Episode Two: The (almost) Murder of Joe and Anthony Russo

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Welcome. You see, I have just finished Endgame. I did not cry during Infinity War. Not a single tear was shed when Cap left. I didn't sob when Clint was murdering people, or when Natasha came back for him. I did not even cry happy tears when Peter came back. But you know what did make me cry?

When Tony died. And then seeing Harley at his funeral made it even worse. 

Inspired by this pain, I have decided not to become like Clint and murder people with swords, but instead to murder them in this book, enjoying their pain.

This next chapter may be a little sensitive to some readers, as I will be torturing them best I can. I did not manage to kill them, but I may make a part two.


(And yes, I am doing the Wanda head tilt while writing this, though it also seems a little Bellatrixish to me as well.)


Joe Russo sat at his desk, sighing at the load of fan mail sitting in front of him. He wondered how much of it was hate mail. He sighed and opened the top envelope. It was someone who claimed to be Morgan Stark.

He shook his head. "Some people," he thought, as he cut open the letter.

He awoke in a white void. Turning, he saw Anthony standing next to him, looking confused as well. "Where are we?" his brother asked. Joe shrugged.

"You're here because of what you did to my dad." The men turned to stare at a girl who looked a mix of Lexi Rabe and Katherine Langford, but with blue eyes instead. They glanced at each other.

"Who are you?" Joe asked. She tilted her head at them. "Like Wanda," he thought. 

"Who do you think I am?"

Joe shrugged, but Anthony said, quietly, "You're the actual Morgan Stark, aren't you." She nodded at him.

A boy with brown hair appeared suddenly, out of a... ripped page? "Morgan stop! You can't do this!"

"I can and I will Owen," she growled and sealed the page with her blaster. Joe took a step back. "Where are we?!"

"In the fictional world," she responded casually. She glanced around, as if looking for somebody, then turned to them again. "What better place to pay for your crimes?"






Bethany is currently teaching Gwen how to make quesadillas

Maybe I can be of service?


Sorry Kiel, but I need you to go get her

Morgan somehow found the Marvel directors

Aren't those the people who made you cry at the end of the game?


But yes

Anyway, I need you to go get her

On it


She ripped open a page and pushed them through. Joe glanced at Anthony in amazement and horror as they watched Tony Stark snap, and then all of Thanos' army to be wiped away, then Thanos himself.

They watched as Tony died, as first Rhodey, then Peter and Pepper came up to him. Then they watched in confusion as everyone kneeled for him.

"I thought we cut that scene," Joe muttered. "We did," Anthony responded quietly. "But that doesn't mean it didn't happen." Joe looked at his brother strangely. "If we didn't keep it, it didn't happen."

Anthony gave him a look. "Anything is possible here." Morgan turned around to face them. "You see? You got rid of my chance of EVER having a father."

She did the head tilt again. "Which means you're going to pay." She ripped open another page and pushed them through. "Are we in a mansion?" Joe asked confusedly.

"Oh yes," she responded, grinning slightly in a manic sort of way. "Lucius Malfoy's manor, actually."

"But how?" Anthony asked.  She didn't respond. Instead, she said the forbidden word.

"CRUCIO!" Joe felt unmeasurable pain spread through his body as he twitched on the ground. "S-stop... please..." he asked through screams of pain.

She fingered the wand. "No, I don't think I will. Not for a couple more moments anyway." She waited, then broke the spell. 

She split another page and shoved them through again. Immediately shadows overtook them and they could feel rage and fear and the need to destroy everything, while Morgan used the light in her suit to keep them away. It was a terrible feeling. The girl watched them in delight for a few seconds, then looked towards a hill, where a giant light quickly wiped all the shadows from existence.

She sighed. "Ah well. Onto the next one!"


Owen, listen. 

I need you to rip a page and go find Peter Parker.

He's the only one who can stop her

As in...



And don't you dare stop for autographs, or I will do to you what I threatened to do to Fowen


Horror book?


I got it.

Don't worry



Joe landed and got a faceful of swamp. "Where are we this time," he groaned weakly. "The school for Good and Evil," Morgan responded. "Or, more specifically, the Nevers school."

Anthony's eyes widened. "I've read this book." She looked at him in delight. "Great! Then you'll be glad to know that a bunch of ugly Evers are about to come out while attacking the Nevers." 

"Oh no," Anthony said. "Oh yes!" she responded gleefully.

Just as she predicted, hundreds of children came storming out of the castle at that very moment, fighting one another, trampling the two men.

"Please!" Anthony shouted over the noise. "Please stop! What can we do to fix this?!"

Morgan laughed cruelly, and Joe could see the pain, the sadness and anger in her eyes. "Nothing," she responded. "Bethany already taught me that. But I can at least hurt you like you hurt me."

She tore open another page. "Welcome to the Earth Kingdom," she stated and shoved them through as men shot fire at them.

Joe screamed as a girl with water floating in front of her jumped between them and stopped the fire from reaching them. Morgan sighed again. "Pity, I didn't realize Katara was here already." 

She ripped a page in front of them and pushed them through again. But Owen had opened one right in front of that, and so instead of landing in Pyyrhia, they landed in Queens.

She looked around confused for a second, then realized what had happened. "No," she said, her eyes widening, and tried to open another page. But before she could, a kid wearing blue and red spandex picked her up while swinging by from... webs?

"Peter Parker?" Anthony asked in surprise. Peter landed and his mask came off his face. He wasn't happy. "Morgan, what did I tell you."

She rolled her eyes. "Hurting people is wrong unless absolutely necessary."

"That's right," he responded, glancing over at Joe and Anthony. "Now, tell me why you're hurting these two men."

Morgan stared at him for a second, fury still in her eyes, before she stopped and broke down into tears. Peter sat them both on the ground and hugged her as she sobbed into his chest. "I'm sorry," she whispered, finally calming down. "Peter, they're non-fictional. They're the ones who wrote dad's death."

Peter paled. "How in the world did you manage to get non-fictional people here?! Did you trick Bethany?"

A girl with copper hair landed beside them. "No," she responded, "but I would very much like to know how you got them here."

"Can I tell you later?" she whispered, leaning her head back into Peter's chest. Peter looked pleadingly at Bethany, and she sighed. 

"Fine." she turned towards the men, sighing once again. "Sorry for your trouble. I'll take you home now." She grabbed both their arms and jumped them out of the book.

"Again, sorry," Bethany said as she turned to leave. She paused for a second. "She's distraught. She's usually a really nice kid, but today's the anniversary, and she always changes today. And not in a good way." She jumped back into the book.

Joe looked at Anthony. "I think I might quit."

They deserved it, and no one can change my mind. In the next episode I will be murdering Barkley, so be on the lookout for that.
Stay tuned.

~Morgan the Writer

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