v. romeo and juliet

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𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰!
act one, chapter five
" 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒋𝒖𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒕 "



"No, Wyatt, it is not practically life or death. It's very far from."

Wyatt continued to shovel breakfast cereal down her throat, while her two friends watched her sceptically.

"But what if he's chosen a play without a primary female lead?" Wyatt said, still swallowing a mouthful of cornflakes as she spoke. Wyatt stress ate when she was frantic. And today was a day to stress about.

A week of school had passed already, seven days of mounds of homework, many feasts and late nights in the Hufflepuff basement playing exploding snap. But the school year didn't officially begin for Wyatt until today. The first meeting of the Drama Club, where Professor Flitwick will announce this year's play. And Wyatt is pretty anxious, to say the least.

"Macbeth doesn't have a primary female lead and yet you sobbed when you didn't get cast as Lady Macbeth," Teddy countered, buttering his toast in a less frenzied fashion than Wyatt approached her breakfast.

"That's because Lady Macbeth is basically the lead," Wyatt told him. "She oversees it all," she shrugged. "I consider her more of a lead than Macbeth himself. Hence the sobbing. It was a perfectly justified reaction."

"But you were thirteen," Rudy pointed out. "Surely you knew you were never going to get the lead."

Deep down, it was possible that third-year-Wyatt was aware that she basically stood no chance at scoring the lead in a Shakespeare play, but that didn't mean it couldn't shatter her fragile heart. "I think me being younger meant I was more vulnerable to an emotional response."

Wyatt waited for her friends to argue back again, but when nothing came, she spoke up again, "Anyway, you miss my point."

Teddy and Rudy shared a sceptical glance, before dubiously speaking simultaneously, "Which is?"

"Now I'm in seventh year, I have more of a chance at a lead, so the lead in question has to be a good one," Wyatt answered.

Teddy cut his slice of toast in half, his eyebrows almost reaching his hairline, "All Shakespeare sounds the same to me."

Wyatt couldn't comprehend what he had just said. Because it was so stupid to her. Teddy has been a part of the Hogwarts Theatre Committee for almost as long as she had. The audacity of her friends when it came to theatre. "I'm going to pretend that you never said that."

Wyatt managed to keep mentions of the Drama Club meeting, which was set to start at the beginning of lunch, to a minimum as the day fleeted past, for the sake of her two closest friends who happened to share two out of the three lessons with the fervent Hufflepuff before the lunch break. They were internally grateful but knew it wouldn't last much longer when the news of this year's play was known to Wyatt and, therefore, quickly known to them too. Double Potions after lunch could go two ways:

One, Wyatt is absolutely ecstatic with Flitwick's choice and won't shut up about it for the rest of the day and probably until auditions.

Or two, Wyatt is incredibly upset by the choice and will be so frustrated and disgruntled that she won't shut up about it for rest of the day and probably until auditions, which she will, of course, go forward with, but, in an act of protest, go about them much less enthusiastically.

Maybe it is life or death.

By the time lunch had rolled around, Wyatt couldn't keep still and her nails were practically gone from their beds. She bid adieu to her two friends after Defence Against the Dark Arts, who were thrilled to have an hour to themselves to eat, and headed off to the Charms classroom, where Professor Flitwick held the meetings for his Drama Club.

When Wyatt got there, a few dozen students were filing into the classroom, several faces whom she recognised from previous shows.

Justin Finch-Fletchley spared her a wave before being swallowed by the small crowd and the Patil twins slid up by her side so the three of them could walk in step into the classroom.

Hoping to appear unphased and perfectly capable of acting normal, Wyatt engaged in idle conversation, as the last few members trickled in and as they waited for the professor to make his appearance and for the news to go public.

Wyatt was comfortably happy with the absent mumblings she was sharing with Luna Lovegood when her peace (yes, peace ─ the girl had finally found some) was disrupted by someone calling her name, which she thought sounded more like a high-pitched wail.


Upon recognising the voice, Wyatt had no desire to turn around and address the source. Unfortunately for her, she didn't have much choice ─ Yasmine Kennedy was already on her way over to the Hufflepuff, fixed on the idea of learning Wyatt's thoughts on the matter of the meeting now that Yasmine had spotted her in the huddle.

