24 : Longings

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Arjun strolled through the corridor, deeply submerged in the plannings for his upcoming war...Be it in Archery or at planning war Strategies, his level of concentration and dedication were unparalleled... notwithstanding the war Strategies are calculated together by the princes and commander in general, savyasachi had his own tatics and plannings in his quiver, along with sharp darts to vanquish his enemies...

While pacing back to his chamber, sinking immensely in his own thoughts, he got collided with someone succeeding with a shrilling voice of the large plate touching on the floors...he saw chromatic fresh flowers scattered across the floor and a maiden kneeling down to pick it up..his gaze got softened as soon as he recognised the person...

" I earnestly apologise for the carelessness ,his royal highness..."
He heard his beloved murmuring in a low voice, while picking up the flowers...From her words, he immediately comprehended that she didn't paid much attention to the person who was standing infront of her...

"I accept your apology ..but before that won't you take a glance of me..."
Draupadi's face bloomed with delight, heeding to his rich, deep voice..her lips slightly twitched up , forming an ethereal smile which always enamoured Arjun...

" Arya putra..I thought it may be his majesty or  any other princes..i apologize if I hurt you..."
Her solicituded words reverberated in his ears...he glanced her with his anguish filled Hazels...her presence is making hard for him to depart... He found difficulty in divulging about his departure and got befuddled regarding it...

After observing and assuring that no servants and soldiers around , Arjun grasped her soft palms and guided her towards the reading chamber adjacent to the corridor... draupadi got biwildered by his sudden action and was about to ask something,arjun slammed the door of the chamber and enclosed her mouth with his palm... draupadi closed her eyelids, feeling the warmth of his palms...

Arjun's nostrils got enthralled by her natural blue Lotus fragrance...he edged closer to her and inhaled a long deep breath making yagyaseni shudder...he delicately removed his palms from her lips and fondled her cushiony cheeks, transmitting chills down through her senses...she slowly uplifted her eyelids and glanced at arjun, who was already glancing at her endearingly without even winking his eyes...

" Arya putra Arjun...let me take my leave.. someone may see us together.."
She whispered slowly out of anxiousness but Arjun was submerged in another world..he observed how her black brownish orbs  blinked erattically out of anxiousness...he awfully gazed how her pink lips were touching each other delicately to form words...And that mere sight incited his inner self to ingest her lips like a bee sucking nectar...But he bridled his senses and continued...

"Shh.. draupadi relax...i promise that nobody will come at this hours here and listen to me very carefully... I've an important information to share with you"
draupadi inquisitively gazed at him and heaving a sigh , arjun divulged..

" Do you reminiscence the words I said on the next day when we came here.."
He asked gazing directly into her orbs and draupadi reminiscenced his words... But before she could answer,he continued...

"I told you that sometimes such situation will also come when I won't be there for you ,always to protect you...you do remember it, don't you...?"
Arjun said composing himself and draupadi nodded...by this, she almost comprehended the context of his upcoming words...he have to go away from her !!!

" And that day has approached draupadi.. I've to depart for Kashi to help the kingdom in an important war tomorrow ..."
Arjun completed and glanced at draupadi...she said nothing but just stared into his Hazels...he perceived drops of tears permeating from her brownish orbs... she kept staring at him without saying a word, letting her salty tears cascade down...

WAR...the word itself was enough to wrench her heart.. The war which took everything from her ..her father, her brother, her sister,her kingdom,her people...her inner self shuddered reminiscencing the war that took everything away from her... she felt his cold fingers wiping the droplets of tears from her cheeks...arjun inhaled a long breathe and explained

" Draupadi ..i know this seperation will be excruciating for you...And trust me, my anguish also isn't less than yours..but I can't let my emotions overpower me.. prior to being your husband, I am a warrior... Before leaving his mortal body, My father, the great King pandu of Hastinapur has commanded me to bear arms for my kingdom and subjects.. I'm a mere servant who is obliged to protect my citizens... And I won't even waver to attain martyrdom for my..."
Before arjun could complete,he felt her delicate palms enclosing his mouth to say further...she shook her head negatively and inclined onto him, placing her head on his broad chest ...
Arjun smiled and fondled her tresses affectionately... draupadi closed her eyes and tears cascaded down from her eyes ,damping her cheeks...

