29 : Enlightenment

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The golden medallion on the sky scintillated above the sky , permitting its shimmery rays to kiss the nature below...
Posterior to the venerations and mourning prayers, the kings of neighbouring kingdoms settled inside their alloted chambers...they are not only here to attend the last rites of  their late majesty but also to partake in the conference that will held tomorrow in the court of hastinapur regarding the coronation of crown prince karn...

Vasudev Krishna took a stroll through Arjun's private garden with his beloved parth alongside...the two eternal Krishnas were deeply engrossed in conversing about politics, jesting each other and sharing their personal happiness...
Amidst of that, Draupadi made her appearance to the garden as per kunti's behest to serve her dear nephew, a Tumbler of chilled buttermilk...
enriching the exquisity of the atmosphere, her lotus fragrance pervaded in the whole garden...
A smirk bloomed on Arjun's lips as he inhaled the aroma which always captivated his senses...
Jagat Sundar warmly welcomed his dear friend by an enthralling smile..
The three Krishnas together looked like certain divine aura that emerged from heavens and the radiance effused from their souls made even the atmosphere sanctified...The weariness that was precisely visible on her countenance got replaced by  delightment upon beholding her beloved sakha after months... Handing over him, the drink she had brought, she obeisanced and seeked for his heartfelt benedictions which wasn't usual...Manmohan got amused by her sudden gesture as a drop of tear from her orbs touched his feet...

"Hey!! Hey!!... what's this sakhi? You're becoming too emotional..may I know the reason behind my ever jovial friend to turn this much emotional today?"
Krishna amusing query made Arjun smirk subtly...

"I'm meeting you after months govind.. I know Arya must have divulged everything that happened and I want your heartfelt benedictions for a contented and joyful life ahead.."
Draupadi articulated and Krishna comprehended her words instantly...his parth and sakhi has incepted a fresh,novel phase of life and indeed they necessitates his grace...

"I could comprehend your emotion dear...but there's no need for this formality...you know a half of mine always reside in you"
Krishna added making yagyaseni smile...Arjun glanced at his Krishnaa and winked, resulting her lotus eyes get dilated and ruddiness dabing on her cheeks...by perceiving his trifling and cute gesture, Krishna couldn't bridle his laugh and let out his loud laugh blend in the atmosphere...

" Parth.. I must say... your skills in romance is ameliorating day by day..."
After striving hard to restrain his laugh, the king of dwarka jested his parth and Arjun glanced grizzly at him...

"Yes,indeed...it's all because of your grace, madhav... afterall I'm learning it all from you... you are my beloved preceptor and I'm your devoted disciple..."
Arjun quipped back, joining his hands together dramatically and this time,it was draupadi's turn to smile at those eternal friends, later on adding the duo too...

" Anyways...I'm delighted madhav..life couldn't be more jovial and beautiful than this... everything is going to be tranquil now.. jyesth bhrata will ascend on the throne... hastinapur will regain its prosperity back and afterwards we could confess about our marriage..."
Arjun said , fastening his gaze at vastness and draupadi discovered the smile that had on her govind's face was gradually vanishing...she scrutinizingly watched how his enthusiastic expressions swiftly got replaced by a grave one...

"Life isn't consisted of constant happiness and prosperity parth...it may shift as time proceeds"
Krishna stated post to a jiffy of silence...Both Arjun and draupadi glanced at Krishna in concern...

" I didn't get you there, madhav"
Arjun interrogated and Krishna smiled lightly alleviating their arising tightness to an extent...

"There's nothing to get comprehended in that, paarth...i was just enlightening you by the reality of life.. nothing is constant...may be this coronation bring prosperity and auspiciousness to hastinapur...but I don't think it will bring changes in your personal life..."
Krishna said and draupadi glanced stressfully at Arjun... Arjun's countenance also isn't telling a different story, he is also as equally strained as her...

" Parth.. sakhi..life, sometimes will confer tough times and afflict circumstances... destiny will put you in the trial sometimes...it will even play with your emotions...but be strong and trust each other because it's essential for the further journey of life..."
Later he added on, leaving Arjun and draupadi befuddled... draupadi inhaled a sharp breathe and glanced at her husband to see him staring at his madhav inquisitively...

" Anyways, I'm taking my leave... I've to meet bua and my chacha sree srutavarma... it's been so long since I met him... you both love birds have your own time..paarth ,will meet you at the guest chamber"
Devakinandan informed them, swigging his delicious buttermilk and walked away, leaving the couple behind...Arjun advanced closer to his wife and enveloped his arms around her shoulder...
Both could feel the tightness escalating inside each other...Both of them were aware of that fact that their beloved friend's words will never be futile...still, to tranquilize her, he blinked his eyes in assurance and she faintly smiled at him...


Draupadi hastily set her foot inside Dussala's chamber and walked up to the waiting maids to enquire where the princess is ... Dussala's personal maid informed that she's in her bed chamber... draupadi solicited for the permission to enter into which the waiting maid immediately acquiesced...

As she went inside the chamber, she saw the only princess of hastinapur, sitting infront of her dressing table, adorning her braided locks with fresh red roses... draupadi's lips twitched up to form a small smile upon beholding the princess, a bit jovial today unlike the previous days...And the reason also isn't obscure for yagyaseni...The commander in chief of Dwarka, satyaki has also arrived along with Krishna and his arrival has made the princess of hastinapur more jovial ...

Dussala discovered a dazed draupadi standing behind her through the reflection of the mirror...she dismissed her maids and smiled, hauling draupadi back from her reverie...

