11)Don't stop,Don't hold back.

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He's going to miss the cottage he built.

As Tommy puts away the things he doesn't need,he looks around.Phil and Ranboo were tending to his little girl's injury—she's partially deaf she's fucking partially deaf on her left ear Dream is going to fucking pay—with Michael holding her hand,letting out comforting rumbling and chuffing.

Fundy was helping him with putting away the useless things and preparing their items for the journey ahead;Weapons,potions,armour,food;just the essentials they would deem necessary.And besides,if-when they defeat Dream,Tommy thought about moving back with his family.

Clara deserves to know more about her new found family.It'll be good for her.

Techno and Tubbo were keeping watch,making sure there aren't any more tricks and traps waiting for them during the trip.Tommy could see that Tubbo had been training,the way he wielded his weapons was different than the way he used to.

"Dad and boo were trained under uncle Techno..",Michael told him one time,"...he said it would be best if they came in ready.Just in case he came around,you know?".

It's nice to know your family is getting along now.

Tommy sighs,shutting close a chest in his room.He has everything now.If-When—ender it needs to be a when—they get back here,it would be for packing the rest of their stuff and moving it into the family house.He likes the idea of moving back with his family,but he's going to miss this safe haven.

"Uncle Toms?"

Tommy looks up to see Fundy waiting for him.He smiles at him,"I'm coming,just wait downstairs.".

His ears flattened a little,"Are you sure?".

"Yeah...",Tommy nods,"...just need to collect my thoughts.".

Fundy mumbles something and leaves the room.Tommy waits there for a little,just so he can be sure that Fundy has descended down the stairs.When he was sure of it,he makes his way towards his bed.He knew it wouldn't be long until Dream found him,anyway.

Beneath his bed,lies a secret compartment he built.

He grabs the bag that kept multiple totems of Undying he kept stash of.He winced at the memory of having to bring both children to a woodland mansion,just so they could be within his line of sight.He still hasn't really forgiven himself for letting them see him covered in bruises and cuts and blood.

But for once,he feels proud of his preparations.

He doesn't know how many lives he has at the moment,but he isn't willing to risk it.

The packs the stash into his bag,his inventory,but keeping one tucked away in his utility belt.His coat was long enough that no one would notice the totem straight away,so it should be fine.

With one more glance around the room,Tommy leaves to join his family outside,baring the battle axe he made himself.

If Dream wants another battle,Tommy is going to give it.


There was a lot of murmuring in the crowd.Maybe Tommy should've expected that.

His family surrounds him and the children,both of which were clinging onto Tommy.They formed a—sort of—barrier between him and what's after him.And that was the man standing upon a ruined prison he had escaped from.

For a moment,Tommy spots a certain creeper hybrid in the distance.His stance looked hesitant,maybe disappointed.At him?At himself?Who knows?Perhaps Sam never told anyone and Tommy was grateful for it.He'll admit he,he did feel a little bad for snapping at Sam that day;but he was newly-revived,so maybe he could understand he's trying to understand his situation.


Said boy looked up to see Dream and his family keeping both him and the children behind.Dream's mask was incredibly cracked and damaged,more so than he last saw it.What was once a full porcelain mask became one single piece covering his left eye,that one dot that supposedly represented an eye stares at him,dull.

And,despite how seemingly far Dream was,he could make out the man's face.There were scars and burns everywhere.His dirty blonde had grown and reached the nip of his neck,his emerald eyes stare onto him and the crowd,the orange jumper was torn beneath the green hoodie Dream managed to steal back.

Dream was grinning.

"You finally came back!",he mockingly rejoiced,"I've been waiting for you,coward.".

Tommy found himself scowling at him,bringing in Clara closer to his chest in a protective way."Dream..."

Little Clara peeked from Tommy's shoulder to find the man with the orange jumpsuit and broken mask,looking down on them.But the moment Dream finds Clara,they both stare at each other with wide eyes."Papa,is that the admin?"

Tommy pauses,looking down at his girl,"What?".

"I'm sorry...",Michael shuffles closer to Tommy's legs,partially hiding his face from a slight guilt he felt,"...it was better if she knew..."