"Please don't say such inauspicious words... you're departing for a great purpose tomorrow..i won't become a hindrance on fulfilling your duty towards your country ..As your better half, It's my obligation to ascribe courage and strength to you"
She said wiping the droplets of tears  while sluggishly moving apart from him...she intertwined her gaze with his Hazels  and continued...

" I myself is a victim of a dreadful war..I'm very well aware of the consequences and aftermath of war...but I know it's your duty and I've  complete faith in you...May you achieve triumph and glorify the name of your motherland Aryaputra..."
As soon as draupadi finished ,she almost forgot to breathe as she felt the warmth of his arms around her torso...Arjun dipped his visage into the curve of her neck, inhaling her intoxicating scent... Draupadi stood there feeling the warmth of his embrace and silently let the tears of agony soak her cheeks and soul...

"I'll be awaiting for your arrival.."
Draupadi said , gaining his attention as he was about to get out of the chamber...

" I'll come to you as soon as possible.."
Arjun whispered in his husky seductive voice , while conferring a soft peck over her forehead...she twitched her upper lips to form a warm smile, witholding her inner tribulations...The four walls ,shelves and books inside the chamber silently witnessed the pain of separation of two souls..


The celestial fireball in the sky pervaded its first blazing radiants into the earth...the  courtyard of Hastinapur witnessed thousands of armed swordsmen, hundreds of steeds assembled at the front gate, anticipating the command of their prince..

The warrior prince of Hastinapur, Arjun got ready in his shining silver armour, wearing confidence as his jewellery and carrying courage as his weapon to proceed towards the battlefield...He obeisanced his elders and seek for their hearty benedictions...Kunti , who was convalescing from her deteriorated health condition did aarti to her beloved phalgun for his safe and victorious return...karn's lips carried a confident smirk as if he already knows that at the next moment Arjun set his foot inside the combat zone, victory will take refuge beneath his feet ...
Arjun passed a courageous smile to his mother and briskly his Hazels travelled towards the entrance of the palace , anticipating her glimpse..

Draupadi paced frantically through her chamber...by each passing jiffy,her inner self was burning out of torment..her mind badly wished to take a glimpse of him ...but how can she?
She's a mere courtesan for others and a courtesan wasn't supposed to be there where official royal ceremonies are conducted... after all her job is just to entertain people...
She stood at the door step of the chamber and sighed...she could hear the loud voices of timbrels and horns , signifying his departure...But suddenly, an idea made its way into Yagyaseni's head...she  walked out of her chamber briskly and almost ran towards the balcony...yes, she can't go directly to the portico but she could watch him leaving from the balcony...

Carrying the pang of separation in her heart, draupadi ran towards the balcony to catch his momentary glance but all she could see was his figure disappearing in the palace gates...  pearls of tear dripped down through her cheeks as she stood there watching him disappearing from her sight...her heart immersed in the sea of anxiousness...


Four Weeks passed like a gush since Arjun left for the war... Everything and Everyone went smoothly at Hastinapur , except her mind... Since these days , the royals of Hastinapur neither received any letters nor any messages from the battlefield and this made her inner self feel fidgety...
She furtively kept partial fast for his safe return and spend most of the time in veneration hall to beg to almighty for his well being and triumph..

It was a full moon day...the scintillating sphere made his appearance on the infinite black sky accompanied by the lustrous stars, making the earth effulgent under the glow of his silvery rays...
The moon glow seeped through the translucent curtains into draupadi 's chamber and fell on her petite frame Who was sitting infront of the small table with a parchment on it along with a small fire lamp..
She dipped her quill inside the tincture..A small smile danced on her weary face when she glided it over the parchment smoothly...her inner self and hands were deeply concentrated on the paper and the certain picture she was drawing...A pair of Hazels...a pair of Hazels which she always loved and admired...a pair of Hazels who never failed to captivate her inner self with its gaze...
Draupadi closed her eyes, deeply submerging into the memories she had with those pair of  Hazels...

