Episode 2; Part 2

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Finally! Finally! Finally, I finished the cover! Praise me, praise me! Joke. As stated in the...first chapter I think, I may turn this xReader into a xOC. So the girl in the cover represents the reader. I even so won't describe her looks but still the readers. Does that make sense? Soooo, you can think of her as the reader or still use your preferences. Also, please comment. I am starting to feel depressed. You can make joke comments and whatsoever, just please comment! Also I decided to make Asuna join the rejected women club! Her personality won't change.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow the raid will start. Though I already got the hang out of the fighting system a raid is different. We've talked about everything but...fighting together we did not. Will this really work out?

I stand at the wall, leaning at it. With a blank expression I stare at the night sky. It's soothing. Out of the corner I see Kirito walking away.

He starts talking to the other girl of our party. I still wonder just what her name is but on the other hand I guess I don't really have to know. Kirito is surprisingly...social? Anyway, after some seconds of talking they start eating bread. Kind of curious, I walk towards Kirito and the girl who are currently sitting and talking. I sit down, making both look at me surprised though I don't really care. I yawn, feeling sleepy. I get tired easily because of low blood pressure. Who knew that would also stick in-game?

"Good night...", I mutter and fall down, trying to sleep. I am way too tired. I was never one to be up for too late. I don't know why but something drew me towards this place, towards Kirito. I feel sorta safe? It's confusing. I wonder what's wrong with me? Anyway, sleep.

"Huh? E-Eh?", I hear the girl stating confused, while Kirito chuckles, not even looking that surprised. Why? What's with him? Or us? Us? Is that the right word?
And then, well I guess I fell asleep.


I blink. Then I slowly stand up. "Awake?", I hear a masculine voice. My eyes shoot open and I quickly turn around, just to see Kirito smiling at me. Okay, no creepy creep. That's good I guess. "How long was I...?", I ask sleepy. "Not for too long. The party just ended and everyone started to go to their inn. I thought I should wake you up but-. Uhm, well...Y-You woke up before that!", Kirito explains but looks very nervous at the end. "Really? Didn't look like that", I state. He looked more like he was waiting for me to wake up. Maybe it is half sleep hallucination but I think he blushed.

"Ah, well. Atleast you are up now, right? You should go to you're inn. You'll need all the sleep you can get for tomorrow afterall", Kirito says with a gentle smile. Why does he care so much? What a weird guy. "Where is the girl?", I ask. She doesn't seem to be here. Kirito looks at me surprised. "You don't know how-? No forget it", Kirito says and then giggles. I stare at him confused which Kirito notices. Weirdo.

"I'll tell you tomorrow. After the boss fight. So make sure...you don't die", Kirito explains, still smiling. I stand up and begin to walk to the inn. Then I stop. "I won't", I mutter and then continue walking, my face feeling hotter than usual. After some seconds I hear Kirito shouting at me. "It's a promise!"


December 3, 2022

Floor 1: Forest Field


"Let's go over it again. We leftovers are supposed to target the boss's helpers, the Ruin Kobold Sentinels", Kirito explains. Currently we are walking to the labyrinth. I stare at the trees and the sky. Even here, it looks really nice. Well, excluding the fact that we are walking to our maybe deaths. "I know", the girl answers so do I nod. "I'll use a sword skill to knock their pole axes up. The second I do, switch in. This goes for both of you", Kirito continues to explain. Switch? What's that? "Switch?", the girl asks. This makes Kirito look at her surprised. "Is this the first time you've ever been in a party?", he asks. "Yes", the girl answers and again, I nod. This makes Kirito stop in his tracks. Then he sighs. After that he straightens up with a look of realization. "Wait, you too?!", he asks me shocked.


"Listen up, everyone. I have only one thing to say. Let's win!", Diabel says once we are in front of the boss room. Everyone looks nervous, excluding me. This is what I'd like to say but I can't help but be sacred too. Afterall, I might die. Though I doubt it is shown on my face. "Let's go!", Diabel says and then opens the door. Slowly, we walk in. Once we are in the boss room it's atmosphere changes from horror to rainbow. Sadly, I am way to nervous to be amused by that. The boss jumps towards us and his name is being shown, so are his health bars. His helpers appear too and all of them run towards us.

Well, here it goes I guess.

"Commence attack!", Diabel orders and we all storm into the battlefield. "Squad A! Squad C! switch!", Diabel orders. "Here it comes! Squad B! Block!", he orders once he sees the boss is about to attack. "Squad C, keep guarding and prepare to switch. Now! Switch, draw, and prepare to attack from the side. Squad D, E, and F, keep the sentinels off us!", he shouts.


