Chapter 5

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Adrien had first felt the urge to pee shortly after arriving at school but he had made sure to shove the thought down into the furthest part of his brain. At the time it had seemed like a good idea, but what he never accounted for when the feeling would resurface later with even more urgency.

It was now nearly halfway through the day and he sat in math class unable to hear a word the teacher was saying. The simple feeling of having to pee was gone and had instead grown into an intense pain in his bladder. He literally felt as though he would burst.

With legs squeezed together, teeth biting down on his lips and his fingernails digging into his knees, he sat there in pure agony. Alya, being the observant type, quickly took note of her friend's behaviour and leaned over.

"Girl, you look like you're going to explode."

Adrien was only able to nod as he looked at her with desperation

"If you have to go so badly then just ask, Ms. Mendeleiev will be fine with it if it's an emergency," she whispered.

Adrien never got the chance to reply before the blonde head in front of him, which had been eavesdropping into their little exchange, whipped around and shot out at them in a whispered yell.

"If I can hold it in then so can you!"

Adrien stared back at her, taking notice that her situation was no better than his. Her cheeks were pink and expression strained from the attempt to hold everything in. She was under just as much pressure as he was.

The sound of plastic snapping on wood rang throughout the room, startling the duo. They both straightened up and faced the front as an unamused voice sounded.

"Is there something you would like to share with the class Mr. Agreste?"

For a second Adrien was taken off guard, forgetting that he wasn't himself at that moment, and had just started to answer the teacher's question when Marinette quickly cut him off.

"N-no, it's nothing."

She briefly turned her head back and shot him a look that said to be more careful as the teacher glared at them and went to return to the lesson. It was at that moment when Chloe jumped up from her seat and point an accusing finger at Adrien.

"I saw the whole thing, it's all Marinette's fault! Her and Alya were talking and it was distracting my poor Adrien, you should have them both expelled!"

"Thank you Miss. Bourgeois, now take your seat this instant!" Ms. Mendeleiev snapped then turned to this time stare down at Adrien with a warning look. Chloe turned to who she thought was Marinette a presented a cocky smile, but Adrien wasn't paying attention to her.

"I-I," he couldn't even think, all that was on his mind was getting to the bathrooms. As another wave of pain shot through his bladder along with the belief that he would pee himself in the middle of class if this went any further, he flew out of his seat.

"I have to be excused!"

With that he was out of the door in a flash before they teacher could reply.

"Hey!" Marinette called after him, then glanced back at the teacher, "M-me too, I have to go!" Marinette hastily scrambled to the door, leaving the class in a stunned silence as she left the class behind him. They were going to be in a lot of trouble later.

"I'm sorry, but I can't hold it any longer!" Adrien wailed to her as they both stood there in the hallway. His legs were squeezed together as he did a series of little bounces. Instinctively he shot his hands down to rest them in between his legs.

"Don't touch there!" Marinette squealed.

He looked down and flung his hands back up in embarrassment. Did he seriously just touch there! 'Don't think about that right now, it's not what's important here!' He squeezed his eyes shut before continuing. "Marinette, unless we can figure out a way to change back right now we'll either pee ourselves or suffer from some kind of bladder issue from holding it in too long!"

Marinette took in his words and closed her eyes as well, she knew he was right. Trying to hold in their pee until the end of the day wasn't a good idea. Bringing up the reasonable side of her brain she gave him a small nod.

"Fine, let's just get this over with."

With a surge of glee, Adrien took off towards the nearest bathroom. Upon entering he heard a startled yelp, yet he didn't notice and didn't care as he made his way to the nearest urinal and started undoing his zipper.

"Dude, what the hell!"

Adrien froze, eyes widening. His brain, which hadn't been thinking about anything other than going to the bathroom until then, finally began to work again. He found himself looking down at Marinette's clothes while standing in front of a urinal. There was definitely something wrong with that picture. Slowly he dragged his eyes up and met those of an upper year boy who stared back at him in disbelief.

"Oh...ah..." Adrien could feel his face beginning to heat up with embarrassment. Had he seriously just make the most common mistake that he could have made! What should he say, how could he possibly explain this?

The sound of the bathroom door slamming open caught both of their attentions. Before Adrien got the chance to turn and see who it was, he felt someone roughly grab his arm and he was dragged out of the bathroom.

