19 : The Celebration Of Love

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" what ? Arjun got married?"
A soft yet firm feminine voice reverberated on the walls of Rukmini's chamber...

On hearing Rukmini's baffled voice, Draupadi's Brownish orbs casted over the feminine figure infront of her and intensily observed her in awe...
The elegency she carried in her walks and talks harmonized perfectly with krishna's grace...Her midnight blue orbs were like a deep ocean, which carried the capability to drown a person into it, in a jiffy...Her peacock blue lehenga complimented her golden complexion and enriched her flawless charm...

Satyabhama, the second queen of Dwarka and the enchantress of Krishna's heart stood at the door step of queen Rukmini's chamber, keeping her thin lips agape in astonishment...Her blue orbs twinkled in curiousity upon beholding the exquisite wench, standing beside her husband and co wife...
Rukmini heaved a sigh, discerning that it's none other than satya...

" Jiji...Are you serious? don't crack jokes please...if he had got married, then this whole Aryavarth would have celebrated it.. afterall he is the most celebrated prince of Hastinapur..."
Satya stated her thoughts, succeeding with a loud laugh while stepping into the chamber...

"By the way,who is she swami...?she looks like a celestial maiden descended directly from heavens...an epitome of exquisity... dazzling and elegant"
As Satyabhama's eyes got hypnotized by the unknown alluring figure , she couldn't keep back her curiousity and excitement to know the identity of the beauty infront of her...
But at the next second, krishna noticed the glow on satya's face diminishing...

" Swami... did you bring her here? Tell me who she actually is? May I know what relationship you share with her?"
She sounded grave and the reason for her graveness was immediately grasped by her husband...he subtly observed her changing expressions...

" Satya ... please calm yourself down and listen to me carefully..."
Krishna's voice attracted the attention of satya...she keenly paid attention to her husband and what he said made her pupil dilate..

" What?! Princess of panchal?.the fire born yagyaseni??! I can't believe my eyes swami...finally your sakhi is here... welcome dear..."
Satya almost squeaked out in ecstasy after she learnt the actual identity of the damsel infront of her...The glow which got deprivated minutes ago , reverted to her face instantly in the form of a smile...
She immediately wrapped her arms around draupadi and embraced her out of mirth... draupadi also reciprocated her love and delightment through her hug...

"Satya...please keep back your excitement dear...it may adversely affect her...look, draupadi isn't here as the princess of panchal,but as the courtesan of Hastinapur....as Arjun's wife..."
Rukmini said calmly which raised the quests of suspicion inside satyabhama...

" Arjun's wife ? courtesan of Hastinapur? I can't comprehend the connotation of your words jiji..."
Satya yet again got puzzled by Rukmini's words, but this time her question got its answers from the king of Dwarka himself...he explained each and everything happened at the deep illusionary woods of Shurasena...He also didn't forget to reminiscence satya that, draupadi introduced herself to arjun as a common courtesan of panchal palace...Satya gazed at draupadi with affection and agreed to play along with them...

" All hail the king !The second Prince of Hastinapur is here according to your solicit"
Draupadi's heart frantically palpitated inside when a maid informed them that arjun is arriving into the chamber as per Krishna's implore...

" Madhav ...what happened ? what's the matter...why did you..."
As soon as arjun set his foot inside the chamber ,he asked but immediately faltered on his words beholding draupadi standing along with krishna, Rukmini and satyabhama...he felt his legs getting inert , hindering him to move forward...

"Look swami, who is here...the person whom you considered as your life,as your beloved  has entered into a new phase of life without even acknowledging you..."
The proficient prankster inside Satyabhama suddenly woke up and said...her jesting statement made Arjun confounded...but her words  made him aknowledge that some deep connotation was buried inside her words...

"I didn't get you there satya...any problem madhav?"
Arjun tried his level best to sound mollified in spite of his heart was agitating like a tempestuous sea...
He glanced at draupadi to figure out the situation but he saw her standing behind Rukmini , letting her eyelids down...Arjun glanced at krishna and rolled his eyes when Satyabhama's quipping queries exasperated him...