" Where are you lost ..jiji?"
Dussala asked as draupadi advanced towards her...she slowly took the bunch of roses that rested on the dressing table and started to adorn it on Dussala's hair...

" Nothing much.. I was thinking about you princess.."
Draupadi said , glancing at dussala through the mirror...

" Me...?! What about me?"
Dussala inquisitively interrogated , for which she earned a chuckle from the Panchal princess...

"I was thinking about the incantation that the commander in chief of Dwarka has casted on you...the effect of the spell is indeed so influencing that you look extremely beautiful today..."
Draupadi jested , resulting in dabbling scarlet shades to the nymph's visage...but hardly draupadi was acknowledged by the fact that her sister in law also wasn't bad in jesting...

" Hm..i agree...but tell me one thing, you looks enthralling and Charming every day... May I know whose incantation is working behind your beauty? BHABHISREE DRAUPADI... "
Dussala articulated, emphasizing the last words making draupadi go bewildered...that very jiffy nearly quivered panchali's heart...she felt as if the floor beneath her feet was shuddering...

"I couldn't comprehend the context of your words..princess.."
Gulping down the last drop of saliva that left in her throat, draupadi interrogated and dussala escalated her brows...

"Pardon me if I sounds offensive...I couldn't keep myself restrained anymore so that's why I am asking... You are my bhrata Arjun's wedded wife... right...?
This time, without any waver, dussala enquired and draupadi's pupils got dilated in aghast...

" Princess I..."
Draupadi's words got intersected by the swift gesture of Dussala...he leaped and embraced draupadi , smiling so warmly...

" I'm..so happy for my brother and you... I can't believe that you are my bhabhisree...you know yesternight when I got acknowledged by this, I felt like I'm the most happiest person who live on this earth at that jiffy...you are so fortunate that you got my bhrata Arjun and you are my brother's blessing..."
Dussala remarked while yagyaseni's eyes inundated with tears of mirth...

" But...may i know how do you get to know it...?"
After a short period,of shedding happy tears and light teasings, draupadi asked....dussala sat on her bed with draupadi beside and answered...

"I earnestly apologies for intruding into your private moments...but It happened accidentally...after you left my chamber, i woke up from the sleep as I reminiscenced pitasree again and I decided to take a Rove around the garden to tranquilize myself...but just as I stepped out of my Mahal, I perceived bhrata Arjun.. embracing you and I heed you addressing him as Arya...I again apologies for my mistake bhabhisree... I assure you that I won't repeat it again"
Dussala divulged in a cute voice and draupadi could do nothing other than smiling at the little girl sitting infront of her who is her beloved and only sister in law...

" It's completely alright...may be it was written in our destiny...but as for now, I implore you to please keep it as a secret between you, me and your bharta Arjun..."
Draupadi said, delicately fondling the cheeks of Dussala ..dussala nodded and approved as she was already enlightened by the practices and customs of hastinapur...

"I know bhrata Arjun is acquainted with all these traditions of hastinapur...but If you permit ,may i know the reason that made him breach the rules and married you?"
Dussala asked in a low baritone and draupadi cleared her throat to unfold her most treasured moments that she kept Within her...


The luminous silver disc made his appearance above the sky , dabing the radiance all around the infinite sky...
It was indeed a hectic day for Draupadi.... Draupadi sat infront of her dressing table , after taking a relaxing bath in the cool waters... looking like an enchantress in her white lehenga, She slowly dessicated her soggy locks, recollecting today's events...dussala was very supportive and delighted upon heeding to the news of their marriage... She also assured that she will help them for their furtive meetings..

suddenly, her eyes got locked on the lotus pendant that rested proudly on her chest, as the synonym of their eternal love...his priceless bestowal...The only adornment that she had worn the lotus pendant and  the ring , embedded with precious gem which he bestowed on the day of Diwali,at dwarka...

A small smile graced her lips..she slowly took a small box that rested on her dressing table...the box in which his most precious bestowal contained...she opened it...but before she could take a nip of vermillion, she saw a certain long artistic fingers getting dipped deep inside the box and at the next jiffy, she felt those fingers filling her partition with the tincts of love....

She stared amusingly on the former's reflection and gasped, getting up from her sitting posture...

"Arya...how come you get inside my chamber...?"
Panchali gasped in aghast and queried...but little did she knew that her husband was so spellbounded by her that he didn't even paid heed to what she questioned...

" Arya ...I'm asking you something.."
Arjun got hauled back her spell as he cold fingers got brushed over his shoulders.. savyasachi didn't take much time to snare her inside his robust arms...her delicate hands rested on his well toned chest making Arjun inhale a deep breath...

" Simple... through the window..."
Arjun said and her eyes followed his hazels where they were fastened upon and perceived her grand windows are kept open...

"Windows? ! It could be dangerous Arya...what if..."
Draupadi's pupils dilated and her words laced with solicitude...but sabyasachi interrupted her by delicately brushing his lips over hers... draupadi ceased her words and glanced at Arjun....she felt his sizzling hot palms tenderly fondling her waist and his hazels intertwining its gaze with her browns...

" Arya.."
A soft whispered escaped from draupadi's lips...Arjun pulled his most precious possession closer to him and their lips met slowly after awaiting for days...



So here's the update... sorry for being late..i hope you all like it..
I'm giving a target of 49 votes and I swear you'll get the next chapter soon...so vote soon and don't forget to add your precious inline comments too ..

Stay happy
Stay safe 🙏

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