§ Tag #8. §

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Tagged by TrianglesAreMyFandom

1. Do you have a crush?
Not unless you count fictional characters, broadway stars, and band members.

2. Middle name?

3. Shoe size?
11 in a women's size

4. Height?

5. Eye color?
Blue, but I have heterocromia, so technically it's blue, green, and gold.

6. Last time you cried?
I cried while laughing at some killjoys posts on tumblr. I actually cried tears of sadness about two minutes ago while watching some Ryden edits.

7. Biggest fear?
That no one other than my internet friends will accept who I truly am.  Almost all of my family and people who I go to school with are homophobic and claim that being anything other than straight means that your an abomination. I only have one person who I know for sure isn't homophobic, but I'm too scared to come out to her. And also real blood, needles, spiders, and teenagers.

8. Last song you listened to?
Vampire Money by MCR

9. Last person you texted?
My sister
10. Favorite app?
It's a tie between wattpad, tumblr, and youtube.

Tag time. Yay.


You're apparently supposed to tag 20 people. I'm not going to do that, however, as I'm to lazy and tired to.


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