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If you're enjoying this book and waiting for the next update, consider reading one of my other stories. I've listed them here and you can find them all on my profile, BirtheV. If you want to be notified when I publish a new book or get announcements when I publish a new chapter for any of my stories, you can follow me as well.

Light of Heart

This is an LGBTQ+ one-shot collection, where you'll find lighthearted fluff, stories that'll warm your heart and lift you up. They're generally a realistic/slice-of-life take (except for the few humoristic ones) on certain tropes and clichés, but with happy queer people. It's updated whenever I finish a story that fits and there's already a long list with completed stories. Come take a look if you like shy 14-year-olds, a transgender werewolf or an asexual in his fifties.


When Dante drinks the blood of a woman with Aids, his health takes a turn for the worse. His immune system should be infallible, but here he is: every day, he wakes up healthy, only to attract another painful and rare disease during the day that is miraculously cured at night. It is a neverending cycle and dreams and reality seem to blend into nothing but pain.
And unlike Prometheus, there will not be a Heracles to kill the eagle and break the chains. He'll have to save himself, but can he do that when he's his own worst enemy? There's no antidote for life or suffering.

Content warnings: loneliness, mild self-hate (mostly for being a vampire), passive desire to die, mention of past torture, detailed description of flu-like symptoms, symptoms of depression, anxiety


This novella was an entry for the Open Novella Contest 2020 and is completed. It's a "realistic" take on how one could be a vampire and falls generally in the literary fiction category. I consider it some of my best work *hint, hint*. It also has asexual, demiromantic and other rep!


This is another LGBTQ+ one-shot collection, but instead of lighthearted fluff, it's the home for all "serious" themes, like discrimination, bullying, mental health, ... There's currently only 6 stories, but like Light of Heart, it is updated whenever I finish a story that fits.

The Sun Shone at Dawn

A collection of all my English poems, including a lot of haikus, but also some longer poems. Ranging in topic from climate change to burnout to platonic love.


I Have (Not) Been Lonely

Nyanjura wants to be alone. Actually alone. She doesn't want to talk to anybody, and she doesn't want anybody to talk to her. She doesn't want to make friends, like her parents suggest, and she doesn't want hugs, or to talk about her feelings. And she definitely doesn't want to listen when her parents try to talk sense into yet another politician that space is not a trash belt.

When her parents leave her in a room full of other children ("you can play together") while they accept more empty promises, she's had enough. She sneaks out and hides in the storage room of an empty spaceship.

But the spaceship doesn't stay empty and while she's asleep, it leaves port. In the middle of space, she's discovered by two family friends. They try to notify her parents, but the communication systems fail. At first, Nyanjura is relieved. But the adults don't leave her alone. They try to return to port, but their navigation systems also fail.

And then Nyanjura's epileptic seizures get worse.

And then reality starts breaking apart.

If Nyanjura can't learn to trust and rely on others, she'll have no way to trust what's real. And then she will truly be left all alone, in the vast and cold emptiness of space.

***Middle grade space adventure with casual queer and trans rep. The story is already up on my profile, but no chapters have been published (or written) yet. I did write a prequel short story Going Home, which you can read in the Discrimen collection.


No blurb has been written yet and this is not yet up on my profile. Contemporary NA romance between a trumpet player and an oboe player in a symphonic youth orchestra, who need to save their orchestra. Featuring a studious straight guy and a boisterous femme girl who is fully convinced she is a lesbian.

(I also have a bunch of Dutch short stories and poems and reading lists if you are looking for LGBTQ+ recommendations.)

I have left links to all the stories in the inline comments. Take care!

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