"What is that I see?",the groups tensed,bringing in the smaller ones closer to Tommy,huddle them together protectively.Dream scoffs,But there was interest in his gleaming eyes,"Children?I've heard of little Michael before,but the girl...",his grin goes wide that Clara shivers in Tommy's hold,"...she's new isn't she?"

There was a growl,one not too loud but enough that it sent a message;a warning.Tommy watched as his brother's grip on his sword tightens and how his stance became more defensive.Techno's tail flickered behind him,close to them and Clara—perhaps,out of curiosity or comfort—grabs the puffed out fur.

Techno goes still and Tommy was just about to scold Clara,tell her to let go because uncle Tech doesn't like sudden touch,when the tail wraps around her wrist.It's technically not tail holding,but it'll do.This tail holding could be...literal.

"Oh,getting protective?",Dream watched the interaction from where he sat,mockingly,"You've gone soft,Technoblade."

"Dream.",the name came out with a growl,one Tommy was quite familiar with;protective.For a moment,Tommy found warmth inside his chest because that was his big brother and he was protective of him and his child.

Dream laughs,almost cackles,"Don't tell me you care about that brat,Techno!"

"He's my brother Dream.",he brandished his sword,a clear warning to the admin,"He's my family,my pack.If Tommy decided she's part of his family,then I'll consider her family too;consider her part of my pack.",he growls,"and I protect my pack."

"Was he your Brother,your family,before?",with the way Techno slightly tensed,Tommy knew what was happening.Dream was testing him,like he had did before,"Or did you care when he finally died a pathetic death."

"Dream that is enough!"

Philza,Tommy's dad,stepped in.He brought his wings out,puffing them in a defensive stance as he keeps his children—and grandchildren—behind him.Tommy could see Clara's slight awe at how large her grandfather's wings were.

"Philza...",Dream crosses his arms,like a toddler that's about to throw a tantrum,"...you too?I could've sworn you disowned him!"

"I made mistakes Dream,but I'm willing to try again,",Phil's grip on his sword tightens too and Tommy knew he meant it.Another wave of warmth filled his chest because he just knew his family was willing to try and rebuild that bond;despite the many shitty things they did to each other.

Maybe,going home with them wouldn't be bad;Tommy dared to think as he watched the people who surrounds him and the children.

"Awe,how touching,",Dream scoffs,a feral grin etched his face,"You've all gone soft for a worthless brat.How boring.".

It was small,almost unnoticeable.But Tommy could feel how his clothes rumpled a little and he looks down at the little girl in his arms.Clara curls in on herself,trying to hide herself from that animalistic smile Dream wore.

"Papa he's scary..",she whispers,her ears down and droopy.

"I know buns.",he gently bumps his forehead onto hers,his own voice was just as soft as Clara's;Something he worked on since the day he started caring for the little rabbit,"But I'm here.Your family is here.We'll protect both of you,I promise."

"Really?",Clara stares into Tommy's eyes,glistening with unshed tears.

"Until my last breath.",Tommy promised her,tucking her head underneath his chin as he looks up to glare at the man who had been staring at him.

"You care about that girl Tommy,Huh?",he acknowledges,titling his head to the side as that feral grin grows wide,"Another attachment?"

His protective instincts kicked in and he growls too,pulling Clara closer to his chest and turning his body to the side as if to keep Dream's eyes off of her,"Don't you dare lay a finger on her,Dream!".

Clara whines,the unshed tears finally bundling up."Papa...",she mumbled,pressing her face onto Tommy's chest in fear.

"How pitiful...",Dream begins to move around his little platform,eyes still trained on them,"...you remember exile,Tommy?"

Tommy froze,momentarily,as memories of his exile flashes before his eyes.He falters,just a little.But then,he pulls his guard back up,because it's been three years since.He had the time to think,he had the time to reflect,he had the time to grow strong.Physically and mentally.

Still,it didn't stop him from tensing up every time his exile was brought up.

"Toms..",Tubbo whispers to him,his hand finding his arm and squeezing it tight.Comforting and grounding,Tommy finds himself appreciating it.

"You remember what happens when you have attachments,Tommy?"

"Don't listen to him,uncle Toms.",Michael tugs on his pants,hugging his side as his tail flickers.Using his right hand to continue holding Clara,Tommy used his other hand and nudged Michael closer to him.The little piglin hybrid gently bonked his head on his leg.