"Roger!", Kirito shouts back. "Switch!", he shouts. Immediately, the other girl runs towards the monster. "Number three!", she shouts but doesn't finish the monster off completely. "Switch!", she shouts and I know she means me. Quickly, I charge at the monster with my dagger.

A dagger is thief-like afterall. And everyone knows thiefs are the coolest class.

It doesn't take long until I finish it. "Good job", I hear Kirito saying to himself. Quickly, we continue to charge at the Sentinels.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see that we reached it. The attack pattern should change now. The boss throws his weapon and shield on the ground. "Looks like that information was right...", Kibaou mutters. "Stand back", Diabel orders.


"I'll go!", he shouts.

What is the meaning of this?! This is against the plan! He is going to die!

I see Diabel grinning at Kirito.

Wait. Kirito is-!
Does that mean he-!?
Wait. I am sure Kayaba would-! Dammit!

"Stop", I say quietly while gritting my teeth.
This makes Kirito look at me. Once Kirito sees the new weapon the boss takes out he gasps, looking at it with shock.
Dammit! I knew it!

Of course, Kayaba would change the weapon! Even if I was not in the beta it's easily to guess. He made the system equal. But how would it be equal if the beta testers knew the boss already?! Dammit! Why didn't I realize that sooner?!

"No!", Kirito screams. "Jump back as fast as you can!", Kirito shouts. "Now!", I scream too. After that I cough. When was the last time I shouted? Before Diabel can follow our orders he is already hit. "Diabel!", Kibaou shouts. "Diabel!", Kirito says while running towards his body. I follow him.

"Why did you try to do it alone?", Kirito asks while taking out a health potion. Once Kirito holds it in front of him, Diabel stops him. "You were...a beta tester, weren't you? You know what I was doing", Diabel says while looking at Kirito. This makes Kirito gasp. "You were after the last attack bonus rare item. You were a beta tester, too?", Kirito asks. Only for an item. No, having that item could make him way stronger. Even so. Diabel simply smiles. Then he looks at me. "You also told me to stop. Are you also a...-", he wants to ask. I shake my head. Diabel closes his eyes. "I see. You must be...really smart", he comments. Then he opens his eyes again.

"Please...Defeat...Defeat the boss. For everyone...", he said and then...


Kirito looks at the spot were Diabel was, in his arms, with despair and shock. After some seconds he stands up and looks at the boss with determination. "Don't...worry", I try to encourage him and walk next to him. The other girl too. "I'll go, too", she simply says. Kirito then looks at me and the girl. After that he looks at the boss yet again. "Thanks, you two", he says. We hurry towards the boss. "We'll do it just like the sentinels!", he orders. "Got it", the girls answers. I nod. With a battle cry, Kirito blocks the attack. "Switch!", he shouts. The girl runs towards the boss but I can see the monster preparing to attack again. "Asuna!", Kirito shouts.

Her cloak is destroyed and you can see her face now clearly. With a short glance he looks if the girl, or Asuna as she appeared to be called, is okay. Then he stands up. "He's coming back!", he shouts. And then all the three of us charge in. Kirito blocks the boss's attacks. I realize that Kirito is about to get hit, so I jump in front of him, taking the hit on my back. We fall back landing a few feet behind Asuna who looks at us shocked. Kirito slowly sits up while I am in too much pain to do so. Kirito quickly takes me in his arm. "(u/n)!", he shouts worried. I don't know which confuses me more. the fact that he does know my name or that he is worried about someone like me.

Kirito looks up. The boss is about to hit us. Asuna runs towards us, trying to block it but before she arrives, the man from before, Agil, blocks it. The others charge into the battle, too. "We'll hold him off till you both recover!", Agil explains and runs off. Asuna glances at us with a worried look before charging into the battle, too. "You're...", Kirito mutters with grin. After taking a health potion both of us, stand up. "Watch out!", Kirito screams once he sees that Agil is about to get hit. "I'll get you first!" Kirito cries and attacks the monster. "(u/n)! One last hit! We'll do it together!", he orders. I nod. But then something comes over me. Somehow, I want to answer with my voice. It feels right. Why?  "Alright...", I mutter quietly. No, he won't hear that! I take a deep breath. "Alright!", I shout as loud as I can. With a battle cry we storm at the boss. Kirito blocks the attack and I storm at it. " Aah!", I scream while I attack. Again, it's Kirito's time. And with that,

we kill him.


I split this episode in three parts I guess. This chapter would be too long. Hope you liked it. Please comment if you do! Please!

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