chapter seventeen

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WHEN Isaac opened his eyes, his vision was extremely blurry. He lifted his head up and focused his vision on the steering wheel in front of him, which his forehead was resting on.

He reached around and found his glasses, which were sat on his lap. His shaking fingers pulled the glasses over his eyes, and he realized that he was sitting in the driver's seat of Riley's car. He looked out the windshield and saw that they were still in the parking garage.

When he turned to look in the passenger seat, Lainey was sitting beside him, staring at him.

Isaac swallowed and exhaled, throwing his head back. He felt absolutely drained - his stomach was twisting and his eyes were dropping. He could not believe for one second that he was in this situation. This is how his life turned out.

Lainey giggled from beside him. "Who the fuck passes out when they have the chance to run away?" she asked, unable to stop herself from laughing.

Isaac could hardly look at her. He felt like he was going to vomit. His head was aching and he couldn't see through the long crack in the left lens of his glasses.

"Where is Gavin?" he asked, his voice low and monotonous. He could see the gun in Lainey's lap through his peripheral vision.

Lainey shifted in the passenger seat. "The trunk."

Isaac's eyes widened, and he reached for the door handle. His heart was pounding in his chest, and it was so loud that his head was pulsing with every beat. There was a loud ringing in his ear as he realized that Gavin was probably dead.

Lainey held the gun up at Isaac, her eyes glistening. "Don't you dare get out of this car."

"Is..." Isaac took a deep breath, burning tears welling up in his eyes. "Is he..."

"He's fine. I put him in the trunk for right now. He can breathe, I think," Lainey said with a shrug. "I just didn't want him to see what was about to happen."

Isaac was trembling as he looked over at Lainey again.

"Are you upset?" Lainey asked with a frown, clearly mocking him.

Isaac sniffled and stared down at the steering wheel.

"You're upset that I fucked your girlfriend, aren't you?" she asked with a long sigh.

"No. That's, uh... probably the last thing on my mind right now," he said with a cynical laugh through his tears, which were falling from his eyes and rushing down his clammy cheeks.

"I really loved Amelia," Lainey told him. "From the start. She was so caring, and I knew that she didn't deserve somebody like you. She loved me, too."

Isaac closed his eyes. "Where is she?" He really didn't want to know the answer.

"And you know, I really wish that she wasn't a part of this. Because thanks to you, another beautiful and innocent girl is dead," Lainey informed him.

His heart broke into pieces.

It was like time had stopped around him, and everything was frozen. He forgot about the danger he was in. He hated Lainey - he absolutely despised her. He wanted to beat the shit out of her. He wanted to grab her blonde hair in his fist and slam her face over and over into the dashboard. He wanted to see her in pain.

Amelia was too good for him, this was obvious. Isaac couldn't control his alcoholism and it always upset Amelia, until he had to do it in secret. That girl loved him and he cheated on her, he brought her into this situation and now her life was over, all because of him.

He thought about how her parents were going to react. He thought about how the people at her job were going to react. His heart was in his throat.

He couldn't take his anger. There was a black tint surrounding his vision, and he could hardly breathe.

He looked over at Lainey, who had a smile on her lips. Blood was soaked into her matted strands of hair, and it was also splattered across her neck and chest.

In a sudden movement, he swung his elbow into the side of her face, feeling her nose crack beneath the pressure of his bone. The gun went off and the bullet grazed past Isaac's face, shooting right through the window where the glass had already been shattered.

Isaac moved on top of Lainey, grabbing her arm where the gun was in her grip and holding it above her head. He wasn't aware of where this sudden burst of strength came from, but he was seething with fury, and he wanted to make her pay.

"You think this is funny, huh? You think this is fucking funny? Ruining my life?" Isaac screamed in Lainey's face, and for the first time, Lainey appeared genuinely frightened.

Her eyes were wide as she stared at him, and her chest was heaving. This is how he wanted to see her, and now he couldn't stop. He knocked the gun out of her grip, and when she moved to look for it, he threw his fingers around her neck.

"You think this is funny? Killing my fucking girlfriend?" Isaac screamed, holding her down in the seat and moving on top of her again. "Fuck you!" he cried out, slamming his fist into her cheekbone.

