Here Goes Nothing (REWRITTEN)

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Penny's/Author's Note: I'm very sorry that I took so long to update this story! I've been very busy with school and homework. I hope you enjoy this very gay first chapter my lovelies ❤️❤️
"Steven, I'm not so sure about this", Lars says anxiously. Steven gives Lars a gentle peck on the cheek.

"Sweetie, it's going to be fine", Steven assures Lars.

"You really think so?" Lars asks, unconvinced and still anxious.

Steven nods. "I know so. My Dad and the gems probably already know that we're dating anyway."

The pink zombie sighs. His boyfriend is right, as usual. However Lars is still nervous.

"What if they don't like me?" Lars pouts.

"They already like you, well except for Pearl."
Lars sighs again.

"Well, here goes nothing", he says, hesitantly opening the door to the beach house.

When Lars and Steven get inside, Greg and the gems are sitting on the couch. They are happily chatting away.

"Oh hi Schtu-bal. What's up?" Greg says happily when he sees his son, Steven.

(Little Side Note: I find it adorable and wholesome that Greg calls Steven schtu ball. Okay back to the really gay story.)

"Hi everyone, me and Lars have something to tell you guys", Steven informs the group. Steven takes a deep breathe and says;
"Me and Lars are dating."

Greg looks surprised at first but then smiles, Garnet looks like she's trying not squeal, Pearl gives Lars a death stare, and Amethyst's
laughing her butt off.

"Good for you, Steven", Garnet replies with a smile.

"That's... fine", Pearl mutters. Bird Mum's concerned that Lars would hurt her baby.

"That's great son—" Greg starts to say but then gets cut off by Amethyst yelling;
"AMETHYST, LANGUAGE!" An upset Bird Mum yells at Amethyst.
Word Count: 301

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