Once outside, he was shoved in the direction of the girl's bathroom. Risking a glance behind him, he was met with his own face which shot him a glare, one made up of both anger and embarrassment. He wanted to apologize but Marinette stomped into the boy's bathroom, not giving him the chance to.

"What was all that about?" The boy inside asked her

Marinette ignored him as she strode towards the nearest stall and locked herself inside. Once she was safely inside she proceeded to slam her head on the wall of the stall and groaned.

"I know Chat doesn't usually think before he acts, but I thought that Adrien would."

"That's just who he is." Plagg said, popping his head out from her shirt.

Marinette sighed, deciding to ignore that problem for now, and turned to face the toilet. She stared down at it with uncertainty. How should she go about this?

"What's the hold up?" Plagg asked her. "All you have to do is grab it with your hands and aim."

"I'm not doing that!" She squealed, causing Plagg to burst into laughter. The poor boy washing his hands was left in total confusion at his bathroom experience that day.

Marinette squeezed her eyes shut. Until they're able to change back they have to adapt to living as each other, which included adapting to this sort of thing.

Keeping her eyes shut, in one swift movement she pulled down her pants and sat on the toilet, figuring it to be a better option than standing. Once she was finished she peeked one eye open to stare at the roll of toilet paper.

Now what, should she wipe? Did boys even need to wipe when they went pee? There wasn't any toilet paper at the urinals so maybe they didn't have to. But wouldn't there be droplets if she didn't? Marinette shrugged off the thought and decided to follow what the boys at the urinals did. She definitely wasn't going to wipe if she didn't have to!

She pulled her pants up without looking down and cautiously peeked out of the stall to make sure the coast was clear.

"I hope we figure out a way to change back before I have to go through that again," she groaned to herself while finishing up in the bathroom.

Adrien on the other hand had rushed into a stall and sat down as quickly as he could, sighing as relief washed over him and the pain in his bladder slowly ebbed away. All the tension in his body drifted off and he was left feeling content.

It wasn't until he was finished when he was hit with a dilemma. Regret washed over him and he was beginning to wish he had just held his pee in. He swallowed a dry lump in his throat as he cast his gaze over to the roll of toilet paper.

Did he have to?


Marinette sighed impatiently from outside of the girl's bathroom. It had been over five minutes since she finished, but Adrien was still in there. What was taking him so long? Going to the bathroom wasn't that different...


The blood drained from her face as she realized what the problem was.

In that moment she saw her figure emerge from the doorway, a tomato red face wearing mixture of embarrassment, regret and apology. Adrien kept his head down and shifted uncomfortably, unable to meet her gaze.

Marinette's insides churned and her face began to burn, gradually growing to match the colour of Adrien's. She wanted to feel angry but she knew it wasn't his fault.

"L-let's j-j-just...forget this ever happened..." she managed to spit out.

Adrien replied with a silent nod.

Without another word, the two made their way back to class.


The rest of the day had flown by without any problems. After the bathroom incident Marinette and Adrien had entered the classroom with red faces and uneasy expressions, much to the confusion of their classmates. The two poured themselves into their work and focused intently on the rest of their lessons as a means to distract themselves from the embarrassing memories that threatened to resurface.

When the final bell rang they both sighed with relief. They could finally focus on the problem at hand and find a way to change back before they had to go through anymore torture. As soon as their teacher had dismissed the class, Alya grabbed her best friend's arm and dragged her down the hall and around a corner, finding a spot where they were alone.

"Ok girl, you have a lot of explaining to do," she stated to a very confused Adrien. He stared back at her blankly and blinked a few times, having no idea what she was talking about. Could she be referring to something that her and Marinette had discussed or done the day before? Knowing Alya the wrong response would cause suspicion.


"What happened with you and Adrien!" Alya exclaimed. "First there was that little outburst in class and when you two returned you were both blushing like crazy. Care to explain?"

"O-oh, that!" Adrien squeaked, cheeks reddening as memories from the bathroom resurfaced. "N-nothing happened, I swear." He was lying through his teeth, but it wasn't like he could tell her the truth.

Alya's mouth spread out into a sly grin as she leaned in towards her friend. "Nothing, eh? Then what's with that blush?"

"I-I..." Adrien squeezed his eyes shut, he really didn't want her to keep making him remember the events from earlier. He knew that Alya would only continue to ask him questions that he couldn't answer. In this case he only had one option. "I've got to go, bye!"

"Huh?" Alya didn't have time to question him before he turned around and bolted down the hall. "Hey, wait!" She called out after him.

