Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


It all started on Taehyung's first day of kindergarten, although the real first part of Taehyung's story actually begun the day before Taehyung's first day of kindergarten.

Taehyung was sitting on the living room floor, playing with the small cubes his parents had given to him on his last birthday. It had been his fourth. His parents had been talking in the room next door for quite some time now when his mother entered the room and sat down on the floor next to him.

"Are you having fun?" She asked in a soft tone, watching as Taehyung used one of his tentacles to place the red cube on the blue cube. He nodded absentmindedly, grabbing a green cube, this time with his right hand, and placing it on the red one.

"So... you know tomorrow is your first day with all the other children in kindergarten and I want to talk to you about it." She began and finally Taehyung looked up, placing his hands in his lap and silently listening. He knew that tone on his mother. She only used it when it was about something serious.

"Did I do something bad?" Taehyung cocked his head to his side but his mother quickly shook her head. "No no, not at all. You've been really well-behaved lately. We're really proud of you." She reassured.

Taehyung looked at her with big eyes, waiting for her to continue. If he hadn't done anything wrong, why was she talking like that?

"So we have talked about how people feel about tentacles right? Do you remember?" She patted his leg and Taehyung nodded slowly. His tentacles automatically wrapped around her hand, playing with her fingers and the bracelet she was wearing.

"They are scared, aren't they, mommy?" He asked, looking down at the floor. He didn't like the thought of scaring others. He was always nice but usually as soon as they saw his tentacles either they decided to leave or their parents did for them. They'd always send him these nasty glares like he'd done something wrong but his mother always told him that there was nothing wrong about him.

She just said they weren't used to it and that was why they were scared.

"Yeah, they are scared, even though they are so cute. I mean, look how tiny they still are." She teased, knowing damn well that the last thing Taehyung wanted anything about him to be called was tiny. They pulled back from her instead, wrapping around Taehyung's upper body, sulking.

Taehyung pouted. "They're not tiny."

She laughed, running her hand through his hair. "You're right. I bet they'll be super long and big once you get older." She promised and Tae made a small sound of disapproval, but let her pet him, the pout not leaving his face.

"So back to what I was saying. People at your kindergarten don't know about it yet, so maybe it would be better if these..." She brushed over Taehyung's biggest tentacle. "...stay our little secret? If there is someone you want to tell about them you can, but you really shouldn't let them out while people are around you."

Taehyung frowned. "But I like playing with them. I can always build the biggest towers on the playground when I use them."

His mother sighed sadly. "Maybe you should build a bit smaller towers then."

With that start, Taehyung did not have the best attitude towards kindergarten. He had looked forward to it for weeks but now that he was standing in front of the building he didn't want to go inside. He wanted his parents to take him home. Didn't want to be at this place that didn't allow him to build tall towers.

"But Tae, don't you want to meet the other kids?" His mother tried worriedly when Tae clung to her leg.

The boy shook his head, closing his eyes and pressing his face against the fabric of her jeans. "Wanna go home."

His parents exchanged a short glance, not knowing what to do, when there was a sudden unfamiliar voice. "Is it his first day too? The nerves, right? My son is a bit spooked as well."

Taehyung looked up and met eyes with a small boy that was around his age, with big eyes, red pouty lips and slightly swollen cheeks. He was clinging to his mother's leg too, sniffling a little and rubbing his eyes. His mother was looking at his parents, apparently talking to them. Taehyung glanced around between her and the boy, before hesitantly letting go and walking over to the sniffling boy. "Why are you crying?"

The boy rubbed his eyes again, swallowing harshly before wrapping the small fingers of his second hand around his mother's jeans too. "I don't wanna be here." Another sniffle. "Wanna go home. Don't wanna talk to all the big kids."

Feeling like he had to protect the smaller boy Taehyung reached his hand out. "Wanna go inside together? We don't have to talk to anyone else."

And that's how Jimin and Taehyung met for the first time. From that point on their parents had a hard time separating the two of them from each other. They'd meet up to play, shared all their favorites toys and stuffies and took bathes together.

Taehyung was Jimin's small protector. Jimin was shy and didn't talk to anyone but Taehyung. Something some of the other children picked on every once in a while, but Taehyung would always bite and kick them if they dared to get too close to Jimin.

Their parents made sure they'd end up going to the same elementary school. Which is where the next bigger event forming Taehyung's future took place.

They were in second grade. Taehyung was spending less and less time with his tentacles out, after all Jimin was always there to play with him. Not that it really bothered him. It wasn't really forced. He just forgot about them for the most part.

It was almost like he was an entirely normal child.

"Today we're going to talk about something that happened very recently, so I want you all to listen very carefully." The teacher declared, placing her pen on the table before walking to one of the corners of the room.

"I think your parents probably all told you about how that there is not just us humans in this world but there also are some people who look exactly like us, but with tentacles." Nodding from all over the class. "So what you might not have known is that they can look just like you all. Their tentacles aren't always flailing around so they are really hard to spot. They are usually harmless." By the way she said it Taehyung could tell that she was following some protocol, something she was supposed to say, not something she really meant. He frowned, wrapping his hand around Jimin's, who was sitting next to him, listening attentively.

"But they hide usually so in case you ever see someone on the street who has his tentacles out they might be dangerous." Taehyung's frown got even deeper. They weren't dangerous.

"There have been some cases lately where people have been 'attacked' by someone like that. So kids, if you're ever without your parents and you see a man like that, it's better if you run and hide."

"What do you think about it? The tentacle monsters?" Jimin asked as they were walking home together. Both of their parents' houses were a good five minutes by foot from their school.

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, kicking a stone onto the empty street. "They're scary I guess."

Jimin frowned. "What? No, they are not!" He exclaimed. "They're cool. Like imagine all those arms you could dig holes with. We might be able to dig a hole to Europe with someone like that." The boy grinned, grabbing Taehyung's arm and pulling him along.

Taehyung smiled, letting himself be pulled towards the house. Did that mean Jimin wouldn't think he's scary? Maybe Taehyung could go back to lazing around the house with all of his tentacles out again. The thought of it put him into a way better mood than he had been ever since that speech his teacher had given. Stupid Mrs. Koi. He decided that he didn't like her anymore.


There goes another story of mine.

I already finished writing this so you can expect regular updates every monday.

I also should warn those of you who haven't read the intro. This story is very very fluffy but there will be rather rough sex in the last chapter so if you're not comfortable with something like that don't read it.

Love ya'll and I hope you enjoy the ride💜

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