Episode 4; Part 3

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"Where do you two live?", Silica asks Kirito. "On Floor 50. But that's pretty far. Maybe we'll just stay here", Kirito explain, making Silica look at him with curiosity. "Do you two live together?", she asks surprised.  "Yeah. (U/n) said buying another house would be a waste of money. Especially considering we aren't often home to begin with", he states with a smile. And because we both have nightmares from time to time and need each other to calm ourselves down. "You aren't?", she questions. "Yeah. We are leveling up often so we end up renting rooms in an inn most of the time", he says. "I see. By the way, the cheesecake is really good here", Silica states happily and immediately my ears perk up. Have I heard...cake?  "Oh, if it isn't Silica", a woman suddenly says out, making me snap out of my thoughts about cake. I glance at her. My eyes widen slightly. "You made it out of the forest. I'm relieved", the woman says. I start to tremble. That expression. 

"Is something wrong?", Kirito asks Silica who seems to look down. "No, nothing", she answers back. "Huh? What happened to the lizard? Could something...", the woman asks with a wide smile. I jump slightly and look away. "Pina died. But I'm definitely bringing her back!", Silica states determined. "Then you're going to the Hill of Memories...But at your level, will you be able to clear it?", the lady questions mockingly. Shut up. "She will. It isn't that hard", Kirito exclaims. "You're another one she's seduced?", she asks him but then glances at me. Stop. "Two? You really aren't hard to get huh?", the lady states with a smirk. Look away. Now, the lady starts to look at Kirito again. "You don't look particularly strong to me", she says but Kirito ignores her. "Let's go", he says and starts walking away. I start to follow him but then glance at the woman. Once I see her smirk I turn around with widened shocked eyes. My breath hitches and my heart beats rapidly out of panic. I open my mouth but everything that comes out of it is my rapid breathing. Silica and Kirito don't seem to notice for as much as I can see though I do not notice the glance Kirito spars me with a worried expression.


I hear a knock on my door. Before, I left directly after we arrived at the inn. I needed some time to calm down. Tiredly I sit up and open the door. Kirito stands there, a worried expression on his face. "Can I...come in?", he asks. I simply stare at him before sitting down on my bed again, telling him wordless that he can. He gets my message, steps into the room and closes the door. After that he walks in front of me so I look up to him. "I saw you", he says. I blink before I sigh.  "Can I...?", he mutters quietly. I look down and nod. Kirito sits down next to me glancing at me. "Are you...alright now?", he asks, his voice gentle and soothing. I nod slightly. "I know that you said...that you would explain it later but...will you...Will you maybe tell me...why you...? You know", he mutters and stops looking at me. I sigh. I open my mouth, wanting to say no. Like always. "Her eyes...reminded me of someone", I explain, not looking at him. Kirito immediately starts to look at me again. He probably didn't thought I would explain anything. I didn't either.

 "And that someone is-?", he questions. "Someone! ....Someone...", I cut him of. "I see...I may not be in the position...to say this...but I am here for you. Whether in-game or in reality. I...will be by your side. So your not-!", he tries to explain. "You are wrong", I interrupt him again. "I won't...", I mutter quietly. "What do you-?", Kirito question. "I won't be able to walk by your side...not anymore", I explain. "T-That's not true!!! I will-!", he states . "I WON'T", I repeat loudly. I look Kirito in the eye. Once he sees my face, smiling sadly, tears almost falling down, his eyes widen. "I won't. I can't. So please...don't say anything anymore", I beg, one tear already falling.  Kirito's eyes narrow. He looks like he is about to cry himself. Like he is blaming himself.  He looks away and slowly nods. "Thanks. I'm sorry...Can you...go? I need...a bit...", I stammer looking away, my voice cracking. But he doesn't go. Before I can fully comprehend it, he is already hugging me tightly.  "I may don't get what is troubling you...but I get one thing perfectly. I said I will be by your side.That's why, it's okay. You don't have...to deal with all alone anymore", he whispers.And with that, I broke down. "....Ki....I-I...I am...I-!", I sob and than I couldn't stop it anymore. I start to cry in Kirito's arms. I let all out. Everything. Because it was you. Yes, because...






I love you.....Kirito.


Does this romance suck? Probably lol. Well, Reader-chan realized her love to Kirito.....right? Anyway, more details on reader-chans past! Writing her crying makes me sad. Reader-chan is supposed to be strong, not showing her emotions openly. But truthfully she is so fragile. Honestly, her past is kind of cruel and she is a sad character. So let's hope she get's a good ending ( well yeah obviously). I also hinted on something important about reader-chan. So did I in another chapter. It is more obvious in this one though. Wonder if someone gets it lol

Still need in name suggestion btw.


Am I bad in writing romance?




Don't judge me.

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