ꕤ gryffindor gossip ꕤ

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The rumor mill at Hogwarts is normally relatively quiet, often times only having the usual gossip such as the latest breakup or the odds of an upcoming quidditch game. So when someone breaks the boring silence with what is possibly the greatest rumor to ever be started, it's only natural that it spreads through the entire castle at lightning speed.

Though no one seems to truly know who started it, there also has yet to be anyone disputing the bizarre claim. Even the four siblings related to the group of boys that are the subject of the newest gossip appeared surprised when they heard it, already causing many to jump to the conclusion that it must be true.

Sirius saunters into the Great Hall with James by his side and Remus and Peter following close behind, the four of them having just come back inside after ditching their shared Care of Magical Creatures class. Having been away from the rest of the school since breakfast, they're the only ones blissfully unaware of the scandal ravaging the halls.

As they move to claim their usual spot at Gryffindor's table, conversations slowly cease as all eyes start to follow them closely. Remus, ever the most observant compared to his clueless friends, is the first to notice the watchful gazes as they sink into their seats.

"Did we pull a prank that I forgot about?" He asks quietly. But in the dead silence that has fallen, he might as well have shouted for his words echo around the room.

His question snaps the students out of their revelry and barely suppressed giggles and whispers start to surround them once more, accompanied by the non-subtle glances in their direction every few seconds.

Peter is embarrassed by all of the attention and briefly considers hiding under the table until lunch is over, unsure as to what exactly everyone is laughing at but certain it's nothing good. Remus would most definitely join him, though he's more paranoid than embarassed as watchful eyes stare at his scarred face longer than they usually dare to.

James is unaffected by their newfound spotlight, always enjoying being the center of attention. That is, until even Lily - who normally makes it a point to ignore his existence - glances over and bursts into a fit of giggles. His cheeks flush red and he suddenly wishes he had his invisibility cloak with him.

The only one left unfazed is Sirius, who continues to calmly eat his sandwich. Judgement and sour gazes have followed him since he was sorted into Gryffindor six years ago. Nothing could ever compare to the wrath of his mother he's been forced to face far too many times, so a little laughter isn't about to ruin his day. What does bother him immensely, however, is seeing Emaline walk into the Great Hall with Todd's arm wrapped around her shoulders.

The Ravenclaw whispers something in her ear, causing her to laugh and shove him playfully. Nevertheless, she still kisses him on the cheek before they separate to go to their own house tables, and Sirius no longer has an appetite.

"Moony, you should give him detention!"

Remus startles out of his own thoughts, completely missing what the agitated boy is referring to. "Who? For what?"

"Todd's PDA!" Sirius snaps as though it should be obvious. "Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable. I'm sure that breaks some sort of rule."

"You do realize that that would get Ema in trouble too?" Remus points out. He hardly takes his prefect duties seriously and could most likely write up a detention for Todd in a way that wouldn't implicate Emaline, but he's not about to tell Sirius this. "It takes at least two people to commit an act of PDA."

"Oh." Sirius deflates, his plan falling apart. "Never mind then."

"That's what I thought."

As if on cue, Emaline appears behind Remus and Peter, urgently tapping her brother on his shoulder.

"I need to speak with you," she says, leaving him no room to argue. "Now."

"Whatever you have to say to Peter can be said in front of us," Sirius offers, immediately sliding further down the bench to provide a seat for her between him and James. "He's going to tell us everything anyways. You might as well save his breath."

"Oh, no." Emaline shakes her head adamantly, practically pulling Peter to his feet as she does so. "You're not messing up my social standing while this rumor is going around. I can only get away with talking to Peter right now because we're related."

Dragging Peter away from his friends, she guides him to a corner of the large room. It may not be secluded from prying eyes, but it is far enough away from any of the tables that she can be certain no one is eavesdropping.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" Emaline asks, peering at him worriedly. She's taken aback by the realization that she no longer has to crouch in order to be at his eye level but quickly dismisses the new information, knowing now most certainly is not the time. "No matter how embarrassing, I'm your sister and I'll always be here for you."

"I know," Peter drawls warily, completely clueless as to where this conversation is going.

"So is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"Surely you've heard by now." She furrows her eyebrows together, wondering if he's playing dumb to avoid the topic. "The entire school is talking about how you and your friends are-" Emaline hesitates, her voice dropping to barely above a whisper as she says the final word. "Furries."


Emaline jumps, clamping a hand over his mouth to muffle his shouts that are causing all the students watching to lean closer in anticipation. He immediately licks it and she shrieks, removing her wet hand and wiping it off on his robes.

"I'll take that as a no," she mutters, still eyeing her hand in disgust.

"Of course it's a no!" Peter whispers angrily. "Why would anyone even think that?"

"Well, all of you do have those weird animal-related nicknames," Emaline points out, grinning wickedly. Having gotten the confirmation she needed, she suddenly finds the gossip all too hilarious. "It's not that crazy of an assumption."

"But those are only because-," he stops, nearly spilling the true secret behind them. He quickly changes the course of his sentence, hoping she won't focus on what he had started to say. "Never mind the nicknames. Where did you hear this stupid rumor?"

"I heard it from Cynthia, who heard it from Marlene, who heard it from Gilderoy, who heard it from Cordelia, who heard it from Atlas, who heard it from Severus, who heard-"

"Just tell me who started it!" Peter snaps, nowhere near as amused by this information as she is.

"I'm afraid I can't." Emaline shrugs her shoulders in mock helplessness, her broadening grin giving her away. "He swore me to secrecy."

"But you just said you heard the rumor from Cynthia?"

"I did," she agrees, only adding to his confusion. "But I also heard it straight from the source. He talked to me after my Potions class - he has some pretty compelling evidence, by the way, so good luck trying to get the rumors to go away anytime soon. It pissed me off at first that he'd say anything like that, but now that I know it's all fake? It's bloody brilliant."

"So you're really not going to tell me who it is?"


"You're a terrible sister."

"I know. It keeps me up at night."

Peter smiles despite himself. "Please tell me?"

"My lips are sealed."

"Can you at least tell me what house he's in?"


Peter scowls, flipping his sister off before spinning on his heel and storming back to his friends to fill them in on everything they missed.

Emaline laughs and her gaze moves to the opposite side of the Great Hall, immediately spotting the culprit she had been referring to. Despite the watchful eyes of the entire student population, nobody notices the wink she throws in his direction or the smile he offers in return.

After all, who would expect the unlikely alliance of Emaline Pettigrew and Regulus Black?

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