"...remember that mooshroom cow?",Tommy freezes at the words coming from the man,"What was his name again?Mooshroom Henry?"


Phil and Tubbo looked at him,eyes wide with concern.Dream paused,watching as Tommy's hold on both children tighten.As for Tommy himself,Clara could feel the short puffs of breath coming from her father.It worries her.

"Huh...",Dream cocked his head to the side,like he was taunting him,"...already giving up?".They could hear the mock in his tone.

But he wasn't mocking anyone,not anymore.Tommy knew what he had to do.


The fox hybrid looks over to his uncle,ears perked up upon hearing his name."Y-Yes?"

Tommy continues to stare at Dream,keeping him in his line of sight.With a deep breath,he instructs Fundy to,"Take the kids and go hide."

The group jolts and all looks at him,baffled and confused.The majority had exclaimed,"What!?",while Clara cried,"Papa!?".It was a risky move,he knew this.But Dream wants Tommy;not his family,not the children,most definitely not his daughter.

Dream wants Tommy and that's all he's getting.


"Hide the kids and stay safe.",Fundy promptly shuts up,his ears going flat against the side of his face,"We'll come find you when it's safe.",he moved his hand from Michael's head to his shoulder,grasping his attention,"Michael,I know you'll do anything to protect Clara-"

"I know what to do,uncle Tommy.",The boy cuts him off and Tommy knew his eyes hardened with that familiar bravery and determination.A part of Tommy was proud of little Michael.

"Papa...",Clara whines,her tiny fists clenching his shirt.Tommy finally shifts his gaze from Dream to his little girl and his heart cracks a little from how the tears forming into one large puddle that had yet to slip down her cheeks.

"Go with Michael and Fundy,okay?",he presses a kiss onto her forehead,before he quickly passes her onto Fundy's arms;just as Clara tried to grab him again.

"Papa!",she cries,struggling in Fundy's hold to reach the blonde man that is her dad.The tears finally began to slip.

His eyes sting,but Tommy held back.Stay strong,he reminded himself."Love you buns.",he mumbled with a soft expression,before turning to Fundy with hard eyes,"Go."

Fundy,hesitating for a little,nods.He grasps Michael's hand,just after a gentle bonk from both his parents,and they run into the forest.Dream had no reaction,yet everyone was heavily cautious of his moves.

"Papa!",Clara wails,fruitlessly reaching out to Tommy.The young blonde watched as Fundy and the kids run back into the forest;with Michael looking back,slightly scared,and Clara wailing and calling for him.

"Did I hear that right?",Turning back to the important moment,they all saw that intrigued glint in his sickly green eyes,"Did she call you...papa?",that intrigued glint morphed into one of interest.It wasn't good interest either,"You're a father now Tommy?"

Tommy clenched his fists,staring daggers at Dream,"If you even dare-"

"Oh no...",Dream jokingly puts his hands up in a defensive position,"...I won't be the one playing hide and seek."


Something fell and metal clanks.The enderman hybrid's posture straightens,no longer curled into a defensive pose.Purple sparks began to swirl around him and his shoulders go slack.Ranboo's sword had fallen out of his hand,its blade caked in soil.

"...Ranboo?",Tubbo called out to him,his hand raised to grab his arm.

Ranboo turns and his eyes were glowing.His pupils gone,nothing but a coloured glow filled his eyes.His jaw widened a little,sharp teeth exposed,and hand growing claws.

The tension immediately shoots up from there.

Ranboo teleports from their side to right before them,arms and claws raised with the intent to attack.But he made no move and suddenly,his posture looked familiar.

It was Phil who voiced it out to the crowd;

"Dream,you bastard!"

"What?",The admin snorts,watching as Ranboo growls defensively,"You still think I have something to do with-"

"Cut the bullshit Dream!",That was Techno.Techno doesn't swear too often,so that means he's's mad,very mad.Tommy wouldn't be surprised if Chat was going bloody wild right now;"We know the Enderwalk is your doing!"

"And besides...",Now that was Tubbo.The short brunette takes a step forward with a brave face and determined eyes;"...if it's really just his natural enderwalk,Ranboo's eyes should be purple.".Despite the bangs that covered his eyes,Tommy could sense the way Tubbo's eyes narrowed;"Not Green."

