Asked to the ball

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                         Plagg's P.O.V
      "Come on Adrian, tell her how you feel." I said pestering him for the fourth time that morning.
      "No!" He objected. I sighed and flew into his jacket.
      "You know the ball is coming soon, you should ask her." I suggested. He merely ignored me and walked up the steps of the school.
                        Lexi's P.O.V
      I walked into the class and saw that a boy was seated next to Adrian. I walked up to him and stuck out my hand.
      "Hello, you must be Nino, I'm Lexi, I have been sitting in your seat when you were absent." I said quietly kind of rambling. Nino grabbed my hand and shook it.
      "Hey Lexi." Adrian said. I waved and smiled slightly. I saw Adrian's face turn red as I walked off to try and find a spot to sit. I looked over to the front and groaned seeing that the seat next to Chloe was the only one available.
                       Adrian's P.O.V
      I let a blush creep up my checks when she left. I felt a nudge on my arm and saw Nino winking.
      "You like her." He stated. My face exploded into red as I shook my head. He laughed as I looked down at my hands.
      "You should ask her to the ball." He said. I could hear an almost silent snicker in my jacket.
      "Fine." I mumbled, imagining Lexi in the dress we designed. Nino slung his arm around my shoulder and laughed.
                           Lexi's P.O.V
      "So you all know the ball is coming up. I will have all of your designs tailored and ready to wear by Friday." The teacher informed us.
      "I can't wait for the ball. Maybe someone will ask me." I thought out loud. Chloe started laughing next to me.
      "Of course no one will ask you. You are a stupid little girl with no money. I bet your parents are so proud of you." She mocked making me squeeze the fabric of my skirt in my small fists. I closed my eyes trying to keep the tears in.
      "That's why you don't have any friends." That was it. I stood up and slapped her across the face tears streaming like rivers out of my eyes. I turned and ran out of the classroom and into a bathroom on another floor, crying.
                        Adrian's P.O.V
      After Lexi ran out I fallowed her. I ran though the school checking all the empty classrooms, closets and bathrooms on this floor. I decided to go upstairs and check.
      I soon reached the last place I had not checked, the bathrooms. I opened the door and walked inside. (In Europe the bathrooms are unisex) I heard a faint hiccup coming from the only closed stall. I knocked on the door but there was no response.
      "Come on Lexi, it's okay it's me let me in." I coaxed. She didn't for for a second, then I heard the stall door unlock and open.
      There in front of me stood the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Even with her indigo eyes red from crying she was still beautiful.
      "What happened." I asked. She rubbed her nose with her jacket sleeve and then jumped into my chest crying more.
      "Chloe said I was stupid *sniff* and that no one would *sniff* ask me to the dance *sniff* and then she said *sniff* my parents must be proud of me but *sniff* it was sarcastic and then *sniff* she said that that was why I *sniff* have no friends." She said rambling pulling her story into one long sentence. My eyes narrowed as I squeezed her lightly. I then peeled her off of me and smiled.
      "Lexi Maura Jacobs, should you do me the honor of going to the ball with me?" I asked. Her eyes widened and she tried to answer but all that came out was noise so she just nodded vigorously.
      When the bell sounded I grabbed Chloe's arm. She smiled at me until I glared at her.
      "That was mean." I said simply. She laughed.
      "Oh come on I was just teasing her, and she's the one that hit me!" She complained. My glare hardened.
      "She doesn't have any parents, and her best friend died, so I suggest you stay out of her way." I said, Chloe just laughed.
      "That's not my problem." She said. I sighed and left her, I would never get through. 

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