"Now don't roll your Archer eyes and intimidate my poor husband... I'll tell you the reason... I got to know that you got married to this sweet and naive girl at Shurasena...is that true?"
Finally Satya manifested the truth, pulling draupadi close to her and arjun again rolled his eyes at his Madhav to which he reciprocated a helpless shrug... Rukmini tried hard to restrain her giggles...

" Madhav...you disclosed everything...I especially told you not to "
Arjun asked krishna with a little discomfiture shadowing on his voice...

" So shall I tell aunt kunti about this? Huh.?... what's your opinion Rajkumar Arjun?"
Satyabhama again darted her humourous arrows that she kept in her quiver,at the most celebrated Archer of Aryavarth...

" Satya ... please don't do that...madhav tell her to restrain herself and her childish antics "
Finally losing his patience, arjun whined and complaining to his best friend... both arjun and Satya made grimace faces at each other like  toddlers...A small chuckle escaped from draupadi's mouth as she couldn't  bridle her laughter...

"Why arjun ..? What's so confidential in it..your madhav is aware of each and every events,then why his better halves can't?"
Satya again instigated him as she was in no mood to cease her antics...

" Satya ...arjun.. enough for now...
Arjun, don't worry... swami explained everything to us...nobody will know this, except us five... we'll always be with you two...." 
Finally Rukmini cause to stop their silly banter and assured them...
Arjun passed a smile at Rukmini and nodded...

After a long time, Draupadi treasured some amazing moments, chatting with Rukmini and satyabhama merrily, while both the soul friends, Madhav and his parth, found a great time in drowing their own world and talks, which resulted in earning the usual complaint of satya that arjun has stolen her husband's heart...


The palace of Dwarka witnessed another full moon night and bathed itself under its placid milky rays...
A cool Zephyr that silently peeped through the curtains, delicately touched Arjun's sleeping figure and successfully made his hazel eyes open slowly...
After a while, Arjun got down from his majestic bed as the sleep which was embracing him, seconds ago is not showering her grace on him now...the luminous moonlight occupied his whole chamber... He slowly stepped outside the chamber and stood at the corridor, enjoying the zhyper in the month of karthika...
Unexpectedly, his Hazels got captivated by certain feminine figure, at the opposite corridor...he intently perceived that figure and immediately his feets strided to the destination...

" Draupadi..."
Draupadi whirled on her heels , heeding to the rich,deep manly voice beside her...
And she saw,the most desirable archer of Aryavarth,her husband standing beside her carrying amusement in his Hazels...
Strokes of worry were distinctly visible on his forehead yet he looked serene and calm...his curly luscious locks , kissing his shoulders was tamed into a small ponytail and his visage effused the radiance of moon... draupadi,for a second got drowned in the charm of savyasachi and delighted him by bestowing an enchanting smile...

Her enchanting smile, which is as luculent as moonlight, fascinated his senses...Her midnight blue black hairs that kept open fluttered in zhyper, touched his face delicately...
Her slender figure was all clad in her pale pink plain lehenga , emitting radiance even without any jewelleries...The only adornment she possesed was the vermillion,which sat proudly on her partition screaming that she was savyasachi Arjun's consort ...
For arjun,she looked like a celestial maiden,an ethereal queen whose one glimpse could envy even Apsaras in heaven...

"Rajkumar Arjun...I didn't anticipate you here at this time..Is there Any problem?"
Draupadi asked back in a solicituded voice...Her brownish orbs gazed him in anxiousness...

" I am here to ask you about that...what happened? aren't you scared of standing here alone.. what if someone see you?"
Arjun asked... but in return, he earned a sweet chukle from draupadi...

" No...Why should I? For me it's the most secured and shielded place in this whole world... nothing will maltreat me here...it's Dwarka... besides, Govind told me that nobody will come here without his Authorization, except you"
Draupadi stated , staring blankly at the shining stars that winking at the sky , emitting lustrous radiance...

