Episode 3.5

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I just realised it but...we have reached 300 reads. That is the highest count I have ever had so...thank you guys for your support! Also : This chapter is also in Kirito's P.O.V!


December 31, 2023


I sigh. New Year, huh? Some days have passed since I heard Sachi's message. Still, I can't really feel happy and excited. Honestly, I hate it. I miss (u/n). When I heard Sachi talking about her I realised that I didn't talk with her as much as before when I was with the guild. I got to know her. Her bad sides and her good sides. I know she isn't good at socializing. I should have tried to help her at making friends with the others. The regret of not doing so is destroying me from the inside. It is utterly boring. No one is here. I am all alone at my inn room. With a sigh, I push my self up and leave the bed I was laying on until before. Then, I go to the door opening it. But to my surprise I stare at widen (e/c) eyes directly in front of me. Shocked, I am unable to move.

"....(u/...n)...?", I whisper when I realise that this is in fact reality and no dream. She looks at me with that blank face if hers before stepping in, wordless. "Seems like I am talking to Kirito now", she then says, looking at me. Immediately, I snap out of my thoughts and look at her confused. "What are you...?", I so question. "After that....uhm...incident, as you may say, happened, you weren't Kirito anymore", she states and pouts at me. I know this situation is important but that pout is just adorable. Period. "Not...Kirito...?", I repeat irritated. Just what does (u/n) mean with that. "Kirito's eyes are shining and gentle. That time your eyes were cold and dull. Conclusion, that was not Kirito that time", she explains roughly, putting both of her hands of her hips, still pouting. "Huh?", I just mutter, not really understanding her. "That's why I waited for Kirito to stop hiding and to come out", she continous, stopping to pout. Sadly. "Hi...ding?", I repeat.

"Seems like you did come out. I am happy", she says and then, shows me one of her rare smiles. It looks at me gently. I can't help but feel relief and happiness. Before I know the tears are already falling from my eyes. With a tender look, but without a smile, she takes me in her arms. Helpless, I start crying. Crying about their deaths, about the regret, about her leaving and about her words.

"Happy New Year, Kirito."


"And welcome back."
You received a group request.


I know that this chapter is just really short. But I think it is better of this way. Sometimes you don't need words lol
Oh, by the way. After that (u/n) starts sleeping on the bed and Kirito is just smiling like an idiot because she is here again. And that's all lol


Any kind of situation you would to see between them? I thought that I maybe put an extra chapter between this chapter and the next episode but I don't have a clue what it should be about.

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