I'm Back! *Important*

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Hello everyone! It has been quite a while! How is everyone?

Hm, me? I've been great. Life is a bit more relaxed without wattpad, though I have had a lot of homework. School (unfortunately for you guys 😉) has been going better, which has strongly fuelled my descision.

I have decided that I will not be on wattpad full time. It takes up to much of my time, and since my leave, I have had so much fun with friends, and my good grades.

I have decided I will only be on wattpad when I don't have school. Not the weekends, like breaks. I will have the dates below. So I will stay on wattpad, but not all the time. I might write my books while I'm gone, though I wouldn't get your hopes up.

I will also be staying on Century! I will be on Century during my breaks, thanks to the awesome leaders Morning and Sky! They're the best!

Alright, dates.

Thanksgiving break: November 21st-25th

Winter break: December 18th-January  3rd

Spring break: March 19th-April 3rd

Summer break: June 1st-Third Tuesday in August

I have missed you guys so much, and I thank you for your support while I've been gone. I'll see you guys soon! Love you all!

Swift 🍃

Also, Cricket and I are together ;3 He's amazing. Go give 'em a follow. Cricketleg

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