A belligerent Arjun kept tackling from the armed soldiers who advanced towards him with their weapons...he uplifted  his gandiv and darted his infinite shafts on his enemies, wounding them...But Arjun, who was so engrossed in Vanquishing the soldiers infront failed to notice his enemies on his either two sides....the armed soldier who came from his right side swashed his sword resulting in making a deep cut on Arjun's right arm.... Deep scarlet fluid cascaded down like a stream from his arms...

" Arya..."
Draupadi swiftly woke up from her deep slumber...her body quivered out of fear reminiscencing the dream she saw...Arjun was bleeding!!!
she glanced outside through the window and sighed...but her agitated heart  kept palpitating rapidly, making her feel suffocated...she thought to take a rove in the garden...

Draupadi walked slowly through the lush green turf , feeling the tickling of  grasses beneath her feet.. her inner self was still feeling tempestuous... draupadi wiped the beads of sweat that formed on her temples and walked slowly, experiencing the coolness of zhyper that touched her delicately...

" Draupadi..."
Suddenly, draupadi heard someone calling her name from behind...she heard the footsteps advancing towards her...she slowly swivelled her head to see the crown prince, the eldest of kunti approaching towards her ...She stood infront of him and raised her brows as she didn't expect him there...

" May i know the reason why you are here at this hours?"
Karm politely asked making yagyaseni befuddled...she corrugated her brows...

" I apologise if I offended you...i was just asking because guards are very less here .."
Karn further added as he comprehended the uncomfortness in her orbs...

" No...it's ok prince...i can understand your concern..i was just strolling around because I'm not feeling well.."
Draupadi divulged unintentionally and her last words caught his attention...his senses became alert...

" What!! you're not feeling well...shall I call the Rajvaidya? How do you feel now...you look so pale and weary.. aren't you taking your food well?How can you be so careless about your health,draupadi.."
Karn manifested his concern in one go making draupadi jaw dropped...she could see fear and anxiety for her in his orbs which she didn't find right...
Karn on the other side,closed his eyes in embarrassment thinking about the blunder he did...A clumsy silence made the atmosphere aggravate...

" I'm completely alright rajkumar.. thank you for your concern...."
alleviating the atmosphere,Draupadi replied with a subtle smile and karn strived hard to cover his jitter..

" Ok..take care of yourself...I'm taking my leave.."
Karn said and pivoted on his heels...but again he glanced at draupadi and said in a low voice...

" I can't see you in pain...so please take care of yourself..."
Draupadi incredulously stared at the man in front of her, her husband 's elder brother who is supposed to be her brother too...Her Inner self foreboded her for encouraging him to come close to her...
Shrugging off her thoughts,she nodded slightly and it sprawled hues of scarlet over karn's cheeks...
She watched his figure disappearing from her sight...as soon as he left, draupadi glanced at the luminous moon and whispered...

" Aryaputra Arjun...where are you ..I'm craving to see your Hazels..I'm hankering for your presence...i don't know what's happening inside me..I want to see you.. wherever you are, please be safe and return soon"

Standing infront of his tent on the combat zone , arjun glanced at the silver sphere glistening at the boundless dark sky and smiled...he closed his eyes and remembered their moments in the reading chamber...an effulgent smile adorned his radiating visage reminiscencing how she hugged him..he could still feel the warmth effused from her body while it rested on his well sculptured figure...his arms hankered to engulf her again and lips craved to brush against her delicate skin...Arjun was well aware that he has already fallen head over heels for his wife...his soul and heart longed to confess that three magical words to her..he saw twinkling stars winking at him... suddenly  Remembering something, arjun went inside his tent and grabbed the parchment and quill from the nearby table...


