chapter eight

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ISAAC'S eyes slowly opened to a completely dark room. He groaned under his breath as he looked over at the flip clock beside his bed to find that it was 5:03 AM. He didn't see his glasses on the side table, making his vision blurry as he stared at the ceiling.

He knew exactly what he did last night. He could feel the warmth of her naked body against his. Her blonde locks were a mess around his chest as Lainey rested her head on him and slept soundly.

"Damn it," he whispered, slowly slinking out from beneath Lainey to stand up.

He flipped a dim lamp on to poorly illuminate the room as he searched the floor for his clothes. He slipped his boxers on, before he stopped to stare at Lainey. She was sleeping beneath the covers, her hair strewn wildly across the pillow.

It was insane to think about how she was just a quiet student in his class a month before. Now, she was sound asleep in his bed - in the bed he shared with his girlfriend, Amelia. He felt sick to his stomach. What had he done?

He prayed that he had worn a condom. He couldn't remember if he did or not, but the thought of Lainey getting pregnant made him physically ill.

He tried to move quietly, but he slammed his hip against the corner of his dresser trying to navigate around the room without his glasses, which made a loud noise as the dresser hit against the wall.

"Ah, fuck," he said, gritting his teeth.

"Good morning, Mr. Walker," Lainey suddenly said, her voice groggy. Isaac watched as she sat up in the bed and pushed her hair out of her eyes. She gave him a smile, and he swallowed hard, before looking at the floor.

"Good morning," he said in a mumble. He was disgusted with himself.

He couldn't see well, but he watched as she slowly got out of the bed. He looked away from her, trying to avoid seeing her bare body as he felt her get closer to him.

"Looking for these?" she whispered as she slipped his glasses over his eyes and cleared his vision of her standing directly in front of him.

He closed his eyes and looked away again. He huffed as he looked around the room again. "You- you should put some clothes on," he said nervously.

"Why?" she asked. "It's nothing you haven't seen already," she giggled as she wrapped her arms around him and pecked his lips.

He pulled away from her, backing against the wall. "Lainey, please just put clothes on," he begged.

He moved to the side to collect her nightgown from the ground as he handed it to her.

"What's wrong?" Lainey pouted up at him, taking the gown in her hands and sliding it back over her body.

"I- it wasn't, it wasn't good, what happened last night," he said, not knowing how else to put it.

Lainey slid her hands down the slope of his neck and to his shoulders, her large eyes peering up at him with confusion swirling through them. "You enjoyed it while it was happening."

"Yes, I- I know, but," he swallowed and looked away from her. "I have a girlfriend, Lainey."

"She doesn't have to know," Lainey said, before she gently felt his shoulders. "When was the last time you had a night like that with her?"

Isaac stared at her glittering eyes. "That's not the point," he said.

"Well, what's the point? Because I'm missing it," she said, and Isaac could tell she was beginning to grow offended.

"You- you're beautiful, Lainey. Trust me, you're stunning. But you're my student..." he almost vomited at the sound of those words. "It's not good. You know that, it's not good."

"Nobody has to find out," she said, her face leaning closer to his. "You can't take it back."

"I know," he said while shaking his head. "But I love Amelia."

"You love Amelia?" Lainey giggled. "If you loved her, you wouldn't have made love to me."

Isaac's chest was heaving. He bit down on his lip and leaned his head back against the wall as he closed his eyes. "I didn't make love to you, I was drunk and it was stupid."

Something shifted in Lainey's eyes. She leaned up on the tips of her toes and pressed her lips against Isaac's ear.

"I can do things to you that I doubt she can," she whispered, her breath hot against his skin. The heat shot goosebumps down his body, and he leaned back against the wall.

"Lainey-" he said, but she pressed her body up against his, her hands travelling down. He wasn't stopping it - he couldn't.

But she stopped her teasing hand, and he let out the heavy breath that he was holding. Her eyes glittered as she smiled.

"Amelia doesn't have to know at all," Lainey said, pulling away from him. Her eyes travelled down his body. "I won't tell her, but I wish you would appreciate the very obvious affect I have on you." She giggled, her eyes moving back to his.

Isaac sighed, his breath shaky. "You have to leave, Lainey. I'm sorry," he told her.

Her eyes watched him, and her smile grew wider. "But you said you wouldn't kick me out."

"I can't have you around the house... doing this to me, when I'm trying to make things better with my girlfriend," he told her. "I'm sorry, Lainey. I'm really sorry."

"How could you do this?" Lainey asked - she didn't sound upset, in fact, her voice sounded too casual.

"I- Please, we have to just forget about what happened," Isaac told her.

