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"Is that—"

"Mum!" I said cutting her off. "Excuse us." I told everyone as I dragged her away.

"Isn't that Clyde? I thought you guys had broken up."

After I had broken up with Clyde I cried in my mum's arms for straight two hours.

"Yes that's Clyde and yes we've broken up. He's not here with me, he's with Brenda. They're dating, and no, Brenda doesn't know that Clyde and I dated before." I rushed.

"Well that's a bit of a situation honey." She said her brows furrowed.

No, mum. It was more than a bit of a situation because I've fucked him. But of course I couldn't tell my mum that.

"Just tell your boyfriend not to say anything or should I say husband? No, husband to be."

Mum laughed. "Okay, okay." She left to hug more guests.

I sighed in relief.

I turned and came face to face with Kelvin. "Hi! You came!"

I had texted Kelvin about the wedding yesterday, I didn't think he would come.

"Of course."

I smiled.

"So how are you holding up?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I'm going to tell Brenda after the wedding."

Kev nodded. "Good luck."

I really needed it. I looked around but I couldn't find Brenda and Mira. My eyes fell on Clyde, he was looking at me. He looked away when I caught him.

Mark hit his champagne glass with a spoon drawing everyone's attention.

"Hello everyone, thank you for coming, for coming to celebrate our union. I know we haven't been together for a long time but these past months has been really wonderful. I haven't felt this good for a long while."

"Aw." Everyone cooed while mum blushed. She was like a high school girl, most importantly she was happy. I looked around for dad but he was nowhere to be found. He didn't come.

After we tossed to their union, dishes were served. I finally caught sight of Mira.

"Miracle! Where have you been?"

She rushed over to me. "Come. I need to tell you something." I followed her to the kitchen, she looked around as if making sure no one was around.

I laughed. "What are you so secretive about?"

She looked at me. "Clyde broke up with Brenda."

I was startled. "Wh...what?" I stuttered.

"He broke up with her after the freshers night party."

I was furious. "That asshole. I can't believe he dumped her right after having sex with me. God, I hate myself."

A glass shattered behind us, Mira and turned back in horror. Brenda looked at us in shock.


"What the fuck was that about?" She whispered.

I took a step towards her but she stepped backwards. "It's not what you think."

"Yeah right. Do you think I'm deaf or daft?"

Mira tried to intervene. "Brenda—"

But she was cut off by Brenda. "You know I saw your highlighter at the back seat of Clyde's car. I didn't think much of it because I trusted you. I thought he must have seen you along the road and decided to drop you off. So you got into his car to have sex with him?"

"We didn't have sex in his car." I told her.

"Then at the night party you had sex right?"


"You both went away for a long time and when you came back your hair was messy and your lipgloss had gone off. Again, I thought nothing about it." She sobbed the last part covering her mouth with her hands.

I pleaded. "I'm sorry, Brenda, just let me explain—"

She pushed me away and I stumbled.

"You're such a horrible person and I don't want to see you ever again."

She walked out of the kitchen, I chased after her.

"Brenda, Clyde's my ex-boyfriend."

She halted. "What? You not only fucked my boyfriend but he's your ex and you didn't see the need to tell me?" Brenda yelled and then gasped in realization. "The initial on his bracelet is yours. God, I'm so stupid, it's been in front of me all this while!"

Everyone had turned to look at us.

Mira came from behind me. "Brenda bring your voice down."

"Don't tell me that! Mira you knew about this too, you're both the same."

She stormed out of the house. My eyes fell on Clyde, I marched towards him raging. Without a word I raised my hand and slapped him hard on his face.

He held his cheek surprised. Everyone had forgotten about the wedding they came to attend as they watched the drama unfolding.

"Want to know why I broke up with you right? Because I found out that you had a girlfriend the whole time we were dating. We dated for over a year, Clyde. Fuck! Not even just a girlfriend, a fucking fiancée you cheating bastard."

I walked out of the house crying. What right do I have to call him a cheat anyway, I was a fucking backstabbing bitch.

I had lost my close friend and ruined my mother's wedding in one day.

Classic Soma.


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