The Cobra King Becomes A Serpent.

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When I woke up the next morning I found Toni watching me. "Morning stalker." I smiled.
"Morning victim." She replied. "Betty let me in." I sat up and stretched.
"So what do I owe this early morning visit?" I joked as I put my feet on the floor and put my shoes on.
"I want to spend the morning with my boyfriend. Whose trying to become a Serpent. And I told my grandpa that you reconsidered doing the gauntlet."
"How did he take it?"
"Like he knew you would do it."
"That's Uncle Thomas. Always a few steps ahead." I grinned.
"Yeah. Grandpa's great that way." She sat in my lap. FP and I have a surprise for you when you finish the initiation."
"I can't wait." I smiled. I got up and Toni stood up with me.
"Well, let's go to the Wyrm. FP wants you to be there at eleven to teach you the basics of bartending." I grabbed my jacket.
"Lead the way." I smiled as put on my jacket and followed her upstairs.
"Hey Daniel. Good morning." Betty smiled.
"Morning Betty." I said while holding Toni close to me.
"Relax. I've already heard about you two from Toni when I let her in." Betty grinned. "I'm happy that you have someone."
"Well thank you Betty. And Toni and I will be heading to the Wyrm for my bartending training."
"Yeah. FP is going to teach him the basics. I can only pray he picks up the rest on his own." Toni joked as I squeezed her ass playfully. Betty grinned and laughed at our playful antics. "Well let's go Dan. Bye Betty." Toni and I left for the Wyrm and She got on my chopper and put on the spare as Igot on in front of her and put mine on.
"Let's go."
I started my chopper and rode to the Whyte Wyrm.

After I was put through the basics of bar tending. I played a round of poker with Toni and Jugghead and Sweet Pea. And needless to say I won. Toni jokily accused me of being a card shark. I just smiled and laid out the cards I had in hand on the table. And she dropped the act and kissed me. Sweet Pea shook my hand for playing a good hand. As did Jugghead.

When my first shift ended later that day I spent the rest of the night with Toni. I sat at a table and she sat on my lap. Caressing and playing with my hair. My initiaion started the next night and I was looking forward to it.

I was woken up from a nice night sleep by a sudden movement and noticed a group of people with plastic snake masks on. "Your initiation will begin with you taking ownership and care of the beast." Said Sweet Pea. A dog jumped on my bed and started licking my face. I smiled as they left and the dog got off my bed and I noticed that a bag of food and a bowl for both food and water for the dog. I poured the food and water outside and chained the dog to a spike to make sure he couldn't go far. I went upstairs and cleaned up and ate breakfast and rode to Sunnyside Trailer Park to pick up Toni for school. Uncle Thomas was standing outside with her as I rode up. "There he is." Toni ran up to me as I took off my helmet.
"Hey, Toni. Uncle Thomas." I kissed Toni and Thomas smiled. "Ready for school?" Toni nodded. "Okay." She took the spare from the saddle bag.
"Looking forward to your initiation?" Thomas asked.
"Yeah. I already got the first round at the Coopers."
"Ahh. You already have taken charge or care of Hotdog." I nodded. "Well, then if the schedule keeps. You should be reciting the laws tonight along with the snake tank."
"Can't wait." I smiled as I put my helmet back on.
"Have a good day you two." Toni and I headed to school.

At lunch Toni and I hung out with Sweet Pea, Fangs and Jugghead. "So how do you like the beast?" Fangs asked.
"Cute and cuddly in an annoying sort of way." I replied.
"Well, it is the new members job to take care of Hotdog and he's the third Hotdog." Toni said.
"Well, I'm sure that everything else is pretty good in comparison." I smiled. Toni kissed my cheek and I wrapped my arm aound her shoulders. After lunch and after Swords and Serpents meeting, Toni and I and the rest of the Serpents headed to the Wyrm where the others were waiting for me to arrive. Jugghead grilled me on the six laws of the Serpents and when I passed that. Came the snake tank. I slowly and gently slid my hand into the tank so as not to startle the rattlesnake that was guarding the blade. And before I was able to pull the blade out of the piece of log the blade was stuck in. The rattlesnake bit me but it didn't stop me from pulling out the knife and passing the third part of my initiation. I gently gripped the snake behind the head with my free hand and gently pulled the fangs that were sunk in my hand, from my hand. and put it back in the tank. Toni wrapped my hand in bandages and kissed my hand once she was finished.
"I'm so proud of you Dan. Facing each and every challenge head on. Once you go through the gauntlet. You'll be a Serpent like me, Sweet Pea and Fangs and Jugg." Toni smiled.
"And that's not all." FP said. "You'll also have a place to stay here at the Wyrm starting tomorrow."
"Thank you guys." I said.
"Come on. I think I'll stay with you tonight." Toni said hugging me close.
"Alright. See  you FP." Toni and I got on my chopper and headed to the Coopers for my last night over there. When we got there I unchained Hotdog and led him into the basement and I sat down with Toni and we worked on homework and once we changed into sleep wear, which for me means tomorrow's jeans and a clean shirt. For Toni she slipped on an oversized shirt that she found in my duffel. Once we were ready for bed. Hot dog nestled down next to the bed and Toni and I cuddled up with each other and fell asleep after I took my glasses off and put them or hung them from a hook above our heads.

