Episode 3; Part 2

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I am sorry for being two days off my dead line! If anyone of you even realized that. But you know this evil invention called school? It's his fault! Also who is interested in a Mikleo x Reader? Please comment!


May 9, 2023

Floor 20: Sunlit Forest


We are currently fighting a...bug, meaning everyone fights while I am just standing behind trying to look everywhere but at the enemy. Screw bugs! Sachi is attacked and screams frightened. "Sachi, get back", Kirito simply orders and protects her from another attack. "Tetsuo, switch!", Kirito yells after blocking an attack. "Right", he shouts before defeating the enemy. Thank god I wasn't called. Kirito knows my feelings towards bugs so he makes sure I don't fight him. I wonder when he started to think about that. "All right!", purple guy, red guy and yellow guy cheer. Don't get me wrong. I know their names, it just grew unto me to call them that. Only in my mind of course. Even so, we never talk much. "You did it!"

Afterall, relationships are the ones who can hurt you the most.


"So the lead group made it through Floor 28...Amazing", red guy says while looking at the newsletters. Kirito and I eat while sitting next to each other. It's a habit because we always eat together. "Hey Kirito. What's the difference between the lead groups and us?", red guy asks. My hands twitch slightly but both, Kirito and red guy, don't realize that. "They know all the fastest ways to get EXP, and they don't share them", Kirito explains. "Hm, I'm sure that's part of it. But I think it's willpower", red guy explains while looking at the sky. Willpower? "Willpower?", Kirito voices my thoughts. "I suppose you might say it's a determination to protect one's friends...No, everyone. Right now, they're still protecting us. But I'd like to think my will is just as strong", red guy says. "Naturally, our first priority is our friends' safety. But someday, we want to make it up there, to the top, with the rest", red guy continues with a smile looking at Kirito. My lips begin to tremble slightly.

"I see. You're right", Kirito agrees. I stare at the ground blankly. "Heh, maybe", red guy mutters. "Hey, leader, looking good!", yellow guy joins. "Come on!", red guy protests.

I don't care. Just shut up.

"So, we're going to be up there with the holy Dragon Alliance and the Knights of the Blood Oath?", purple guy asks jokingly. "What? There's nothing with setting big goals. First, we'll all hit level 30!", red guy states. "That's impossible!", Sachi complains after that. Kirito just looks at them with a smile but my face darkens.

Why can't they just shut up?


"I have an announcement for you. As of our last hunt, we've saved 20,000 Col!", our leader, red guy announces in the evening. "Before too long, we'll be able to buy our own house", purple guy comments happily. "Hey, why don't we get more equipment for Sachi?", green guy proposes. "Yeah", red guy agrees. "No, I'm fine as I am", Sachi declines. "Don't worry about it. We can't make Kirito protect us forever", green guy says. "I am sorry", Sachi apologizes with a smile. "Don't worry about it", Kirito just says. "Sorry, Kirito...", red guy apologizes too. "Sachi, I know it's hard to switch jobs. But you're almost there. Let's all do our best!", red guy tries to motivate us. "Yeah", Sachi agrees after that.

The whole time...I just stared unto the ground.


May 16, 2023


It is currently night. Normally I would be already asleep but today I can't. Since hours I am rolling on my bed trying to fall asleep. Kirito seems to be happy. He smiles more. He befriended everyone, especially Sachi. Kirito also looks at her with a gently smile. The same smile he showed me...When was the last time we talked? I sigh, listening to the cicadas I can weirdly hear in my room. Everyone....Yes.





The whole world should just shut up.


"Okay, see you. Teleport: Town of Beginnings", red guy says before disappearing. "I didn't know buying your own home would be so exciting", green guy states. "You sound like an old man!", yellow guy comments after that which makes everyone laugh. "Hey, let's go make some cash while Keita's  buying the house", purple guy suggests. "Will we buy furniture?", Sachi asks. "Want to got up to the dungeon?", yellow guy wants to know with a grin. "Wouldn't our usual hunting grounds be better?", Kirito asks concerned. "We can do it faster above", green guy explains. "At our levels, we'll be fine", yellow guy agrees. "I'll stay", I say. "Eh?", everyone gasps while looking at me. "Why?", green guy asks troubled. I simply turn around. Then, I face them. "Something to.....do", I mutter without looking at them before walking away.


I lied. I had nothing to do. I just can't stand it anymore. Everything. I can't stand this anymore. "I guess...I am still not over it, uncle. Sorry", I apologize while gripping my clothes. I feel tears dripping down. My tears. I hate it. Ah, I hate it so much...








I want to die.


Again, I am sorry for this chapter, it's just...It is a perfect end for this part so I couldn't stop myself ><


Which Kirito design do you like the most?

I'd go with his first ALO design.

Please comment if you want to see more! 

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