26 : My Ardhangini

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The effulgent silver sphere gleamed above the star studded sky and radiated the soothing beams to the earth, kissing each and every object of nature, conferring an inexplicable exquisity to the them...
Nakul guided draupadi through the bleak corridors, helping her to reach the place where Arjun was anticipating for her arrival... draupadi's heart throbbed hastily upon each step she took forward and her fingers continuously fidgeted at the hem of her odhni, Squeezing out her enthusiasm and nervousness explicitly...it's obviously not the first time they are going to meet furtively, But today, draupadi felt like a new chapter of her life is going to commence...

" Bhabhi sree..Bhrata implored me to drop you here ..now it's your time..let me take my leave..."
After walking for a while, nakul finally halted infront of a meadow and said to draupadi with a mischievous smile dancing on his lips...

She nodded positively and watched nakul disappearing into the darkness...now, she is all alone in that anonymous place...but for draupadi, the place seemed too familiar... She again walked forward and found a silvery swing dangling on the corner of the garden and it doesn't took much time for yagyaseni to comprehend the Destination...Arjun's private garden...A soothing smile graced her lips as soon as a mitigating gust fondled her frame...
She enclosed her lotus eyes in mirth, enjoying the freshness of atmosphere... suddenly, she felt two cold palms enveloping her eyes from behind...her smile widened...

Draupadi muttered in a low voice, and heard Arjun's soothing yet loud laugh from behind.. draupadi rumpled her brows and pivoted on her heels to face him, removing his hands from her eyes ...
She saw her charming husband standing infront of her carrying a non withering smile on his lips, looking dashing in his purple ang vastra and signature white dhoti...
She naively glanced at her laughing husband, unable to comprehend the context of his laugh with widened eyes and this made Arjun laugh more...

"may i know , how come you got the idea that the owner of these hands are me?"
Arjun quipped back , daubing hues of blush on yagyaseni 's cheeks...

"Oh...that..I recognised your..touch.."
Draupadi said while striving hard to bridle her bubbling coy...
Arjun again laughed beholding her attractive visage glowing under the radiance of moon and that's the moment when Arjun observed his alluring wife subtly...

Her midnight blue black locks that cascaded down swayed delicately by the breeze ...her hair partition which adorned with the scarlet vermillion ,had a special glow even without being embellished with hair accessories...her petite frame which was perfectly enveloped in the off white lehenga made her look like a sparkling star on the black sky...the glow on the jewelleries she wore, got diminished infront of the aura and radiance that emitted from body naturally...For Arjun, she felt like an exquisite dream...
Arjun advanced closer to his wife, hiking both her breathe rate and heart beat simultaneously...he stood closer to his wife , inhaling her lotus fragrance and leaned forward...

" you look so beautiful and divine today that my inner self yearns to worship you like a goddess .."
He whispered sensually into her ears, transmitting chills through her nerves.. Involuntarily, her eyelids closed and toes curled up ,when his erratic hot breathe graced her earlobes...

Arjun traced his fingers through the contours of her perfect visage and glanced at the downcast eyes of draupadi...
She slowly uplifted her eyelids and fused her gaze deeply with his hazels...For a second, Arjun got immersed in her gaze which spoke a million of stories to him...But suddenly, he reminiscenced something and delicately enveloped her hand inside his palm...

"I think we have ample time to gaze into each other's orbs...but now, it's the time to reach our destination.."
Arjun again whispered making her more enthusiastic and excited...

He walked forward, securely wrapping her hand inside his and yagyaseni followed Arjun , glancing at him dreamily... As if only almighty knew that the fierce princess of Panchal had fell deeply and insanely in love with the mighty Archer prince of Hastinapur...


After walking for a couple of minutes, finally Arjun halted his walk at a solitude place...Arjun stood infront of her and draupadi raised her brows...

"Before proceeding further, I have an implore...Can you please close your eyes?"
Arjun solicited and draupadi rumpled her brows, befuddled..
Arjun heaved a sigh and shook his head...now he has to do something... He immediately went behind draupadi and sheathed her eyes by placing his palms over it..

"What are you doing Arya? I can't see the way..how I'm supposed to walk now?"
Her solicituded voice made Arjun sigh...he slowly whispered into her ears..

"This fear is unessential until I'm with you...trust me drau , i won't let you take even a single step wrong..."
Arjun's soothing voice made yagyaseni's lips bloom with a confident smirk...

" I trust you Arya..."
Without thinking twice, the princess of Panchal replied and Arjun smiled...

"Now walk straight..."
He behested and draupadi like an obedient maiden , took steps according to his guidance and finally he implored her to cease her walk...
Draupadi inhaled a sharp breathe along with the exotic fragrance lingered in the atmosphere...

" I'm going to release my hands...enjoy your view..."
By whispering this, Arjun slowly released her eyes from his captivation and draupadi opened her eyes into the most astounding scenery in front of her...