Wyatt stifled a groan as the ginger-haired girl practically bounded over to her. When Yasmine had eventually inserted herself into Wyatt's conversation with Luna, the redhead's grin was the last sight Wyatt wanted to see. A disturbing combination of cheery and evil.

"Welcome back!" Yasmine sang. Wyatt put on her best pleasantly surprised smile she could muster. "Good summer?"

Yasmine Kennedy. Public enemy number one.

Yasmine was the only other first-year Hufflepuff to join the Choir when Wyatt did. In fact, the two of them were amongst very few in their year to join. This is not what Wyatt had a problem with. She liked having someone in her own house that shared similar interests to her. And it was exciting when the two of them then went on to join the Drama Club together.

Yasmine is currently the only other student in their year to have stayed in both the choir and the Drama Club. And Wyatt isn't happy about it.

Wyatt has no jurisdiction over what clubs you join and what you do with your extracurriculars. She can be petty about it, yes, but, by all means, do what you want. Wyatt's problem lies in the fact that the longer you stay in a club, the more attached you become. With her years at the Hogwarts Drama Club, Wyatt has become more and more fond of the dramatic arts.

The same can be said for Yasmine.

After six years, both girls have fallen in love with theatre, and have become more and more obsessed with the idea of ruling it one day. And by ruling it, this means getting the lead. Seeing as both of them had committed six years of their school days to this club, it would be a waste if they didn't become infatuated with the idea of using their experience to their advantage. Hence why the two of them share an (unspoken!) bitter, rather two-faced rivalry whenever they share the same stage.

This might not technically be true ─ Yasmine actually wasn't aware that Wyatt hated her.

"Good, thank you," Wyatt gave her best attempt at a genuine smile. "You?"

"Amazing," Yasmine sighed wistfully. "I spent the entire break with my head in a book. I think I analysed like every play ever written." Wyatt could have gagged at the cackle that came out of Yasmine. Was Wyatt supposed to laugh at that too? Who laughs at their own jokes?

Coughing out her best natural laugh ─ while simultaneously fighting the urge not to punch Yasmine's lights out ─ Wyatt willed for Luna to spark a conversation so she didn't have to. But the Ravenclaw smiled at them both absently, and Wyatt realised she'd couldn't rely on Luna, so it would have to be her to do the talking instead.

"Oh really?" Wyatt cooed with false interest. "Which one was your favourite?" She spoke as if her friends don't tease her for the exact same reason.

Yasmine grinned from ear to ear, and lazily rested her hand on Wyatt's arm, smacking her tongue on the roof of her mouth. "Got to be Romeo and Juliet, right?"

Wyatt would in fact agree with this statement, but Professor Flitwick wasn't there yet and Wyatt knew escaping from Yasmine wasn't going to be as easy as it sounded. "Why would you say that?" she asked.

A flicker of bitter confusion flashed across her face and although Wyatt had no idea where this conversation could go, she was pleased she had hit a nerve. "Well, it's the most beautiful romance of all time, no?" Yasmine let out a derisive chuckle.

Wyatt shrugged nonchalantly, "I disagree."

"Oh." Instead of looking dumbfounded, Yasmine was brandishing a sickly-sweet smile.

"I think it's more than just a beautiful romance," Wyatt said. "The emotional depth of the play doesn't come from the romance but I would say it comes from the tragic-"

"Good afternoon everybody!"

The three girls had been so absorbed in their discussion ─ Luna less being involved, but more so absentmindedly staring into space ─ that they missed the arrival of their professor, who now stood atop a small podium he liked to call his own stage, his hands grasped together cheerily.

"Such a great turnout, thank you all for being here." He said, the murmurs dying out until Professor Flitwick had a silent audience to speak to. "As you all know, I have an exciting announcement to make and it is in fact, this year's play!"

Light applause rippled around the room, and Flitwick gushed with pride.

"Now, I've chosen this play because of its timeless ability to transport its surroundings into a whole new world. Loved by so many, and jam-packed with meaningful messages." ─ Wyatt loved how Flitwick spoke with such admiration ─ "As well as, of course, the abundance of roles, but that takes away from the sentimental sides of things so," he hurriedly added that final part, "without further adieu!"