"Hmm.. you are right ...you know, after Hastinapur,  Dwarka is the most fascinating city, according to me... it's not only because of the marvel of architecture and the Harmony of people here, but also because my madhav is here...this land is glorified with his sanctity "
Arjun said,with a small smile playing on his lips, cherishing his memories in dwarka with his madhav...

"Dwarka is indeed fascinating..."
Draupadi replied, gazing into Arjun's Hazels...

"And You too.."
Arjun whispered instantly, fastening his Hazels on her visage enchantingly... she let her eyelids down and tints of scarlet got sprawled on her cheeks...
Involuntarily,his thumb and forefinger travelled to her chin and caged it between his fingers to uplift her downcasting visage...her whole body quivered under his delicate touch...

"Did you say anything Rajkumar..."
Draupadi queried , trying hard to bridle her blush...her words faltered and lips shuddered by his penetrating gaze on her...

" Yes..I said your gaze are fascinating and sometimes zealous..."
Arjun answered in a coarse voice, advancing her face closer to his, which conferred chills to her spines...

"Don't you think, that you sounds a bit flirty?"
Draupadi asked back with the shades of mischievousness mirroring in her voice...Arjun smiled at her and heaved a sigh...he drew his face closer to her ears...heat aroused from her body, when his erratic breathe fell on her earlobe...

"Why? I didn't find anything offensive in it...I'm flirting with my only wife"
Arjun whispered into her ears and pivoted on his heels with a prankish smirk on his lips , leaving a biwildered draupadi behind...
She bit her bottom lips and smiled rapturously to herself, affixing her glance at his figure, passing from her sight...


The earthen lamps which carried fire ,dazzled under the twilight... The whole Dwarka bathed under the radiance of earthen lamps which designated the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance...

The Diwali celebrations in Dwarka has  incepted... Small villages,towns,cities and the palace of Dwarka  got bathed under the radiance of light...
kings, princes and honorable dignitaries from different kingdoms had already announced their arrival at the palace of Dwarka..The royals welcomed each and every guests warmly, exibiting their generous hospitality...
While inside the palace, draupadi was pacing through her chamber in agitation, when Satya made her entry into the chamber with some maids who was carrying heavy plates with some robes and jewelleries...

" Draupadi...come dear, I'll get you ready for the concert...it's time to depart..everybody is awaiting to sanctify their ears with your mellifluous voice "
Satya said, while unfolding the off white lehenga embellished with Swarovski crystals and golden embroideries...

A radiant smile bloomed on draupadi's lips in spite of her inner self was churning out of anxiousness... satyabhama slowly made draupadi sit infront of the dressing table and started to embellish her, after clothe in her lehenga...
Satyabhama, with the help of maids started to grace her with golden jewelleries and accessories...Tamed her hair with a thick garland of Brahma kamala, and as the final touch , she applied pink ochre made of lotus petals on her alluring lips which enhanced her exquisity into manifolds...

" Today arjun will faint after beholding your enticing beauty...Such an ethereal damsel you are.. dear...Even Apsaras will get envy of you today"
Satya commented , resting her palms on draupadi's shoulders... draupadi filled her partition with vermillion and concealed it with a golden hair accessory..she bit her bottom lips to curb her coy...


The royal garden of Dwarka was magnificently embellished with a podium on the middle of the garden...
All the royals including the royals of Hastinapur had already got seated at their specific seats and dussala remained busy all the time, cuddling and pampering the new born prince Pradyumna...

" Dushassan... don't obliterate your duty...keep an eye on them always..."
Dhuryodhan, who was deeply concentrated on his aim, reminiscenced dushassan while roaming his deceitful gaze all over the garden...