Lainey scoffed, her smile still wide on her lips as she let out a laugh. Isaac was beginning to feel frightened. She put her hands on her hips and tilted her head to the side.

"It's going to be hard to forget. I mean, I even have a recording of it, how could I possibly-"

Isaac's heart pounded as he cut her off immediately. "What the- what the fuck do you mean? A recording? What?" he asked, his chest pounding as the room suddenly felt like it was going to collapse.

"Oh, I recorded it. I wanted to remember it forever," she smiled, shrugging her shoulders.

"Where is the camera? What the fuck did you do, Lainey? Why did you do that?" he cried out, frustration pulsing through him as he began to search around the room frantically.

"Bizarre of you to think I would leave the camera in here," she laughed, folding her arms across her chest.

"You- holy shit, what did you do with it? Where is it? It has to be around here somewhere," he said, tossing objects off his dresser as he panicked.

"Why are you so scared, Mr. Walker?" she asked, following him around the room. "I mean, you act like I'm going to show Amelia or something. I'm sure Amelia wouldn't want to see me riding-"

"Shut the fuck up!" he nearly screamed, his voice cracking as he threaded his fingers through his hair. "Oh, God. What the fuck did I do?"

"You're way too tense, Mr. Walker," she said with a smile in her tone.

"Get out! You need to get out, now!" he said, grabbing onto her arm and dragging her through the hallway. The entire time, she was laughing loudly behind him as he grabbed her backpack from the living room and shoved it into her arms. "Get out, I don't care where you go, just get out."

"So you're just going to take advantage of your student and then kick her out? That's bad Mr. Walker," Lainey said, grabbing her backpack and slinging it over her shoulder. "That's very bad," she said one last time, her eyes narrowed before she slammed the door shut.

Isaac couldn't control his breath. He stared out the window as she walked in her nightgown down the street. The sky was growing lighter through a mixture of pink and orange clouds throughout the sky. At least she wouldn't be in the dark.

Why did Isaac even care? That girl was crazy. She recorded what happened, of course she did.

He glanced at the clock, and knew that Amelia would be home in less than an hour. He straightened the house up, and tossed the blanket onto the couch, making it appear that Lainey slept there that night.

He heard Gavin cry and he walked up the stairs into the nursery. He lifted his son up into his arms, and Gavin looked at him, his head tilted.

"Wainey?" Gavin asked, and Isaac shook his head.

"She's not here, Gav," he told him, while walking down the stairs with him.

He placed him on the floor of the living room near his toys, and Gavin played as Isaac walked into the kitchen to prepare a bottle of milk for Gavin. Thoughts were swarming through his head. This could be the last time he even has a morning with Gavin - Amelia would surely take him away if she knew what happened.

With video evidence, he couldn't even lie. He messed up, bad.

He walked over and handed the bottle to Gavin, before going back into the kitchen to prepare eggs. He was shaking the entire time. He grabbed the whiskey from the cabinet and took one sip of it before putting it back. He couldn't shake his nerves.

After an hour of making food and straightening up, he heard the car door slam from outside, and his heart raced. He felt so guilty. He imagined Amelia walking straight in, picking Gavin up, and walking right back out with him.

But that wasn't the case. Amelia opened the door, a smile on her face which relieved Isaac immediately. Just as he was walking over to hug Amelia, he noticed Lainey behind her.

Lainey's eyes were swollen and her face was flushed.

"Hi, baby," Amelia said, leaning up to kiss his face. But he just stared at Lainey, confused.

"What-" Isaac said, and Lainey walked into the house towards Gavin.

"Wainey!" Gavin exclaimed, reaching his arms out towards her.

Isaac couldn't help his confusion as he followed Amelia into the kitchen.

"Why is she back here?" Isaac whispered. "You just told me to get her out."

"I know, Isaac, I know. I was coming home from work and I saw her sitting on the side of some road hysterical. I couldn't leave her out there. She assured me that she was only staying because she grew so attached to Gavin. My heart was breaking," Amelia shook her head as she retrieved a glass from the cabinet.

Isaac licked his lips. "I- I don't want her here," he said.

"Isaac, come on," Amelia said, staring up at him. "Obviously she has real problems at home if she refuses to go back there. I mean, she's in a nightgown for Christ's sake. We're in the nineties - it's not as safe out there as it used to be."

"I just, she- she makes you upset, I don't want that," Isaac lied, his voice rough.

Amelia reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. "It's all right, baby. I don't know what came over me last night but... I trust the both of you."

Amelia kissed Isaac's lips, but Isaac couldn't stop staring at Lainey, who was standing in the hallway with a smile on her face.

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