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I felt a pang of guilt for secretly meeting my friend's boyfriend, who also happened to be my ex-boyfriend, without her knowledge or consent. The fact that she was unaware of our past relationship and this clandestine meeting only added to my unease.

I felt a strong sense of betrayal, like I was cheating, and a shiver ran down my spine. I vowed to myself that this would be the first and last time I would ever do this.

The cozy pub was quiet, with only a handful of patrons, making it easy to spot Clyde. He was engrossed in his phone, but as I approached him, he suddenly looked up, as if sensing my presence. His gaze met mine, and I felt a jolt of recognition.

As I approached, Clyde's gaze followed me, his eyes scanning me from head to toe.

I broke the silence "Earth to Clyde," as I sat down beside him.

His smile was instantaneous, and I couldn't help but bite my lip as his dimples made an appearance, a familiar charm that still had an effect on me.

He should smile more often, I thought, nostalgic for the times when those dimples were a regular fixture in my life—


"What can I get you?" he asked, his question interrupting my reverie.

"I'm good," I replied, but Clyde ignored me and flagged down the waitress.

She fluttered over, clearly enamored with him, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

He handed her the menu and ordered for us, "We'll have a Coke and a Sprite."

As she departed, he turned to me with a knowing smile. "You still love Sprite, right?"

His memory of my preference was a small reminder of our shared past, and I felt a pang of nostalgia.

"Yes," I replied, trying to sound casual despite the underlying tension.

It wasn't surprising he remembered; after all, we had been together for a significant amount of time, and our breakup was still relatively recent - only five months ago.

The silence between us grew thick, and I became acutely aware of the intimate setup of the booth, designed for two people only. Our legs touched, sending a jolt of tension through me. I tried to shift away, but the closeness was inescapable. I avoided eye contact, my gaze drifting around the pub in an attempt to break the awkwardness that had settled over us like a shroud.

"This is a couple's pub," I blurted out, trying to break the tension.

His gaze remained fixed on mine, making me feel uneasy. "You chose the place," he pointed out.

"I've never been here before," I defended myself. "I just picked a random spot on Google Maps that was small and far from school."

"How have you been?" His abrupt change of subject took me by surprise, but the question sparked a newfound intensity within me.

I sat up straight, lifting my chin and meeting his gaze head-on. "Good, you?" I replied, my voice firm.

He smiled again, just as the waitress arrived with our drinks, her timing impeccably inconvenient.

"Why did you ask to meet me?" he asked, switching gears again.

I took a sip of my drink, collecting my thoughts before speaking. "I... I wanted to ask you to keep our past relationship a secret from Brenda," I said, my voice measured, trying to sound casual despite the weight of the request.

"Why?" Clyde asked, his gaze piercing through mine, searching for a reason.

"We've both moved on, so I don't see how that's necessary. Telling her would only create unnecessary awkwardness. And I don't know how Brenda will feel, plus you're not giving her enough reassurances as it is."

"Stay away from my relationship with Brenda," Clyde warned, was it me or were his words surprisingly devoid of intensity?

"I have no intention of meddling in your affair," I replied, my voice firm but measured, "but Brenda is my friend, and I won't stand by and watch her get hurt."

He sighed and stretched his legs under the table, his movements causing his legs to press against mine. I couldn't help but notice the hardness of his legs. In a different time, if I had been wearing a skirt and he had been wearing shorts, our skin would have been touching, rubbing together with every subtle movement...

I took a deep breath and glanced up, meeting his gaze. His eyes were dark and intense, piercing through me. I quickly looked away, my eyes falling on the table, but then I saw it - the bracelet he was wearing. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized the initial 'S' engraved on it. I had given it to him on our one-year anniversary, a symbol of our love and commitment. The memories came flooding back, and I felt a pang in my chest.

"Take off that bracelet," I said, my voice firm, "you're making her overthink things." I couldn't help but wonder why he still wore it.

Clyde glanced at his wrist, his expression nonchalant, and shrugged. "I'm used to wearing it," he replied, his fingers drumming a rhythmic beat on the table. "Don't overthink things yourself," he added, his tone casual, but his eyes hinting at a deeper meaning.

I frowned, my eyes fixed on his hands as he drummed his fingers on the table. They were long and slender, his nails neatly trimmed. My mind wandered, and I couldn't help but imagine Clyde sliding one of those fingers into my wet pussy. Moving in and out...slowly.

I squirmed in my seat, feeling the fabric of my panties growing damp and clingy. I tried to discreetly adjust my position, but Clyde's keen gaze didn't miss a thing.

He let out a low, husky sound, his eyes fixed on me with an unmistakable intensity. His tongue darted out, moistening his lips, and I felt a shiver run down my spine.

Those lips, so full and inviting, seemed to be beckoning me. I could almost imagine them licking and sucking, and the thought sent a thrill through me. I bit my own lip, trying to shake off the temptation. I needed to get out of there, fast. I took a quick sip of my Sprite, trying to compose myself, and then stood up to make a hasty exit.

"Goodbye, Clyde," I said, my voice firm but laced with a hint of vulnerability.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and turned to leave, not looking back. I could feel his eyes on me, though - a piercing gaze. He made no move to follow me, instead watching me go with a dark, intense expression that spoke volumes. I knew exactly why he looked at me that way, I knew why he made no move to follow me and it made me shiver.

Because down under the table, he probably had a huge boner.


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