She started to cry, shaking her head as he watched blood leak from her nose. "Stop it!" she cried out. "Stop!"

"Fuck you, you bitch! Fuck you!" he screamed, grabbing onto her shirt and lifting her up before slamming her back down in the seat. "What are you going to do now? What are you going to do?"

"Stop! Stop!" she screamed out, tears rushing down her face. "Stop it, please!" she begged. "Don't hurt me, don't!"

Isaac held her down by her neck as he searched around the car seat for the gun. When he finally found it, he held it up to her neck, right beneath her jaw. His finger rested on the trigger.

"You are going to be so sorry," he said, panting for air as his heart raced a mile a minute.

She stared up at him, her eyes glistening as she watched him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Now you're sorry," he laughed, his nose touching hers. "Now you're sorry because you're the weak one. Right?" he whispered against her lips, and he could feel her hot and heavy breath against his skin.

"Don't," she said while shaking her head. "Don't touch me, please."

"I'll touch you if I want to," Isaac said through clenched teeth. "Now, you're mine. You're under my control."

Something had taken over. He wasn't himself - it was like he was outside of his body, watching a movie. He was watching himself act like this, and he didn't have the power to intervene. Lainey had turned him into a monster.

"You did this," Isaac told her, staring into her terrified eyes. "You did this to me. You made me like this. You barged into my life, you hurt my girlfriend, you hurt my son, you're going to fucking pay."

He slammed the gun into the side of her head, creating a huge gash. Blood instantly spilled out and rolled down the side of her angular face, moving into her eyes as she tried to blink the liquid out.

"You killed my family," Lainey told him, her voice shaking this time.

"That doesn't give you the right to kill mine!" he screamed, grabbing onto her shoulders and slamming her back down onto the seat. He didn't know what to do with himself. He was having a complete breakdown.

"You're insane!" Lainey screamed out, staring at the ceiling as she tried to tilt her head high enough away from the gun pressed against her flesh, but to no avail. The barrel was digging deep into her skin.

"I'm insane?" Isaac cried out. "My son is in the trunk right now! My girlfriend is laying dead on the floor! And I'm insane?" he screamed, his vocal chords straining.

He wanted to shoot the gun, but he also wanted her to suffer before he did. He was completely insane at this point, his mind scrambling to figure out how she could feel the highest amount of pain possible.

"What the fuck?" a muffled voice called from outside of the car, and Isaac slammed his hand over Lainey's lips as he peeked out the window.

A young man walked over to a body laying on the ground, surrounded by a crimson puddle. The man covered his mouth - it appeared that he had gagged before he ran to kneel beside Amelia's body.

Isaac watched as he checked her pulse, and he hoped that Amelia would wake up and tell the man what happened. He stared, a crazy part of him expecting that she would stand right up and say "I'm fine!" in her cute little voice.

He expected her to look down at the blood on her clothes and say, "I'm a nurse, I can handle a little bit of blood", like she did when Isaac had gotten a nosebleed once and some blood landed on her shirt.

But she didn't. She was lifeless, her arm flopping around as the man pressed his fingers against her pulse.

"Oh, God," Isaac cried out, a tear falling from his eye as he continued to watch out the window.

Before he knew it, Lainey had grabbed the gun from him, and was now holding it out to him.

"Do it," Isaac told her. "Shoot me, I don't give a shit."

And she did.

She shot him right in the forehead, and he collapsed right onto her body, his warm blood immediately soaking through her shirt.

She wasn't surprised when the young man started knocking on the window above her, staring into it to find her hysterically crying. He clearly heard the gunshot.

"Help!" Lainey cried out, trying to move Isaac's heavy body off of her, but to no avail. "Please!"

The door was locked, as the man tried desperately to open it but he couldn't. He slammed his elbow into the glass of the window several times before he finally shattered the glass.

He moved his arm through the window and unlocked the door, swinging it open. Isaac's body fell off of her and landed on the floor - he was only clad in boxers, which would help Lainey's story significantly.

"Are you okay? Oh, God," the man cried out, grabbing onto Lainey's hand and pulling her out of the car.

Lainey couldn't stop crying. Her body was shaking as she stared at the young man, who looked in the car to find blood splattered all over the interior.

"Are you okay?" he asked again. "What- what happened?" his voice was fully panic-stricken.