Adrien swivelled his way around other students until he made it to the front entrance where Nino stood talking to Marinette. He made his way towards them and grabbed onto Marinette's arm.

"Sorry, I need to borrow Ma-I mean Adrien." He proceeded to drag a startled Marinette away.

"Where are they going?" Nino asked as Alya finally caught up.

"No," she replied earing her a confused stare from Nino, "the real question is: what are they hiding?"

When Adrien and Marinette were finally out of sight from their friends Marinette yanked her arm out of his grasp.

"I thought that we agreed upon pretending to not know each other in order to avoid suspicion," she whispered angrily while glancing around to make sure nobody was nearby.

"We did, it's just-"

"How was that avoiding suspicion, there were more people than just Nino and Alya giving us weird looks!"

Adrien cringed at Marinette's anger, she seemed to be taking this a lot more seriously than he was. It wasn't as though he didn't think this was a serious matter, of course he did, it was just that he didn't think of it as serious an issue as she did. Adrien's logic was that when others see a pair people acting differently than normal their first thought typically wouldn't be that the two had switched bodies. Stuff like that just seemed absurd, unless it was related to an akuma attack, and though it was in their case, others weren't aware of that.

"We can't keep doing this. Honestly, it makes no sense for us to not communicate at all when at school," He said, swinging his arms out in front of him as he tried to make his point.

"But what if they suspe-"

"They won't suspect us." Adrien placed his hands on her shoulders. "Besides, once we're changed back are we just going to continue to ignore each other at school? Will we just pretend that none of this ever happened?"

Marinette stopped to ponder on his answer, resting her chin in her fingers. He had a point, but it also wouldn't make sense for them to go from hardly talking with one another to hanging out overnight. Knowing Alya, she would bombard Adrien with questions and comments until he learned more than she would want him to know about her feelings towards him. She had too many things on her plate at the moment and that was something she really couldn't deal with right now.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Adrien. "Ok, how about for now we ignore how we'll act, we can discuss that later. Right now we have more important things to worry about."

"And that is?"

"We have to purify the akuma if we want to change back, but the Gorilla is probably waiting outside to pick me up as we speak. My dad likes for me to go straight home after school before a photo shoot so I have time to get ready and won't be late."

Adrien cautiously glanced around the corner and sighed with relief to find Nino and Alya were already gone.

"Gorilla?" Marinette looked at him questioningly.

"My bodyguard, that big guy who looks like a gorilla," he replied.

"Oh, him," she said as she followed him around the corner and into the front lobby of the school. "Can't you just tell him you have something to do for school and that you'll be there later?"

"When it comes to my dad's orders the Gorilla goes all out. If my dad says he has to pick me up from school today, then he won't let me go." Adrien made his way to the front doors and hid behind the wall, peeking through the front entrance at the Gorilla who stood with the car parked in front of the school.

"This is so exhilarating," he breathed excitedly, "I can't believe I'm going to sneak away."

"Why are you hiding, I'm the one he's waiting for," Marinette commented, taking in the fact that Adrien looked as though he was in a spy movie the way he had his back pressed to the wall and cautiously peered through the door.

Adrien put his finger to his mouth, signalling her to quiet down. Marinette only shook her head and placed her palm against her forehead. Why was he making this into such a big deal?"

"We need to an escape plan," Adrien whispered.

"I don't think he can hear us from here..."

Adrien pressed his finger to Marinette's lips and quickly glanced back outside to make sure they hadn't alerted the Gorilla.

"Here's a plan," she said, playing along with him and whispering. "Why don't we take the back entrance?"

With that she turned on her heels and began to walk in the opposite direction of the front door. Adrien looked back at her, stunned. His Lady was so smart, how did she think up these kind of things! He beamed at her receding figure and jogged until he caught up with her.

Once the two were safely outside at the back of the school they broke out into a sprint. Adrien told Marinette that he didn't know how long it would be until the Gorilla grew suspicious and they didn't want anyone to be able to tell him that they saw where Adrien went. They didn't stop until they made it to Marinette's family's bakery, bursting through the front door. Adrien peeked through the window to make sure nobody had followed them, letting out a breath of relief when he saw nothing.

"Welcome home Marinette, how was school?" Sabine smiled at her daughter and handed some change to the customer waiting at the counter. Her attention was then drawn to the blonde boy who also stood in the bakery. "Oh, and Adrien is here too! It's nice to see you again."

