Chapter 2: Akira joins the Knights of the Blood

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[Within Lizbeth's shop]

The girl who came in walks up to Akira and looks up at him

????: What's your problem !? You completely ignored me before !!

Akira: Sorry, who are you?

The girl fumes and starts ranting but finally speaks up

Serina: I'm Serina, don't forget it cause I'll be the one to get us out of this game !! *Looking confident*

Akira: Oh, yeah a short girl like you is gonna beat every last floor after this one ? You know the raid team has been kicking all of the bosses assess right ?

Serina: *pouting* shut up you coward !! Hmm, party up with me.

Akira: Excuse me ?

Serina: You heard me, party up with me !! *she sends the request to Akira*

Akira: Uh, no I don't think so.

Just then Lisbeth has finished Akira's new sword and calls for him from her counter.

Lisbeth: Hey, I just finished your order !!

Akira: Right, thank you. *he looks at Serina and sighs pressing the button to accept her party request* don't get in the way durring battle.

Serina: Right !! (step one complete !!)

[Some time later]

Akira and Serina have been killing mobs left and right till a Player clad in black with silver accents kills a mob that Akira was gonna kill

Akira: Hey that was my kill !!

Kirito: Oh, sorry sorry by all means take the drop that appeared *he sent the item to Akira's inventory *

Akira: You didn't have to do that. Any way I'm Akira.

Asuna walks up to them with a smile

Kirito: Kirito, the girl with me is Asuna nice to meet you.

Asuna: Hello there. Have you seen any monsters that will drop rare Drops around here Kirito and I where looking for some.

Akira: Well this dungeon does have a boss but unlike the Floor bosses this one respawns everytime you leave the dungeon .

Kirito: Great, well see you around then !!

Kirito and Asuna head deeper into the dungeon to face the Dungeon boss, Serina of course was hesitant on talking to them given her Princess like demeanor

Serina: I don't get why you helped them. Sure leveling is important but so is our own lives more importantly my life !!

Akira: *sighs* (get a load of the princess) Will you relax, we are going to go register into a guild.

Serina: huh ? Why !? We are perfectly fine as is. 

Akira: You tried to let a monster kill me earlier idiot !! I'm dissolving this party. *He opens his menu and leaves Serina's party he then walks away*

Serina: W-wait !? Don't leave me !? *she runs after him*

[Later near the Guild base of the Knights of the Blood]

Akira has made it to the guild all the while Serina followed him which started to get him angry

Akira: (she's still following me) WILL YOU STOP FOLLOWING ME !?

Serina: *shows a sad face * B-but, please don't just leave me alone !?

Akira: *hard sighs* (I can't believe this bullshit.)  Fine, you will join the guild with me then !!

Serina: …………EH !?

Akira walks into the guild Building and finds someone who was looking for new members he registered to be a member there and forced Serina to also join.

Knight: Thank you for joining !!

Just then Heathcliff/Akihiko Kayaba himself is shown greeting the new member of the guild.

Akira: …………*looks at Heathcliff with a look of sheer anger*

Heathcliff: *looks abit scared* ( does he know who I really am !?N-no that isn't possible though.)

{Ominous Music plays}

Akira is shown in his real life clothes meeting Akihiko Kayaba after his time in the newest test build of SAO at the time.

Heathcliff: (He did test the last test build before I released SAO though.) 

We see a close up of Akira's face with a shadow over his eyes.

Akira: (Heathcliff is just a false mask isn't it?) 

{the ominous Music stops}

We then see Akira killing monsters in the feild with Serina who has actually started to cooperate with Akira

Akira: Good, you actually got used to fighting along side me.

Serina: *she blushes* Shut up, I hate having to follow your lead.

Akira: *Sweatdrops* (Why did I choose to let her stay by my side!?)

Just as They kill a monster together it bursts into blue particles and they look at each other. Serina shows a small smile as she seen what was dropped.

Akira: (She is brash and a bit mean but at least she actually works with me now)

We then see that a group of people in heavy armor passes by Akira and to the Floor dungeon

Akira: (That armor looks like it slows them down a lot)

Akira and Serina warp back to the town and rest at the Inn there before we cut away we see Akira looking at one of the items Fuuko had in her inventory

Akira: (This item, I gave this to her when she first logged on)  *He starts to tear up looking at the item*

We then see that Serina Just looks at him from the door way in what looks like a sheer nightie that shows off her figure a bit.

Serina: (I should probably be nicer to him huh ?) *she goes back to her own room and goes to bed*

~Chapter End~

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