I love you

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I love you


„Blaming me for your own mistakes, once again? You sure got some nerves..." The older snarled, pushing Jimin deeper into the bed. Jimin whimpered, tears streaming down his cheeks as he clung harder onto the bed. Beom laughed, but the laugh didn't sound warm. It was ice cold. "And now you're crying like a baby. No wonder nobody wants you. Such a pussy." He grabbed Jimin's hair and pulled him up by it. "You like this, don't you, slut? You sure act like you don't, but I can tell. This is what gets you going. And then again just a bit off pain and you're full on sobbing like the baby you are. Make your mind up." Beom kissed, Jimin's cheek, before pulling back and thrusting back in with a lot more force than before.

"You're lucky that anyone is willing to take you. No one else would want to see this. This is what you deserve." Beom hissed, bottoming out and closing his eyes. Jimin didn't get angry at the boy. Didn't talk back. Just pressed his lips into a thin line, biting down on his tongue, to stop any noises from escaping his lips.

He never talked back. Why would he? After all he always was the one at fault. All he could be, was being thankful that Beom was there for him...

"Jimin?!" The familiar voice, ripped him out of the horrible nightmare. Jimin heard a soft sob. Was that his voice? Was he crying? He quickly sat up and brought his hand up to wipe away his tears. He didn't want Yoongi to see him cry again. He was such a fucking crybaby. He looked up at Yoongi who sat at the edge of his bed, with a concerned look in his eyes.

"Did you dream about him again?" His gentle voice only made Jimin's throat tighten up in memory of the dream. He clung onto Yoongi's warm body, burying his face in the older's T-shirt.

It was incredible how much Yoongi was there for Jimin. Patiently, he spent the next ten minutes listening to Jimin's sobs, soothingly running his hands through the petites boy's hair, while quietly muttering soft words of reassurance. About how everything was going to be okay. How it was over. How he would protect Jimin from something like this happening again.

It wasn't the first time Jimin had woken up in the middle of the night in the need of in need of taken care of and Yoongi already knew how to handle Jimin.

The first couple of times he had messed up quite a bit, asking the wrong questions. Not knowing how to react to certain things Jimin said, in addition to the boy not quite trusting Yoongi as much, as he did by now.

After more than ten minutes of silently sobbing, Jimin finally lifted his head, his eyes reddened from crying, his nose running and a light print of his pillow on his cheek.

Although it might not have been the best moment, Yoongi still couldn't believe how beautiful his boyfriend was. "You look stunning." He smiled, as his thumb, caressed the boy's cheek.

Jimin broke into a sad smile, enjoying the feeling of warmth and coziness Yoongi's presence always seemed to have on him. "You're lying." He chuckled, quickly wiping his eye again. "You're just trying to make me feel better. I'm a mess right now. I mean look." Another tear ran down his face, as he took Yoongi's hand, holding it closer to his body, hoping that it would somehow stop Yoongi from being able to ever leave him.

"I'm not lying when I say you're beautiful. You look pretty." Yoongi pressed Jimin's hand to his lip and pecked it, before smiling warmly. "Do you think you could tell me about the dream you had?"

Shakenly exhaling, Jimin bit his lip, before breathing in slowly, in an attempt to calm down. Not to let what he was about to say, sink in too deeply. "It was him again... telling me just exactly how worthless I am..." Jimin seemed to stumble over his last words, having a hard time, saying what had heard over and over again the last five years.

Almost instantly, anger seemed to take over Yoongi's expression and although he knew, that it wasn't because of him, Jimin instinctively had the urge to climb under the bed. New tears already forming in his eyes. When Yoongi angrily stood up, not being able to sit still, Jimin flinched at the sudden movement, expecting a shove or maybe a slap. Something along those lines.

Yoongi realized his mistake right away, quickly sitting down again, as Jimin broke into another set of sobs. Memories of being pushed around by Beom flooded his mind again. Whenever Beom had been in a bad mood sometimes because one of his friends had fucked up, sometimes because of family issues that Jimin had been at fault for, he'd taken his anger out on Jimin.

"I'm sorry, Jiminie. I didn't mean to scare you..." Yoongi apologized, his voice laced with so much love, Jimin just had to cling onto him again.

"I love you..." he whispered, avoiding Yoongi's eyes missing the older's fond smile as he reached his hand out to run it over Jimin's hair. "I love you too... more than anything."

A smile tucked on the corners of Jimin's lips when he finally started to calm down, snuggling into Yoongi's lap.

Being really tired from not having slept a lot, the last couple of days, Jimin fell asleep soon after, leaving Yoongi alone stroking his hair and smiling affectionately at the thin figure with the peaceful face. "I really love you..."



So I know this is just the first chapter but I wanna throw a funfact out there... This story was actually supposed to become a oneshot and I ended up writing 20 K words...

So I split it up into pieces

I will update this every saturday and friday! I hope you enjoy the ride<3

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