Yasmine had leant over and whispered into Wyatt's ears, "And to put us all out of our misery."

Wyatt sure does hate Yasmine, but at least she's not the only one deeply affected by the outcome of this news. Essentially, Wyatt's glad she's not the only sad loser in this school.

"This year, Hogwarts will be putting on."

Wyatt is convinced the silence was hours long. And very very loud.

"Romeo and Juliet!"

Her heart leapt from her chest, in the best way possible. Wyatt even grabbed onto Yasmine's arms to stabilise herself, lightly shaking the Hufflepuff to express her excitement.

Yasmine reacted oddly well to Wyatt clinging onto her, and she jumped up and down in time with Wyatt's happy little hops. "What are the chances?" she grinned. "The universe listened!"

Wyatt slowly became aware of the news she had just heard, and having come to terms with it, realised what she was doing, and took a step away from Yasmine cautiously. "It sure did." Sighing as she went, Wyatt absorbed the atmosphere around her. The room had erupted in a series of happy murmurs and whispers, applause bouncing off the walls; Flitwick beaming in delight at the response.

"Auditions will be this time next week. Scripts will be on the desk by the door organised according to roles, so make sure to take one on your way out!" Flitwick explained. "These will be open auditions so please do tell your peers all about the play and let them know they are welcome to try out!"

Wyatt was put at ease at last. And although she had engaged in a joyous celebration with public enemy number one, she couldn't help but let her heart burst.

The meeting didn't last much longer ─ Professor Flitwick outlining a few details regarding the auditions and the rehearsing schedule ─ and Wyatt Buckley couldn't have sped out of that classroom faster.

Neglecting the route she would need to take to get to her next lesson, which was due to start in seven minutes, Wyatt was far too exhilarated to even think about double Potions with Snape.

Barging her way through the corridor, feeling on top of the world (it's important to note she hadn't got the role yet), Wyatt had to grab onto the first person she knew. Well, more like the first person she saw. This was the best news she had received in a very long time, and Wyatt needed to share it with someone. Anyone.

Launching herself at a body in her path and latching her hands onto their robes, Wyatt didn't have a care in the world besides the most important one, which had practically consumed her entire being. Because this year's play is . . .

"ROMEO AND JULIET." Her voice was ─ it was probably safe to say ─ louder than usual, and she happened to be aiming it directly at the person she had clasped onto. She was completely benumbed to the feeling of embarrassment, and even as she stared into her victim's eyes, Wyatt didn't give a rat's arse who it was.

Theodore Nott didn't quite know how one should react when your classmate throws themselves at you and screams a Shakespeare play in your face. His robes were bundled up in her hands, and Theo wore a look of utter bewilderment, which can be translated to: holy-shit-what-the-fuck.

With wide eyes and a stunned expression post-attack, Theo tried to size up the situation he was in. "Good afternoon, Wyatt. Nice day, isn't it?" he said with an arched brow, as the girl panted in front of him.

Wyatt relaxed her hands slightly, his robes slowly falling from her grip, as she caught her breath, still looking as though she was in some sort of daze. "It's fucking Romeo and Juliet," she repeated, lowering to the ground, from where she was once poised on her tiptoes, as to best deliver her exciting news to someone who definitely did not care, nor understand what she was on about.

Theo didn't step back from her ─ their bodies still pressed up rather closely together ─ but swept a hand down his robes to straighten out the creases she had made, still quirking an eyebrow and sparing her a baffled look. Thank God he was alone on his journey to Charms class because Wyatt would have never heard the last of it from his delightful friends.

"I would have probably described it as rather sunny but whatever floats your boat, I guess."

Wyatt's eyes were transfixed on the area behind the boy, lost in a daze. "I can't believe it."

Theo let out a gush of air as if trying to bring himself down from a tiresome session of rigorous exercise. "Yeah, I'm pretty shocked too," he said sarcastically.

"This is so exciting." She spoke as if she didn't know he was there ─ more so talking to herself than the boy she had stopped in the middle of the hallway in a bout of excitement.

Theo nodded his head with mock passion, "I concur ─ it's truly quite thrilling."