While karn was busy with the informal meetings with princes and kings of other kingdoms,An anxious arjun kept striding in the garden, fixing his glance all over there...karn, who noticed this agitation on his brother's face approached him..
" Arjun, any problem? You look so fidgety...what happened? May I know what bothers you this much "

" No.. nothing Bhrata...I was just..umm searching for  madhav..."
Arjun faltered and karn glanced clumsily him from head to toe until he got called by kunti...
Just then ,arjun got a glimpse of his madhav and went near him...

" Madhav...I'm growing nervous now...it's her first performance infront of the royal dignitaries...how will she handle the pressure? "
Parth squeezed out his Concern in a baritone and in revert ,he got a mesmerizing smile from his madhav...

" So you are worried for your wife...then why don't you provide a emotional support for her?"
Krishna put forward his impression which made Arjun aghast...

" she is your better half parth...it's your duty to provide emotional support for her...come "
Krishna guided arjun towards the dias and arjun amusingly followed him...

Krishna made arjun sit beside him ...arjun anxiously tapped his feet together but suddenly halted when an enthralling aroma of blue lotus fascinated his nostrils...
He casted his eyes behind to see his enchantress walking down through the aisle, taking sluggish steps...

Arjun ,for a minute got lost in her aura and divinity but at the next second, he perceived several orbs gawking at her in the same way like him...his hands impulsed to scoop out the eyes of all the princes who is darting their uncouth glances at her...

As soon as draupadi sat on the dias with her veena, she saw krishna coming towards her...she tried to smile at him...but immediately he took a turn and announced..
" At this eve of diwali,  I, krishna,  honourably presents the main attraction of the show...the singer from Hastinapur, draupadi... Even thought,  I'm confident about her voice and talent, I want the second  prince of Hastinapur, My best friend Arjun to accompany her in this concert ,to exhibit his talent to this world...so I'm soliciting Arjun to accompany her..."

Draupadi couldn't confide what she heard...she stared at krishna in biwilderment and glanced at arjun  who assertively sat infront of her with another Veena in his hands... draupadi and arjun both casted a glance at kunti and got an assuring smile from her as the benediction...

Draupadi honourably greeted the gathering and stated in a soft voice
" I know Diwali is the festival of lights and prosperity and Furthermore, it is a celebration of the day Rama returned to his kingdom in Ayodhya.. on this eminent occasion,I am supposed to sing a song appraising lord Rama..but today, I'm here to sing a hymn that I penned about Sri Krishna,the lord of Dwarka
I believe that by praising him , I'm praising the almighty itself... it's a great honor for me that I got the fortune to sing it infront of him..."
Her statement drenched the eyes of Dwarkadhish out of delightment...

Draupadi slowly closed her lotus eyelids and ran her fingers through her Veena...Arjun too closed his eyes lids , getting ready to drown in her exhilarating music...

Hey nandalala
Krishna kanhaiya
Brij ke govinda
Bansi bajaiyaa
Ham din bandhu hai
Tu hai vidhata
Gopala mohan murari
Draupadi advanced her fingers rapidly through her Veena closing her eyes , drowning completely in the music while the whole gathering fell silent heeding to her euphonic voice...
Arjun couldn't forestall himself from gazing at her in admiration and wonder... how can a person posses such a captivating voice...his felt his ears getting graced with her soothing voice...

NiNi SaSaGa NiNi SaSaPaMa
NiNi SaSaPa Pa MaGaRiSa
NiNi SaSaGa NiNi SaSaPaMa
NiNi SaSaPa Pa MaGaRiSa
As she started to sing sargams fluently, Arjun felt his inner self fluttering in ecstasy, hauling him to another world of reverie....