The dark infinite sky embellished with the radiant moon was reflecting on the fresh waters of the pond infront of her...the silvery moon rays was kissing the cool waters, conferring a silvery lustre to them...
Blazing earthen lamps that buoyed up in the water, wafted rhythmically according to the waves of river...
A wooden deck that lead towards the small dias at the heart of the pond was embellished with white flowers and blazing fire lamps which enriched their beauty into manifolds...

As if hypnotized by the view, Draupadi slowly strode through the wooden deck and Arjun followed her with a slight smirk of victory on his lips...
Finally, standing at the center of the dias which was exquisitely embellished with pink lotuses and jasmines , draupadi smiled at her husband endearingly ,while her eyes shed the brines of happiness...

" Arya....it's...divine..it's ethereal..."
Draupadi strived hard to form her words amidst of the sprouting excitement and happiness that gyrating her heart...
Arjun advanced closer to her and stood right infront of her, intertwining his hazels with her black brownish orbs...

Her glistening orbs and smiling lips were a sight to behold for Arjun...he wiped the brines that dampened her cheeks and gently grasped her shoulders... draupadi's stomach did a somersault when his cold callous palms tenderly touched her skin... She gulped down the spittle and glanced at Arjun...
He smiled and gently swivelled her, making her back face towards him...

Slowly and sensually, Arjun removed the long locks that fluttered freely on her back and made it rest on her left shoulder... yagyaseni's eyelids involuntarily closed and her fingers fastened on her lehenga tightly, when his cold fingers came in contact with her buttery smooth skin...

Soon , she felt the feathery touch of a cold metal hoisting over her neck... she slowly opened her eyes and gazed down to see a beautiful neckpiece resting on her neck... A shimmering, thin golden chord with lotus shaped pendant dangling on it , embedded with lustrous diamonds...
She felt like dew showering inside her when his lips brushed on the delicate skin of her neck, while Arjun fastened the clasp of the neckpiece by biting it...she traced her fingers through that unique piece of jewelry and swivelled her head to glance at Arjun inquisitively...

"I preserved it from the treasures that I brought from kasi...this lotus always reminds me of you and this is my precious bestowal for the precious one in my life..."
Arjun said, while his eyes submerged deep into her eyes, perforating her soul..

Draupadi, on the other hand , got captivated in his hazels which carried a a special spark today...an exotic spark which she never discovered before...which hauled her into another world...
Arjun sluggishly entangled his long artistic fingers with her long cottony soft ones and delicately brushed his lips over her knuckles...
Yagyaseni felt thrilled under his touch and coyly smiled...

" Draupadi... today, I've to pour my heart out to you... I've to tell something which may totally change our lives... which commence a new phase of our life "
Arjun said while staring deep into her eyes and draupadi like an excited kid , kept gawking into Arjun's orbs...

"For the first time, when I heard your melliferous voice at the palace of shurasena, my inner self yearned to behold the face who possessed such a euphony... when I perceived it, I felt like the goddess Saraswati itself sitting in front of me.."
Arjun slowly divulged making draupadi hanker to heed more...her heart palpitated inside her chest erratically...

" I admired you..adored your naivety and tranquility...felt devoted to your exhilarating music...But never in my mind , i ruminated about you arriving into my life...But again, stars and destiny bound you with me... notwithstanding, I was reluctant to this marriage at first , trust me, at the jiffy when I filled your partition with the sacred vermillion, you possessed a small place in my heart "
Draupadi 's inner self pondered like timbrels heeding to Arjun...he advanced closer to draupadi and continued

"But don't know when, gradually this goddess from Panchal slowly started to rule my heart like a queen and captivated me with her lotus eyes..."
Arjun divulged with a mischievous glint dancing on his lips in the form of a smile amd draupadi 's eyes widened by the each words he spoke...he slowly placed his palms on her shoulder...

"Draupadi... I don't know how and when my heart started to feel excited by the mere thoughts of yours...my heart palpitated rapidly whenever I felt your presence... you started to reign my heart like a queen... Your single glance could captivate me as if like a magic realm..if this magical feeling is love,then I'm honoured to confess that you've trapped me in the magic of love... and I'll feel blessed to live the rest of my life immersing in the ocean of your love... I love you my dear..."
Cupping her face inside his rough callous palms, Arjun confessed the feelings that was gyrating his heart for a long time...
Tears of delightment permeated from both of their eyes as Arjun poured out his feelings for her... draupadi felt fireworks popping up inside the pit of her abdomen...she felt her heart brimming up in ineffable ecstasy and joy...
Arjun , not even awaiting for a jiffy, enveloped his arms around her, engulfing her into his warm embrace ... And draupadi, like a snowflake ,thawed inside his arms and the warmth of his embrace...