"I see...",Dream adjusts his mask,perhaps out of habit,since it's only covering his left eye,"...you're getting smart.How annoying."

His hand,the one that held his broken mask,shifts.Dream was grinning wildly beneath that broken porcelain cover;"But that doesn't matter now.".

Dream's movements were quick;but for a spilt second,something appeared—glitched—before the man and the faint sounds of sizzling—or was that cackling?—echoed through the atmosphere.The next thing the group knew was the fact everyone that surrounded the area,the people who were beginning to charge at Dream the moment that thing appeared,had gone dead still.Frozen,as if time has stopped.

"What are you-!?"

"Because I,myself,have grown smart too.",Dream cackles,turning to the enderman hybrid who stood by,dazed.


Upon hearing his name,Ranboo—who hasn't woken up why hasn't he woken up yet?—glanced over to Dream.

"Go find the little ones."

Ranboo lets put a warbled coo,almost an approval,before purple particles began to grow into existence and warp around Ranboo's unmoving body.

"Ranboo Wait-!",Tubbo was too late to grab Ranboo by the arm when the enderman had disappeared into thin air.Tommy held back the urge to run into the wood,to the kids.

"Everyone....",Phil looked around at the people's unmoving and dazed bodies.Their eyes glassy and unblinking.Dream is still smiling;"...what did you do?"

The man simply shrugged;"Simple!I'm making it fair."

"How is any of this fair,Dream?",Techno gestured around the place,his knuckles going pale as his grip on his weapon tightens with every minute that had passed.

Dream hums,"Well,it isn't exactly fair for me to battle the entire server on my own so..."

With a snap of his fingers,everyone who were unmoving jerked into life.All heads snapped towards the family and there was only emptiness in their green eyes.


"...if no one is willing to fight alongside me,I guess I'll just drag them along."

"You are a sick bastard.",Tommy managed to mumbled,slightly disturbed at the sight of everyone with toxic green eyes.Just looking at them made him shiver,because it only brought him some unpleasant memories.The only reason he keeps on staring back was because none of them were Dream.

"And you are a weak coward.",Dream shot back,grinning as those in his control shifts to face them properly.

Tubbo,instinctively,turned to Tommy and grabbed his arm.To ground him or simply hold him down,the blonde found himself comforted at the gesture."Tommy...",The brunette mumbled.

"You want a fight Dream?",Tommy challenged,pulling out the sword he had kept underneath his bed,raising it in a defensive position,"I'll give you one."


Fundy and the kids ran through the forest.The skies had gone dark and cloudy,and they weren't sure if that was Dream's doing.

"Papa...",Clara whined,clinging onto her cousin as the tears have yet to stop falling.

"It'll be okay.",Fundy found himself reassuring her,despite the fact he had absolutely no idea what to do,"Uncle Tommy is strong,isn't he?".

Clara nods,hesitant,"Super strong."

"Yeah!",Michael added,his tone of voice slightly wobbly,"He's Super duper strong!He can handle himself!"

"Plus,he's got the others.",Fundy added,scanning the forest as he kept tugging Michael to run faster.

But eventually,they came to a stop.Clara looks up at Fundy,confused as she was transferred from his hold to Michael's.

"Both of you listen to me...",he starts,holding them closely as he kept his ears perked up,"...I'm not planning on leaving both of you,okay?",he quickly reminds them the moment they tensed at his tone,"But if things go bad,I need you to run and hide and stay quiet,you hear me?"


"I can fight.",Fundy firmly states,taking a moment to scan the environment,"But I need you to run when I tell you to,okay?"

Clara sniffles and Michael stares at him,"You'll be okay,right?"

"Of course I will be,Michael.",the older one ruffled his hair,"Your dad's and uncle Tech gave me quite the training after all."

"I still wanna know you,Fun...",Clara mumbled,eyes glossed as new tears fell down her cheeks.

"I wanna know you too,Clara.",He replied,softening at her sweet words.How Tommy managed to raise such a wonderful girl is beyond him,but Fundy found himself being impressed with his uncle's way of raising kids,"And we will,I promise."

Faint warping noise and growls sprung to life.

Fundy,just after his tail and ears shoots up,shoves both of the kids out of the way,just as a claw came swinging down and would've attacked the group.Sparing a quick glance at the kids,he turned up towards the attacker,carrying the full intent of fighting back,when green eyes and tall frame met his gaze.