" Draupadi...what happened dear...you look quite weary...you visage looks so pale too... aren't you taking enough food ? I've also came to know from priyamvada that nowadays you are skipping your breakfast..is that true?"
As everyone sat for the breakfast, kunti discovered the fatigue in draupadi's orbs ...karn raised his head from his dish and glanced at draupadi, anticipating her reply...

" I'm totally fine mata... actually I'm keeping a partial fast mata..that's why"
Draupadi divulged much to karn's surprise...kunti passed a soft smile and fondled her cheeks...

"You should have told me dear...no problem..take your proper food at night and drink plenty of water too... and I myself will make sure that you've eaten your stomach full before going to bed.."
Kunti remarked and smiled... Unknowingly,draupadi's orbs got brimmed with tears as she have never experienced the love and affection of a mother...

"But may i know the need for keeping fast by staking your health, draupadi..."
Breaking the mother daughter moments, karn asked, surprising everyone including his mother...kunti knows that her eldest son wasn't a person who unessentially poke his nose inside other's personal matters and his changed demeanour aghasted her a bit ..

" Karn...for a maiden there will be a lot of reasons to keep fast... it's better we don't interfere in her personal matters and beliefs...so I prefer to support her ,by taking proper care of her health... "
Kunti said , fastening her stern glance  at her eldest, who hung his head down heeding to his mother's statement...
Dhuryodhan simultaneously watched the karn and his mother...a wicked smile formed on his lips as some vicious plans took birth inside his mind...


The Azure sky adorned with the mauve shades of the setting sun... Birds chirped and flitted across the sky , signifying the commencement of dusk...after the evening veneration, draupadi stood infront of the shrine by closing her lotus eyes... salty  droplets of water damped her cheeks and her lips quivered...She was missing him badly and endlessly...As usual, today also she missed his furtive glances, his naughty winks and charming smile while singing the hymen for almighty ...

Just then ,she felt someone's presence beside her ..she glanced at the person standing beside her and wiped her tears...

" Rajkumar Nakul...what happened? Anything important...?did you get any important information about arya"
She enquired...her damp orbs glistened out of inquisitiveness....

" Yes bhabhisree...seems like almighty has listened to your heartfelt prayers... you reaped the results of your precious tears...Bhrata Arjun has sent a letter from kamboja , denoting his arrival back to Hastinapur after 5 days..."
Nakul manifested the news  exclusively to draupadi...her heart palpitated frantically out of happiness and mirth...her frenzy emotions made way down through her cheeks in the form of happy tears...

" Please don't let your precious tears fall bhabhisree...it's time to celebrate and besides Bhrata has sent a letter personally for you..."
Her happiness grew boundless heeding those words from nakul...her husband has sent a personal letter for her !! Time , for draupadi has ceased there as she heard those words from him ..

Soon Nakul handed over a small parchment to draupadi and left...her palms quivered while receiving the parchment...she glanced at the parchment, held it close to her and ran towards her chamber enthusiastically...

Draupadi slammed the door of her chamber and sat infront of a small fire lamp on the table l..she slowly opened the Letter with a quivering hand and smiling face...
She heard her own heart Beats, reverberating inside her ears as soon as she opened the letter...

She fondled the letter with her delicate fingers and he held it close to her heart, closing her eyes...happy tears dampened her ruddy cheeks and heart throbbed inside rapturously...
She once again glanced at the letter and whispered....

" I'm hankering for you...I'm longing for you... I am falling for you..."


Hola lovelies ..
Finally my exams are over and I updated guys...i hope you all like the chapter...
And Thankyou so much for helping to achieve 1.17k votes for swayamvadhu...
I'm on cloud ten now....yayy...🎉🎊
Thankyou so much one again you all... like this keep supporting and voting...
And soon arjun will come back and stay tune for some sweet moments....

Stay happy
Stay safe 🙏

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