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"Yoooooooooongi! I'm hungry!" Jimin complained crossing his arms over his chest.

"So what?" Of course Yoongi knew what Jimin was trying to say but his bed was warm and comfortable. Too soft to just give it up. It never was as warm and soft as it had been before afterwards.

"Get me something." Jimin ordered and Yoongi simply raised his eyebrow, before turning around to face the wall next to his bed and yawning. "Go get it yourself. I'm tired you know..."

Jimin pounted, sitting up and staring at his boyfriend in disbelieve. Yoongi had been spoiling him for way too long, so a simple no felt like the literally the end of the world to Jimin.

He quickly got up and walked over to the fridge, but what he pulled out was nothing along the lines of food. Being the petty little bitch he tended to be from time to time, when he didn't get what he wanted he slowly walked over to Yoongi who didn't know anything about Jimin approaching him.

A grin stretching over his lips he started dumping the water over Yoongi's upper body, earning a startled not very manly screech from Yoongi, when the ice cold water hit him.

Swearing he jumped up his clothing already soaked "You little piece of shit." He laughed not believing what had just happened. Jimin giggled, trying to build up a distance, so he would be out of Yoongi's reach, but Yoongi was quicker, grabbing him by the arm, pulling him onto the soaked bed trapping Jimin in-between the bed and his body, making sure that he would get his fair share of the wet as well.

"It's cold!" Jimin yelped, still laughing, trying to push the older off him.

Just months ago he probably would have ended up getting a panic attack being trapped like this, but by now, he trusted Yoongi enough to surrender himself to the older boy.

"Yeah I noticed." Yoongi teased poking him in the side.

"Yaaaah stop it!" Jimin whined squirming under him.

"What was that. Did you just speak informal?" Yoongi's grin grew even wider, when Jimin realized his mistake.

"I'm sor..." Before he could even finish his sentence, Yoongi started another tickling attack, making the other boy twist and turn, trying to avoid Yoongi's hands that seemed to be everywhere.

Out of breath the younger boy curled up breathing heavily, low chuckles shaking his body. "Sto-op it..."

A grin still curling the corners of his lips, Yoongi watched the other boy gasping for air, tears of good hearted laughter blurring his view.,

"You're such an asshole." Jimin choked out, in-between hard breathing and laughing. He tried pushing Yoongi off with the help of his legs, but soon accepted his fate. There was no way he could move Yoongi on his own.

So instead of struggling, he dropped his hands by his side, noticing the piece of clothing still glued onto Yoongi's torso due to Jimin's earlier attack. There was a quiet voice in the back of Jimin's head wondering what the older had to look like without any clothes. He couldn't help the blush forming on his cheeks.

From what Jimin knew the older spent all day writing lyrics and coming up with new soundtracks for their future albums and he hardly ever saw Yoongi doing any typeof sport, but from what Jimin had caught a glimpse of so far he was pretty well built.

He also knew that he wasn't supposed to get impatient and stuff, but Yoongi took more than just his sweet time with this relationship. They were already dating for 5 months and they hadn't done anything but kissing. No touching. No hints that Yoongi wanted to do more than that. Nothing.

Even Tae seemed to be getting impatient and he wasn't even a part of this relationship. Just days ago he had confronted Jimin about the whole thing.

"Why don't you just make a first step?" he had asked.

"Idk... I don't feel comfortable doing it. I really don't wanna come of as pushy...." For some reason that was Jimin's biggest fear. Annoying Yoongi by asking for too much.

Even so Jimin really wanted to do something. Anything...

"Yoongi?" he almost whispered. Leaning down, Yoongi traced his hand over Jimin's cheek.

"Yeah? What is it?"

Jimin couldn't stop his eyes from darting to Yoongi's lips as he gathered the courage to finally ask. It wasn't like a no would hurt him. Okay maybe it would, but he wasn't going to think about that.

"Can we do like... more? More than usual?" It took Yoongi a couple of seconds to realize what Jimin was referring to, but when he did a happy smile played at his lips as he leaned even closer.

"You want to?"

Without hesitation Jimin nodded. He really wanted to be closer to Yoongi... feel him in every possible way. The way Yoongi was looking at him, right now made him feel even more sure of his decision.

Yoongi on the other hand was more than glad things seemed to be developing slowly and steadily. Saying it made him happy, that Jimin wanted to take another step, would have been a huge understatement. To him it was another sign of Jimin getting better, day by day.

Although this may not have been the only sign. Some of the other signs, were small things, such as the fact, that Jimin had stopped flinching whenever someone turned around too rapidly. Or there had been the way Jimin had always been overly conscious of his actions around Yoongi, but by now he would even push Yoongi off the bed, if he felt like it. Yeah that didn't really sound like the best sort of development, but in Yoongi's eyes it was way better, than Jimin apologizing and panicking over having left tear stains on Yoongi's Pullover. Sometimes he really wondered what the hell Beom had done to fuck Jimin's perception of a relationship up that much.

Jimin interrupted Yoongi's thought process by pressing his lips on the olders. Still a bit clumsily like always when he was the one to take initiative, but obviously sure that it was what he wanted to do. It didn't take long for the other to respond. Both of them being not the most patient guys out there, soon deepening the kiss.