"He- he-" Lainey couldn't breathe, tears were streaming from her eyes to the point where she could hardly see. "That- that man-"

"Okay, okay," the man calmed her, his warm, chocolate eyes staring into hers. "You're okay, you can tell me on the way to the phone."

"The- the baby is- in- in the trunk," Lainey told him, and the man's eyes widened.

"In the... in the trunk? O-okay, okay," he breathed, as he ran to the driver's seat of the car and searched for the button, until he finally found it to pop the trunk open.

Lainey ran to the trunk to find Gavin hysterically crying, reaching up for her with a bright red face and watery eyes.

"It's okay, baby, you're safe now," Lainey whispered as she lifted Gavin into her arms and moved his face into her shoulder. She rubbed his back and bounced him as she cried, holding him tight against her. "You're safe."

The man walked to his car and opened the back door for Lainey to sit in with Gavin. He got into the driver's side and started his car, immediately peeling out of the empty parking garage and into the street.

"Th-thank you for your help," Lainey said from the backseat. "What's your name?"

The man looked at her through the rearview mirror. "Derek. What about you?" he asked calmly, though Lainey could tell he was shaken up.

"Anna Maxwell," she told him, staring out the window. That was her real name, at least. "It's nice to meet you, D-Derek."

"Oh, shit," Derek told her. "You sound so familiar... you were kidnapped, weren't you? Did that man... was he the one who killed your father?" he asked.

Lainey nodded.

It was a lie - she killed her foster father, of course.

They had just found her foster father a few days before, she heard it on the radio one morning before torturing Isaac in the motel room.

"He - he killed my, my father... and then, and then he kidnapped me," Lainey cried out. "He was my teacher. He - he killed his girlfriend, put his baby in the trunk, and then tried to- to kill me. But he shot himself when - when he heard you. So thank you, s-so much," Lainey continued to snivel.

She loved watching people fall for her lies. She loved watching Derek wince as he sympathized with her.

The day before summer vacation started, Lainey killed her foster father. She ran away after, and that's when she went to Isaac's house. It was convenient that her foster father was miserable, lazy, and didn't work - nobody even noticed he was gone until nearly three months later.

So when neighbors complained about a stench and the police finally found him, they found that he had a foster daughter named Anna Maxwell, who, unbeknownst to Isaac, only went by the name Lainey in school. It was all a part of her lifelong plan.

Derek pulled over to a payphone and got out to call the police. Lainey stared at the sky, which was coloured with a mixture of orange and pink as the sun began to rise.

Gavin was still crying. He had to have been starving and scared. Lainey rocked him gently in her arms as she kissed his forehead.

"Don't worry," she whispered. "This nice man is getting the police for us. We're going to live a beautiful life together, just me and you," she said softly.

Gavin's beautiful dark eyes stared up at her, and she could see Amelia in him. Her heart broke for that woman. Lainey wished that they would have met under different circumstances, because she really grew to love that woman. She loved kissing her lips, she loved moving her fingers through her thick curls, she loved her candy scent. How could Isaac take such advantage of her?

The driver's side door opened again, scaring Lainey out of her daydream as she looked over at Derek.

"The police are on their way to the scene, and they sent somebody here to take you to the station," he told her as he sat in the driver's seat. "But you can sit in here until they come."

They sat in silence for several minutes. Lainey looked to find Derek looking through the newspaper, probably reading the article about her from a few days ago.

After a few minutes, he turned around to look at Lainey, who was resting her forehead against the cold glass of the window.

"Hey, I'm sorry about what happened to you," he told her, sincere sympathy deep in his gaze.

"It's - it's okay," she whispered.

"No, it's not, Anna. It's not okay," Derek told her. "He was insane, but I'm glad you and the little guy are all right."

"Thank you for saving us," Lainey told him with wide eyes.

"I'm just glad I was in the right place at the right time," he said. "There's some crazy people in this world, isn't there?"

Sirens blared from down the street, and Lainey could see the red and blue lights flashing from the car window.

"Yes," she nodded, moving Gavin's curls off of his forehead and away from his eyes.

Gavin cooed, his hands reaching up to touch her blood-soaked hair.

Lainey smiled down at Gavin, before she nodded again. "There really are some crazy people in this world."


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