4)"My Heart Is Now Warm,I Wish Yours Was Too"

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The sun was beginning to set and Michael had just realised this fact.

He was having so much fun playing with his new friend,Clara.Who knew playing with a two year old could bring such joy?And honestly,who could blame him?He had so much fun laughing and playing pretend with the little girl,who mostly leaned on him for his warmth.

Michael didn't complain once.

But the sun was setting and Michael knew he needs to head back home.He idly wonders how worried his parents are,considering he's been missing for the majority of the day.Disappearing at six in the morning and returning by dusk,Michael was definitely sure they were tearing the whole country to look for him.

The man noticed as well when he looks out the window.

"I think you need to head home now,kiddo.",he tells him,getting off the couch and picking Clara up from the floor.The rabbit girl was holding the cow plushie—which was named Stuffy Henry,by Clara—by the ear and later squished by her arm.

Michael nods,solemnly,"Y-Yeah...".He looks down,a little disappointed that he had to leave so soon.

Something poked his forehead and he jolts up.The man was crouching before him,"Hey,don't look so down.You're free to visit us anytime.",he leans a little closer,"Just watch out for your parents.Don't wanna get sued,ya know?"

Michael giggles,nodding at him before they made their way towards the door.The man paused a little,before he nagged Clara's blanket from one of the couches.He bundles the lower portion of her body,allowing the upper portion to move freely.

"We should hurry up.The mobs are going to spawn soon and it'll be a hassle to take care of them with you both around.",he advised,grabbing an iron axe that rested on the wooden wall by the front door.

Michael hums in acknowledgement.He remembers watching his uncle blade and grandpa Phil,sometimes his cousin Fundy and dad,kill numerous zombies and skeletons that roamed their home during the 'bad nights'.He had a couple of encounters with creepers;let's just say it was not a very pleasant experience.

The group went out towards the front of the house.The skies were painted with the familiar warm orange and red hue,the sun glowed a bright gold in the distance,and the wind felt chilling once it hits your bare skin.

The man offers Michael his hand,the other cradling Clara as she holds the cloak's fabric.

Michael takes his hand.

"Let's go."

They leave the cabin in a hurry,Michael's grip on the man's hand tightens as he catches up.While on their way,the boy describes his home and its surroundings;how he lives in a large brick home,oak trees and tall grass and bushes laid out around the place.He tells him about the garden in his backyard,where he sneaked out from.

Michael also tells him about L'Manburg,the country filled with ghost stories and war.His house sits just by the outskirts of it,a gravel path from his home leading  towards the city entrance.Somewhere up west,he told him at one point.

The man would respond with a hum or short answers,his eyes darting at every corner he glances at.Michael thinks he was looking out for any mobs that might spawn nearby.He still held his hand and it was enough comfort for Michael to know he'll be just fine.

Clara,on the other hand,had been in a daze just watching her environment as they jogged.Sometimes she giggles at the sight of flowers or wild animals,sometimes reaches out her chubby hands in favour of catching a butterfly that flew past them.

As for their short trip in the nether,it was also quite pleasant,to say the least.Clara got a little dizzy from entering and exiting the portals,but the man had held onto her tight during it.And Michael was pretty much unbothered by anything in the nether,so everything was surprisingly okay when they came back and continued their venture.

And if the guy silently scolded Michael for just going into the nether like that—all alone with nothing but the flower crown—with a tight 'ahem',it was acknowledged between them and them only.

Michael beamed when he sees the familiar chimney in the distance,along with that interior of the house he lived in for quite some time."There!",he declared,pointing his hand towards the brick house.

At first,he though he was being pulled away when he tried to run towards his home.But he looked back to realise that the man had actually stopped jogging,his hand still holding his.Michael watches him as he gets to his knee,settling Clara there as she watches in silent curiosity.

"Kid,I need you to do me a favour.",he told him,his voice sounding a little quiet and low,like a whisper.

Michael walks up towards him,titling his head to the side,"Yes?"

