🌸Coïncidence ou destin🌧️

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~ Un accident n'est qu'une conséquence logique d'un acte de négligence ~

"Taehyung!" The young woman paused for a brief moment. "T-taehyung...? Who... Jimin!?" She frowned, what did he want from her? "Tae is not home yet." 

In front of the door stood a young man in police uniform. It was not Taehyung, but his best friend Jimin. He tried to keep a halfway professional face when he looked at her, but it was hard to miss that it took him a lot of effort and strength.
"I'm sorry if I should bother you right now, but it's about Taehyung."

Confused, she looked at Jimin. He seemed to be a little through the wind, he also breathed frantically, but tried to hide it. He briefly wiped his forehead with his left hand. For example, he ran up the stairs instead of using the elevator.

"No, no, you do not bother. What about Taehyung?", still completely incomprehensible, she looked at him. 

The man, who was only a little older, pulled her into a hug without answering her question. "Maybe you should, we should sit down. She nodded silently and let Jimin into the apartment.

"A chocolate bar?", an unjust laugh came out of his mouth when he saw the small wrapped part. "I am really used to a lot of you, but...", he fell silent. He noticed that the attempt to loosen up the mood a bit had failed miserably.

"Now say, what about Taehyung?"

Jimin sampled the cold Japchae and rubbed his eyes. "Tae, Tae was hit by a car while crossing the road," his voice was shaky and little more than a whisper.

"What? Say that again! Jimin!" Breathless, she walked the few steps towards Jimin and grabbed him by the collar. "Jimin!" 

But when he let the shaking attack pass only wordlessly and with a blank look at the ground, she knew that it was not a bad joke. The tears rolled down her face. 

"Tell me he is not dead!" she yelled at him. She did not want to raise her voice so loudly, Jimin could not do anything for this situation. 

"No, he is not. He is on his way to the hospital, but his condition is life-threatening. He... He," his words broke off and Jimin let himself sink powerlessly to the ground. Sobs now left his mouth. The apartment suddenly felt so cold, everything was suddenly so white. 

"Who was it? Who hit Taehyung with the car? Who did that to him?", the words were almost lost in their crying spasm. "It wasn't his fault, or?"

Jimin looked at her from reddened eyes: "No, it wasn't Taes' fault. According to eyewitnesses, the car drove over the traffic light at red."

"What about the driver of the car?" a trembling came over her.

"He has committed driver escape, but I promise we will find the driver." His voice sounded a little more composed again.

"Do you want to go to Taehyung? I can drive you." 

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