PaPa SaSaNi DaDa PaPa MaMa PaPa
Pa Pa RiRi Sa NiNi DaDa PaPa Ga
PaPa SaSaNi DaDa PaPa MaMa PaPa
Pa Pa RiRi Sa NiNi DaDa PaPa Ga

SaSa GaGa NiNi PaMa GaRi
SaSa GaGa NiNi PaMa GaRi
SaSa GaGa NiNi PaMa GaRi
Sa Aa Aa Aa

SaSa GaGa NiNi PaMa GaRi
SaSa GaGa NiNi PaMa GaRi
SaSa GaGa NiNi PaMa GaRi
Sa Aa Aa Aa

As she was about to sing further,she abruptly opened her eyes upon listening to another sound of veena which harmonized perfectly with her...
As she opened her eyes,She saw arjun playing his veena, sliding his artistic fingers through the veena skillfully...

NiSaGa NiSaMa NiSaGa NiSaMa
NiSaGa NiSaMa NiSaGa NiSaMa
She sang and immediately advanced her fingers through the veena...
Arjun immediately grasped her rythm and perfectly reiterated the same note on his Veena...
Draupadi , who got wonder struck on witnessing Arjun's passion for playing veena , yet again played another note on her veena which reiterated perfectly by Arjun...

Their perfect jugalbandi,which was an amazing treat to the listeners, got continued until they heard a laud of applause from the people gathered there...
Draupadi slowly opened her eyes and saw the whole dias was clapping for her and Arjun...

" it was just out of the world"
As they finished , Krishna's voice reverberated loudly in the atmosphere...The people who were present there wholeheartedly applauded for both her and arjun, boring away their hearts ...


After earning numerous glorification and commendations, draupadi finally comforted her body both internally and externally, standing at the banks of the Gomati which glistened under the blaze of floating lamps...
She gawked at the lamps that buoyed up in the water, budging rhythmically according to the waves of river...

Swiftly ,Draupadi shuddered inside when unexpectedly she felt a mellow touch on her elbow....She instantly swirled on her heels and enthusiastically glanced at the tall figure standing infront of her...A radiant smile bloomed on her alluring lips as she recognised that the person is none other than her better half...

" I was searching for you since you left the garden..."
Arjun divulged, inhaling a deep breathe, expliciting that he was searching for a long time...

" I just wanted to decamp from that bustle... This atmosphere feels so tranquil...but why did you seek out for me?
Draupadi inquired enthusiastically...her brownish orbs gleamed in excitement...

" To honour you with something special for that stunning performance..."
He said while advancing nearer to her...She sucked in her erratic breathe and kept receding until herback touched the tree behind...
his mighty hands  immediately got wrapped behind her head to guard her from getting hurt...

Draupadi's stomach did a somersault when his erratic breathe fell on her visage...Arjun submerged his hazels profoundly into her brownish orbs , making yagyaseni's heart palpitate feverishly..

Her raising breathe hitched when his artistic warrior fingers slenderly fondled her delicate hand...she strived to bridle her frenzy emotions but failed miserably...
Arjun slowly glided down a ring made of precious stones on her heart finger...
Getting stunned by his sudden bestowal,a wonder stricken draupadi gawked at arjun in rapture..

" This ring is not an ordinary ring..it is a testament to my commitment to our relationship... I've heard that a promise solidifies a relationship...so today pandu putra, Arjun vows to honour this sacred relationship forever..."
Arjun stated , making nature as the witness for his sacred and foremost promise he did to draupadi...

Draupadi's heart brimmed with extreme mirth and delight...
Unbeknownst to herself, tears of elation cascaded down from her lotus eyes...Arjun gently wiped off the pearls of tears from her visage and smiled gently which made her heart flutter in merry...

Suddenly, subverting their happiness, they heard footsteps coming closer to them ...Arjun turned his head to the direction from where the sound was heard and immediately hid himself behind the tree when he saw a silhouette advancing towards them..

" Rajkumar..."
Draupadi who was standing clueless suddenly became pale after beholding the figure infront of her... Her voice became dry and coarse out of anxiousness...


Another lonnnng chapter updated..
Hope you all enjoyed it...
The song above is from the movie" Marikkar: The lion of Arabian sea"
I hope you all like it...
So, Today's question is
Who was the person?
Comment your answers amd please shower your love through votes...

Stay happy
Stay safe 🙏

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