He hears him take a deep breath,"When you get home,pretend you never met me or Clara.Don't tell any of your family about our existence."

Wait what-

"H-huh?",Michael gasped,"B-But why not?"

The man took a breath,"Let's just say I prefer to be an unknown to the folks here.",he gestured Clara,"...and besides,I feel like it's safer that way.I'm not ready to take on some intruders that would later find out about our existence."

Michael stared for a little,his ears drooped.Its just his family,it's not like he would tell everyone he meets.That's just stupid.And besides,his dad and boo would probably be happy to know Michael made some friends!His grandpa Phil might get along with this man..Fundy too!He'll like Clara,everyone would!And his uncle blade-


His parents...they might not ever let him see this man and Clara again.They might as well lock him up in the house if they learned the truth,their overprotective instincts kicking in.His uncle blade might hurt this man too!He didn't like strangers,Michale remembers.Fundy and grandpa Phil might be neutral,but who knows?

His sighs,disappointed.The man was right,Michael decided.Even if his family is alright with this man,it will not be for everyone else.Word spreads quickly through the city,slowly becoming rumours that people would have the joy in discovering it.

And the people of L'Manburg aren't exactly very sane.

"I-I...I'll stay quiet!",he declared,his voice strong but hushed,"I-I'll make sure no one knows where you and Clara are!",he pulls out his pinkie finger to the man.

"I promise!"

He feels the man smile as he interlocks his own pinkie with his."Thanks a bunch,kid."

Clara hums,wondering about the interaction.She quickly ignores it later,now focusing on Michael as she makes grabby hands towards him again.Her father,however,shushes her gently;"Sorry,buns.But Michael needs to go home now."

Clara whimpers at that,wiggling and squirming within the man's hold as she still reached out to Michael.Both males attempted to comfort her,but Clara wouldn't stop persisting.Surely,they understood that Clara wanted to spend more time with her new-found friend.

"I promise I'll come back visit,Clara.",Michael tells her,praying that she would understand his words.

She didn't.

Clara was close to crying her heart out when something was pressed against her head.She looked up to see reds and whites hues,a bit of green pricked out from the warm colour.

Michael had placed his flower crown on Clara.

It's safe to say the crown was a wee too big for her head,but they were relived when Clara's attention shifted towards the accessory on her head,tickling her large ears.It also seemed the little girl liked her new headdress;a joyful smile says it all.

"You sure about it?",the man asked Michael,gesturing the crown,"I though you said you wanted to give this to your uncle."

The boy smiles,almost bittersweet."I'm sure he'll understand.I can just get him roses and poppies.",his tail flickered,nervously,"...I'm sure he'll understand.",he mumbled,a reassurance to himself.

He doesn't notice the way the man softens underneath the hood.He brings his hand up and ruffled Michael's pink curls,the boy jolts in shock."I'm sure he'd understand....",he stared into Michael's eyes,"...Who knows?Maybe he's proud."

Michael found himself smiling at that.

"Now go,kid.",the man nudges Michael,"...don't wanna get into more trouble."

The group found themselves threading through the forest again,the sight of the town just by their side.Michael had told the man he should probably head towards the bench first,so he could put the flowers there.

It was pretty convenient he found roses,but no poppies.It was a slight disappointment,but Michael found daisies instead.That could work,Michael thinks as he bundled the flowers together,wincing when he accidentally pricked his finger on one of the thorns.

The sun was a quarter gone when Michael reaches the bench.The man stood by the sidelines,cradling a sleeping Clara in his arms.The little girl had fallen asleep during the walk and she looked very adorable in Michael's eyes.

How small,he muses.

Michael doesn't say anything when he reaches the bench and placed the flowers on the wooden seats.He remembers how his parents would talk when they visit;about the family,the town,the people,and just stuff about the past Michael didn't understand yet.

All those words were carried away by the wind,maybe taking them to his uncle.

But Michael had nothing to say.Its not like he doesn't know what to say,he had a lot he wanted to say to his late uncle.But his throat seemed dry when he tries to think of the words to say.Michael ends up just sitting on the bench as he watched the sunset,letting the wind brush against his hair and flowers.