"Ranboo?",Fundy couldn't help but mumble.

"Boo!?",Michael cries,pulling Clara closer to him.

"Uncle Boo...?",Clara whispered,eyes wide and startled.

Ranboo lets out another growl,circling the three like a prey.Fundy moved closer to the kids,allowing them some protection as they get back on their feet;or to let Michael pick Clara back up and hold her close.The fox-hybrid acknowledges the glowing green eyes and immediately knew what was up;


At the sound of the admin's name,Ranboo—it's not him it's not him—sprung into action and lunges.

Once again,Fundy pushes the kids out of the way and blocks Ranboo's attack with his axe.Ranboo during his enderwalk sure is strong,Fundy couldn't help but muse as he pushes him back.Another growl escaped the unaware hybrid.

"Boo!Uncle boo!",Clara cries as Michael shakes at the sight of his own father in such state,"Wake up!".

Ranboo lunges again,his clear intent were on the children.But Fundy was much quicker,tackling the taller one to the side just as Michael dodges,holding Clara tightly.

"Boo!Stop!",Michael begs,watching as his vision blurred and tints in pink.He received nothing but,once again,another deep growl,accompanied by a faint gurgling sound.Fundy pushed him away from the children,keeping Ranboo as far away from them as possible.

"Kids run-!"

Clara screams as Ranboo slashes Fundy,leaving a bleeding mark across his cheek and up towards his forehead.

"Fundy!",both of them screams as their cousin—that's their cousin,oh god he's hurt he's hurt real bad—as he falls to the ground,blooding oozing from his face.

"Fun!",Clara,in particular,wails his name,shaking in pure fear at the sight of such scene.

"Both of you...",Fundy rasped,attempting to get up,but had only managed to lift his head,"...run.".

Ranboo,still under Dream's control,knocks Fundy out by his own axe;with Fundy's head going limp and falling back onto the ground with a muffled thud.Ranboo cooed,somewhat,approvingly when Fundy had lost consciousness.

The taller figure looks back at them,the green glow glowing brighter than earlier.He takes a step closer to them and Clara squeaks in terror.

"Uncle Boo what are you doing!?",she cries,wailing and shaking in Michael's overgrowing hold of protectiveness and security.She buries her face onto Michael's chest and trembled,the hotness growing much prominent and-


"Stay...away...",Michael growls himself,curling around Clara protectively.Said girl peeks to the side and sees Michael's form was changing,his height getting tall and his frame growing in size,"from...my...".

When it stops,Clara risked a peek up towards his face and gasped.

Michael's tusks were much larger.His face was much more pig-like,his nose replaced with that of a snout.His skin changed colour,becoming much pinker.

The eyepatch fell towards the ground,the string snapping when his head grew a little larger.All it revealed was an empty socket,red and green caked its insides.


In that moment,Michael's vision was red.



Been a while huh?How are you guys?

A lot of things were happening lately,mainly school and personal stuff,the usual.
I promised you all I wouldn't leave this book unfinished or abandoned and I fully intent on keeping that promise.So...here!Take this chapter.

Not the best,due to the gap of when I last updated this chapter,but it's something.

It will take a while for chapters to come out now(this applies to any books/projects I will make in the future) due to the fact I'm heading to senior high this year(as well as the fact that i'm transferring out of my current school for that very purpose)which means I'll be pretty busy and stuff.

So what I'm trying to say is...
Updates are going to be slow as fuck,Especially since I'm not super into the DSMP now,unlike the last year.I have been keeping up with the plot and all,just not as often as I usual do.
In fact,I have joined another fandom and have already created and posted a fic out of it.

It's Encanto-

Thank you all so so much for waiting!
I have put away the hiatus now,which means this fic(And by extension me)is back!
Just...much slower,as I have another book to write and grades to carry :'D

But anyways,let's get on with the usual stuff;
If I missed anything or made some spelling mistakes,feel free to point it out!

Next chapter's summary:
"Their fate is in your hands"

Thank you all for reading and waiting!
Remember to drink water,eat something,take a nap;just take care of yourselves in general.
And don't worry,I'll do my best to do the same.

Thanks again,everyone~
See ya'll soon.


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