" Arya...it's..i don't know how to reciprocate my feeling on your words..how to put my happiness into words ... you're my saviour..you conferred this life for me... you're the elixir to my life...the cause of my existence.. I've already surrendered my life for you... Now I'm relinquishing my heart to you...i love you too Aryaputra Arjun..."
Slowly, pulling herself up from his embrace and gazing directly into his hazels,Finally Draupadi confessed, and it didn't take time for Arjun to bestow a kiss on her forehead...his inner self pondered out of excitement...this feeling of love was novel for him too ...the person whom he loves to the infinity and beyond, the person with whom he is supposed to walk together ,through all the thicks and thins of life..his wife, his ardhangini loves him back...
Excitement and ecstasy enveloped Arjun's lovelorn heart and it fluttered in happiness as again her petite frame rested on his torso...

Unexpectedly, a thunderbolt, succeeded by a tremendous baritone touched the Earth ...Sudden downpour graced the mother Earth and pearls of water touched the fused frames of Arjun and draupadi causing them quiver under the frigidity...fire lamps which wafted in the pond flickered under the sudden rush of gust...it fondled Arjun and draupadi tenderly making them set apart...

"You see... pitashree indradev is benedicting us from the heaven..."
Arjun remarked and draupadi nodded positively... draupadi glanced at the sky and enjoyed the downpour while Arjun was busy in admiring his dear wife...
The alluring beauty from the kingdom of Panchal looked like a celestial body directly descended from heaven in front of him...
Her off-white lehenga which now got dampened by the pearls of downpour got glued on her petite frame like a second skin...he saw crystals of water touching her forehead , getting blended with the sacred vermillion and gliding smoothly down through the buttery soft skin of her visage, touching her sharp nose and chubby cheeks...drops of water devoured her luscious lips and dampened them like honey dripping from the honeycomb and it slided smoothly through her sculptured swan like neck aiming her frame...

He awfully watched how water merged inside her a sudden hanker to savour her succulent lips upsurged into his mind... slowly,his arms travelled through her waist , pulling her closer to himself...
Draupadi was taken by surprise by Arjun's unexpected action...she widened her eyes staring deep into his hazels....he wrapped his hands around her slender waist and her palms rested on his well sculptured chest...
Arjun's hazels submerged deeply into the ocean of her eyes... he advanced closer to her as raindrops graced them ... draupadi 's tranquil heart palpitated hastily inside her and cheeks got blazed even though water drops touched them ...
slowly and sensually , Arjun brought her closer to him and joined his lips with her juicy luscious lips, savouring her delicate petals of lips...he inhaled a deep breath along with her blue lotus fragrance and filled his nostrils, conferring the bliss of conjugal life to both Arjun and Draupadi...

Draupadi gasped and closed her eyes... her grip on his ang vastra got tightened...she felt snowflakes dropping inside the pit of her abdomen as soon as his lips touched hers ...his spicy scent filled her nostrils and his palms which sensually roamed on her bare waist did magic inside her...
Their lips pressed against each other until Arjun slenderly grasped her waist , making yagyaseni agape her lips open...
Taking as a advantage, Arjun ingested her lips like a bee savouring the nectar from flower and draupadi too tried to reciprocate it with same passion...
Passion started to prevail as moments passed and it hoisted the heat in the atmosphere...
Slowly ,His hands sensually roamed all around her frame and her hands got entangled in his soggy curls...

A lighting strike suddenly walloped on the Earth making them set apart...
Arjun incredulously glanced at draupadi panting hard and draupadi glanced down with her visage glowing under the hues of scarlet...

" I think the rain is going to get strengthen more..let's get inside the palace..."
Arjun finally remarked making yagyaseni glance at him incredibly...he intertwined his fingers with her and ran back to the palace, rescuing themselves from the frigid weather...


sprinting swiftly through the dark corridors of Arjun's Mahal which was already devoid of soldiers, Arjun and draupadi finally reached Arjun's chamber...
Draupadi,for the first time, set her foot inside Arjun's chamber and inquisitively gazed all around the chamber...
She heard Arjun enclosing the door from behind but she was too mesmerized by the exquisity and Marvel of architecture inside the grand chamber...

" Loved it?"
Draupadi swivelled her head as soon as she heard his voice and passed a soothing smile to Arjun succeeding with a positive nod...
Draupadi stood infront of the grand dressing table , glancing her reflection at the mirror...

Arjun smirked gazing at his wife who is standing in his chamber.. infront of him...he slowly advanced closer towards her with an enthralling smile on his lips which thawed yagyaseni...
Her heart pondered hastily inside her chest and goosebumps aroused from her body as her gaze fell over the alluring figure of her husband standing behind her destitute of his upper garment...

Her heart palpitated rapidly in accordance with the steps he took towards her...her heaving chest jumped in ecstasy inside and lips quivered as his spicy scent filled her nostrils.... yagyaseni enclosed her eyes in bliss as his hot well sculptured chest tenderly touched her damp locks....


So , here's my Christmas gift for you all...
I hope you all enjoyed it...
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Merry Christmas to all my lovelies....❤️❤️

Stay happy
Stay safe 🙏

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