"Hi Mrs. Cheng, school was great. Now if you'll excuse us, we have something important to do." Marinette grabbed Adrien's arm, not wanting her parents' nosiness to get in the way, and bolted up the stairs that led to her home, then up the stairs to her bedroom.

As soon as the trap door closed below them the room fell silent. Marinette opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly found she had no idea what to say. Judging from the expression on Adrien's face she assumed he felt the same. Marinette went to speak again, but closed her mouth a couple seconds after opening it. Something about them being alone in her room brought back the awkward feelings of Marinette and Adrien.

Ever since the change whenever they had the chance to be together alone it was always during times when their thoughts were preoccupied with something more important. It wasn't until they stood alone in Marinette's room when the two felt the tension begin to grow and weigh down on them. It was easy to talk when they were thinking like Ladybug and Chat Noir, but as soon as their minds went back to being Adrien and Marinette, everything got more difficult.

Marinette quickly dropped Adrien's arm, suddenly feeling embarrassed from holding it. What should they say, how should they communicate? Why was it so easy for them to talk when they were dealing with more important things?

"What's up with you two?" Plagg asked, flying out from Marinette's shirt. "Up until seconds ago you were chatting perfectly fine."

"Just leave them alone, Plagg," Tikki scolded from her spot in the little bag Adrien wore. She knew the heroes still weren't accustomed to being together in their civilian forms.

The sound of the trap door being opened caught their attention, shattering the uneasiness which filled the room and causing Plagg to shoot behind Marinette. Tom poked his head through the opening on the floor and Marinette groaned, knowing that her mother probably told him about Adrien being over the second they went upstairs.

He held up a plate of croissants. "I brought some snacks in case you get hungry."

Adrien's face brightened while Marinette scowled. Why did her parents have to be so pesky?

"We're not hungry," she snapped, instantly regretting her response when she saw the shock on her father's face. "Ah...sorry, no thanks Mr. Dupain. Marinette and I had a stressful day at school so I'm, uh, a little grumpy right now."

As Marinette spoke she flashed him a series of awkward smiles and scratched the back of her head, hoping her father would buy her lame excuse and not come to dislike Adrien because of her snapping at him. Tom gave her a confused nod and told them to call if they wanted anything before lowering his head back down through the opening and closing the trap door.

Once her father was gone Marinette turned to look at Adrien whose face held a look of pure disappointment.

"Don't worry," she encouraged him, "I don't think my dad suspected anything."

"Right," Adrien sighed, mumbling to himself about another missed opportunity with the croissants.

Marinette made her way over to her desk where Adrien had placed the little box with the half purified akuma inside. She peered into one of the holes they had poked into it to make sure it was still there. The soft glow from its purified half confirmed its presence

"We should focus on purifying this little guy right now," she said, trying to go back into Ladybug mode and push down her feelings.

Adrien looked up and nodded, the awkwardness between them fading as they decided to focus on the akuma. They went back downstairs with the box clutched in Marinette's hands. As they passed through the bakery once more to leave the house Tom and Sabine gave their daughter a thumbs up, confusing Adrien who decided just to smile in response.

"We should probably put the butterfly in a bug holder instead of keeping it in this tiny box," Marinette commented as they walked down the street, keeping their eyes open in case anyone came looking for Adrien.

He hummed in agreement. "Good idea."

They entered a little store and picked out a clear bug carrier, bringing it up to the cashier who rang it through and told them the price.

The cashier was startled as she watched the blonde boy reach into his girlfriend's purse and pull out her pink and black wallet. He grabbed a couple of coins and held his hand out. The cashier glanced at the girlfriend who didn't seem to care that her boyfriend had just taken her wallet and was using her money to pay. Reluctantly she took the money and handed the boy the change.

He put the coins in the wallet but instead of placing the wallet back inside the girl's purse, he dropped it into his own pocket. The cashier gaped like a fish out of water. She wanted to say something, but his girlfriend still didn't seem to care at all that he was doing this. Instead she settled for glaring at the boy to which he looked back at her confused as him and his girlfriend left the store.

"What was up with her, she kept glaring at me?" Marinette asked one they were outside.

Adrien only shrugged in reply. "Bad day I guess."

He opened the bug carrier to let the akuma in. The black and white butterfly flew from the tiny box into the much bigger carrier and settled on a fake branch that was inside.

Marinette smiled. "Now we just have to-"

She paused mid-sentence as a car screech to a halt beside them. They both turned to see Nathalie emerging from one of the doors.