Wyatt finally looked him in the eyes again, flinging a hand on his arm, "Imagine playing Juliet," she said dreamily. "There's no primary lead but she is the leading lady. I just hope my Romeo's good."

His head tilted to the side slightly, ignoring how she had remained attached to him, even as she seemed to go through several stages of grief because of this news. "Oh, you've already got the role?" he asked.

The brief feeling of embarrassment washed over her and it was evident in her features where her chin retreated and her eyes darted around the ceiling. "Well, no. Not yet at least."

"Not yet, I see," Theo clasped his hands in front of his body, speaking in a false sense of thoughtfulness.

"I've got to go tell Rudy and Teddy." Wyatt had apparently resorted to thinking out loud. And probably to the worst person.

Theo's brows then furrowed and he ducked down lower to allow her eye line to meet his. "Erm I'm right here?" he questioned, waving his hand timidly. "You just told me? Not sure how short-term memory loss is going to help with remembering your lines, Buckley."

All humiliation washed away, Wyatt scowled at the boy. "A different Teddy."

"Oh good," Theo mimed wiping imaginary sweat from his forehead. "I got worried for a sec."

"That I won't be able to memorise my lines?"

"That you gave me a nickname," Theo corrected.

Understanding dawned across her face and she nodded in complete agreement. "Yes, that would be pretty worrying," Wyatt said. "If that ever happens ─ which it won't-"

"Which it won't," he repeated his approval.

"I'd say the best option is to call for help. Yelling fire usually does the trick."

"Yell fire. Got it."

It had already been a few seconds since Wyatt had actually fathomed who she was talking to. And although she didn't like the fact that she had chosen Theodore Nott to be the first person to hear her news, she was too elated at said news to care that much. Nonetheless, she had absolutely no reason to continue this conversation. "I'll see you later, Theodore."

"Careful," he raised a finger and started waggling it in front of her face. "Using my first name is dangerously close to a nickname."

"Of course. You're right, Nott."

Feeling rather pleased with himself, Theo smirked, "I'm always right, Buckley." After sharing brief eye contact, Wyatt rolled her eyes, and Theo brought his fingers into a salute against his head. "Later."

Shaking her head, Wyatt wasted no time heading to her next lesson, which she was very nearly late for.

By the time she had made it to the dungeons for double Potions, the class were filing in, leaving just enough time for Wyatt to tag along at the back.

After scanning the busy classroom for her two friends, she shortly found them unloading their bags at their usual desks, Professor Snape yet to arrive.

With the classroom still absorbed in pre-class idle chatter, Wyatt put on a casual act and strolled over to her seat, perching on the chair in between Rudy and Teddy. She kept her mouth zipped tight deliberately ─ this did indeed, pain her ─ as she collected the items she needed from her bag, an inattentive smile resting on her features.

By this point, she had done exactly what she had hoped to ─ grab the attention of her two friends, who now stared at her, utterly perplexed by the lack of a train of words they had expected to flow out of her.

"Wyatt?" Teddy said, slowly sitting down next to her. "Cat got your tongue?"

"No," she replied carefreely, "it's still there."

"Care to explain why you haven't used it then?" Rudy asked, pulling up her chair.

Wyatt sighed wistfully, "No reason to," she shrugged indifferently.

"Bullshit, Wy," Teddy scoffed.

"Please just drop the act because acting all unbothered is significantly worse than whatever you're not telling us," Rudy said flatly, propping her chin onto her elbow.

Another shrug from Wyatt, "I don't have anything to say."

"Jesus Christ."

"Maybe she's gone insane."

"Tell us what play Flitwick chose, Wy," Teddy said with zero enthusiasm. "We know you want to."

In the most casual tone, she could muster, trying her best to conceal the glee bubbling up inside of her, Wyatt answered, "Romeo and Juliet."

"That's it."

"There we go."

It was at this point that Professor Snape strode into the classroom, immediately descending the room into total silence. But once his back was turned to write their instructions on the chalkboard, Rudy leant over to her friend's ear and whispered, "And are you happy about that?"

Sighing dreamfully, mirroring Rudy and resting her hand on her hand, her eyes trained on the movements of the professor's hand, Wyatt responded, "Abso-fucking-lutely."

