Chapter 6

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Secret walked beside Johnny, a smile on her face, her paws clasped behind her back as she walked around the city square. Johnny glanced down at her, wondering what he should say so this didn't feel awkward to him. "So uh, is there anywhere you really wanna go, you seem to know this place well..right"Johnny asks rubbing the back of his head. "There's an ice cream building, it sells the best ice cream! Let's go there"Secret beamed. "You're gonna love their ice cream." He smiled down at her, Secret grinning up at him. She suddenly stopped, noticing a group of boys gathered. "Secret?"Johnny says. He followed her gaze, then looked back down at her. "Wanna go a different way?"Johnny asks. "Secret! Is that you?!" Secret narrowed her eyes, a serval male wearing a red and white jacket walking over. "You've gotten prettier"The serval smiled shoving Johnny out of the way.

"Hey-"Johnny starts. "Hi Charles...and don't push my friend around"Secret sighed rolling her eyes. "Aww, are you gonna cry about me pushing your friend?"Charles teased. Secret looked away, Johnny staring at her noticing how angry and uncomfortable she looked with this guy, now wondering what went down between these two. "Johnny, let's go"Secret mutters grabbing his hand. "Aww, you gonna run away like you did the day I broke up with you, nerd?"Charles smirked. Johnny watched Secret freeze, tears pricking the corners of her eyes as her ears drooped. "Hey, leave her alone!" Charles stumbled back as Johnny shoved him, the servals friends looking startled. "Oooooo!" "Get him Charles!" Charles touched his chest, glaring at Johnny. "Hey, what happens between me and her is none of your business, gorilla"Charles hissed. "Yeah I'm a gorilla, so what, you have no right to be picking on her like this, she wants nothing to do with you"Johnny retorts sharply.

"Johnny, it's fine.."Secret says placing a paw on his arm. "No, it's not, he has no right to treat you this way!"Johnny says looking at her. "The gorilla defending the bookworm~"Charles smiled laughing when the gorilla glared at him. "You do know that Secret used to be a nerd right, she was the biggest nerd I've ever seen until I started dating her, poor girl changed herself just to please my desires, the nerd had become no more!"Charles grinned. "Of course it was all just a bet, and it was worth it!"Charles laughed. "I like nerds." Secret looked up, her eyes widening in surprise, Charles looking at the gorilla alarmed. "Nerds are smart, smarter than you football jocks could ever be"Johnny comments. He turned to Secret, smiling down at her. "Show me your books sometime?" She stared up and him then smiled wide and nodded, her tail flicking happily behind her. "Then it's a deal"Johnny grinned. Charles stared then down, looking irked. "You two deserve each other..the weirdo gorilla and the hopeless jaguar"Charles huffed.

"You know Charles, I'm surprised you don't have girls flocking around you anymore, seems like this nerd has ruined any chance of you getting another girlfriend"Secret says. "You-"Charles scowled. "And if I recall that is YOUR fault, for agreeing to a bet that completely crumbled your reputation"Secret smiled Johnny wrapping an arm around her waist. "And that ugly attitude of yours better be fixed or else I will be sending my dad and brother after your sorry tail"Secret warns. "They hate boys like you~" Charles narrowed his eyes at her and Johny, but didn't say anything and turned away. The two watched the serval jock walk away with his goons. Secret smiled, surprised at how good it felt to tell her ex off. Giggles came from her, Johnny watching her in amusement. "Thanks for sticking up for me"Secret chuckled. " problem, that's what friends do"Johnny smiled nodding to her. She stared at him, feeling a bit bitter at being called his friend. "Oh the ice cream shop, let's go!"Secret gasped.

She grabbed his hand, laughing as she dragged the startled gorilla after her. "Better get used to be dragging you around like this! We're gonna be together until you guys leave town for your next show!"Secret beamed. He stared down at her and chuckled, running beside her. "How are you so fast?!"Johnny asks. "Just 'cause I got scarred leg don't mean I'm not slow!"Secret teased winking at him. He chuckled, gently holding her paw. "Hey Flash, Hey Dash!"Secret waved spotting two cheetahs sharing a strawberry ice cream on a waffle cone. The two cheetahs stared, their hands darting down to the duo's held hands. "Is the shop still open?"Secret asks curiously. "Yep, better hurry though!"Dash grinned beckoning for them to head inside. "Let's go, you should try their cookie dough ice cream!"Secret insists Johnny laughing as she pulled her after him. Flash and Dash chuckled, smiles on their faces. "They're cute together!"Dash beamed. "Very, very cute!"Flash agreed laughing.

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