Yoongi's hands slid down Jimin's side before swiftly slipping under the oversized hoodie Jimin was wearing, now tracing his fingers over Jimin's bare skin.
What both of them hadn't seen coming was the panic washing over Jimin, at the light touch.

"What do you want?" Beom walked over to the fridge in his apartment opening it and presenting its insides to Jimin, who squad down in order to get a better look at all the things stacked on top of each other.

"How about some toast?" he suggested Beom nodded before taking grabbing some ham and cheese.

"Do you also want some ketchup?" His boyfriend offered while walking over to the counter to get some toast.

"Yeah sure. Thank you." Jimin smiled at the other boy earning a just as sweet smile in return. Moments like these were the one thing that kept reassuring Jimin that Beom and him didn't have a toxic relationship. Beom just sometimes had a bit of a problem dealing with his anger that was all.

He was certain that Beom loved him just as much as Jimin did.

Taking a seat, he watched as Beom preparing his dinner. "So how was your day?"

"Nothing special. All I had today at work was paper work, so no treasure hunting for me." he laughed, the rare sound making Jimin's heart race. He absolutely loved it when Beom was in a good mood. He wouldn't push him around, complain about everything and talk about how bad Jimin was as a boyfriend.

Instead they would talk, smile at each other and maybe watch some TV shows holding hands or something.

"Here." Beom put the plate down, right in front of Jimin. "I hope you like it."

"You made it. Of course I will like it... even love it!" Jimin reassured enthusiastically taking a bite.

Being all concentrated on the dinner his boyfriend hat made especially for him, he didn't notice the way the other took out his phone, his gaze darkening.

What he did notice though, was when Beom slammed his phone on the table.

Startled Jimin looked up, seeing his boyfriend in a clearly pissed of state, staring at his mobile, biting his bottom lip. Then Beom looked up as well, his gaze meeting Jimin's.

Without saying a word, he headed towards the door, grabbing Jimin's wrist and dragging him along.

In the living room he pushed Jimin onto, the couch. Still without a word he forcefully, removing Jimin's t-shirt. Coming to an halt Beom stared at Jimin's upper body, his gaze almost burning itself into Jimin's skin.

"You gained weight again didn't you?" He leaned forward pushing Jimin's chin up with two fingers, to take a closer look at his face, before out of nowhere lightly slapping his cheek.

"I fucking told you, you already are starting to look like a pig. I told you not to eat too much and now fucking look at you. How do you expect me to get off with you under me?" Another slap echoed through the room. By now Jimin was biting down on his lip hard to hold back his tears.

He already knew that it would make everything worse, but his eyes seemed to already have decided on shedding tears anyways.

"Are you actually crying right now? Really? As if it isn't your fault that you look like that." Before he could react, Beom slapped him once again, which lead to Jimin losing his balance. Instead he fell off the couch his head hitting the ground painfully. For a second he couldn't breathe and then it felt like the whole world was crumbling around him. He still couldn't get himself to breathe properly, the room right before his eyes blurrying. Maybe because he had hit his head or maybe it were the tears, that were once again building up in his eyes. Gasping for air he rolled himself up bringing his body into an embryo position, hoping that the pain would subside after a couple of seconds.

Trying to calm down he slowly took in shaky breathes, quiet whimpers slipping from his lips every couple of seconds.

"" He managed to somehow get out but the other didn't react. He just stood there watching Jimin's suffering with empty eyes.

"This is all your fault... why am I even with you..."

The way Jimin tensed up at the touch instantly told Yoongi that there was something wrong.

"Jimin?" Yoongi asked carefully caressing Jimin's cheek. Swallowing heavily Jimin started to tear up. "I don't want you to see me..."

Yoongi could see how vulnerable Jimin was right now. The way his bottom lip was quivering, the tears forming in his eyes and the way his gaze was literally asking Yoongi to hold him and never let go, told him all he had to know, about the younger's condition.

"Shhh if you don't want to we don't have to... is there a reason for it?" Yoongi carefully pushed a strand of hair, out of Jimin's face.

The warmth hovering over him gave Jimin the strength he needed to answer. "I'm scared that you'll leave me..." Jimin explained his eyes watering even more at the thought of being alone.

"And why do you think I would do that?" Yoongi carefully dug deeper, running his thumb over Jimin's cheek, wiping away the tears, staining his smooth skin.

Swallowing hard Jimin averted his gaze, his voice only being a hushed whisper. "I hate my body... there is no way you would like it." He wrapped his hands around his upper body protectively. "It's probably disgusting..."

A pig... that's what he had been called for five years. The thought of Yoongi leaving him, because he didn't have enough self-control to stop eating, almost made him cry once again.

"It's okay baby..." The pet name Yoongi used from time to time automatically helped him calm down a bit, looking Yoongi in the eye again.
"I'm fucking in love with every part of you. I swear if for some reason I would happen to not like your body, the part of me knowing it is YOUR body, would make me love it either way." Yoongi reassured smiling softly at Jimin.

"Still I'm scared..." Jimin admitted a lot calmer than before bringing his hands up and running his thumb over Yoongi's lower lip trying to distract himself.