He doesn't notice how the man watched with mix feelings.

He wasn't sure how long he had sat there,watching the sun set on the bench his uncle made.Michael didn't have the strength to even care when the stars began to form.Is it because this was his second time visiting this place?Maybe it's the fact he gets to experience this all by himself,without hearing those distressed cries and choked feelings from his family.

Michael sighs,temporarily forgetting he still had company.

It was the sounds of quick footsteps that broke him out of his trance,along with frantic calls of his name.Michael's ears perked up at the sound and turned to see who called him.

He nearly toppled over the bench when two large bodies slammed into his smaller frame,arms wrapped tightly around him in a way it was almost difficult to breath from how tight it was.Voices were overlapping and Michael could any catch a few;

"Where the hell were you!?",that's from his dad.

"We looked everywhere,kiddo.",that's boo,he's pretty sure of that.

"Don't you fucking dare do that again!",definitely his dad,he often swears even when he's around him.

"You could've gotten hurt,Michael.",Boo once more-

Michael should probably calm his parents down.He brings up his arms to pat them on the side,as he was still a little small.Both his parents pulled away,though it was painfully obvious they hesitated to let go.They had tear tracks down their cheeks,boo's was more prominent and Michael winces at the burns.

"I'm not hurt,see?",he waves his hands and arms,gesturing himself afterwards.

"But I can see band-aids on your legs,what happened!?".


Michael looked towards his bandaid-covered legs as he tries to come up with a lie.He promised he wouldn't tell them about the kind man and Clara.He remembers the box of bandaids in his room,something he decided to do when his uncle Techno said to always be prepared.

"I tripped.I brought some cause I knew you'll freak out if I got hurt.".It was a half lie.He never did bring any of those bandaids.But he definitely knew his dad and boo would start freaking out so much at the sight of him hurt.A scratch was even enough to cause them to panic a little.

Yeah,his parents were a wee bit dramatic.

"Still,why did you think leaving the house on your own was a good idea!?"

Okay,now that he can answer with brutal honesty.Michael likes to think they should probably realise that he's a growing boy that should soon learn to be independent.He wasn't sure if kids his age were taught to be independent at five years old,but he was confident that piglins like him were taught to survive by themselves as early as a few months to a year old.

"Don't you realised how your dad and I got so worried about you!?"

Alright,he had a point.But his reason still stands,they should know that there was going to be a day he's gonna have to be on his own for a little bit.A hard truth for a five year old boy?For sure,but again,he's smarter than most kids his age.And by kids,he meant overworld kids.Those in the nether are different.

"I wanted to go out.",Michael blurted,avoiding eye contact with any of his parents.

"Well you could've told-"

"Without you guys.",he added.Unknowingly,he had sent a glare towards his parents.It was only when they flinched did he realised and he avoids their gazes once more,ears dropping as he turned.

"T-",his dad forced himself to stop,taking a deep breath,"...Michael..."

"I just....I got tired of being inside.And every time you'd bring me out,it's always so quick.Its not fair.",he pouted,crossing his arms as he stared at the bundle of flowers that sat by his side.He counted the petals in his mind,pushing away that small,pent up anger he kept.

"But kid,it's for-"

He cuts his boo off with a exasperation sigh,"...It's for my safety,you told me that a hundred times before.I know...",he mumbled the last part,staring off into the distance as the sun had finally set.The stars above twinkled and shined,while the moon started rising towards the sky.

"I just wanted to be outside and by myself.Being inside was getting boring and I wanted to look for more flowers for uncle Tommy...",he glances back the the flowers.His watched as his boo gently picks up the bouquet,examining them with care.

A small and soft smile formed on his face,a similar smile he'd see when his boo would play pretend with him."Roses and daisies?",Michael nods,hesitant and flustered,"That's a wonderful choice,bud."

