Chapter 7

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Gray (in Juvia) pov

I woke up to see myself beside me. Right I forgot that we had our bodies swapped. I got up and washed up, taking a dress from the bag and putting it on. I looked at the clock it was already near twelve.

"Morning Gray-sama." She yawned and sat up in the bed. Instantly, my lips tugged up but I quickly hid it before turning to look at myself stare back.

"Its no longer morning,  Juvia." I chukled.

She looked at the clock as she stood up and laughed before heading to the bathroom.

Then when an idea stuck me.

"Hey Juvia?" I asked as she stepped up of the bathroom.

"What is it?" She was flipping through the hangers of my closet.

"Do you want to go out for lunch?" Her face heat up and her mouth dropped open.

"Juvia would love to go out with Gray-sama!" She gushed after a minute of hesitation. She probably just had a weird imagination about the two of us again.

"Let's go!"

"Where are we going, Gray-sama?" She asked as we stepped out of the building. I shurgged. We walked in silence she followed me as I walked to a small cafe at the end of the street.

"It's small but the food is to die for." I smiled as I held the door open for her.

"Gray, good to see you again!" The boss shouted from where he stood at the counter.

"Say 'if you even see me'."I whispered to Juvia and she delivered the line back to him. The boss laughed, I knew he would, it was a joke between us.

Juvia (in Gray) pov

"Hahah Gray always a joker." The big, hairy guy chuckled. "Come take a seat." He had moved to an empty table, gestering for us to a take it. We walked over to the guy and sat facing each other.

"Hey, Gray who's the girl?" He asked with one eyebrows raised and a smirk on his face.

"Just a friend." I replied calmly.

"A friend?" He mocked teasily.

"Do you have something else to do?" I said, hoping that my tone of voice didn't say to mean.

He let out another chuckle "Want can I get you two?" He pulled out a pen and a note pad.

"Spaghetti for me and the baked rice for him, please." Gray repiled. The big man nodded and jotted it down on his notepad.

"Coming right up!" He exclaimed. He leaned down towards me and whispered "I like this one." He indicate to the person in front of me and winked. I felt my face flush with heat and a small smile play on lips.

"Sorry about him." Gray said once the guy was gone.

"You two seem close."

"Yeah. We are."

"Is he the boss?"

Gray nodded.


"Here we go!" The boss said, sliding two plates in front of us. Mine just looked like cheese.

"Thank you." I said anyway. He smiled and went back to work. I picked up my spoon and started poking at my food, pondering why on earth would someone just eat cheese.

"There's rice underneath it." Gray laughed as he watch me poke. I used the spoon to flip the cheese open and sure enough there was baked rice under it. Steam rose from within it and hit my face with its aroma.
"Well, try it." I scooped it with my spoon and shoved it into my mouth, I immediately regretted it cause it was hot. I open my mouth trying to blow the heat out of it while Gray brust into laugher.

"How is it?" Gray was still giggling as I washed it down with water.

"Ha ha very funny." I said sarcastically. I scooped up another batch but this time I blew on it first. Gray was watching me intensively. The cheese melted and spread in my mouth and the baked rice had a crispy feel to it. All the flavour and texture just compliment each other.

"Yummy huh?" Gray commented while twirling his spaghetti onto the teeth of his fork. I nooded, chewing my rice.

"What are you eating?"

"Spaghetti. You want to try some?" I nooded, beaming. He held out his fork with the twirled noodle on it.

"Mmmmm...." I gushed as the flavour filled my mouth. I scooped some of my rice and fed it to Gray. We brust out laughing for some reason. For the rest of the lunch we laughed and chatted then we took a stroll around town before returning home.

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