"I swear to you I am not going to leave you." Almost fascinated Jimin watched the older's mouth move.

Slowly Jimin nodded sitting up in bed a bit, also making Yoongi give him some space.

Taking a deep shaky inhale Jimin tried to soothe his nerves before locking eyes with Yoongi.
"Could you please just... kiss me one more time?"

As soon as he had voiced the question, he could feel Yoongi's lips once again soft and warm against his. In spite of Yoongi's assurance he still felt as if there was absolutely no way anyone could love his body the way it was.

Nevertheless he buried his hands in the fabric of the hoodie, his fingers clinging onto it, as if his life depended on it.

Breaking apart from Yoongi he hesitantly removed his hoodie, feeling the instant need of covering his body from Yoongi's burning gaze. He would see all his flaws... internally Jimin panicked. Why had he even done that. It was so fucking stupid. All he wanted to do was quickly reach for his hoodie again and pull it over his head to hide away his body but before he could do anything like that Yoongi pulled Jimin into a tight hug, holding the others bare body as close as possible.

"I knew it... you look absolutely stunning..." Yoongi whispered, his hot breath fanning again Jimin's neck, sending chills down Jimin's spine.

Carefully Yoongi pushed Jimin back into a lying position leaning over the other, once again letting his eyes scan over Jimin's body. "How can someone be this perfect..." He muttered, leaning down and starting to plaster Jimin's collarbone with tender kisses.

Gradually Jimin seemed to relax more piece by piece. Feeling the need to take more of Jimin's body in Yoongi sat back up, automatically feeling ecstatic watching Jimin opening up to him once again.

Smiling to himself, he started tracing his hand over Jimin's body starting off with caressing Jimin's cheek. "Everything about you is so goddamn gorgeous." Brushing his thumb over Jimin's bottom lip he leaned down "Your full plump lips of which I can't really get enough." He placed a tender kiss on Jimins lips.

"Your eyes which seem to always brim of happiness." He placed another kiss on Jimin's forehead.

"Your fucking perfectly formed body... how is being this perfect even possible?" Yoongi questioned earning a chuckle from Jimin who seemed to really enjoy the positive attention his muscles slowly relaxing under Yoongi. Grinning Yoongi teasingly kissed the spot right under Jimin's belly button, watching the other squirm underneath him.

"Then there's your fucking cute small hands." Yoongi chuckled, earning a small smile from Jimin in return.

By now Jimin had almost forgotten, that he was showing off the body, that he should feel insecure right now because Yoongi could see his stomach. But instead he was smiling and giggling at the way Yoongi peppered kisses all over his upper body, making him feel like he was something really special with all the small compliments.

"You know what... I demand a topless Jimin to hug in my sleep from this point onwards. Every day. In my bed." Earning himself another happy chuckle from Jimin.

"Your wish may be fulfilled." Jimin chuckled sitting up before leaning back down, but this time pulling Yoongi with him.

Their lips connected once again, Jimin used his chance to pull on Yoongi's t-shirt, trying to drag it over his head. Reluctantly they parted and Yoongi tried shortening the timespan separating them, by helping Jimin getting rid of the shirt.

Now both of them being shirtless they deepened the kiss, Jimins hands feeling up Yoongi's body. He was a lot more muscular than expected.

Breathing heavily the two of them separated, simply looking each other in the eyes. Not really being sure whether he wanted to actually ask the question out loud Yoongi hesitated, but still ended up asking anyway.

"How far do you want to go?" His voice was soft, open for any answer coming from the younger. He doubted that there was anything capable of lowering his mood. He had gotten to see a part of Jimin's body. He still couldn't believe it, but it actually had happened.

The question did seem to have an impact on Jimin though, giving him a little piece of reality back. "I'm not sure..." He murmured avoiding Yoongi's gaze.

"There is absolutely no need to feel any guilt or pressure right now. You already did fantastic today..." Yoongi forced Jimin to look at him and pressed a soft kiss on Jimin's forehead.
"I can't even describe how I feel right now... my absolutely stunning and perfect boyfriend let me have a little taste of his body." Yoongi joked, with a bright smile.

"How about a bit of cuddling?" Jimin asked hesitantly, before anxiously waiting for Yoongi's answer.

Yoongi's smile grew even wider. "Sounds like a good plan."

In a swift motion Yoongi let himself drop down onto the mattress next to Jimin giggling happily and wrapping his arms around Jimin's body. He was so damn happy. Not just him though. After realizing that the fact that he was going to make Yoongi wait even longer really didn't seem to be much of a problem to Yoongi, Jimin seemed to relax as well burying his face in Yoongi's neck, taking in Yoongi's smell.

It made Jimin feel at home...

"I love you..." He sighed. The words spoken, perfectly matching the feeling in his stomach.

"I love you too." Carefully Yoongi wrapped his arms around the boy, sighing softly. Feeling Jimin there in his arms, made him feel at ease. Like he was where he belonged. Maybe that was it. Maybe this was his place. Right there by Jimin's side...


So much fluff!!!!

I'm not even sure whether this story is moving at a fast or a slow pace...

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