"Adrien!" Nathalie scolded. "Where have you been? You know you're supposed to be picked up from school when you have photo shoots."

Adrien started to panic internally even though he knew they were after Marinette and not him. Luckily, his Lady was much quicker at coming up with solutions than he was. Grabbing his hand she proceeded to pull him down the street.

"Run!" She stated.

He could hear Nathalie calling after them, followed by the sound of a car door closing and the engine starting up. He felt a little bad knowing that they would feel his father's rage if they lost him, but at the same time this made him excited. Running off with his Lady and disobeying his father's orders!

The car quickly caught up to them and Adrien felt Marinette yank his arm in another direction as she pulled him into the park where the car couldn't get to. They turned to glance back at the car only to find the Gorilla this time, hurtling towards them with a murderous look on his face as his eyes focused in on Adrien. Normally he wouldn't think about harming Adrien, but he didn't mind going after anyone who he saw as a threat to the boy he was supposed to be guarding, and in this case, the little girl with pigtails was that threat.

"W-wait, it's ok!" Adrien held up his hands in a surrendering gesture, but realized that talking to the Gorilla as Marinette wouldn't do anything as his bodyguard continued to charge towards them.

"Stop!" Marinette said, moving to stand in front of Adrien. The Gorilla immediately stopped moving, but continued to glare at the dark haired girl. Nathalie walked up behind the larger man and glared down at the two teenagers.

"You should probably go," Adrien whispered to Marinette who looked back at him is disbelief.

"But what about-"

"We'll have to save changing back for later," he was staring into Nathalie and the Gorilla's furious eyes.

Marinette pouted, something which was foreign to Adrien's face, and followed an angry Nathalie and Gorilla back to the car. She spared Adrien one last glance as she got in. He clutched the bug carried and gave her a pitying look, mouthing 'we'll do it later' to her.

With that, Nathalie slammed her door shut and they drove off.


Marinette dragged herself into Adrien's room and slumped down onto his bed, not even caring about the fact that she was laying on Adrien's bed. The couch was too far and she was both mentally and physically exhausted. She had never thought that photoshoots could be so tiring, at least it never seemed that way whenever she would secretly watch Adrien doing them in the park. She ignored the sounds of Plagg digging through her bag where she had snuck in some camembert.

The photographer had refused to let her leave until she had finished all the shots that she was scheduled to do, and because of that she wasn't able to return home until past midnight. According to the photographer she wasn't a natural, and he had actually said that to her too. To think that someone actually had the guts to tell Adrien Agreste, or at least who they thought to be Adrien Agreste, that he wasn't a natural. The boy could probably roll out of bed and be ready for a photo shoot, yet this guy had the nerve to say to her face that she was an amateur.

Marinette sighed and draped her arm across her face. Why was modelling so hard? She did the poses just as she was asked yet she still got yelled at for doing them wrong. She got constant complaints about how her smile was too forced and her body was too stiff. Did they seriously expect her to smile naturally when they did nothing but yell at her!

And then there was the makeup. Every time she would touch her face, whether it be to scratch an itch or rub the sleepiness out of her eyes, she would be yelled at once more and they would drag her overoff to the side to reapply her makeup.

She grabbed a pillow and pressed it to her face, letting out a long groan. They hadn't gotten the chance to change back today, but she wouldn't stop trying until they were back in their own bodies. There was no way she was doing another photoshoot if her life depended on it!

If anything good came out of that experience then it was the fact that Marinette now felt a lot more comfortable with Adrien's body. She had been forced to change clothes so many times that she really didn't care about it anymore. It wasn't as though she would be willing to look at Adrien's naked body or anything, definitely not, but she was able to change his clothes without getting all flustered.

Pulling the pillow off her face, she stared at the ceiling that stretched far above her. It felt awkward trying to sleep in a room that didn't even feel like a bedroom. A library, a rock climbing wall, a skateboarding ramp; these weren't things you would typically find in a bedroom. His room was amazing, there was no denying that, but it only made her feel homesick.

Marinette closed her eyes and tried to imagine that she was back in her room at home, picturing the small yet homely space around her. She smiled as the familiar images and scents flooded her mind. The smell of freshly baked bread coming from downstairs, the window above her bed which led to her balcony, the sewing machine she spent many hours and sleepless nights in front of, the pictures of Adrien by her computer....

Her eyes shot open.

Pictures of Adrien!

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