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A week passed, and Friday arrived again. Devon was in the cafeteria sitting with Angela. Jessica hadn't stopped telling everyone that she would go to the dance with Mike, which relieved Devon because Jessica had stopped dropping thousands of hints for him to invite her.

"Devon, would you like to go to La Push with us tomorrow?" Angela asked, and Devon took a bite of his apple.

"La Push?" he asked, confused. "Is it a bar?"

"It's a beach on the reservation," Mike told him. "We're going surfing."

"We'd love for you to come with us," Jessica added with a big smile. "It'll be fun."

"Sorry, guys. Maybe next time," he sighed a bit. "Tomorrow, I have to go to the hospital to find out if I still need to wear the bandage or if I can take it off. Also, I'm going to the garage to have my motorcycle checked to make sure I can keep using it without a problem."

"Okay," Jessica murmured with some sadness. "But next time, you'll come with us."

"Of course."

Jessica cleared her throat, and Devon looked at her.

"Do you already know who you're going to invite to the dance?" she asked with excitement.

Everyone looked at Devon, expecting his response. It wasn't a secret that he had become quite popular among the girls. However, no one had seen Devon kissing all those guys at the party last week, so everyone was still unaware of his preferences.

"Well, I don't plan on going," Angela and Jessica protested with a long sigh of disappointment. "Besides, it seems like none of you have noticed, but it's only fair to tell you that I actually don't like girls," everyone looked confused, and Devon almost laughed. "I like guys," he clarified.

Everyone seemed surprised, although Jessica seemed more disappointed. On the other hand, Angela placed a hand on her friend's shoulder while smiling.

"Thanks for trusting us, Devon," she said, giving him a gentle squeeze.

"Thank God," Mike muttered, and everyone looked at him with furrowed brows. "What? It's not a surprise that Devon was a threat among guys. Now, I feel better knowing he's not competition. Nothing personal, friend. I liked you from the beginning."

Devon burst into laughter, and the atmosphere relaxed again. Eric started telling a strange story, with Mike interrupting him every minute to make a silly comment.

However, it didn't take long for Bella to appear with a small smile, taking a seat next to Jessica. Eric was the first to invite her to the beach, and she accepted. Bella headed to the food counter while the others continued chatting. Then, they saw Edward Cullen approaching Bella, and everyone seemed stunned.

Devon stared at them from his place. When had they become so close? Why did he feel upset about it? He preferred to ignore it and continue enjoying his food and the small talk. He had vague memories of the party where Edward appeared, but nothing was clear in his head.


When Devon woke up the next day, he still felt a bit tired but managed to get up to prepare for the day. Bella had already left, Charlie had gone to the police station, and his mother always went to the flower shop on Saturday mornings. So, he was completely alone.

He made breakfast before taking a shower and changing into fresh clothes, taking his time with each task. He still had a slight pain in his shoulder, but it was bearable.

It was almost noon when he left home and hopped on his motorcycle to go straight to the hospital. He was a bit surprised to find Dr. Cullen there because he assumed that, being the weekend, he would be resting. Still, he was glad that Dr. Cullen was the one in charge of examining him.

"How have you been feeling?" Dr. Cullen asked as Devon removed his shirt.

"Pretty good. Although I can't move it too far back, or it starts hurting a lot," Devon explained.

Carlisle nodded as he approached and began to remove the bandage before touching Devon's shoulder. This time, Devon didn't complain; there was no pain or discomfort, at least until the doctor started moving his arm from back to front, and that's when he felt uneasy.

"All right. I'll prescribe some anti-inflammatories, but you'll have to wear the bandage for one more week and avoid strong or abrupt movements. I recommend applying warm compresses to help reduce inflammation. You're much better now, and I don't think you'll need more than a week to fully recover, but come back in two weeks for another check-up."

"Understood, Doctor."

Cullen handed him a small bottle of medication along with a sheet. Then, he reapplied the bandage, and Devon put on his shirt to leave.

"By the way, thank you for not telling Charlie about last time. I really didn't want to worry him," Devon spoke before leaving.

Carlisle smiled. "Don't mention it. I hope you won't get into fights or accidents too often."

"I promise to try," Devon laughed.

Devon left the doctor's office and then the hospital. As he walked through the parking lot, he noticed Edward's presence, leaning against his car. Devon looked at him briefly but continued on his way to his motorcycle, assuming that Edward was visiting his father.

"How's your shoulder?" Edward asked, approaching him.

Devon was putting on his gloves, so he didn't look at Edward. "Very well, thanks for asking."

Edward wanted to understand what was happening, but he couldn't. Being close to Devon was so relaxing because his thoughts were calm. It was as if he nullified all the others, and Edward found it challenging to read even his own thoughts. He only caught a few ideas or, if the feelings were intense, he could read them clearly.

"Are you going back home?" he tried again, and Devon looked at him with some confusion.

"No. In fact, I'm going to the garage."

"What a coincidence. I was going to take my car to the garage too. It seems like the brakes are failing."

It was an absolute lie, and both of them knew it.

"Edward, I really don't understand you," Devon spoke

wearily. "First, it seems like you hate me, then you save me from the worst beating of my life, but it seems like you regretted doing it. Then it seems like you hate me again, and later, you respond to my flirting, but in the end, it seems like you're not interested in any way. Still, you try to talk to me like we've been best friends forever."

Edward looked at him intently. It was true, and he didn't even understand what was happening.

"I'm sorry if I'm confusing you," he put his hands in the pockets of his trench coat. "The truth is, I don't even understand what's happening to me."

Devon nodded. "Edward, it's obvious that Bella likes you, and I'm not going to get in her way, especially when you seem interested in her the same way. So, I suggest you sort out your thoughts. Do you want us to be friends? Fine. Are you looking for something more than friendship? Just say it. I can't read minds. I just want you to be clear about what you want because I'm not willing to play a childish game where I know I'll end up hurt."

Edward looked at him for a long moment.

"I like being with you," Edward said quickly, "and I feel a bit upset when I see you with other guys. That's the only thing I'm sure of right now."

Devon sighed tiredly and got off his motorcycle to stand face to face with Edward.

"I understand that it's not easy to accept that you like someone of the same sex. Maybe you don't even like me that way, and you're confused, but you need to be honest with yourself. I know what I want. Do you?"

There was a moment of silence as Edward reflected on Devon's words.

"Is it okay if we go out sometime?" Edward dared to ask, taking Devon completely by surprise.

"Sure. You know where to find me when you feel ready."

Devon was about to get back on his motorcycle when Edward took his arm with slight force, preventing Devon from leaving.

"I'm sorry," he let go, but Devon was confused. "So, see you later."

This time, it was Edward who was about to leave, but Devon took him by the shoulder, making Edward turn around. Not even a vampire like him, who could read minds, expected that.

Devon pressed his lips against Edward's in a soft kiss. Edward had never felt anything so gentle, warm, and sweet. And he wanted more.

Devon pulled away somewhat embarrassed by his burst of confidence, feeling his cheeks start to burn. Without looking at Edward, he hurriedly put on his helmet and left, leaving Cullen in that place even more confused than a moment ago.

What the hell had that been?

Today is my birthday!! say congratulations hahahaha

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