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Once Avi and Kirstie had bought everything they needed, Kirstie called a mechanic to take her car to the shop.

She agreed to let him help decorate, even though she thought it was a bad idea. She didn't want Adi or Taylor to ask any questions.

When they had arrived at the house, Avi grabbed all of the bags, taking them inside, so Kirstie didn't have to carry anything. She shook her head, walking behind him.

Taylor, not knowing who he was and hadn't seen Kirstie yet, started screaming at Avi to get out. She jumped up from the couch, grabbing a book in case she had to knock him out.

Kirstie ran into the living room. "Taylor, stop! He's fine. I know him."

"A warning would have been nice, Kirst!" She took a deep breath, putting the book down.

"I'm sorry, I should have waited." Avi said.

As soon as he spoke, Adeline ran down the stairs. "Hey! I know you!" She pointed at him.

"I know you too." Avi replied, placing the bags on the counter.

"Come on, Adi. Let's go get you cleaned up." Kirstie said, for the girl had paint all over her.

As they went upstairs, Taylor made her way over to Avi.

"Who are you?" She asked him.

"Avi Kaplan. I am a friend of Kirstie's." He said, making sure he had all the decorations.

"How do you know her?"

"She used to be in a band with me." He replied, wanting her to stop asking questions.

"Wait, did you say your last name is Kaplan?"

Avi sighed, turning around to face her. "Yes, I did."

"Are you Adeline's dad?" She asked, raising her voice.

Avi stood there for a moment, confused as to how she figured that out.

"What?" was all he could say.

"That's Adi's last name." Taylor told him, looking at the stairs.

"Hold on. What?" Avi said, still trying to process what he heard.

"Adi's full name is Adeline Brielle Kaplan."

Before Avi could say anything else, Kirstie had come back downstairs with Adeline.

Avi's face was mixed with confusion and surprise.

"What's wrong, Avi?" Kirstie asked him.

He shook his head, turning around towards the counter, "Um, nothing."

She knew he was lying, but blew it off, not wanting to make it a big deal in front of Taylor.

"Do you want me to take the decorations now?" Taylor asked.

"That would be great actually." Kirstie said, wanting her to leave so she could talk to Avi.

As Taylor went to get the bags, she eyed him. He turned around not making eye contact with anyone in the room.

Once Taylor had left, Kirstie turned on the tv for Adeline and made her way over to Avi.

"What happened while I was gone?" She asked him.

"Taylor knows." He replied shortly.

"About what?"

"That I'm Adi's dad." He said, quietly.

She sighed, "How?"

"She asked me who I was and I told her my name. Then she freaked out saying I had Adi's last name and then asked if I was her father. I didn't know what to do, so I didn't say anything." Avi told her.

Kirstie didn't say anything.

"You didn't give her your last name?" Avi asked.

Kirstie looked away, shaking her head.

"Our initials are the same." He stated.

"I know. It was intentional." She said, playing with her fingers.

Avi turned around, looking at Adeline. "We need to tell her."

Kirstie put her head in her hands, "I know, but how?"

"Why don't we just come right out and say it? I mean, it's just us here." He told her.

"I don't know.. I guess we could, but what if she freaks out and gets mad at me for not telling her." Kirstie questioned.

Avi shrugged, "I'll tell her if you want me to. She can be mad at me instead.."

Kirstie shook her head, "No, I will."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

She nodded, walking to the living room.

"Hey, Adi? Can you cut the tv off for a bit? I need to tell you something." Kirstie told her.

The girl nodded, cutting off the tv. Taking a deep breath, she sat down by Adeline.

"Momma, what's wrong?" She asked, noticing her down mood.

"Nothing." She paused, "You know that guy over there with the deep voice?" She asked, pointing towards him. Adeline nodded.

"Guess what his name is." She told her.

Adeline thought really hard before answering, "Uh, Tom?"

Kirstie smiled, at the girl who literally tried to guess his name, "His name is Avriel Kaplan."

"That's a weird name." She said immediately.

Seconds later, she gasped, "Hey! We have the same last name! That's cool!"

Nodding, Kirstie swallowed, "Yeah, he does... That's because he's your dad." She told her.

"What?" Adeline asked.

"He's your dad, Adi." She said nervously.

Without saying anything, Adeline jumped up from the couch, running to Avi.

"You're my dad?" She asked him.

He looked at Kirstie, who nodded, indicating that it was okay for him to tell her.

Crouching down, Avi looked into the girls green eyes, "Yeah, I'm your dad."

She smiled widely, hugging his neck. Avi was taken aback, but soon relaxed. He smiled, tears filling his eyes.

"I love you, Daddy." Adeline said, still hugging him.

Avi sniffled, "I love you too, Adi."

Kirstie walked into the kitchen, smiling at the two. She was relieved that this hadn't went bad.

Adeline noticed her standing there and let go of Avi's neck. "Come on, Mommy! Group hug." She motioned her to them.

Kirstie laughed softly, bending down to hug both of them. She laid her head on Avi's shoulder.

She had imagined this for years, and now it was finally happening. Her family... They were all together. Even if her and Avi weren't in a romantic relationship, this moment was were she wanted to be forever.

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