사: an oasis in the desert

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"How did you know the wallet was mine? Imagine if it was someone else's... wouldn't it have been better if you just went to the police station then?" Youngmi initiated, having a lick at her ice cream instantly after. "What? What are you staring at?" Her eyebrows hoisting as she expressed her odium.

"Nothing, you just had me in awe there." A ghost of a smile flitted across Ewan's lips, which he was quite expeditious to cast aside before the female took notice of it. 

An ambiguous compliment. What could be the one befitting response to it, provided that Youngmi was willing to acquiesce and not just rightaway break into a spasm of baleful remarks like she usually did? Except, this instance too, could not terminate the laudable legacy that Youngmi had managed to preserve all along.

"Some people definitely don't deserve a second chance, and yes, you're the one whom I'm talking abou—"

"Had me in awe because as it is evident, January isn't cold enough for you to refrain from having your teeth face an ice cream-induced slow death." Ewan drew in a sharp breath. "You don't seem like ever moving past the pre-conceived image that you have of me in your mind. I agree that my first impression— Er, more like the second and third one as well— was not so great, but I'm not all how you've perceived me to be, Doc."

Youngmi had not anticipated the oncoming statement to be entirely at variance with how she was preparing to grapple with it. That parochial notion of hers indubitably owed to all the unwavering advances that Ewan had made at her till now, so much so that his presence itself had gotten skewed for her to some extent. It was as if whenever he was around, a repugnant overture was bound to head her way. How was she even to peer beyond the possibility now that her opinion had become somewhat irreversibly colored?

She was not wrong to rely on her impulses. But she would be committing a blunder now if she did not slip an apology for her denigration.

"I'm sorry." Youngmi deflected her gaze towards the table between them, scraping one of her nails against the surface that was not within Ewan's field of vision.

"It's okay, we can always start anew." He mumbled towards the end, stirring the female to jerk her head back up and let the expression adorning his face, sink in.

"Sure." Finishing brusquely might again be deemed as deploring of her, to rectify which, she resumed, "So, you haven't told me... about how you came to know about my phone number?"

"There was a spare business card in it, the reason why I had to be insulted for the hundredth time!" Ewan guffawed, restoring his composure in a flash thereafter.

"Yeah, right. I always keep one in it, how could I forget? Maybe because I obviously had no idea as to how it would be of help to me this way in the near future." Youngmi pursed her lips, probably wondering as to why was she even trying her hand at being humorous.

Well, her beginner's luck may play out in the process. The probability was itself very reassuring.

"I'm so sorry for causing you trouble. All this happened because I'm one heck of a clumsy woman, I promise that I'll keep an eye out for my things more responsibly from now onwards. You're like a savior, really. Sorry for the slander too, I mean it." If Youngmi's eyes were not an uncharted domain by default, Ewan would have discerned the sincerity floating within them.

But again, that was easier said than done. It was certainly not a plain-sailing to tear down the age-old walls and breach into the core of it. They were erected to serve a motive, and that was perfectly why it would be highly delusional of one to disregard the fact.

What could be the grounds anyway, behind Youngmi being so reticent?

"It's alright now, I'm telling you. No need to bring it up again and again." Ewan grinned, the same receding gradually for him to possess his characteristic aplomb.

Youngmi nodded her head deferentially, astonished over how the man had acted so briskly when it came to brushing off the awful memories. She did not realize when a tiny smile of gratification crept up to her lips, ultimately tugging them to the farthest corners. She may have zoned out ambling over a trail that led nowhere, or she may just be taking the much-required time to imbibe Ewan's stunning features. Either way, she appeared bewitched, as if Ewan was a wizard and had just tossed a dozen spells at her.

Now, that was awkward.

Ewan feigned a cough, shattering Youngmi's untimely reverie. She immediately resorted to channeling her gaze at anywhere but him, rolling her eyes due to the inevitable embarrassment. Her line of sight subsequently fell over Ewan's glove-clad hands, as she instantly blurted out.

"Wh—why those?" She beckoned at them, wiggling her eyebrows as if she would be much relieved if she did not have to utter a word at all. Because that way, it was ensured that she would not have to be a victim of convulsive stutters.

"These gloves?" Ewan brandished his open palms before her, "To protect my hands from cold?" He answered, perplexity slightly engulfing him.

"Plastic gloves to prevent cold?" Youngmi exclaimed, her eyes widening. "Please, you could do better."

"My— I have a dry skin condition so these allow the cells to breathe too." A convincing chuckle was let out by Ewan.

"No, it's actually the opposite. I think you're confused about it. My primary recommendation would be to wear them off because they're in fact harming you. Do away with them before they cause you damage that can't be undone anymore." Youngmi advised.

"I'll do that, but only when I reach back home. You see, I don't have an alternative right now. My priority right now is to avert the damage that the chill outside would wind up doing me if I don't put on these rather... sub-standard gloves. But don't worry, I'll do as you say— effective from the next day, of course." Ewan completed, donning his signature smile.

"That's great." Youngmi whispered barely above a note, picking up soon after, "Did you find an estate yet, though? You were looking for one earlier in the day, weren't you?"

"Sadly, I couldn't. As I had said previously as well, it's as hard as searching for an oasis in the desert. There are plenty of them, yet you don't stumble upon one when you're in a dire look-out for it. I'll succeed in the end, however, I know it. It's just a matter of time..." Ewan sighed listlessly, evoking concern to dominate Youngmi's visage.

"I possibly can't help you with that but once you do end up with one, don't hesitate to call me. I'll help you set the store up— or whatever you decide to do with it." Youngmi chortled. "Okay?"

"I'm keeping the card, then. Here." Ewan moved in accordance with his declaration, fishing out the card— to which, almost all of their conflicts pertained— while simultaneously ramming the rest of the wallet in Youngmi's direction. He then thrust the piece of cardboard in one of the pockets of his trousers, mustering the drive to get off his chair and retreat back home.

"Glad to know that I'm no more the weirdo— Wait, I'm not, right?" He gawked, spurring Youngmi to burst into a string of giggles.

"Of course not, you're good." She responded, gazing at Ewan through her crescent-shaped orbs as he bobbed his head before steering away for his destination.

Youngmi fervently swung her head side by side, the daze that had clouded her vision, petering out as a result. She blinked repeatedly, until she had gained the needful lucidity to get started on her own journey. A gasp followed, emblematic of the situation that had upended drastically for her.

Deciphering how her stance regarding Ewan had opted for a wholly contrasting course, was clearly going to last the whole night. She better engage herself in so as soon as possible.

Although still occupied with the same thought, Youngmi fetched her phone nonetheless when the curiosity to skim through her newly acquired notifications overtook her. A couple of customary, superfluous alerts had soon had her disenchanted. Though that was momentary, for what awaited her as she scrolled and dismissed the latest ones, triggered her heartbeat to spike uncontrollably.

It was Namjoon, committedly endeavoring to reach her for fifteen times only to content himself with a static voice inferring that Youngmi was unavailable to attend his call.


so here goes the fourth chapter, kinda filler but not so much if you read between the lines👀 we're almost at 200 reads, thank you so much for giving 'sweet tooth' a go. pls vote and comment your thoughts, i'd love to have some interaction❤️

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