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I grabbed my throat at the sore feeling of screaming to all of the songs. My eyes teared up as they prepared for their last song and the concert were coming to an end.
When Suga's rap started, Jungkook was almost right in front of me. He was at the edge of the stage and as it was his turn to sing, he bended down to sing to the girls at the front. I screamed although I wasn't at the front but either way I felt like he was singing to me. 

A few tears dropped as the melody of Mikrokosmos was playing while the boys turned around and headed off stage. I filmed the big screen on which their faces were shown to never forget this memory - but how could I? It was unforgettable. 

Jin did his signature kiss and they were all gone. 

Fireworks were set off and the immense amount of fans headed out of the stadium while still cheering. I flinched a few times due to the fireworks but the adrenaline rushing through my body because of the concert made me ease a little and enjoy the beautiful colors lighting up the sky.

In an hour the fan meeting would begin and a few - compared to the amount of people in the stadium - fans went a different way than the others. As I got to the line I sighed at the sight of so many people before me. I was one of the last in line and the thought of the boys being way too tired to even bother talking to me got me worried. My heart was beating faster and faster the further in line I got. Almost dangerously fast I would say.

It felt surreal when only 5 people were in front of me and I clearly could see Namjoon's mouth move as he made a girl's dream come true. I had a lump in my throat when I took the first step up the stairs against the boys. 

Namjoon was the kindest man ever. He surprisingly made me more at ease and my breathing got lighter thanks to him. When I moved on to Jin I got nervous again and I had no idea what to say. He was good at asking me questions though which made me feel less nervous. Then I moved onto Yoongi, then Hoseok and then Taehyung. 

"What's your name?" Taehyung asked while signing a paper I had brought. 

God he's even more beautiful in real life

I was just about to answer when I heard his voice and spotted Jungkook next to V. I froze and could not believe my eyes. Jungkook laughed at something as he held the girl next to me's hand.

Am I dreaming again?

"What's your name?" Taehyung repeated himself as he probably thought I didn't hear him. I looked back at Tae in shock. My heartbeat quickened and I felt like I was going to faint. 

How do I look? Do I smell? Omg my hands are sweaty! Do I have mascara under my eyes?

"I'm Haru." I said and tried to smile but failed as I was overwhelmed. 

Overwhelmed both by Tae's enchanting deep brown eyes starring into mine, but also by the feeling of the girl next to me moving on and an empty spot in front of Jungkook which was soon where I was gonna stand. Tae chuckled at my expression and made me put my hands before my face to cover up that I was blushing. 

How embarrassing

Tae ended the conversation and I felt Jungkook's gaze at me as he was expecting me to move. I didn't. 

"Are you coming?" Jungkook asked politely and waved me over. 

Jungkook's first words to me. The first words in the real world. I moved over and handed him my paper as I didn't know what to say.

"So what's your name?" Jungkook asked just as all the others while signing my paper. He looked up as he didn't get a response. His eyes met mine and I was so close to just collapsing. 

His eyes sparkled. Damn. 

"Hellooo?" He said and I shook my head.

"I'm sorry.. I-I'm Haru." I blushed and he chuckled. He placed his elbows on the table and his hands in the air indicating me to take them.

"Haru." He repeated my name and smiled.

Somebody pinch me

I placed my hands in his and he intertwined his fingers with mine. Uncontrollably I did a little jump and squealed in pure excitement. He laughed at me again and I tried hiding my face but his hands were holding tightly onto mine. 

"Hey look at me, don't be so shy." He teased while smirking. I hesitantly looked at him and got lost in his eyes again. 

How is he even real? 

"You look familiar, have I seen you somewhere before?" He tilted his head while furrowing his brows. 

Wait what? Has he seen me before? I must be dreaming for real

"Hey are you two done soon? There are other people in line." Jimin teased Jungkook and nudged him, making Jungkook's eyes loosen from mine and shoot Jimin a displeased look.

Jungkook let go of my hands and unwillingly I moved on. 

Goodbye Jungkook

During the conversation with Jimin I wasn't present. I was lightheaded after the touch of THE Jeon Jungkook's hands and his eyes looking back into mine and his voice saying my name and...  I could go on forever. I was so overwhelmed by what just happened that I didn't even realize that it was Park Jimin whom I was now talking to. 

I got out from the festival toilet I had been sitting in for the past 15 minutes. I had cried a little due to the happiness I felt and the sadness that my time with BTS was over.. but mostly happiness and that I finally felt somewhat complete. 

I grabbed my phone from my shoulder bag to call a taxi but got interrupted by someone tapping me on my shoulder. I turned around and unintentionally gasped as I never would have expected who it was.

"Hey I didn't get to ask your name." Jimin said after chuckling at my reaction. 

"I-I-" I stuttered but stopped and hid my face in my hands out of embarrassment

Now is not the time for being starstruck Haru! Talk to him!

"You didn't seem to bother talking to me earlier." He said and walked towards me, making me back up till I my back got in touch with the bathroom door. My breathing got heavier as he placed his hands on the door making me trapped between that and him. 

This is different from my dreams..

"I-I'm sorry." I said and looked away as butterflies erupted my stomach and made it hard for me to look at the man in front of me. 

He stepped away and chuckled as he ran a hand through his hair. 

"So, your name?" He repeated himself not giving me a chance to get back to reality.

"Hey you! You shouldn't be here!" Some voices yelled as they grabbed my arm and led me out of the room. I looked back to assure myself I wasn't hallucinating and I met Jimin's eyes again. 

I hate these guards

I have never been to one of their concerts so I was struggling describing it, sorry💀 pray that I will attend one some time and I'll pray for you guys ⟬⟭

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