted you as my daughter.’
There was an undeniable dose of affection in his eyes which submerged her refusal heavily. With shaking fingers she picked it up. It was heavier than she had previously estimated. She observed it in the vivid light.
‘This is not a pendent.’ she said at least.
‘Yes, it is the soul of Maheshwaris.’
With a ‘tick’ she unclipped the pen drive that was disguised smartly as a piece of jewelry.
When she emerged back from her memory, the present found her in the middle of the hall. Every pair of eyes glued to her. They were supposed to exchange rings. Taking her hand subtly in his Lakshya slipped the diamond in to her finger. There was applause.
She smiled at him slightly as her Ma, offered her the ring she was supposed to make him wear. He did not return that smile.
The cold gold band felt strange against her finger tips as she picked it up, the warmth of Lakshya’s hand oddly contrasting with it. Her eyes swept over the crowd as a shock registered in her features. There was some commotion at the entrance. Voices that were arguing against each other, was finally drawn by a louder yell.
‘I want Shona! I want Shona now!’
Stunned she dropped the ring. Her fingers shook as she stood frozen not noticing where she had dropped it.
Never in her life had she imagined a worse reunion, or a worse fate she would witness upon her best friend. His broken image shattered her insides. She could not describe that vision. ‘Insane’ although was the apt word she would never tag it with him. He gave her a childlike smile.
‘Told you she knows me,’ he rocked on his feet like a bossy four year old.
‘Sanskar!’ She cried before rushing to him, her engagement completely forgotten.
We’ve reached another stop, this is where I leave you space to fill with your view of the chapter. I really value your feedback. So if this chapter was worth your time, please give another couple of moments to tell me what you think about it. I’m looking forward to hear…
Thanks for reading!!

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