When I woke up the next morning, I found Toni gone and Hotdog in her place. I got up, put my glasses on and shoes on and what was soon to be my old jacket. I petted Hotdog as I put more food and water in his bowls and grabbed my backpack and headed upstairs and found Toni talking with Betty and Alice. "Morning babe." Toni smiled as she ran into my free arm.
"Morning Toni." I smiled and gently kissed her cheek.
"So sad to hear your going to leave us but Toni mentioned something about a room at the Whyte Wyrm." Alice said.
"Yeah FP was going to convert the spare office above the bar into a room for Dan when he finishes his initiation tonight." Toni explained.
"Well it was a pleasure meeting you and we'll be seeing you around." Alice was cheerful which incidentally had me worried but not enough to care. "Have a nice day at school guys." Toni and I walked out and I got on my chopper first and Toni got on behind me after getting my spare helmet out of my saddlebag.
"Only eight hours until you take the last trial. The Gauntlet."
"Well I've passed the trials so far. I just hope I pass this one as well."
"You will." She smiled. "I have faith in you babe. Just approach it carefully and you'll be okay." We put our helmets on and headed to school.

The school day went by the numbers, Cheryl was even polite. To me and Toni at least. "Excited about becoming a Serpent?"She asked.
"I am." I grinned. "And I hope that Toni gives me the jacket when I get done with the gauntlet."
"Don't worry babe. I'll put your jacket on for you."
"Good to hear, Toni." I kissed her cheek. Cheryl smiled.
"You two are so cute together."
"Thank you Cheryl."
The rest of the day was pretty normal and once the school day was over Toni and I went to pops and wait for word that it was time for the gauntlet to start.
Then Toni looked to the door. "Oh no."
"What is it Toni?" I asked.
"Nick St Clare is back."
"Wait isn't that the guy who tried to rape Cheryl?" Toni nodded. "Excuse me." I left the booth and approached Nick."Hey." I shoved him against the counter. "Rule of thumb dictates that you leave and never come back. I pulled a fold up baton and with a quick motion extended it. "Now, do you leave voluntarily or do I get my workout for the night?" Sweet Pea and Fangs we're observing from a booth close by. "You have twenty four hours. To leave town. And I will come looking for you after the twenty four hours is up. And if I find you. I'm going to take you somewhere and make sure you're never found or seen again."
"You can't threaten me. You know who I am?"
"A panty waste spoiled rich boy who seems to be under the mislead impression that he doesn't have to face consequences for his actions. I heard what you tried to do to Cheryl and Veronica. And whether it's now or down the road. You will face judgment. Mine or his." I pointed to heaven. I care about Cheryl and Veronica. Which is why against my better judgement I'm allowing you this twenty four hour grace period to leave. But if I find you or the Serpents do. They will bring you to me and you and I will go somewhere. And only I will come back." I grinned. Let's see your family get your ass out of that predicament."
"You made a terrible mistake."
"Maybe but I'm not a rapist who came back to a town that hates me. Now you have twenty hours."
"You said twenty four."
"You threatened me. Hence the four hour deficit. Now are you going to leave pops or do I have them." I pointed to Fangs, Sweet Pea and a few other fellow Young Serpents. "Escort you."
"You'll pay for this."
"I'll cut you a check." I grinned as Nick stormed out. Sweet Pea and Fangs raised their cokes at me. I nodded once then returned to Toni.
"Good job babe. By the way the gauntlet is ready."
"Let's go." Toni and I headed to a clearing near Sunnyside Trailer Park. Sweet Pea and a few other Serpents followed us as they lined up. Once I felt ready I started walking through and took the beating of a lifetime. I remained on my feet the whole way it took two punches from Sweet Pea with knuckle dusters on his hand to knock me off balance and to the ground. I got up in a lot of pain and soreness but I hid it well.
He extended his hand and I took it. Then after we went to the Whyte Wyrm to celebrate my successful initiation. Toni came up to me and I took my Cobra Kings jacket off and she put my new South Side Serpents jacket on me. "Congrats babe." Toni smiled.
"Thanks." I smiled sipping at a coke and Jack.
"Hey, there he is. Our new Serpent." FP said approaching me. "By the way. Your room is ready." He patted my back and I slightly cringed. "Still sore huh." I nodded. "Well it'll be better in a day or two."
"Yeah. It's still a pain though."
"Hey, Toni. Take care of Daniel. He's earned it." FP smiled.
"Yeah he does."
"You did good."
"Hey Danny." Sweet Pea said.
"Yeah." I replied.
"You really know how to take a hit. And how you scared Nick earlier. Was great."
"Thanks Sweet Pea." We bro hugged and Toni's phone rang.
"Hello. Whoa Cheryl slow down." Toni looked at me panicked. "Daniel. We need to get to Cheryl's." We left the Wyrm and headed to Thistle House.

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