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It was official: I was no match for my strong desire for Clyde. If he wanted me, he would get me. I felt powerless and trapped, unable to escape his charms. Resisting him seemed futile and I was left feeling helpless.

Throughout the weekend, I felt utterly miserable and sexually frustrated, my emotions simmering just below the surface. Every time Clyde came to visit Brenda, he completely disregarded me, his indifference only adding to my distress.

I was left alone, feeling isolated and abandoned. Mira had gone out to spend time with a new guy she just met as things didn't work out between her and Samson. Meanwhile, Brenda was nowhere to be found, likely occupied with Clyde, probably fucking him.

I groaned in frustration and banged my head against my pillow, feeling exasperated. Clyde is her fucking boyfriend, for Jesus' sake!

Just as I was lost in thought, my phone rang, breaking the silence. It was Kelvin on the line, informing me that he had arrived at the gate of my hostel. I sprang into action, quickly getting up from the bed and checking my reflection in the mirror. After a swift hair adjustment, I hurried downstairs to get him.

After getting Kelvin settled in my room, I asked him, "How did you manage to find my hostel?"

He replied, "Remember how you mentioned the name of your hostel once? I used that to book an Uber."

I smiled, pleased by the surprise visit. "I'm so glad you're here! I was feeling quite lonely and bored, stuck here by myself."

Kelvin and I quickly completed our project, being among the first groups to present on Monday, so we were able to relax and enjoy each other's company.

The sight of Kelvin sitting on my bed, looking so handsome and charming, unexpectedly brought to mind the one person I had been trying to avoid thinking about. In an effort to distract myself and alleviate my pent-up sexual tension, I made a bold move and kissed Kelvin.

Kelvin was a skilled kisser, and his lips left me breathless. We indulged in a  make-out session, and while I savored every moment, I couldn't help but notice the absence of that intense, all-consuming spark I always felt around him. Again.

Our encounter came to a close and Kelvin gathered his belongings and prepared to head back to his place.

Kelvin and I stepped out of the gate, waiting for his Uber to arrive, I spotted Clyde's car pulling up outside. Brenda emerged from the vehicle, and I felt a sudden pang of jealousy. But quickly, I was overcome with shame and self-reproach for harboring such feelings.

I must be losing my mind, I thought, berating myself for being 'mad, crazy, and stupid'.

Brenda's face lit up with a warm smile when she spotted Kelvin. "Hi," she said.

I smiled and made the introductions, trying to sound casual. "Hi, Kev, this is Brenda, my friend. Brenda, this is Kelvin."

Just then, Clyde appeared beside her, and I felt a sense of awkwardness. "Kev, this is Brenda's er...boyfriend, Clyde. Clyde, meet Kelvin," I said, trying to sound friendly and composed, despite the tension.

They exchanged a firm handshake, and for a moment, I wondered if they were silently sizing each other up.

Kelvin's ride arrived, and with a brief goodbye, he departed. As Brenda and I headed back inside, Clyde drove off, leaving us behind.

As we entered our room, Brenda turned to me with a grin. "You know, I took you and Mira's advice and asked him about the bracelet."

My heart skipped a beat. "Bracelet?" I repeated, trying to sound calm.

"The one he always wore with the initial S, which obviously isn't mine," she explained, chuckling. "I was worried he might have another girlfriend, and I was just the side chick," she added, laughing at the absurdity of it all.

I cleared my throat, trying to sound unbothered. "So, what did he say?" I asked, pretending to busy myself with arranging my bedsheet.

Brenda smiled, relieved. "I'm so glad I asked! He said it didn't mean anything, that he just saw the bracelet and bought it on a whim. I really should stop overthinking things."


Brenda approached me, her eyes shining with sincerity, and took my hands in hers. "Soma, you're an amazing person, and so is Mira. I'm so grateful to have met you both."

She enveloped me in a warm hug, and I felt a pang of guilt and self-reproach.

I'm a terrible person, I thought to myself, I don't deserve someone as kind and genuine as Brenda. The weight of my secrets and dishonesty felt crushing, and I knew I couldn't continue this charade any longer.

She went on, a nostalgic look in her eyes. "You know, in secondary school, I had a very close friend - we were like sisters. We were around 14, I think. I had a huge crush on this guy, and then I caught her kissing him. It turned out we had a mutual crush! They started dating, and I felt so uncomfortable seeing them together that my friend and I slowly drifted apart."

Brenda laughed and gazed at me with a carefree expression. "Silly me, right?" she said, expecting me to agree.

But I couldn't shake off the guilt anymore. I had to confess.

I couldn't keep this secret buried inside me any longer. "Brenda... I need to tell you something..." I began, my voice trembling.


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