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Today was the day.. Kirstie got a phone call from the label, informing her that they were considering her for the position. Although she was excited to become the new tour manager, she didn't know how the company would react to finding out she had a child, Avi Kaplan's child at that.

She feared that they would deem her too unprofessional to work with her ex-boyfriend/father of her child.

"Are you sure you will be okay with watching her?" Kirstie asked Avi. She had no doubt that he couldn't care for Adi by himself, but she still worried.

This would be the first time that Adeline and Kirstie would be away from each other for longer than a few days.

Avi grabbed Kirstie's hands, "Yes, Kirst. For the 5th time, I have no problem with watching Adi. It will give us some time to hang out and get to know each other." He explained.

Kirstie exhaled, her anxiety washing away momentarily as she met Avi's eyes. "Okay.."

Smiling, Avi pulled her to his chest, hugging her tightly. "You're going to do amazing. I know you will, don't worry."

Kirstie didn't reply. Instead, she hugged Avi tighter, enjoying the comfort of his embrace. She was getting so used to being in his presence that she felt uncomfortable in leaving.

Tiny footsteps alerted the pair, causing them to withdraw from one another. Adeline stood at the bottom of the stairs, watching her parents with a smile.

"Good morning, honey." Kirstie grinned, walking over to Adi.

"Good morningggg!" The girl sang, jumping into her mother arms.

Laughing, Kirstie hoisted Adeline up onto her hip, hugging her. "I'm going to miss you." Adeline sighed, putting her head on Kirstie's shoulder.

"I'm going to miss you too." She kissed the girls cheek, putting her back down.

"But I'm excited to hang out with Daddy." Adeline turned to Avi, smiling at him.

"I'm more excited than you." Avi told her, putting his hands on his hips.

His single comment created a five minute long argument between the two. Avi finally gave in, agreeing that Adeline was indeed way more excited to hang out with him.

"Alright you two, I have to be at the airport in 30 minutes, so we better get going." Kirstie explained.

Noticing her daughters pout, she continued, "Stick that lip back in. We're going to have so much fun on the way there."

Adeline giggled, cheering happily. The trio gathered all of Kirstie's bags, loading them into her car before making their way to the airport.

The whole car ride was filled with endless belting of Disney songs, old Pentatonix originals, and the ABC's (strongly requested by Adeline.)

Upon arrival, Kirstie's nervousness increased as Avi parked the car in front of the entrance to her terminal. The couple got out of the vehicle, taking Kirstie's things out of the trunk.

Adeline jumped out of the car, wrapping her arms around Kirstie's leg. "I don't want you to leave." The girl's eyes glistened with tears, making Kirstie's heart break.

She crouched down, taking Adi's hands in her own. "I know you don't, but I will be back in a week. That's only seven days. I will call you every night, don't worry."

Kirstie forced her tears not to fall as she kissed Adeline's cheek, pulling her into one last hug.

"I love you, Momma." Adeline said, playing with Kirstie's hair.

"I love you too, honey." She whispered before pulling away from the hug to meet Avi.

He smiled, "Call me when you land okay?"

Kirstie nodded, "I will."

The two stood in comfortable silence until Kirstie's alarm went off, signaling that she only had five minutes left to get board the plane.

Sighing, she cut her phone off, putting it in her back pocket. She hugged Avi goodbye and waved to Adeline, blowing her a kiss.

As she walked into the terminal, she showed her ticket, making her way onto the plane.

* * *

After a gruesome four and a half hours, the plane finally arrived in Los Angeles. Stepping off the plane, Kirstie walked into the airport, searching for her best friend, Ben. She had called him a few days earlier, asking if he could pick her up from the airport to which he happily obliged.

When she had spotted his face, she sprinted to him, engulfing him into a hug. "I've missed you so much!" She yelled, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I've missed you too, Kit. How have you and Adi been?" He asked, locking arms with her as they made their way to the luggage claim.

Ben was the first to find out that Kirstie was pregnant, for they were together when her test report came back from the doctor. He vowed to never tell anyone unless she approved of it seeing as it could have been a career ender for her. They had kept in touch after her split from the band, occasionally meeting up when he was off for a few days.

"We're doing good. Adi has really opened up now that Avi is around." She told him, grabbing her bags.

"I'm glad that they are both getting along. I thought she would have been upset about him just randomly showing up one day." Ben expressed, leading her to his car.

"Surprisingly, she was excited." Kirstie said, starting to put her bags into his trunk.

"That's good. How did Avi take it?" He asked, closing the trunk.

"Uh, at first he seemed angry, rightfully so, that I didn't tell him when I found out. When I explained to him the reasoning behind it all, he understood. He's been staying at my house ever since his last show. He can't even go a day without seeing Adi, or he will freak out, thinking that she isn't okay. You should've seen him when she stayed the night at Taylor's house. I thought he was going to have a heart attack." She laughed, shaking her head at the memory.

Ben chuckled, getting into the car. Kirstie followed his lead, putting her seatbelt on.

"So, what's going on between you two?" He finally asked.

"What? There's nothing going on." Kirstie could feel her cheeks flush.

Ben laughed, pulling out of the peking lot, "Whatever, Kit. Your eyes tell a different story. They're practically glowing every time you talk about him."

"No they don't." She huffed, looking out the window.

"Awe, Kirstie's got a crush." He sang, purposefully annoying her.

Kirstie rolled her eyes, flipping him off. She would have totally slapped the smug grin off of his face if it meant they wouldn't crash into a street lamp.

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