Content with how little Wyatt was talking on the matter, Rudy and Teddy focused their attention on the professor who had since begun explaining their goal for the day.

A few minutes passed and with their instructions set tasking them to make a Draught of Living Death in pairs of two, their pages tabbed with the recipe, and with Wyatt having the freedom to express her elation to Flitwick's news, she practically bounded over to her workstation. Rudy trailed closely behind, now aware that Wyatt's untalkative mood was very much temporary, leaving her not looking forward to being the ecstatic girl's lab partner for the afternoon because, Rudy can assure you, Wyatt's excitement wasn't going to wear off any time soon.

"Someone's happy about something," Hermione Granger chuckled, as she placed her textbook down on the station opposite Wyatt and Rudy; Teddy shuffling in next to her.

Teddy made sure Hermione was his Potions partner for the year because, he'll be the first to admit, he sucks arse at Potions. And Hermione was quite the opposite. Well, she wasn't particularly gifted at the art of Potion making, but she sure as hell was committed. And that was more than Teddy could say.

"Really?" Rudy cocked her head in mock surprise. "I hadn't noticed," she added bored.

Wyatt ignored her best friend's lack of enthusiasm towards her excitement and took great pleasure in telling yet another student of the great news she had received earlier that day. "Flitwick announced this year's play!" she exclaimed to Hermione, who spared her a look of intrigue.

"Go on then," the Gryffindor said encouragingly, "what is it?"

"Oh, get ready, Hermione," Teddy said with a tired expression.

"You're gonna love this," Rudy added.

Still choosing to be blissfully unaware of her two friends' fed-up expressions, Wyatt clapped her hands together, delighted that she could indulge in saying the three words once again. "Romeo and Juliet!"

Hermione's expression morphed into one of pleasant surprise. "Oh is it?" she asked gleefully. "Gosh, I might have to try my chances at it then!"

Wyatt tried her best ─ she really did ─ not to let her expression turn sour. That way, she'd just end up scowling at the Gryffindor, leaving room for her anxiety and anger to boil up, much like the cauldron on the counter in front of her.

Stifling the urge to scream in Hermione's face ("You dare or I'll-") ─ because that would be unprofessional of her, and undermine her glorious display of self-confidence that Wyatt had built up over the years leading up to this one that meant she was optimistic that she had the ability to become a leading lady ─ Wyatt spared the girl a smile, that wavered rather a lot, and if Wyatt hadn't immediately turned away to seek comfort from Rudy, her smile might have been revealed as insincere.

"Definitely," Wyatt muttered to Hermione, her voice scratchy and meek. Oh, how she felt silly.

"Don't slap her," Rudy whispered into her friend's ear.

Wyatt shrunk her mouth as if she were a ventriloquist, replying in the same hushed voice, all the while offering Hermione a fumbling, half-smile. "I'm tempted to."

If Hermione had caught on to the two friends whispering, Ron Weasley made his opinion clear before the girl could question it properly. Neither Wyatt and Rudy nor Hermione and Teddy had even realised that Ron was in such close proximity to the four of them, and was also, in fact, listening to their conversation from his work station.

"Merlin, not another play," the redhead moaned from the table one over from the other four, his head lolling one hundred and eighty degrees at the thought.

Ron looked to Harry ─ who was far too immersed in his Potions making to care what Ron was complaining about ─ expecting him to back him up. Harry, whose ears did in fact still work, absently raised his brows, as if he was just as invested in the conversation as his two friends. "Surely not," he said monotonously, his eyes still trained on the vile of green liquid in his hand.

Wyatt pretended not to be offended. In truth, she was, rather hurt by the thought of her peers being almost disgusted by the prospects of a play every other year, but she refused to let it get to her because, Ron Weasley, seriously? Who the fuck cared what he thought? Wyatt doesn't even think his two closest friends gave a rat's arse.

It was at this point that Professor Snape sent the six of them a series of warning glares and so, prompted Wyatt ─ to Teddy and Rudy's utter delight ─ to shut up. And her silence lasted for two glorious hours. The two Hufflepuffs had never been so grateful for Double Potions.

¨. ༢ ͎۪۫ ༊*·˚

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