He stares back at the flowers in his boo's hands as he placed it back onto the seat.The chips and dents on the wooden planks of the bench caught his attention.He remembered how his parents would tell him how this bench had survived many wars and explosions,one of the very few items that made it through the chaos and had become an artifact of the past.

"...do you think he'll like them...?"

His dad's once tensed face went soft.He takes a seat next to Michael,bringing up his hand to card it through his hair."I'm certain he loves it..",he points at the bright red roses and pure white daisies,"...It even has his signature colours."

Michael snorts.It was the reason he chose these flowers.One time,he found a worn out red and white shirt when he was exploring his grandpa's room.It was his uncle blade and cousin Fundy that told him it was his uncle Tommy's signature shirt,the one he often wears.

They jokes about it being his trademark and Michael thinks it's not really a joke anymore.But putting that aside,he felt lucky he had found some daisies nearby.It'll probably look a bit bland if he just handed out red coloured flowers.

"Let's head back inside...we'll discuss this further.",his boo announced,grasping Michael by the armpits and picking him up,cradling him close to his chest."...C'mon,kiddo.",he mumbled into his ear.

The turn to leave,leaving the bouquet by the bench so it would wilt through time,just like all the others.As the bench was leaving his viewpoint,Michael waved to the air.

"Bye bye,Uncle Tommy...",he whispered.

He does not see how sad,but somehow proud his dad's looked.Instead,he feels his boo's arms tighten around him,pulling him impossibly closer.One hand pulls away from his back and onto his head,sharp nails cautiously scratching his scalp.It was soothing.

It was only when they were arriving at the house did his dad spoke again,

"Michael,please don't scare us like that ever again."

Michael holds in giggle and a pout.

"No promises."

He did,however,snicker at the exasperated sigh and quiet groan from both his parents.

Hey,that man said he was always welcomed to stop by and visit.It would be rude to not visit him again,not when he was nice and cool.

And besides!He needs to visit his new friend soon.

He should bring something as a gift for them...


"Jeez kid...following the footsteps of your uncle,huh?"

He watched as they entered the house,faint voices of relief but a bit scolding reached his ears.It sounded so familiar to him.

It was quite a shock to see Michael glare at his parents like that;not because he had the audacity to glare at his parents,no he could glare at his grandparents if he even had any.It was the way he glared and the reactions.

He's painstakingly sure those wide eyed looks weren't at the glare.It was how he looked when he glared.He would've flinched too if he was being glared at.Hell,he sorta did flinch.

That kid..

He looks down at the sleeping child in his arms,her eyes close shut and her breathing was soft and calm.She was holding onto his coat,her grip was gentle but firm.The flower crown still placed on her head,covering half her face.

"Wonder if you'll act him just like how Michael act me...",he muses,turning around so he could begin his journey back to his cabin.He should probably feed Clara before she properly falls asleep.

And speaking of Clara,the little girl squirmed in his hold,her bleary and dual-coloured eyes met his own.He offers her a gentle and fond smile.She nuzzles close to his neck in response.


His heart soars when he heard that.He buries his head on her head,being careful of the delicate accessory,and holding her close as he keeps his ears out for any mobs that were destined to spawn.

"Love you too,buns."

He paused momentarily and looks back at the path.He wonders how the kid is doing.

"Good night,Michael."

A thought entered his mind and he found himself chuckling.

"Thanks for the flowers..."




Not the best chapter honestly ;-;
I'll definitely come back to this one to fix stuff up in the future-

...sorry for taking a while,stuff...sorta happened-
Mainly procrastination,it fuck'n sucks ;-;
Also maybe because I didn't have much planned for this chapter-
So I struggled with coming up with scenes and watching my words count cause I care about you guys and wanted to give a decently long chapter


And speaking of next chapter-
"Michael becomes and little shit and decides to give his family a second heart attack just so he could visit his new found Friend.Its quite windy today..."
: )

And as always,
Feel free to comment out any mistakes I made~

And I'll see ya'll on the next chapter~
See ya~!



Changed/added a few things to fix some plot holes :')

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